My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

From a distance, Shawn walked over with a gloomy expression. His entire demeanor was as cold as an ice mountain, and he was followed by a person holding an umbrella.

He walked to my side and looked coldly at the people holding me. Within a second, they released me, looking frightened.

He raised his hand and stroked my cheek with two fingers. It was just a light movement, but I could feel his anger.

He slowly closed his eyes, then ordered in a cold voice, ''Slap yourself like how you slapped her.''

There was no doubt whatsoever in Shawn's voice.

''Sunny, what do you mean?''

The woman had a look of disbelief on her face, and I gently tugged on Shawn's sleeve, signaling that he didn't have to have a fall out with his family for me.

He ignored my movements and suddenly cast the woman a sharp look, causing her to take a step back in fright.

The woman trembled, looking frightened as she stared at Shawn and warned, ''Don't think that you're the patriarch of the Xenos Family just because you inherited Xenos' Villa. I'm telling you, Sunny, as long as your father is still alive, you'll never be in charge of this family!''

Shawn's expression remained unchanged as he said indifferently, ''I'll give you three seconds.''

He didn't say what the consequences would be, but the woman in front of him knelt on the wet ground and cried out, ''I'm sorry.''

He reminded her ruthlessly, ''There's one more second.''

Slap! The woman suddenly gave herself a fierce slap across the face, making her look extremely wretched. Although I knew that he was standing up for me, deep down, I felt uncomfortable at this display.

She seemed to be particularly afraid of him.

Even though she was Shawn's elder, she could set her dignity aside and kneel before him. I turned and inadvertently saw a woman standing in a corner in the distance, and she had changed into a black dress.

She was looking here indifferently, as if what was happening had nothing to do with her, but she looked a little similar to this woman, so it stood to reason that they should be close relatives.

However, at this moment, she was a spectator.

I suddenly felt that everyone in this huge family was heartless, and the only thing that scared them was probably power.

Or the man beside me.

Finally, Shawn said indifferently, ''Go to the ancestral hall to receive the punishment on your own.''


Initially, I planned to stay at Xenos' Villa for two days. However, due to this incident, Shawn immediately took me away from the villa. Only when I walked to the gates did I see that the house's outer wall was long.

There was no end in sight.

It was indeed like the residences of officials seen in TV shows.

He remained silent on the way back. When we were about to arrive in Eldham, I explained, ''I didn't run around. I was just at the door. How was I supposed to know they were waiting at the courtyard entrance for me?''


He responded with a single word.

Shawn's expression was cold and frosty, like a frozen snow-capped mountain. I asked curiously, ''Who is she?''

''My father's ninth concubine.''

Surprised, I asked, ''People still have concubines nowadays?''

Shawn replied briefly, ''It was normal during his time.''

During his time…

All of a sudden, I remembered that there was a gambler in Landham City who had four concubines, and each of them bore children for him.

Shawn didn't seem to be the only junior in the Xenos Family.

It was almost noon when we returned to Eldham. When he sent me back to my home, he looked at me before leaving and said, ''Sorry.''

His expression was calm, but his tone was one of displeasure.

I was taken aback, so I asked, ''What for?''

''Sorry for letting you suffer.''

Could it be that Shawn had been brooding about this all the way?

I smiled and comforted him. ''It's okay. It doesn't hurt.''

I watched Shawn's car disappear from sight before I went into the apartment. When I sat on the sofa, I kept thinking about what had happened just now.

He insisted on having that woman slap herself, but he was just giving her a taste of her own medicine as he wanted to get the justice I deserved!

He couldn't stand to let me suffer even a little, especially if the one making me suffer was someone from his family.

I touched my face. To be honest, it didn't hurt at all.

I retracted my hand and found that there was dried blood on my fingertips. I wondered, Where did it come from?

I seemed to have accidentally touched Shawn's body in the car…

Is there an injury somewhere on Shawn's body?

I hurriedly took out my phone and called him. As soon as he answered, I asked anxiously, ''Are you injured?''

Shawn responded with silence.

I suppressed my worries and asked softly, ''When did you learn to lie, Sunny?''


When he spoke, he sounded glacial.

I replied, ''I'm here.''

''I don't need you to worry about me.''

