My Husband's Secret Affairs With My Step Sister



"Please prepare for landing" The pilot's voice rang through the speaker.

Everyone puts on their seat belts including Amelia.

The plane made a whooshing sound as it flew down for landing, its tires rolling on the graveled floor of

the airport, Amelia felt her heart skip at the feel of the plane landing, its tires bouncing softly.

As she got closer to her destination, the plane gets lower and she got a good view of where she was

going to be living from above.

The pilot lands safely and everyone prepares to leave the plane.

Finally, it came to a stop, but her heart didn't stop pounding against her ribcage, she removed her

seatbelt and stood up, bringing out her luggage, she followed the other travelers to step down from the


The hot air of PENNSYLVANIA welcomed her the moment she stepped down from the plane.

It's weather warming her skin, she licked her dry lips as she dragged her luggage along the graveled


She saw families at the airport welcoming their members, squeals of joy and happiness, husbands

coming home to their wives, they hugged and kissed each other, it felt as though they were taunting her

of her misfortune.

Her heart ached as she walked past them, tears at the corner of her eyes.

She walked up to a taxi and entered, not aware of where she would start from, but all she felt like doing

was having a creamy cup of coffee, to numb her aching heart.


Amelia was sitting on a coffee boot, a mug of coffee in hand with cake.

She sat there sipping her coffee lost in thoughts of how she was going to find her way around in an

unknown city.

"I still can't believe Ethan divorced me.." She murmured, her voice so low, that it mingled with the calm

air, her heart was shattered, she felt used, she felt as though she had never been in control of her life.

Always asked to do stuff others had decided, but in PENNSYLVANIA, she gets to do what she wants,

make her own decisions, and make new memories.

All these she hoped would come through, she hoped life would not add thorns to her roses again.

Amelia was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice when the waiter guy walked up to her, until the

scrapping of the chair on the floor got her attention.

She looked up to see him smiling softly at her, and she could not help but feel creeped out.

" I know you must be feeling really weird out right now, because a dude just walked up to you smiling

like a creep, yah" he said, Amelia looked at him amused.

"Yeah yeah, I know, I'm crazy, but hey I can't help but want to sit with such a beautiful lady like you" He

said relaxing deep in his chair.

"Aren't you meant to be working?" Amelia asked with a smile.

"You've got a beautiful smile," He said instead.

"That's not what I asked, " Amelia said with her eyebrows raised, still amused.

" Oh C'mon" He whined. "Well if you are that concerned I'm on break and I couldn't help but get

captivated by your promising beauty" he said with a charming smile.

"Do you mind telling me your name then?"She asked, getting comfortable with him.

" Well I'm Lucas Net, your one and only knight in shining armor, so what's yours Milady?"he said,

bowing his head.

"Well I'm Amelia at your service My lord"She said tilting her head to the side mimicking him.

"So... What brings you to PENNSYLVANIA?." he asked, her face became gloomy.

"I see you've brought a lot with you, do you need help?" Lucas asked once again.

"Oh yeah, I need help in getting an apartment and also getting enrolled in one of the colleges, maybe

see my way around here," She replied.

" Well you've got the right man for the job," He said, flashing her a charming smile.

Lucas was a very attractive handsome man, his pearly white teeth flashed as he smiled, revealing his

cute dimples.

She couldn't help but be attracted to him as she smiled back at his contagious smile.

"Let me help you with these then, " he said taking her luggage, Amelia carried her handbag and stood


"What about work?" She asked.

"Did I forget to mention that I'm the boss here"He said flashing her a million dollar smile

Amelia blushed slightly as she walked behind him.

He carried her luggage to a black jeep and placed it in the trunk. He opened the door for her to enter,

before starting the car and zooming off.


Amelia walked into the college chairman's office, with a file in hand, Lucas had really helped her a lot,

she was really thankful for all his help and kindness, she didn't think she would survive. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

" Good morning sir" She greeted.

"Good morning, sit down,"He said, gesturing to the seat in front of his table.

She sat down and gazed around his office, his office was well furnished, a book shelf was at the left

corner of the room, filled with books and files, on the top were three different vases filled with fake


Beside it was a small fridge, the walls were filled with achievements and photos.

On the right side of his office was a trophy glass case.

His table had a plastic airplane, with a fake flower inside a water vase, his laptop on his desk, and his

tag name " Mr Smith"

"How may I help you?"The chubby chairman said.

" I wish to register in your school sir, as a law student" Amelia said.

"It's mid term, but okay, drop your files we'll get back to you soon" he said looking through the top of his


Amelia simply nodded her head and left.

She walked out of the chairman's office hoping in her heart she would be given admission.

As she strolled she saw a shadow move down the hallway, out of curiosity, she followed it to see the

owner of the shadow standing at one of the arch compartments, his back facing Amelia.

Her eyes widened as the owner of the shadow looked like him.


"You can't do that son...."

Seated in the dinner room was the Greg family, they all gathered, they were having a heated argument.

"Dad, you know too well you can't stop me," Ethan said.

"Please my son don't do this, listen to me my child" "You are bringing trouble into your life."

"Madison is no trouble instead that Amelia excuse of a woman is" Ethan spat out.

"How can you speak of your wife in such a manner, Ethan?" His aunt said, her eyes filled with anger.

"Ex, ma'am. She's not my wife any longer" He spat out.

"Uncle, what you're doing isn't right, we really love aunt Amelia, please bring her back,"Jerry

pleaded amidst tears.

"You can't marry that witch uncle," Danny said with anger.

"Did you just call my fiancée a witch?” Ethan asked dumbfounded, taking a step closer to him.

"Ye.... "

A thundering slap echoed throughout the room, as Danny held his cheek, tears streaming down his


"What the hell has gotten into you?" Danny’s mum yelled.

"My son....." His dad wept.

"There's no need for crying dad, it 's settled."

"I'm getting married to Madison, and that's final......"


In a huge, quiet cathedral, everyone was seated on their chairs, the best man and bridesmaid stood on

either side of the aisle, the groom stood dressed in a white tuxedo, and stood awaiting his bride.

The bridal song started playing, as the doors of the cathedral opened wide, a lady dressed in a white

flowing wedding dress glistened in accordance with her bright smile that showed off her perfect white


She walked up to the aisle, her face covered in a veil, she had no dad to take her up the aisle, so she

had to walk up alone.

She walked up to the Priest and stood in front of her groom.

The two lovers smiled widely, happy to be getting married.

The Priest came forward with a bible in hand, he faced the groom.

"Do you take Miss Madison Puff as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Yes I do," Ethan replied.

He faced her.

"Do you take Mr Ethan Dan Greg as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes, yes I do" she smiled widely, a blush creeping on her face.

"Repeat after me, I Ethan Dan Greg solemnly swear to take Miss Madison Puff as my lawfully wedded

wife, for better and for worse for rich and for poor, we shall be together till death do us apart." The

priest said.

Ethan repeated the Priest's words with a huge grin, his face glistening on the altar.

The Priest turned to Madison Puff “ Repeat after me, I Madison Puff solemnly swear to take Mr Ethan

Dan Greg as my lawfully wedded husband, for better and for worse for rich and for poor, we shall be

together till death do us apart"

Madison repeated his words with so much happiness, her smile wide and bright.

"I now pronounce you both, husband and wife......"

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