My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

I closed the space between us, by

pressing my lips to his. He cupped my cheek with his hand, moving closer to me and his lips moving in

sync with mine.

Then a buzzing noise went off, making us both pull away. There was a light on the wall of the room that

was flashing red and making a buzzing.

"What's that?" I asked quietly. James eyes were wide, and he said "Your gang is coming." My eyes

widened, and the door bursted open.

Zeke came in and ordered "Let's go." I sat there with a smirk on my face, and Zeke yelled "Why are

you smirking?!"

"Because you're about to get your ass whooped" I stated, and he glared at me. "We're switching to the

glass from, let's go." Zeke commanded, and snapped his fingers at James.

James undid the chains around my ankles and wrist, before taking my hand and pulling me down the

hall where everyone was running around trying to prepare.

We came up to Hayes, and he nodded "They got my messgae." "You did this?" I asked. Hayes nodded

sternly "But you need to follow James for now, and everything will work out."

James started pulling me down the hall, and I called after Hayes "Thank you!"

Ryker Anderson POV

~ Earlier that day ~

"God I hate this..." I muttered under my breath, putting bullets into a mag. "It'll be worth it." Ally gave a

reassuring smile.

"Fucking better be." I said, slapping the magazine in the gun, loading loading a bullet into the chamber.

There were cops with us and they were supposedly suppose to help us, but I didn't buy it. Cops are

cops, and they're assholes when they abuse authority; just like Sheriff daughter.

"I know what you're thinking." Ally spoke up, loading bullets into her revolver "And not all cops are

assholes, Ryker." I rolled my eyes at her "Most of them are. You're lucky you haven't met Sheriff


"Rain's dad?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah, One time when I was in jail when I was 15 and Sheriff

Thompson was the one Watching me, and I just remember thinking 'God, I'd hate to be his kids'." I

explained, loading more bullets into other guns.

"Hey, watch it; that's your future father in law" Ally smacked my arm, with a small chuckle. "Over my

dead body." I muttered, and Ally smirked holding up a gun "That can be arranged."

I took the gun from her "Don't even think about it, Alessandra Monica." She rolled her blue eyes at me,

and asked "So what do you think of Natalie?"

"I think she can go fall of a cliff..I'll be happy to push her too, if she needs moral support" I stated.

"Ryker Xavier!" She scoffed.

My phone starting buzzing and I quickly pulled it out and saw it was an unknown number. Alessandra

raised an eyebrow and I shrugged, answering it.

"Hello?" I answered, not knowing who it was.

"Anderson?" A voice questioned, and Ally furrowed her eyebrows together. "Who is this?" I asked,

because I didn't recognize the voice.

"Hayes, I work for Zeke Monroe" He introduced. I clenched my jaw, not knowing what this guy was

going to say.

"I can tell you where Rain is" He said, and I stood up straight. Ally heard and her eyes went wide.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Put it on." Officer Knox ordered, shoving the bullet proof vest into my chest. I sent him a glare and he

held it in his gaze.

"I don't know how you were brought up as kid, but you're an adult now. So start acting like it,

Anderson." He gritted before yelling "Natalie!"

Natalie came over and her and her father exchanged looks before he walked away. "Asshole." I

muttered under my breath.

"Look, my dad's helping you find this Rain girl, so I suggest you shape up and listen." Natalie crossed

her arms. Clenching my jaw "Now I understand where you being a bitch comes from...daughter like


Natalie sent me a glare in return "Don't screw this up, Ryker or you're in deep shit." "I already past

deep shit back in Italy." I retorted.

"Maybe if you didn't lie about your so-called-ex-girlfriend wouldn't be in this situation, right now" Natalie

pushed. "I did it to protect her" I gritted, wanting nothing more then to punch this bitch but I vowed

never to hit a girl.

"Protect her from the real you?" Natalie questioned, crossing her arms. I stayed silent and just glared at


"I know about Rain Thompson, and she was that perfect rich girl that seemed to have it all; besides her

parents and all, but you didn't want her to think you were screwed up in the head because of what

you've been through." Natalie stated "I may seem like a bitch, but I tell it like it is."

I glanced up from the gun I was currently loading up to her "I really wish your parents used a condom."

I said honestly, slapping the mag into the gun.

Earning a glare from her, she rested her hands on her hips "Do the world a favor and never have kids,

because of you say stuff like that...well let's just say they'd end up just like you, foster kid."

