Owning the Mafia Don

Hell Hath no Greater Fury…


I rose up from my seat in a surge of horror and fury. My heart was pounding so loudly, I could hear it hammering in my chest. Sweeping up my phone, I ran out, up the stairs, to the room Lucien had taken as his study.

I noticed Beatrice, who was holding Claude, watching me in some consternation.

“Chile,’ she called out in anxiety,

“Are you okay?”

I nodded and then shook my head as I tore up, my yoga pants and long Tee not hampering me. Dimly, I was aware of Sophie in the background, watching. She seemed to be on edge, observing me carefully and there was something strange about her behaviour.

But I was too upset to care about anything. I had to see my husband.

And I had to have it out with him; NOW.


When I threw open the door, the first thing I saw was the ashen-faced look on Lucien’s face as he stood with Beston, a phone in the other man’s hands. They turned to look at me as I stormed in, the tears flowing down my cheeks.

‘You horny …bastard!’ I screamed and launched myself at him, hitting, pounding, scratching him, hell-bent on hurting him the way he had hurt me.


My vocabulary of abuses was limited and I was too distraught to know what I was saying.

I kicked and hit him on his face, his chest, anywhere I could. He did not stop me, he just let me do it, standing there, the haggard look on his face a warning that I was hitting a man who had already given up.

‘Beston, leave me and my wife alone.’ He ordered hoarsely as I sobbed, my fists hurting from pounding what was like an iron wall.

And as the man left the room silently, Lucien pulled me to his body,

“Sshh…little one, you will only hurt yourself.”

I pushed him away with all my strength and he let me go.

He stood there, a harrowed look on his face, as I whispered,

“How could you do this to me, Lucien Delano?’ How could you?’

I burst into renewed sobs, uncontrollable in my grief.

Clutching my stomach, I turned around and leaned against the wooden panelling for support. I felt him come up behind me, felt his arms reach out for me as he growled,

‘Little one, listen to me…’

I whirled around, my freshly washed hair swinging as I lashed out, my hand striking his cheek hard. He barely flinched. Only stared at me as if he was open to whatever punishment I was going to deal him.

‘Oh no, Mr. hot shot Mafia Don Lucien Delano.’ I said in a hoarse voice.

‘You do NOT get away this time.

I shook my head vehemently as I dashed my tears away and faced him,

“I am so DONE with you!’

He stood, silently, listening. Like a whipped dog that was preparing itself for more blows.

His arms hung limply at his sides, and his powerful shoulders sagged.

At any other time, his stance would have alerted me but not now. I was going to twist the knife in his wound and hurt him the way he had played with me, my love, my trust.

Shaking my head, I backed away, saying, my voice trembling with rage and hurt,

“How could you do that …with that …wh*”

“No! ‘ he cried, stepping forward and my anger shot up.

He would not let me abuse his beloved mistress?

‘No.’ he commanded, in a softer tone. “You are too pure to use such words, my love.’

I laughed out hysterically, throwing my head back as the tears flowed down,

I turned to the wall, leaning my forehead against it as I sobbed.

He came and stood behind me. I could sense his warmth, his desire to enfold me in his arms. God knows I wanted it too but the hurt within me was too great.

He stood, just a breath away and I felt him raise a hand to touch me,

“Listen to me, little one,’ he said and there was a note of pleading in his voice.

I jerked his hand away and hit him again, on his face, anywhere, raining blows on him. He stood there and took it; reaffirming his guilt.

Finally, I sank to the floor, sobbing and kneeling there, the tears flowing. Because the punishment I was inflicting was only hurting me. He barely seemed to feel it.

Then, raising my head, I met his grey eyes, overcast like a stormy sky, as I whispered, begging to understand,

“Why, Lucien? Please tell me why?”

I trembled and went on, almost pleading now, “Did I love you too much? Was it that I trusted you so much that you grew tired?

I took a shuddering breath. He lowered himself to the ground, shaking his head, a look of pain on his craggy face.

“No, my darling…’ he began stretching out his hand to cup my face. But I was having none of it, so I slapped it away tiredly.

‘Let me speak.’ I cried, imperiously. I sat down, cross-legged, stroking my stomach absently. His sharp eyes went to my gesture but I was not In a mood to reply to his unasked question.

‘When I first met you and slept with you,’ I said softly, looking away from him, for I could not say something so intimate, so close to my heart with his keen gaze on me,”

‘I fell in love with you. Madly, hopelessly… I was too young, you told me so too but I loved you.’

I met his eyes bravely and went on.

‘I ran away to Bhutan because I found out that I was only going to be one of many women in your life. I wanted to keep the children we had created, Lucien. Because I still loved you.’

I bit my lip. His eyes never left my face as he listened, intently.

‘You came to Bhutan, you forced me back here. You needed .’ my voice broke but I swallowed and went on, looking into his grey, heavy-lidded eyes unflinchingly,

‘YOU needed proof, you needed a test to prove their paternity.’

I gasped and went on softly,

‘ It was humiliating. But I said nothing. I still loved you.’

I bowed my head and took another breath. The pain in my chest was intense but I swallowed hard and continued, fixing him with my eyes,

“You declared that you would marry me. because I was the mother of your children. You never proposed, just decided it was what YOU wanted. And the same night, you raped me, Lucien. Brutally. You destroyed a bit of me that night when we created Claude.’

I met his eyes coldly, and saw his face sag as he felt the pain that I had endured.

“You robbed me of whatever faith I had in you. And why did you do that to me? Because you suspected me of …what? Affairs with men I barely said hello to?’

The tears were back as I said, grabbing his shirt lapels as I shook him, desperately, whimpering,

“you never listened to me… you believed the worst of me…’

My voice rose, I was now stronger, and the hurt from my past was flooding me. He watched me, unblinking, his eyes were blank, and his face a rigid mask.

“You left me, deserted me when I was pregnant. I got to hear of how you were sleeping around, sticking your d*ck in every wh*re you could see.’Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

He winced.

‘While I waited for you. Still believing you…’

He met my eyes, the hollow-faced look revealing the guilt he bore.

“And you know what, Mr. Delano?’

I gave a disbelieving laugh, laughing at my own stupidity.


The look on his face was of a man who was being torn apart.

I shook my head and sighed, rubbing my tears away.

“I always kept believing. Trusting.’

And then as he made to speak, I snapped,

“No. Listen to me. YOU listen to me now. ‘

I inhaled.

“When Alex was my assistant, you imagined I was spending time in bed with him. You imagine the same of Brian.’

And then, rising to my feet slowly and painfully, I said sadly.

“I never understood it, Mr. Delano . The dirt, the poison is in your heart. You are the one who indulges in such affairs, you have cheated on me systematically and I?’

I laughed bitterly.

‘I actually loved you.’

He uncoiled his length and stood before me.

His shirt was sweat-stained, he was agitated.

But I had no mercy for him.

“Enough is enough.’

Turning away, I said tiredly,

“I am leaving you. Lucien, and this time I will not come back. You can have the Danas and the rest of your whores. Because you are incapable of ever loving. You can only use women for … for sex. I was too naive, too gullible…’

My voice broke as I whispered.

‘I shall have my memories…’

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