Once, my paranoid love

What could I possibly say to him?

As I soaked in the warm bath, my thoughts swirled with confusion and uncertainty. The events of the past few days had left me in a state of emotional turmoil, and I couldn’t help but replay them in my mind.

‘Mr. Huston didn’t appear at the registration office at first, but now he does,’ I mused silently, the water around me providing a momentary sanctuary from the chaos outside.

My heart ached as I contemplated the situation. I was faced with a dilemma I had never imagined before. The man I had married under unusual circumstances had now revealed himself, and I was at a loss as to how to proceed.

‘After an hour, I’m going to confront him,’ I decided, the determination rising within me. But even as I made this resolution, doubt gnawed at me. What could I possibly say to him? How would I navigate this newfound revelation?

In that quiet moment, I couldn’t help but think of Paul, the man I had once loved with all my heart. Despite the pain he had caused me, I found myself unable to forget him entirely. The wounds he had inflicted ran deep, but the memories of our time together remained imprinted on my soul.

I closed my eyes and pictured him in my mind, remembering the moments we had shared-the laughter, the affection, and the promises of a future together. But the scars he had left on my heart were deep, and there was an undeniable connection between us that I couldn’t easily dismiss.

It was a bittersweet nostalgia that filled my heart, for I knew that the Paul I had known had changed, and the man I was married to now was a stranger.Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

Yet, as I imagined Paul in my mind, I couldn’t help but empathize with the predicament he had once been in. I had never before placed myself in someone else’s shoes in the way I was doing now with Paul.

I whispered softly to myself, ‘Though you hurt me the most, Paul, I cannot forget you entirely.’ It was a confession that I hadn’t expected to make, even to myself. The pain he had caused me was undeniable, but there was a part of me that still held a place for the person he had once been.

As the maid helped me out of the bath, I felt a renewed sense of determination to face the unknown, but on my own terms. Pom, who had been silently assisting me with my dressing, interrupted my thoughts with an observation.

“Ma’am, he’s very handsome,” she remarked, her words breaking the silence in the room.

Silence enveloped the room as I stood, my thoughts a turbulent whirlwind. The anticipation of meeting Mr. Huston, combined with my apprehensions, had left me in a state of contemplative silence. I couldn’t help but dwell on the past, on Paul, and the scars he had etched into my heart and body.

“I hope he’s not like Paul, sir,” Pom remarked, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. It was as though she had picked up on my unspoken concerns, and I felt the need to voice them to release the pent-up tension within me.

But before I could stop myself, a sharp cry of pain escaped my lips. It was a sudden, involuntary reaction that took me by surprise. Pom had inadvertently pressed on my wound while zipping up my dress, and the pain shot through me like a bolt of lightning.

“Ahh!” I cried out, my voice filled with anguish, and my hand instinctively reached for the source of the pain. It was a sharp reminder of the physical wounds I carried-the result of the confrontation with Paul.

Pom’s eyes still held traces of worry and guilt as she continued to apologize. “Ma’am, please accept my apologies. I did not want to hurt you,” she reiterated.

I offered her a reassuring smile, knowing that Pom had never intended to cause me harm. “It’s okay, Pom,” I said, trying to alleviate her distress. “Accidents happen, and it wasn’t your fault.”

Her concern for my well-being touched my heart, and I appreciated her thoughtfulness. As she carefully zipped up my dress, I couldn’t help but wince once more when the fabric brushed against the tender spot on my back.

“But, ma’am, your back?” Pom’s voice was filled with genuine concern.

I nodded in acknowledgment, understanding her worry. “I know, Pom. But don’t worry, it’ll go away shortly,” I assured her. I had grown accustomed to enduring pain, both physical and emotional, and had developed a resilience that allowed me to push through.

In an effort to divert attention away from my injured back, I decided to make a minor change. I reached up and removed the hair clip that held my locks in place, allowing my hair to cascade freely down my back. The decision to untie my hair was twofold-it not only concealed my injury but also served as a symbolic act of breaking free from constraints.

“I don’t need to tie my hair,” I explained, hoping to convey a sense of ease. The act of letting my hair down felt liberating, as if I were shedding the burdens of the past and embracing a new sense of freedom.

Pom nodded, understanding the significance of my choice. She continued to assist me, her hands gentle and steady, as we prepared to face the unknown together.

As I stood before the mirror, examining my reflection, I couldn’t help but notice the subtle changes within myself. The physical pain was a reminder of my resilience, while the decision to let my hair down symbolized my determination to confront the challenges that lay ahead.

The young lady’s unexpected approach sent a jolt of anxiety through me, causing my heart to skip a beat. I couldn’t help but wonder what this encounter would entail, as uncertainty hung heavy in the air. Still, I composed myself and decided to follow her lead.

I took my leave from Pom.

As I walked alongside her, my curiosity mingled with trepidation. What awaited me on this journey into the unknown? I couldn’t help but speculate on it.

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