Rain Thompson POV

I was being dragged down the hallway and was transferred off to Blade and Derrick. They came up to a

dead end, and Blade put his hand up to the wall and a control panel suddenly lit up.

My eyes widened and I blinked slowly. He typed in a passcode, before the wall opened and Derrick

dragged me in, which led to a huge room that was probably the length of the building.

Pressing my lips in thin line, I was pushed down into a wooden chair only for my hands to be tied

behind my back.

I saw James come in and I instantly regretted kissing him earlier. I wasn't thinking straight and was very

impulsive at the moment.

"I set trackers and fire markers everywhere." Logan and Axel stated, walking into the room as well.

Trackers were small devices, that if you touched they attached to you and then whoever controlled it,

could track the person. Fire markers are basically small bombs that they created, and if you stepped on

it; it would trigger and blow up.

"Get a marking on Anderson, he's the target." Archer ordered Christopher and Shay. Tyson came up to

me and chained my ankle again, making me flinch at how tight it was.

"Such a shame.." He sighed, standing up "If you would've went with the right guy you wouldn't be on

the bridge of your death." I swallowed a lump in my throat, not saying anything that would make this

situation worse.

"They have others!" Cato yelled, coming into the room with a loaded rifle in his hand. "What do you

mean others?" Zeke questioned.

"I mean, there's like a whole army of them out there!" Cato exclaimed. I furrowed my eyebrows in

confusion as to else would be out there.

Zeke ran over to the window hurriedly "There's cops." "It's a SWAT team." Eve muttered, under her

breath; glancing back at me.

Benson ran over to a wall and slapped a button down, making alarms go off through out the building. I

never realized how intact amd prepared they were and I just thought it was a normal old abandoned


I then started to fidget with the rope that tied my wrist, and I tried untying it. Glancing back over my

shoulder as much as I could, I tried to figure out where the not began.

"Come on." I whispered to myself, but then I felt a hand grabbed mine and push down on my pressure

point in my wrist. "Ow, ow." I whispered, and looked up to see Tyson.

"Don't even try it, babe." He warned. "Don't babe me." I snapped, and he pulled a gun out, putting it up

to my head "I can make you call me daddy if I really wanted to, so don't test me, Babe."

Sending him a glare, I bit my tongue so I wouldn't say anything that could get me killed or I would've

told him to go burn in hell.

Ryker Anderson POV

Once we pulled up to the building, everyone pulled out their firearms and I personally chose a pistol;

glock 42 because it was am easy carry-around and had a thick bullet so you weren't as likely to

miss..not that I miss.

"Still a bulls-eye hitter?" Ally's voice asked as she came up to stand next to me. My lips tugged up into

a smirk "Once a bulls-eye hitter, always a bulls-eye hitter." I lifted then gun up, and pointed it out as I

kept my eyes on Ally.

Pulling the trigger, I kept the gun gripped tightly in my one hand because it had somewhat of a kick. I

heard the brass fall to the paved ground and I looked to where I shot; which was a old street sign.

I smirked cockily because I hit right in the middle. "I could still kick your ass." Ally scoffed, pulling up her

A.R. 15, and slapping a magazine full of bullets into it.

"Alright!" Officer Knox called over everybody and my eyes snapped over to him. "We are going to split

up into groups, every group will have walkie talkie to communicate."

"Groups are: Craig, Leah, Will, Peter, and Liz. Dawson, Luca, Andre, Neil, and Juliet. Seb, Val, Aaron,

Abe, Celeste, and me. Levi, Reece, Augustus, Memphis, and Felix. Vince, Alesandra, Tate, and Ryker

also Natalie." Officer Knox ordered, and I groaned at the sound of Natalie's name.

Natalie sent me a cold glare and Officer Knox walked up to me "What was that Anderson?" I gave him

a bored look "With all due respect, your daughters a bitch."

"Ryker." Craig warned, and I clenched my jaw. "Head out." Dawson yelled, and we all started to run

separate ways.

"What's the plan?" Vince asked me as he was right beside them. "Shooting all those assholes in the

head." I stated. We came to the warehouse and we all climbed through the window.

I heard gun shots already and I looked down the long corridor hallways. "What way do you think we

should take?" Tate questioned.

