My Hockey Alpha Neighbor

Chapter 9

napter 9 

Carol’s POV 

Daniel lets out a long–suffering sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Enough with the dramatics,” he says. “I’m not h for workplace drama. I’m here because you told me you had concerns about Carol’s business practices.” 

“It isn’t just workplace drama!” Zack insists. “Carol cheated at our competition just to ruin my life. She used dirty method secure a client for the contract!” 

My face grows hot with anger. “Excuse me? I’m going to need you to be more specific. What exactly are you accusing me Dirty tactics? My mind can’t help but wander to the fact Aiden and I have slept together. 

I remind myself that it was a completely unrelated situation it wasn’t like I planned things that way. In fact, Aiden is the who’s been trying to pursue me! I don’t bother to say that out loud there’s no way anyone would believe that. A celebrit pursuing a nobody? It sounded ridiculous. 


Zack gives me a smug look before turning back to Daniel. “Carol here decided that the best way to win over her new client to attempt to seduce him.” He points an accusatory finger at me. 

Aiden looks like he’s about to speak up, but I’m too angry to let this accusation slide. “How dare you!” I exclaim. “This is completely unwarranted.” I had no idea that he was going to be my client! I even tried to have myself removed from his ca but no one would let me! 

“Oh yeah?” Zack crosses his arms with a smug grin. “Daniel and I were listening outside the door. Care to explain what all t talk of fated mates is about? What about you two ‘spending the night together?” 

I feel my face flush again, this time with embarrassment. Oh god. They overheard that? The situation feels much too comp to describe. Besides, it feels wrong for me to be the one defending myself. I’m not exactly an unbiased party. 

Luckily for me, Aiden takes his change to step in. “It’s true that I met Carol prior to our meeting yesterday,” he admits readi “and it’s true that she is my fated mate. But I can promise you she didn’t attempt anything inappropriate to win me over.” 

Daniel’s eyebrows raise at Aiden’s confession. On one hand, I’m thankful Aiden is so honest. On the other, it’s very possible that his admittance was the nail in the coffin. 

Zack laughs loudly. “Impossible! No human could possibly be a werewolf’s fated mate. It’s obviously a dirty tactic Carol used to try and win!” 

I can feel Aiden grow angrier beside me probably even angrier than I feel. “She is,” he insists, his voice low, “I can smell it her. Are you doubting a werewolf’s ability to sense their mate?” 

“Of course not,” Zack assures quickly, “but that’s not the only reason why she might have smelled different to you.” He grins. widely and turns back to me. 

“I’m curious, Carol — have you heard that there are drugs manufactured just for the purpose of faking the scent of a fated mate to a weak–willed werewolf?” 

I feel my heart drop. I want to defend myself, but I’m not even sure where to begin. Accusing me of sleeping with a client is already bad enough. Having Zack of all people suggest I’m lying about being someone’s fated mate is just too ironic to bear. 

Honestly, I had never heard of such a drug before. I don’t know enough about werewolf culture to lie about anything. Still, it’s not like my denial is going to be enough evidence. 

Aiden scoffs.” “Weak–willed‘? Can an Omega like you really accuse an Alpha of being ‘weak??” 

I suppress a snicker. Even while I’m in distress, watching Aiden systematically destroy Zack’s floundering is satisfying. Zack’s face turns bright red with anger 

Just because you’re an Alpha doesn’t mean you’re more perceptive than me!” He retorts. Aiden raises an eyebrow. 

“Even if you’re just as perceptive as I am, there’s an issue with your logic. If Carol’s scent comes from a drug and not our mate 

12:29 PM 

Chapter 9 

bond, you should be able to smell it, tooDo you smell a scent from her now?” 

Zack splutters for a moment. I can almost see the gears turning in his head. It’s satisfying to watch Aiden knock him down a peg with so much ease. I glance sidelong at him. Aiden makes me feel so supported. Safe, I realize. 

“Well, I couldn’t distinguish the scents during our meeting! There was an Alpha in the room!” Zack insists weakly. “Look there’s an easy solution. I bought an antidote to the scent–producing drugs last night. Using this, we can figure out the truth fair and square!” 

Daniel is clearly getting fed up with this back–and–forth. “And how do you propose we do that?” He said. 

“Easy” Zack declared. He stretches out a bottle of pills in my direction with a smirk. “I challenge you to take one – if you 


I stare at Zack in disbelief. He’s that convinced I’m lying about this? The entire situation feels so deeply ironic. I can’t decide if I want to laugh or cry. Aiden shakes his head at Zack. 

“There’s no need for her to –” 

“I’ll do it,” I declare. The three men turn to stare at me. 

“Carol, you really don’t have to,” Aiden reassures me softly. “I trust you.” Hearing him say those words makes my heart do something funny, but all I do is smile. 

“Zack wants to prove I’m cheating. I want to prove he’s crazy,” I say simply. Zack starts to argue again, but I snatch the bottle of pills out of his hand and pop one into my mouth Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

A second passes, then another. The entire room’s attention is focused on me. After about a minute of painful silence, Zack turns to Aiden expectantly. 

“So…?” He demands. Aiden rolls his eyes, but deeply inhales through his nose. His eyes close and a small smile plays across his lips. 

“There it is. That’s my mate,” he says softly. He speaks with such certainty that my knees feel weak. Aiden opens his eyes and turns his gaze back to Zack, whose jaw has already dropped. 

“How did you hear about such a drug in the first place?” He asks. Zack still looks too shocked to properly function. 


“I well. Sophia told me,” he manages awkwardly. He’s clearly starting to sweat under the glares from both Aiden and Daniel. Aiden raises an eyebrow. 

“Oh? And why didn’t she come here with you herself? Clearly, she’s very knowledgeable about the drug.” He says. Zack’s brow furrows with confusion. 

“She did come,” he says, “but she said she needed to go to the restroom right before the meeting. Why does it matter?” 

A realization dawns on me just as a smirk tugs at Aiden’s lips. My heart jumps. It should be illegal how good he looks with that expression on his face. 

“I think maybe you should be the one worried about being deceived,” Aiden says with a casual shrug. Zack’s face goes pale. 

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