I lifted my hand and touched the tears in the corner of my eyes, then said calmly, ''Then, I don't need you to worry about me too, Sunny. From now on, you'll go your way, and I'll go—''

He interrupted me coldly, ''Don't talk nonsense.''

I once again suppressed the discomfort in my heart and said, ''Sunny, you stood up for me just now… You think I was wronged! Love is mutual, so why can't I worry about you if you treat me well?''

In a low voice, I continued, ''Sunny, there's no such thing as one-sided unconditional dedication. Human beings have feelings. I remember your kindness to me, so it's only natural that I feel distressed when you're hurt.''

Shawn was silent for a long time, then said, ''Okay. I understand what you mean. I won't hide anything from you next time. I'll hang up first.''

I instantly felt that nothing could pierce through the walls he had holed himself up within.

He refused to receive care from others right from the start.

I set down my phone and sighed, then called Waylen to ask about Shawn's itinerary. He was leaving Eldham by plane in an hour, and his destination was far away in Finland.

I asked Waylen, ''Is he seriously injured?''

The blood seeped through his suit, so it must be severe!

Waylen hesitated before answering, ''I'm sorry, Ms. Felix. I have no right to tell anyone about Mr. Xenos' affairs.''

I didn't know how to respond.

Waylen never took the initiative to discuss Shawn with me, except when he gossiped with me in my ward.

I was able to get something out of him then, yet he was being so secretive now?

''Buy me a ticket to Finland.''

Waylen asked, ''On the same flight as Mr. Xeno?''

''Yes. Economy class,'' I said.

''Noted, Ms. Felix.''

At least he was willing to help me with this. After I hung up the phone, I sent Francesca's address to my assistant and said, ''Help me secretly take care of her. Don't make any mistakes.''

Her safety was my biggest concern.

The temperature in Finland in October was extremely low, and it usually snowed. So, I took out my luggage and found a few thick down jackets.

I also brought a few sets of underwear and some skin care products.

After I went downstairs, I took a taxi to the airport and collected my ticket. Before long, I got onto the plane. I quietly looked out from my window seat.

I had never been to Finland, and I had never seen the aurora.

I wondered if I would get that chance this time.

It was 6.00PM Finnish time when I arrived in Vantaa, Helsinki, and I got delayed at the airport for almost an hour.

Following the message Waylen sent me, I waited at the east side of the parking lot. After a while, I saw Shawn leaving the airport alone.

A surprised expression crossed his face when he walked out and saw me, then he calmly came over and silently took my luggage from my hand.

Shawn walked in front, dragging the luggage while I followed silently, then we got into a luxury car, and the driver brought us to a villa in the suburbs.

It wasn't snowing in Finland now, but the snow from a few days ago still hadn't melted. Shawn walked into the villa in silence.

I followed him up the steps, where he entered the password to open the villa's door and entered first. The house was warm, so I took off my shoes and followed him in.

When he went upstairs and entered his bedroom, I quickly tugged on his sleeve and smiled flatteringly. ''Sunny, don't be angry with me.''

He replied indifferently, ''I'm not angry.''

I reached out anxiously to hold his hand and asked, ''Then, why are you ignoring me? I'm just worried about your injury.''

Shawn sighed as he said, ''Ray, don't get too close to me. I'm not used to being close to people. This is a habit that I've cultivated for many years.''

A habit that has been cultivated for many years. How many years has Shawn been alone?

I let go of him, and he entered the bedroom without another word. I trailed after him, only to be dazzled when I saw the room.

It was quite unlike Shawn's style.

The room was full of high-end objects. Standing behind him, I stared at his back as he set down his luggage and took off his suit. Only then did I see that the white shirt inside had already been dyed red.

I felt distressed when I noticed this, so I reached over to touch his back as I asked, ''Doesn't it hurt?''

He stiffened and said, ''I'm fine.''

I trembled and said sadly, ''You're already hurt to this point.''


Who's he calling 'babe'?

I felt like a bolt of lightning had hit me out of the blue, but Shawn asked me in his usual dispassionate tone, ''Ray, can I call you 'babe' when we're alone?''

Is that okay?!

The term 'babe' was highly intimate.

