My Enemy’s Daughter



With my fist clenched, I punch the steering wheel of the car, imagining the face of Henrico Zattani, my sister’s ex-husband and enemy of my family.

He kissed me.

The cheeky brazen had the audacity to KISS me!

When the dark eyes finished threatening me earlier, many violent eyes formed in the head, but none of them went with our lips pressed together. So when my rationality returned to my body, I tried to wriggle out of his grip at all costs, pushing him away.

When I finally managed to pull away and slap his face, I wished with all my might that my hand would gain more weight, thus getting the five”finger mark on the skin of his face for several days.

Car horns fill my ears and I force myself to focus on the road, returning my attention to the present.

Mine is still pounding memories with the memories, instead of oxygen it’s my anger that’s inflaming my lungs and driving me back home.

I hated your kiss. I hated it so much, it tastes like mint.

“That son of…”


Never mind, it’s not right to blame the poor woman for her son’s mistakes.

The image of Aurora in my room this morning, accusing me is so vivid I can hear her voice clearly right now.

Only this time she’s not so wrong in her accusations and I feel even worse.

I huff, hearing more honking and complaints from other drivers, I open the vehicle’s window and answer back each curse, honking to fight back, even though I should be quiet because I don’t have a license and I’m driving illegally. Traffic is apparently worse than it was three hours ago, with heavy traffic of cars and buses. Also being aware that the way back is taking a little longer due to the distractions that my brain causes all the time.

A little over two hours later I’m pulling into the garage at home, praying that my sister is at her house and not here. But as I enter surprise and frustration overwhelms me to find the whole family together, having an unofficial meeting and panic grips every cell of mine, I’m tired of confrontations for today and I feel that this one will be even worse.

I swallow my saliva as I look into my father’s angry eyes.

“Look who’s arrived, tell Dad who you were with. Aurora teases, carrying sarcasm in her tone, glaring at me.

I ignore his presence, keeping my eyes on Dad.

“Amelia, you’re grounded for taking my car without a permit and driving around without a driver’s license.” Mom intervenes, not looking as furious as I imagined she would, taking a seat next to me, drawing everyone’s attention to herself.

I nod, muttering an apology, knowing his attitude is just to distract from the main focus of the conversation.

“Did you know that Alencar was just arrested?” My father speaks in a calm voice, exuding his common coldness, so far removed from the father image I idealized in childhood that my legs tremble for a second. “Who?” I speak to no one, searching my memory for the guy’s name and only remembering when Dad has already assumed his furious expression.

“My right arm and friend.” He says, no, he practically spits out the words, as if offended by my lack of recollection of the man.

“No…” I whisper at last, not understanding his question.

Why would I know about your chief of staff’s life?

Then understanding comes to me. He thinks that Henrico has something to do with this prison.

I frown, unable to put the pieces together.

“What’s the reason for the arrest?'” I ask, receiving silence in response.

Mom touches me on the shoulder, as if giving me a warning to close the issue, make up an excuse, and go up to my room. But I don’t, I keep holding my parent’s gaze.

“Corruption. He was accused of embezzling political campaign money and other things.”

His tone indicates that he believes it to be a false accusation, making it clear that we must all side with Alencar and act as victims.

“Things will clear up. Amelia, go upstairs and I’ll talk to you in a little while.” Mom speaks again.

“Where were you?” Dad asks, indicating by his tone that he’s already been manipulated by Aurora.

“On the farm of Henrico Zattani.” “I choose to speak the truth, knowing that withholding this information would only make the situation worse for me.

He must already know anyway.

“See, I…”

Aurora starts to speak, but Dad motions for her to shut up and in silence he walks closer to me.”

“Augusto, I think you better calm down.” Mom speaks.

“All right mother.” I say calm her down. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

My sister huffs at my speech, drawing my eyes in her direction.

One of her hands covers her belly and the other rests on her waist, her hair is tied on top of her head and her face is full of scorn, Peter is beside her quietly, also watching me.

“Are you having an affair with him? Have you decided to act like a slut?”

Dad screams, finally showing his ugly, out-of-control side.

The first tears form when I see the disgust in her eyes.

” No…”

“I saw the photos your sister has on her cell phone, did some research, and found out he was on your birthday. He wants to destroy your family and you sleep with him?”

I open my mouth to fight back but stop, realizing it would be useless.

Augusto Leal doesn’t listen to anyone.

“You’re going to walk away from him!” I take a step back, realizing that not even Mom will be able to calm the great governor. Yes, he has just taken on the cover of authoritarian politician and leader. “I did nothing!” His gaze narrows in my direction, and I can swear I saw the vein in his forehead throb.

“You will obey me, or I will send you to another country. By God! He was your sister’s husband, don’t act like a slut.”

