My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

7. A Word Of Warning


His words stung. Was he saying that although Mom and Dad said I was theirs, there had been rumours… Meaning there was something there… I looked into the Alpha’s hard emotionless eyes, feeling very alone. Sure, he was our Alpha, his job was to take care of his pack, his city… and as King, his responsibilities were far more than that but if even for a second I thought I’d get any compassion from him, I was wrong.

“I understand, Alpha, and that brings me to my second question; is it true that another will take my place as future Beta?”

He leaned back on one hand, eating his sliced apple as he looked up at the sky.

“I need a Beta now, soon. I can’t wait for a wolf less pup to shift to take that position. I’m afraid, yes, I will be choosing another.” His eyes fell on me once more and I did my best to remain emotionless despite the pain in my chest. I bowed my head trying to force a polite smile. “I understand Alpha, will I be given at least some time to prove-”

“To prove what? You didn’t shift when Will was killed in the proximity you were in. I don’t think anything will trigger your shift.”

That stung. Guilt enveloped me and I knew it was my fault they died…

“I understand. Will I need to move from the castle?”

From my home? My parents’ home?

It hurt, so much more than I could express. He sighed heavily, picking up a pear and slicing it.

“Come sit down.”

I tried to remain passive as I sat down on the steps a few feet from him, sitting one step lower than he was. He didn’t speak as he sliced the pear and peeled the skin of another apple. “I know that place holds sentimental value for you, but they are the Beta quarters. When he takes the position, you are welcome to move to another room in the castle. You won’t be asked to leave the castle.” He pushed the fruit plate closer to me, but I had no appetite. I picked up a slice of apple out of respect and took a bite.

“Thank you for your explanation, Alpha.” I bowed my head and stood up.

I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself, I needed to prove I was good enough, not for the Beta position but for my father, I couldn’t let him down. “It’s nothing personal, Yileyna.” “Of course, thank you once again.” I turned, leaving the warmth of the courtyard, the sudden coolness of the halls felt far more chilling than they were.

Nothing personal, just the pack laws and rules. In this big world, I was just one more in the throngs of thousands…

The blanket of darkness had fallen over the city of Westerwell and from where I sat on the roof of the Goddess’ Citadel, it was the tallest building in the city. I stared down at the bustling streets, lit with lanterns, vendors were still running busy and late-night stalls were as full, as they were throughout the day. The Moon Goddess Festival was coming up soon too. I guess everyone was busy shopping for it. I hadn’t thought over what I’d wear, after all usually Mom had my clothes sorted.

Although the majority of the city was part of our pack, there were others who resided here; humans, mages, and fae. Being the middle city, the capital, we were the home to many, but along with that status and privilege, the risk was always heightened.

I ran my fingers through my hair as a sharp wind blew and I turned my attention towards the outer wall. The wall that had been destroyed two months ago had been resurrected and I knew it had been


There was still no news on what those rogues had wanted and how they retained that much sanity to think straight and plan something like that. Unless, of course, it’s as rumored – that there is a bigger force at play… I sighed, turning away. The way the streets were thriving below, one wouldn’t think we had lost so many… Charlene told me earlier that her training began tomorrow and how I had to be there. It was good for her to train harder; anything could happen… The night of the attack, she had managed to sneak away from that place I had left her, I knew it was so I didn’t get in trouble. If anyone knew that she had been there… that I had almost risked her life…

“I’m surprised you’re not down by The White Dove.” A deep seductive voice, that I recognised, came from behind me.

My heart skipped a beat, I hadn’t even heard him approach. My cheeks flushed at what he just said, and I raised an eyebrow. “How do you know I go down to the White Dove?” I retorted not even turning to look at him. What was he even doing here… After what happened at his place last night, I didn’t think being alone with him was ideal. “Isn’t it where you go often? Clearly getting a free show is the most excitement you will ever have in your life.”

I couldn’t resist turning and giving him a scathing glare. “Oh please, I could get a man if I wanted one.” I declared. Yesterday’s events returned to the forefront of my mind, and I felt my stomach churn with distaste. He cocked his eyebrow.

“I highly doubt that.” The mockery in his tone was grating on my nerves and I raised an eyebrow in return.

“And you knowing I go down to The White Dove must mean you’re a regular there?” A strong flare of jealousy reared within me, but I fuelled my irritation into the glare I was directing at him.

He didn’t reply, stepping forward and dropping to the ground, even a simple move like that from him made my heart jolt. He leaned back against the bar behind him, looking at me, a single strand of his hair fell across his forehead and a piece of straw was in his mouth.