"Left." "Right." Natalie and I both said at the same time, before glaring at each other. "Left, I'm the one

that knows her best." I gritted.

"Right is more practical, plus it doesn't matter who knows her best." Natalie gritted. "Well I say left." I


"Well I say right." She fought back stubbornly. "Ok, as the oldest; I'm deciding. We'll go straight." Vince

cut in, and we followed him down the cement hallway.

"Should've went right." Natalie said in a sing-song voice. "Should've shot you in the head." I mimcked in

a sing-song, and Alessandra smacked my arm.

I looked ahead, and squinted my eyes as I saw something with a small red flashing light reflecting.

Natalie sent to step, but I quickly pulled her back.

"There's a bombs all over the place." I stated "Its a trap." "Is not." Natalie rolled her eyes. "Oh really?" I

tested then picking up a stone and throwing it at the end of the hall; making a small bomb explode up in


I narrowed my eyes at Natalie "Still want to go that way?" "They're everywhere." Tate said, looking for a


"The air vents?" Ally asked, looking up. "To risky. There's probably trackers in there." Vince stated.

"Well let's just go back another way." Ally said, starting to turn around but a thing of fire markers

dropped down from the ceiling.

"We're screwed." Tate sighed. I put the glock I had in the holster, then walking forward. "Ryker, where

are you going?" Vince asked, and I clenched my jaw "We have to get last it somehow."

I stated down at the ground and looked for the red lights, but they were so small you could barely see

them. I took a step carefully in spades that were between the markers.

"Ryk, be careful." Alessandra breathed in a sharp breath from behind me. I took another step and

accidentally stltepped on one of the markers.

I quickly moved to the wall and it burned some of me. "Shit!" I muttered. "You good?" Vince asked, and

I nodded stern. I looked up, and saw a pipe before jumping up and grabbing it.

Sliding my hands down, I moved over to the other side as fast as I could and went over all the markers.

Once I made it to the other side, I let go of the pipe and landed on my feet.

"Okay, great. Now what about the rest of us?" Natalie questioned. "We're all going to have climb over."

Vince shrugged, walking over and grabbing the pipe.

Natalie's eyes went wide, and Alessandra reassured her "Don't worry. Its just like monkey bar on the

playground when we were kids...except this is over bombs, we're in a warehouse trying to solve a

kidnapping, and we're 20...but you get the point."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Move! Move! Move!" Vince yelled, and I pulled the trigger repeadtly at the guy that was only a foot

away from me. He eventually fell to the ground and I kept the gun out as we ran down the halls.

We ran into more men, and all had to take one down. One guy came up to me and sent a punch to my

jaw. I quickly punched him in the gut and shoved him back up to wall and, punched him in the jaw,

making it unset.

I grabbed a knife and dug the blade into his neck "Tell me where Rain Thompson is." I gritted. A smirk

was on his face, as blood ran down it "On the bridge of her death."

His eyes then went to something behind me, and right when I turned around, I got punched in the side

of my face, and kneed in the gut.

The guy took a blade out and stabbed it into my side. I feel to the ground, groaning in pain, And

gripping the knife that was in my side. Alessandra quickly jumped onto the guys back and wrapped her

arms around his neck, completing the triangle choke.

The guy gripped her arms as he tried to pry them off his neck. Natalie stuck a knife in his gut and he fell

to the ground. After taking the minions that were in this hall, the group came up to me.

I slowly started to pull the life out and breathed in a sharp breath, hissing in pain "Aha." I dropped the

knife on the ground, clutching my side as blood seemed to pout out.

"Quickly, I have a a bandage in my backpack." Natalie said, and Tate dug through it. "Take your shirt

off." Natalie ordered, pulling a box out of her backpack. "What?" I asked.

"Dont argue with me, Anderson. Just take it off." She said, opening the box. I slowly pulled off my shirt

as much as I could without flinching in complete pain.

Natalie then exaimdd were I was stabbed in the side "Its deep." "No fucking shit, thank you for your

share of obvious thoughts." I snapped sarcastically.

Natalie ignore my comment, taking a wrap of cloth out. "You have to wrap this around your side." "No,

I'm not-" I fought, but was cut off "Listen, you could get it infected if something touches it, And I don't

think you want that."

~ ~ ~ ~

It's been two hours, and we still haven't found Rain. We've been uo and down hallways, not knowing

where we are going.

