Once, my paranoid love


“What’s the matter, Mom?” Paul arched his head and smirked, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.

In response, William decided it was time to reveal the truth that had been hidden for far too long. He spoke abruptly, with a sense of determination. “Paul, I’m your father.”

The revelation hit Paul like a tidal wave. His initial reaction was one of disbelief, and then, a disconcerting wave of manic laughter overtook him.

“Oh, my goodness. So, am I the seed of two different people?” he quipped, unable to contain his laughter, the consequences of his recent stay at the mental hospital now glaringly evident.

Anne, her patience worn thin, couldn’t help but shout, “Paul!”

Paul’s response remained remarkably calm, his voice steady as he addressed his mother. “Why are you yelling at me, Mom? My ear is going to bleed,” he retorted, his tone tinged with sarcasm.

Anne’s fierce glare couldn’t deter Paul from his amusement, and the atmosphere in the room remained charged with unspoken emotions strained and fragile.

William, who had remained composed throughout, finally voiced his concerns. “You shouldn’t have wasted your money, Anne. He’s a complete lunatic. He needs medical help,” he remarked, his voice low.

Amidst the tension and the storm of emotions, Paul decided to break the ice, offering a kind grin.

“Oh, my goodness. I’m overjoyed today. My mother and father are standing right in front of me. My life is perfect.”

Paul, however, couldn’t resist making a snide remark about the situation, revealing a darker, more malicious side. “However, my new dad, did you know I sent my father-in-law to the hospital?” he asked, a smirk on his face.

“Paul, shut up,” Anne urged, her patience finally unraveling under the strain of the tense situation.

In a swift and shocking turn of events, Paul’s temper flared, and he grabbed Anne by the neck, pinning her against the wall. A strangled cry escaped Anne’s lips as she struggled to take a deep breath, her eyes filled with fear and desperation.


“Pa…,” Anne began to speak, but Paul’s grip tightened, his fists clenching with unbridled anger.

“Don’t shout at me, or I’ll kill you,” Paul warned Anne, his words laced with menace and a haunting grin on his face.

Desperation and confusion etched across her face, Anne found herself trapped in her son’s fierce grasp. Paul’s sudden question about Elena’s father sent shockwaves through her. Her eyes widened in fear and uncertainty, and she hesitated to answer, knowing the weight of her response.

“Did you?” Paul’s voice rose, demanding an answer. Anne, her mind racing, frantically nodded in response.

The situation grew increasingly dire as Paul’s aggression escalated, and William, who had remained on the sidelines, finally intervened. He spoke, stuttering in terror, “Paul, leave your mother.”

Paul, however, showed no signs of relenting. “She is his daughter, and she has the right to see him, right, new dad?” he remarked, completely ignoring William’s presence and his request.

“Yes, son. Please leave her immediately,” William stammered, fear evident in his voice, his pleas falling on deaf ears.

‘Cough! Cough!’

As Anne tried to regain her composure, a series of coughs wracked her body, her hurried approach to William.

Paul handed the phone to Anne, his tone commanding, as if determined to see through his intent.

“Call your daughter-in-law and tell her to come meet her father,” Paul instructed, his anger and frustration palpable.

Anne’s gaze fixed on William, as if seeking some assurance in this fraught moment. She attempted to speak in a hushed tone, trying to reason with Paul. However, her efforts were met with an explosion of anger from her son.

“Call her,” Paul demanded, his voice filled with a venomous rage that left no room for negotiation.

Anne extended her trembling hand to take the phone. She dialed the landline number, her actions hesitant and unsure, her mind racing with uncertainty.

After several tense moments, a voice answered on the other end.

“Yes, who is this?” The voice was familiar, belonging to Pom.

“It’s me, by the way. Where is Elena?” Anne inquired, her voice reflecting both anxiety and urgency.

‘This witch wants her again. I wouldn’t allow her to talk to Madam,’ Pom thought to herself, her resolve firm as she chose her words carefully. “She isn’t at home,” she replied, her voice holding a hint of defiance.

Anne, determined to reach Elena issued a firm order, her tone unwavering. “I need to speak with her. Give her the phone, Pom.”