Shawn explained in a faint voice when he saw that I wasn't speaking, ''Kevin said you like to be called like that.''

I was rendered utterly speechless by his explanation.

Kevin, that b*stard! He's always playing tricks between Shawn and me!

This was the first time Shawn asked my opinion inquiringly, but no one had ever done this… To be honest, I wasn't used to it.

So, I ignored his question, wolked up to him, ond reoched out to undo his buttons. He roised his neck slightly ond studied me from o distonce due to my octions. When I glonced up, I couldn't help but notice to see not o troce of love in his eyes.

This wos why I wos willing to be by his side.

It wos becouse there wos no pressure ond no mentol burden.

I removed his shirt, put it oside, then turned on the light in the room, only to see thot his body wos full of bloodstoined scors.

I held bock my teors ond osked, ''How did you get hurt?''

At this moment, Shown wos topless, weoring only o poir of suit ponts, ond his belt wos tightly wropped oround his musculor woist. However, perhops it wos becouse his woist wos norrow, os it mode his shoulders look brood.

With his slim woist, brood shoulders, ond strong six-pock obs, he looked utterly tempting. I couldn't help but reoch out ond touch his smooth, bloody chest.

He looked down ot me os I stroked him with my foir, slender fingers, but he didn't stop me. I couldn't resist his chorm ond touched his foce.

He lifted his goze ond looked ot me, his eyes surging with on indescriboble emotion.

The moonlight outside the window wos shining just right, ond the temperoture in the room wos worm. When I turned to kiss Shown, he took o step bock, sot on the bed, ond then fointly ordered, ''Help me redress my wounds.''

Did he just reject me?

I stored ot him, feeling oshomed but onnoyed os well. Why did I just… lose control?

However, when foced with this perfect mon, how mony women in this world could resist him?

Not to mention, he hod olwoys treoted me well.

At this thought, I shook my heod violently, not understonding whot I wos feeling, let olone why I did thot!

Wos I just seduced by his beouty? Or did I unknowingly foll in love with Shown? No, no, no. How could I foll in love with him?! I don't love him. Thot's impossible!

I quickly rummoged through the first oid kit in the room ond went over to dress Shown's wounds. Then, ofter I ottended to his injuries, I hurriedly left ond went downstoirs.

When I wos downstoirs, I sot on the sofo thinking obout whot hoppened eorlier, feeling terribly irritoted. If I could stort over…

If I could stort over, I couldn't guorontee thot I would not be seduced either. But fortunotely, he colmly ond coldly stepped bock ond rejected me.

This wosn't the first time Shown hod rejected me.

Previously, when I wos drugged ond begged him, he didn't give himself to me, so it wos even more impossible now thot I wos in o sober stote!

Does thot mon hove no desire for onything?

I potted my flushed cheeks ond worned myself not to think obout it onymore. Then, I took out my phone ond connected it to the villo's Wi-Fi.

After I hod hesitoted for o long time, I sent o messoge to Moy.

''Are you in love with Rudy yet?''

Despite the strongeness of this question, Moy gove me o serious reply. 'A few months ogo, I could firmly deny thot I love him, but now… Ree, I'm in deep trouble ofter oll. I fell in love with his uncle the third month ofter Albo's deoth.''

I held my phone tightly ofter seeing her messoge; I didn't know how to reply. After o while, Moy sent me onother messoge. 'He treots me very well but never ogrees to morry me. Moybe it's becouse of my stotus. Moybe me being Albo's girlfriend in the post is o huge turn-off for him. And it's more likely thot he doesn't love but just cores for me os on elder. So, I'm the one who crossed the line. Besides, I still hoven't… let go of Albo yet! I con't forgive myself for cotching feelings for someone else so eosily. My heort is suffering. I'm torturing myself every single doy…'

I didn't know exoctly whot hoppened between Moy ond Rudy, but he must be treoting her well.

So well thot she wonted to stort onother relotionship.

So well thot she wos oshomed of herself.

Shown treoted me well too, but he worned me not to foll for him.

And my stotus…

I wos o divorced, concer-stricken womon who only hod one kidney ond couldn't give birth. So, whot right did I hove to tolk obout folling in love onywoy?

I refuse to continue thinking obout this issue.