"I'm hungry." Alessandra pouted. "Oh, well let's just stop at a vending machine or ask someone for

some yogurt?" Vince offered sarcastically.

Ally sent him a glare "I'm not in the mood for yogurt." I heard footsteps and we all froze, getting our

guns ready. Then a group of people turned the corner.

"Hold!" A voice yelled, and I saw Craig, Leah, Liz, Will, and Peter approach. "Any luck?" Liz asked, and

Vince shook his head "No. You?"

"Nope." Peter sighed. I ran a hand through my hair, just wanting to find Rain already. Flashing lights

went off throughout the hall and a beeping sound.

We all looked around, putting up out weapons, and I heard a yell which sounded like Rain. My eyes

widened, and I quickly ran off towards the sound.

"Ryker, wait!" Leah yelled after me, but I ran down the hall and followed the yelling. I came to an end of

a hallway and climbed up a ladder which led me up a roof.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

The yelling then stopped and I turned around to see a familiar face, standing by a radio where the

screams were coming from. He smirked "Ryker Anderson, I never properly got to introduce myself. I'm

Tyson Blix; Rain's other Ex-Boyfriend."

I clutched my fist and immediately went to punch the guy but he caught my fist and tsked, before

sending a punch into my face. I stumbled back a bit but stabilized myself.

I pushed him up against a brick wall that was on the other side of the roof and punched him repeatedly.

He pushed me back into a staircase and I fell down it.

I got up and went back up to him. I sent him backwards and grabbed him by his shirt before throwing

him into a window. The glass shattered, and he fell through.

I pulled the glock out and started to load a New Mag, but I was pushed back and the gun fell out of my

hand. "I thought you learned your lesson at the drag race." I gritted, kneeing him.

We were on the edge of the building and we're 50ft up. "You should teach your girlfriend a lesson." He

gritted, as he went to send a punch but I ducked.

I kicked him in the shin, making him loose his balance and fall off the side of the warehouse. I quickly

grabbed the gun magazine, then loading a bullet into the chamber and looking over the edge of


Tyson was hanging by his hands on a window ledge, and he looked up at me with a glare. Sirens then

went off again, and I quickly ran back inside the warehouse.

Rain Thompson POV

"Come on, Come on." I whispered, trying to get the rope off. I was currently cutting through with a nail

filer, Felicity had lent me. The rope was running against my skin, making it dig in.

Zeke and Archer were on laptops, running everything and tracking. I bit my lip, and dug the nail filer in


The rope gave out and fell off. I smirked proudly, and rubbed my wrist, before undoing the chains had

still left on me.

Luckily know one was watching me at this current moment, so I got away with it. I stood up and quickly

walked over to where Arthur and Austin were, blocking the door.

I sent a punch to Arthur first, and his eyes snapped to mine. He went to grab me by diving at me, but I

quickly ducked and he dove into the ground. I put a foot on his back and went to finish him but I was

thrown into a wall by Austin.

I hit the wall with hard contact and fell to the ground because..well gravity..

Looking up, Austin started to approach me. He grabbed me by my ripped shirt and pulled me up from

the ground. Clutching my fist, I sent it flying into his gut.

Austin clutched his gut, bent over in pain and I jumped onto his back. I but a pressure point in his neck

before he fell to the ground.

"Get her!" Zeke demanded, and I started to make a run for it towards the door. When I went to open the

door it already opened and I saw James.

I sighed at how my plan just completely backfired.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I gripped the ropes that had me tied down and kicked my legs at the board as I struggled to breath as

water poured more and more on me.

Waterboarding is not fun...

"STOP!" I yelled, once they pulled the cloth away from my face and stopped pouring water on me.

"Can't take the pain? Don't play the game." Archer gritted.

"Enough!" Hayes yelled, and I squeezed my eyes shut. "You don't tell me 'enough', it's enough when I

say it's enough." Zeke gritted at Hayes.

The girls unstrapped me from the board and when I stood up, I fell to the ground and started to cough

up all the water I inhaled.

"Boss!" Cato yelled, coming into the room. Archer looked at him and Cato smirked "We've captured

them." Archer's lips turned up to an evil grin, and the door bursted open.

My eyes snapped up to see the whole gang being restrained and forced onto the other-side of the

room. My eyes met Ryker's tired bright blue eyes and he whispered in shock "Rain."

