Owning the Mafia Don

Into a Trap


I sat there, my heart pounding as the rage flooded through me. A hand went to my stomach protectively. I knew enough to know that for all his street-smart wiles, Lucien could be quite dense at times.

I had also seen how manipulative Catalina could be at first-hand as well.

The woman had never been able to get over the fact that I was the only woman who was going to be in Lucien Delano’s life.

Well, I thought, clenching my fists, I was damned if I was going to wait for her to walk all over me.

Coming to a decision, I stood up.


I was now three months along and was constantly in touch with the doctors, following Lucien’s strict instructions.

In fact, I had an appointment scheduled with the doctor for this week. This time around, it was with a new doctor who was from India, a friendly woman named Dr Priti Agarwal. She was small and cheerful and was quite friendly. She had assured me that everything was going on just fine, after examining me last month. Since she put me at ease and answered all my queries, I enjoyed talking to her.

Now I sat, thinking for a while. Then I made up my mind.


First, I dialled Lucien. He was as always, unreachable. I frowned in impatience. When would the man stop being so adamant about fighting and taking care of all the details himself?

Yes, his obsession with small details was definitely a positive. I knew that the last fight he had participated in, the one which I had barged into, had been a total money-spinner; he had grossed a couple of millions at the very least.

The people who visited his Club were sick, I thought in disgust as I opened my walk-in wardrobe and surveyed my clothes.. The sight of my husband pounding a fighter and taking quite a few blows himself had not been something that I had liked to see. Sighing, I dragged a comb through my black hair and bound it in a ponytail.

Choosing to wear a lime green, midi dress with a delicate floral print that was in a relaxed style with a deep V neckline and a buttoned bodice. I knew that it went well with my deep brown hair and brown eyes. It fell to just a little below my knees. The tiered skirt swirled around me, disguising my baby bump, not that I cared. But I loved the way it swished around me as I walked. With the detached Waist Tie and Sleeves that reached to my elbows. It looked like a combination of both chic and sober.

It was one of my favourite outfits. Lucien had looked at me approvingly when he saw me in it and I had danced around in it, laughing as I showed him how it floated around my waist. Predictably enough, he had grabbed me soon and had proceeded to undo the buttons, of course.

Needless to say, we had ended up making love but I had made sure that he did not rip it off!

I smiled at the memory as I applied a muted shade of lipstick and went in search of the twins and Claude. They were all having their mid-morning snack of cookies and milk.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

I sighed. From the look of the near-empty jar, I would need to bake a fresh stack of chocolate chip cookies! Today, at the earliest!


Claude, who now regarded as old enough, sat at the table with his plate of cookies before him. He clapped his hands excitedly when he saw me. The little monster was aware that I was going out and wanted to accompany me, I thought with a grin.

Beatrice scowled at me.

“Now why is you all dressed up like that an’ all?’ she snapped.

‘Didn’t The Man say youse was to stay home?’ I knew she was playing up her vocabulary and I walked over to her.

‘Mumma, you look gorgie!’ exclaimed Ria, her small mouth full of cookies.

I dimpled and gave Beatrice a hug while correcting Ria.

‘The word is GORGEOUS, pumpkin.’ I said to her.

And went on. absently,

“Ria, haven’t I told you NOT to talk with your mouth stuffed with food, sweetie?’

Turning to Beatrice who was trying to look disapproving, I went on,

“I have to meet the doctor.’ I said, kissing her leathery cheek.

She frowned. ‘Thought it was tomorrow?’ she said.

Beatrice took care of me like a mother, I thought fondly, giving her arm a squeeze.

‘I…uh…I need to go, Bea,’ I said, meeting her eyes.

I was a hopeless liar and could never spin yarns, unlike my pretty little daughter who stood, making scary faces at her younger brother.

The old woman looked at me, alarm in her eyes.

‘Something wrong?’ she asked, worry clouding her eyes and when I shook my head with a small reassuring smile, she immediately went on,

“Does The Man know?’ she demanded.

Ria and Piers were also beside me now and Claude was in my arms, his plump arms wound in a death like a hug, around my neck. He was chortling, taunting his sister who was furtively trying to pinch his plump bottoms. The maids, as always, were hovering around.

I shook my head.

“I tried to call him but Lucien was not picking up. Anyways, I have sent a message already.’ I smiled.

She nodded, reluctantly and watched as I gave instructions to Beston who had appeared.


The man was a little apprehensive but I dismissed his misgivings impatiently. I had a plan and I was going to do what I wanted to, Beston or not.

“Ma’am, he said again, in his very polite manner. ‘If you went tomorrow, we could see that …’

But I was firm and put my foot down.

“Tony,’ I snapped, handing Claude to the maid, after kissing him on his cheeks.

“I need to go. Today.’

He looked at me and then, seeing that I was determined, he nodded.

Leaving the kitchen, he hurried away to make the arrangements.

I turned to Ria and Piers and sank to my knees, gathering them in my arms.


Cuddling them, I said,

‘Ria I do not want you to drive everyone mad, do you hear? Mumma might just be a little late. But the lunch I prepared is right there.’

I had already prepared their favourite Pasta Salad which they would have with yoghurt, granola bars and raspberries.

Batting her lashes at me, Ria gave me her most innocent look, her dimples appearing as she said in a deceptively soft voice, indignantly,


Young Philippe had appeared at the door and stood, watching us, his large brown eyes shy. We usually went into the vegetable garden and he would help me to tend to the plants during this time of the day.

Smiling, I shook my head.

“Not today. Philippe. We can do it tomorrow.’ He nodded and left.

Turning to my twins, I smiled. I kissed the blonde head of my elder son and rose to my feet.

Claude was now wailing, stretching his dimpled arms to me, behaving as though I was leaving him forever, I thought with a smile. But the minute I was out the door, he would probably be emptying cookie crumbs on Ria’s head.

Bidding Beatrice goodbye and with a smile at the maids, I prepared to leave the house.


And then, a strange thing happened.

As I turned, I thought I heard someone whisper my name. The voice was that of the Mother at the monastery in Bhutan.

Startled, I looked around.

The Mother had been very dear to me and I had loved her. But she had passed away recently.

Here were many occasions when I thought of her. I recalled her advice as I had been leaving with Lucien when he had come to fetch us that very first time.

‘Follow your heart.’ She had said in her soft voice.

And I had done just that!


Now, I thought I could feel her presence around me.’

I am not an overly spiritual person, certainly not psychic. But I could swear that I felt a presence around me, a soft, urgent whisper. Even though it was a warm day, I felt a chill around me, like a swirl of icy air and a shiver of apprehension ran through me.

A warning.

The gust of wind that blew in from the open French doors that led onto the terrace caused my favourite photograph of our family to fall down with an earth-shaking crash and I almost leaped in fright.

One of the maids rushed forward and I heard her murmur in surprise for the painting was well secured. How had it fallen down then?


A mild sense of foreboding rose in my heart as I walked down to the underground parking lot, which was patrolled by heavily armed guards. It was a new addition and Lucien had briefly explained that he wanted us to use it when we were exiting or entering the house.

I could see the restive look in Beston’s eyes as he opened the door for me.

But I settled back in the car and soon we were on our way to the Club where my life had begun, not for a minute imagining that another horror was just about to begin…

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