Take me right now…

“I don’t need to go to a whore house to get a woman.” His reply came, bringing me out of my daze and making me pout at what I had been thinking. I glanced over at him, true, he didn’t need to go to an Omega… I’m sure any woman would happily want him, but then I’m sure he’d love the omega females too… curvy, dainty, yet stronger than humans so that they won’t break… Men and women alike loved Omegas…

I frowned as I glared ahead.

“And what did you come here for?”

“I come here often. It’s a coincidence that you’re here.” His cold reply came. Guilty… I found this place when Charlene and I were spying on Theon, although he slipped away later on, I had searched the area until I got to the top of this citadel. “Or maybe not.” He added, tilting his head as he looked at me. His sexy eyes making my heart skip a beat. Again. Goddess, I hated him. “It has a nice view.” He didn’t respond and we fell silent.

The passing breeze, the damp ground and the glittering lights of my home city somehow felt.. distant… like I was an outsider looking in. “Did you go through my pants to find my house key?” I asked suddenly. He raised an eyebrow. “The key was on the floor in the bathroom so I thought I’d drop it off, since you could barely walk. Pretty stupid for someone who was almost raped to fall asleep in an empty hallway.” Raped. From NôvelDrama.Org.

I shuddered at the thought.

“The guards make their rounds…” He gave me a pointed look and I trailed off. It was guards who had tried to rape me. “I didn’t think.” “You’re not a child anymore, and although you shouldn’t trust anything I say or do, trust me when I say that many men have their eyes on you.” My heart thundered as our eyes met, grey against amber. They say that our eyes are the doorway to our souls, yet just like him his eyes held mystery. One that even I could not break through…

“You’re contradicting your own words.” I remarked, standing up and trying not to wince at the pain in my body.

“I warned you, the rest is up to you.”

I tried not to focus on the way his voice sounded. Goddess what was my problem. “Because my father’s gone, so now I’m open game? Wow, how nice, I think you forget that I’m not even worthy of being Beta. There’s nothing beneficial for trying to claim me.” I remarked, staring out at the city before I turned away to leave.

I gasped when he grabbed my arm, spinning me around roughly and slamming me against rail he had been leaning against only moments earlier.

“This is not a joke. Grow up, Yileyna, and stop acting like a child.” He growled, making my heart thud, his hand wrapping around my throat as he flicked the piece of straw that was in his mouth to the ground.

“Excuse me?”

“This has nothing to do with you being a De’Lacor. It’s your physique that’s the talk of the fucking town. Keep acting the way you are, and you will get into more trouble than you’ll be able to handle.”

My heart was thundering with nerves, yet at the same time… the tingles of pleasure that coursed through me at his proximity and the way his hand was wrapped around my throat, sent a sharp jolt of desire to my core.

His chest was almost grazing mine, but it was the anger in those eyes that cleared my mind.

“I’m not acting like anything.”

“Reckless and stupid”

A flash of hurt rippled through me, and I frowned.

Was I stupid?

“You don’t know anything about me, Theon, so just leave me be.” I shot back coldly, trying to yank his hand from my throat, but he only tightened his hold.

“Then use that feisty attitude of yours to get free, since you’re strong enough to handle yourself.” His husky reply came, the challenging glint in his eyes only making me glare at him. I clenched my jaw, ready to bring my leg up and hit him where the sun didn’t shine, but it was as if he knew what I was thinking, he forced my legs apart, placing his knee between my thighs, trapping my left leg between both of his.

My chest heaved as I struggled to pull free, trying not to focus on how his body felt against mine.

“Theon, just because you saved me once does not mean you have the right to call me stupid or reckless.” I hissed.

He needed to let me go before my arousal perfumed the air and he found out how turned on I was getting “I’m stating facts, next time, I might just stand by and watch. Seems like you don’t really care what happens anyway.”

“Why the hell are you getting so worked up?!” I shouted in anger. He let go of me roughly and I fell to my knees, his jaw clenched as he looked down at me.

“Pathetic.” He walked away, leaving me alone on the roof. I stared at the ground in front of me. Stupid, pathetic, reckless, useless. The list sure was growing. I massaged my throat, knowing his hold would leave a bruise. I had to remember I wasn’t the daughter of a beta anymore, I was just Yileyna, and I needed to grow up. Maybe he was right… maybe I was immature…

I stood up and climbed down, deciding I needed to return home. Maybe it was time I began to look for another place to stay. I wouldn’t take pity and remain at the castle. I’ll leave before I was told to.

Theon was right, I needed to grow up.

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