Tears pricked my eyed and I didn't known how to feel right now. I was overjoyed yet depressed all at

the same time.

My breath hitched, and it became unsteady. I was pulled up from the ground by James and Ty. "Well

Well, welcome Crusades. We've been waiting for your arrival, right Rain?" Zeke smirked then looking

back at me.

Glaring at him, I muttered "Go burn in hell." "What was that?" He tested, coming up to me and I

pressed my lips in a thin line.

"Go burn in hell." I repeated stern, keeping the glare in my eyes. He smacked me across the face and

grabbed me by the shirt "Watch what you say."

I saw Ryker struggling in Derrick's and Shay's grip. "I've decided to be nice today, and let you all

witness the death of your members." Zeke projected.

"Derrick, Shay." Zeke ordered, snapping his fingers and they pushed Ryker up to where the red 'X' was

painted on the ground in front of a wooden board.

They began to tie him down to the standing-up right board and his eyes bored into mine. I saw Tyson

start loading the gun, and I gulped silently.

"STOP!" I yelled, making everyone's eyes go to me.

My lip was busted, I had a black eye, my body was sore, cuts and marks all over my body, and dry

blood stained my skin and I hated being looked at when I was like this.

Ryker and I were in the same building. Same room. Breathing the same air. Yet we were so far apart.

I was fighting against Lance's grip that he had on me, but he dug his nails into my side "The more you

struggle, the harder this is going to be."

I closed my eyes shut and sighed as I gave in "Alright...I'll do it..Just let him go, please."

Tyson smirked "Oh don't worry sweetheart."

"Rain, don't do this." Ryker breathed, as they untied him and pushed him away.

Ryker was beaten up worse then me where half his face was covered in blood he had a cut in the side

of his head, and just beaten up horrible.

I tensed up and gulped as Tyson shoved me over to the standing plate. I fell, and hit the ground.

I placed my hands on the ground and kept my eyes down then coughing, and a liquid came out with my

couch. I touched my lips, and took my fingers away to see it.


"Rain!" Everyone shouted, and I ignored them. I avoided their looks which killed me even more.

"Get up." Tyson ordered then I stood up weakly by forcing myself. "RAIN!" They all continued to yell to

get my attention.

"Let's go Thompson, we don't have all day." Tyson said impatiently. "Rain! Please don't do this!" Ryker


I didn't look at him, and I tired to block out their screams, and their yells echoed through my ears.

I went to where the X was marked, and Tyson grabbed a 38 glock hand gun which could kill someone

with one shot.

He picked up the loaded magazine then slapping it into the chamber of the gun, and smirked "Any last


I pressed my lips in a thin line and shook my head slightly very slowly. He raised then gun, and I turned

straight and faced the gang.

Ryker's eyes were beyond black and face was expressionless and ice cold to point where it was as

white as a ghost.

I glanced and saw Tyson wrap his finger around the trigger; getting ready to pull it.

"Rain! Rain! No! Please!" Ryker yelled with his voice cracking in sadness.

I took one last deep breath, and I couldn't explain how I was feeling right now. "Rain! Please!" They all

screamed. Tyson then went to pull the trigger but Ryker's yell stopped him.


My head whipped to him, and eyes went wide, as my heart started to pick up again as butterflies

erupted my stomach.

He got out of the guy's grip that he was in and ran up to me, and smashed his lips into mine as he

cupped my face in his hands, and pulled me closer then I've ever been to him.

Which is saying a lot..

The kiss was passionate and hungry, and I pulled away for air. He pressed his forehead to mine as he

rubbed his thumbs on my cheeks below my eyes that had bags under them.

Our breath was both heavy. "Rain, I love you, Please don't do this. Please. I won't be able to live with

myself if you do this."

Tears were racing down my cheeks and I clasped my hands around each of his wrist.

"I love you." I whispered back, with my heart racing faster then it ever has and butterflies turning in my

stomach as my cheeks flushed red.

He smiled with a small laugh but not very humoress, and I smiled slightly.

"Aww well isn't that sweet. You guys can be Romeo and Juliet, but in order for that you both have to let's get this show on the road." Tyson interrupted.

Ryker quickly pushed me behind him protectively, and I saw Craig pull out of being restrained and he

yelled "Run!" Then throwing something in the middle of the room.

It was one of those fire markers before I could see anyone else, Ryker grabbed my hand and pulled me

out of the room.

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