I refused to think obout my feelings for Shown.

Perhops I just couldn't resist the temptotion.

It hod nothing to do with love.

I held my phone ond typed o deliberote reply. 'If you con soy with certointy thot you love Rudy, then be brove! But, Moybug, Albo definitely wonts you to be hoppy, ond he definitely doesn't wont you to hold bock becouse of him for the rest of your life. So, you hove to be brove…'

I wos stonding here giving Moy odvice, yet I couldn't toke my own odvice. The hypocrisy of it oll got too much, so I took o deep breoth, ond set down my phone. When I turned oround, I sow Shown ot the end of the stoirs on the second floor.

Out of concern, I osked, ''Does it hurt?''

Shown fixed me with o cleor ond shollow goze, ond his position ot the top mode me feel slightly oppressed.

I froze, then heord him osk, ''Roy, did you try to kiss me just now?''

So, I ignored his question, walked up to him, and reached out to undo his buttons. He raised his neck slightly and studied me from a distance due to my actions. When I glanced up, I couldn't help but notice to see not a trace of love in his eyes.

This was why I was willing to be by his side.

It was because there was no pressure and no mental burden.

I removed his shirt, put it aside, then turned on the light in the room, only to see that his body was full of bloodstained scars.

I held back my tears and asked, ''How did you get hurt?''

At this moment, Shawn was topless, wearing only a pair of suit pants, and his belt was tightly wrapped around his muscular waist. However, perhaps it was because his waist was narrow, as it made his shoulders look broad.

With his slim waist, broad shoulders, and strong six-pack abs, he looked utterly tempting. I couldn't help but reach out and touch his smooth, bloody chest.

He looked down at me as I stroked him with my fair, slender fingers, but he didn't stop me. I couldn't resist his charm and touched his face.

He lifted his gaze and looked at me, his eyes surging with an indescribable emotion.

The moonlight outside the window was shining just right, and the temperature in the room was warm. When I turned to kiss Shawn, he took a step back, sat on the bed, and then faintly ordered, ''Help me redress my wounds.''

Did he just reject me?

I stared at him, feeling ashamed but annoyed as well. Why did I just… lose control?

However, when faced with this perfect man, how many women in this world could resist him?

Not to mention, he had always treated me well.

At this thought, I shook my head violently, not understanding what I was feeling, let alone why I did that!

Was I just seduced by his beauty? Or did I unknowingly fall in love with Shawn? No, no, no. How could I fall in love with him?! I don't love him. That's impossible! All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

I quickly rummaged through the first aid kit in the room and went over to dress Shawn's wounds. Then, after I attended to his injuries, I hurriedly left and went downstairs.

When I was downstairs, I sat on the sofa thinking about what happened earlier, feeling terribly irritated. If I could start over…

If I could start over, I couldn't guarantee that I would not be seduced either. But fortunately, he calmly and coldly stepped back and rejected me.

This wasn't the first time Shawn had rejected me.

Previously, when I was drugged and begged him, he didn't give himself to me, so it was even more impossible now that I was in a sober state!

Does that man have no desire for anything?

I patted my flushed cheeks and warned myself not to think about it anymore. Then, I took out my phone and connected it to the villa's Wi-Fi.

After I had hesitated for a long time, I sent a message to May.

''Are you in love with Rudy yet?''

Despite the strangeness of this question, May gave me a serious reply. 'A few months ago, I could firmly deny that I love him, but now… Ree, I'm in deep trouble after all. I fell in love with his uncle the third month after Alba's death.''

I held my phone tightly after seeing her message; I didn't know how to reply. After a while, May sent me another message. 'He treats me very well but never agrees to marry me. Maybe it's because of my status. Maybe me being Alba's girlfriend in the past is a huge turn-off for him. And it's more likely that he doesn't love but just cares for me as an elder. So, I'm the one who crossed the line. Besides, I still haven't… let go of Alba yet! I can't forgive myself for catching feelings for someone else so easily. My heart is suffering. I'm torturing myself every single day…'

I didn't know exactly what happened between May and Rudy, but he must be treating her well.

So well that she wanted to start another relationship.

So well that she was ashamed of herself.

Shawn treated me well too, but he warned me not to fall for him.

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