Pom, however, was resolute in her stance, refusing to bow to Anne’s demands. “I’m not working for you, so don’t give me orders,” she retorted, her voice tinged with defiance.

Anne’s anger flared at Pom’s defiance, and her response was sharp and dismissive. “You? You have no right to speak to me in such a manner,” she exclaimed, her frustration evident.

Pom stood her ground, refusing to back down. “I told you I am not here to hear your orders, Mrs.,” she replied firmly, her loyalty to Elena outweighing any pressure from Anne.

Amidst the escalating tension, Anne decided to change her approach, addressing Pom with a more composed tone. “Where is Elena, Pom? Tell her that her father would like to speak with her.”

Pom responded, revealing the information Anne sought. “Ma’am and sir went to the hospital.”

The mention of the hospital caught Anne by surprise, and her eyes widened in concern. Paul, who had been observing the exchange. His frown deepened, his thoughts racing as he considered the implications of the revelation.

“Hospital?” Anne echoed, her voice reflecting her concern. Paul’s gaze bore into Anne’s.

Paul’s thoughts raced as he absorbed the news.

‘Hospital? That’s why I noticed a car driving away early in the morning. I just saw that jerk, but was Elena present?’

Paul’s inner turmoil was palpable as he lowered his gaze, the weight of the situation sinking in.

Pom’s response was curt and matter-of-fact.

“Yes. When she returns, I’ll tell her,” she declared, ending the call and assuming control over the situation.

Paul, still reeling from the revelation, couldn’t contain his curiosity and concern.

“Hospital? What is the reason for her hospitalization?” His voice held a mixture of worry and anger.

Anne could only offer an honest response. “How do I know? She didn’t inform me.”

As Paul’s thoughts churned, he couldn’t help but let a particular sentiment slip out. “I knew Derek was going to hurt Elena.” His voice was tinged with bitterness.

Anne, however, remained cautious in her assessment of the situation. “I don’t believe it’s that serious, Paul,” she offered, trying to downplay the severity of the situation.

Paul’s reaction to Anne’s statement was fierce and unyielding. “Not serious?” His disbelief and frustration were apparent, his protective instincts for his daughter flaring.

William, who had observed the tension between Anne and Paul, interjected when he noticed Paul again became angry.

“Just a little longer, Paul. Elena will surely call you,” he said, seeking to pacify the situation.


“Derek, please take care of her. And don’t put her under any unnecessary stress,” Lucy implored, her voice tinged with concern.

Derek, perhaps caught off guard by Lucy’s words, responded defensively, his tone laced with an edge of irritation. “What? Why would I cause her stress? Obviously, I will look after her.”

Lucy replied with biting sarcasm, seemingly unimpressed by Derek’s reassurances. “Oh, do you think you’ll be able to do it? I thought you were an idiot,” she retorted, her words designed to stir a reaction.

Derek, his patience clearly tested, hissed fiercely at Lucy.

Elena, sensing the growing tension and eager to diffuse the situation, interjected, “OK, OK, don’t fight,” attempting to mediate the brewing conflict.

Lucy, undeterred by Elena’s intervention, continued to taunt Derek. “Hmm, Elena is also aware that you are stupid,” she remarked, clearly enjoying the exchange.

Elena, caught in the middle of the spat between her friend and her partner, tried to ease the situation with a gentle reprimand.

“Lucy,” she said, her smile hidden beneath the surface.

Lucy relented and shifted her focus to the reason they were at the hospital. “Okay, OK. I’m prescribing everything,” she stated, busily scribbling something on a piece of paper, her dedication to her role as a healthcare provider unwavering.

I’ll go every day to see how you’re doing,” she assured Elena, her words filled with a genuine desire to provide support.

Elena responded with a subtle nod, acknowledging Lucy’s unwavering support during this challenging time.

Derek, perhaps spurred on by the seriousness of the situation and Lucy’s words, chimed in with his own sentiment.

“Humph, you should be,” he remarked, a hint of possessiveness in his tone. He took Elena’s hand in his and led her out of the room, demonstrating his determination to care for her.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.


As we left the room, I couldn’t help but reflect, ‘Oh my God. This boy took Lucy very seriously.’

Suddenly, a voice echoed from behind, and we heard Lucy’s voice shouting, “and don’t walk too quickly!”

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