My mother grumbles beside me, placing her body in front of mine in protection.

“Don’t talk to my daughter like that!” She growls, showing her protective side.”

” She’s my daughter too, damn it!” Dad gets even more excited and I feel the first tears fall.

I feel belittled, ashamed.

I run my eyes to Peter and see him staring at me with confusion apparent in his irises.

Oh, heavens… Is he believing this?

“So, remember that and respect her. Amelia has always been a good girl and that jerk Alencar was arrested because he’s a thief!” My mom says, puffing out her chest and eyeing Dad squarely.

His attitude impresses all of us and leaves Dad speechless for long seconds.

“Anna…” he starts, his tone more controlled and almost tamed.

“No more, Augustus.” Mom doesn’t allow him to finish, turning to align our eyes, cupping a hand on either side of my face.

“Go up to your room, Amelia.” Mom says, and I do, not looking at anyone as I walk up the stairs.

And with every step I take, all I think about is how much Henrico has become my worst nightmare and how much I hate him.

And… damn, the bastard kissed me.

Unfortunately, the kiss doesn’t get out of my head, even though it was awful.

I smile at Vivi and Dieguinho’s smeared faces, both are eating the chocolate I brought, along with the cookie they ordered, of course. I couldn’t forget my boy’s special request, he brought three boxes at once, so they can share with the other children. Furthermore, I know I shouldn’t give so much candy to my little ones, but they already go through so many limitations that a treat won’t hurt.

My mind is still tormented by the latest events, I barely slept last night thinking about Dad’s accusations, our relationship was never the best, but my heart ached to see that he doesn’t believe me. It reminded me of when I was little and listening to his friends’ wives talk about me and Mom, he never explicitly defended us, pretending not to hear when they said I was a bastard.

His eyes judged me while his words condemned me, making it clear that in his heart I already carried the title of culprit.

I spent the whole day in my room, Mom sent all my meals there, but she never came to see me. I only left today, very early, so I wouldn’t run into any of them.

I needed affection, so I ran to my favorite place, the watercolor home.

“Vivi, Vivi… I told you I’d give you a lot of kissing.” My boy talks full of himself, looking proudly at our little redhead.

She gives him the biggest smile and shows her chocolate”stained teeth.

” I love you.” She says, hugging Dieguinho awkwardly by the neck, accidentally choking him. He doesn’t complain and lets her hug him for several seconds.

I can’t hold back my tears at the cute and touching scene.

My chest tightens every time I look at them and I see their complicity, connection and affection. I’m afraid of them being adopted separately, what they both have is so strong that I fear for the worst case they will be separated from each other.

My girl is all sweet, delicate, however, she has a difficult temper and great difficulty in relating to other children. All small and shy. Diego, on the other hand, is extremely communicative, playful, the complete opposite of her. But since Vivi arrived, he’s become reclusive, protective of our girl, and turns around the redhead.

“Amelia, my girl. I was looking forward to talking to you.” Carmelia, the home director, speaks, showing all her teeth with the big smile she’s giving me. Her curly hair with some white strands reaches her shoulder-length, she is wearing a slim green formal dress, accentuating her dark skin.

She’s excited, looking at me with unusual euphoria, and it intrigues me.

With some trepidation, I get up from the floor to greet her.

” Are you OK, darling?” He asks, frowning as he takes in my appearance.

I have dark circles under my eyes, wearing loose, comfortable clothes, but different from what she usually sees me, and I understand her strangeness.

“Yea.” I hold his gaze, showing confidence in my speech.

She nods, though she doesn’t seem convinced about my condition.

“Well, I want to thank you for taking the time to take care of our children, I know the youth of today spend their time on other things, but you come every week without getting paid for it. Thank you so much, Amelia.” His moved tone makes me flinch, and I let out a tear.

I’m very sensitive, crying over everything.

Deep down, I also feel guilty and cry about it, for being so foolish and letting myself be used, discarded and neglected a lifetime.

And then there’s the damn kiss.


My body heats at the memory, enraged.

I can still taste her in my mouth, the scene flashes through my mind when Carmelia is still talking, and I lose the thread, I end up not understanding what the woman is saying, and I nod my head to hide it.

” Your friend was very generous, I couldn’t thank you as much as I’d like. In fact, he went out to look for you.” His left finger taps his chin as his eyes roam the room, looking for someone.

I frown, trying to understand what the woman just said.

A generous friend.

A friend.

What is a Friend?

“Oh, there he is. ” His voice comes out affected, making clear his reverence to such a guy.

Curious, I turn in the direction she’s looking and my pupils widen to see the man staring back at me, pleased with my reaction. He tries to hold back a smile, but fails terribly, and anger rises to my head and I see everything red.

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