Mr. President’s

Mr. President’s 49

Chapter 49

Mercedes could feel her heart still. It wasn’t in the plan for Nathan to pick her at the hangar. He wasn’t even supposed to be here. She was supposed to have a good time with her mom and brother. Was he breaking up with her? Was that why he sent her away?” If so then why would he entrust her with high company responsibility? It didn’t make sense and also didn’t add up.

“I can take anything Nat, just spit it,” she said in earnestness.

Nathan didn’t know where to start from but it had to be from somewhere. “You have to know that the doctors did all they could to save him.” Instantly, Mercedes‘ mind travelled to her brother. But he said he was fine the last time they spoke a few days ago. What could have gone wrong?

“Oliver?” Her heart pleaded against it.

No, your dad.” Relief washed over Mercedes just as the understanding sank in.

“What?….No! He can’t be dead. No!” All this while, she had remained strong, taking up the responsibility of fending for the family on behalf of her father, hoping that one day, they would be one big happy family again. This was so unexpected and she hoped that Nathan was merely joking.

“Merce, I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to tell you about the trip because you were alone. I wanted to be the one to break the news to you and also wanted to be here to comfort you, because I know how much you love him,” Nathan’s voice was sorrowful. He wasn’t old enough when he lost his mum but he always felt her absence. It was difficult but what choice did he have?

“You don’t understand. Who is going to walk me down the aisle? I knew his condition was bad but I was hoping for a miracle. That at least he would walk me down the aisle even if it was in a wheelchair,” Mercedes was speaking more to herself than to Nathan. She hadn’t shed a tear yet because she still hadn’t accepted it. She wished that Nathan was joking but it wasn’t in his nature to do so.

“Sometimes life doesn’t give us what we want. I’m so sorry. I wish there was something I could do,” Nathan said, pulling her dazed form into a hug. Silent tears began soaking his white shirt, followed by sniffs. It had finally sunk in. Her father was no more and she wasn’t going to see him again. He rubbed her back comfortingly.

“Oliver is taking it quite well but your mom, you need to be strong for her.” Nathan thought it wise to prep her. Her mum was reserved but Mercedes was more like her dad. She was tougher than any female. She had to be strong, at least for her mum who had spent her life by his bedside all these years with the hope that he would be out of coma. Mercedes realized something. It was a weekday and Nathan was with her. Didn’t he go to work?

“Wait, when did it happen?” She asked curiously, pulling away and wiping a tear.

“Three days ago,” Nathan divulged.

“You’ve seen my mom and Oliver already?” Nathan frowned in confusion but nodded in confirmation. It hadn’t clicked what Mercedes was driving at. “How long have you been here?

“Three days. I came as soon as Oliver informed me. I told him not to call you. Griffin and Angie will be here tomorrow. Griffin is new in his job so it won’t be right for him to begin excusing himself from work. But everything is taken care of and the burial will be tomorrow,” Nathan explained. Nathan had already taken care of everything. A dry thank you broke out from her.

Throughout the drive home, she was a crying mess and it got worse when they arrived. Oliver was stronger and comforted his mother, while Nathan comforted Mercedes. It was good to hope but not every hope materialized. It was a very unfortunate situation. Death was inevitable in this life and it never gave anyone a warning letter.

Griffin and Angie made it for the burial and left on Monday dawn. Nathan arranged for his pilot to fly them back. Since he had handed over affairs of Legend incorporated, he wasn’t eager to return. Time had its way of healing the heart from every loss and sorrow was never meant to be paramount.

Some days are bright, others are dark. Mercedes and her family must have gone through the dark times of their life but the light had also shone. She and her family were able to put the loss behind them but it couldn’t have been easier without Nathan’s help. His presence made a great difference. They lost a father but they had a great man who was an in–law but also doubled as their father. Mercedes was certain that her father will always remain in her heart. They ended up spending a week in California and when it was time to leave, Oliver was determined to leave with them.

“Who would take care of mum if you leave? She can’t stay alone,” Mercedes was concerned. She could take Oliver along but was worried about her mother.

“Take us both, I will live with Nathan, and you with mum,” Oliver brought forward a suggestion. Nathan had already promised that he could come to spend the holidays but he wanted to live permanently with him. Mercedes couldn’t understand why Oliver was bent on being around Nathan but she also didn’t want to inconvenience him therefore, she wasn’t going to allow it. It was better they lived with her. Her mum could share her room while Oliver uses the third bedroom.

“Fine, you are both coming with me,” she announced after a careful thought but Oliver’s response was unexpected.


3:17 PM

Chapter 49

“No, I want to live with Nathan,” he was momentous, which meant that his demand was unnegotiable. Mercedes had to find a way to talk him out of

  1. it.

“Why don’t we all live together then?” Nathan said before she could bring her objection forward. His penthouse had a three–bedroom, which couldn’t house everyone since Sarah had already occupied one room. Well, Nathan, like the eagle, would always find a solution but Mercedes wasn’t thrilled with his suggestion. She couldn’t allow her family to bug him like that. Nathan has always been one who kept to himself.

“That will not happen,she objected to Oliver’s dismay but Nathan had his reason.

Merce, you want to have five children. Do you intend to stop working? I won’t take care of you all my life,” he seriously said but there was amusement in his tone and she knew he was joking.

“What are you implying?She asked him.

“Your mum will be of great help together with the nannies we will employ. Her grandchildren will take her mind away from the loss. Mind you, I can’t trust strangers in my house but with your mum, we shall have our peace of mind whenever our children are with her when we are working hard to put food on the table. I also didn’t tell you I got kicked out of Legend incorporated because of you so we shall be travelling back and forth to NL Towers,” he casually said.

Mercedes was fluttered, her face beet red. She understood what had happened. Nathan gave up the company because of their relationship. How romantic? She also knew the progress of NL Towers. It was worth billions so even without working for Legend incorporated, they were still billionaires but her mum hadn’t spoken.

“Unless my mum agrees.” Every eye glued to her mum. She was sitting quietly on the sofa as if her world had come to an end. She missed her husband, no doubt.

“Gerald is no more. I have no business here. Can you sell this house, Nathan?” She asked in a tearful voice with tear–filled eyes. Nathan loved houses and he wasn’t broke to begin selling any. In real terms, he would rather purchase more.

“Don’t worry. We shall keep it as a vacation home.”

That night while everyone slept, Nathan made the necessary arrangements to move with the family. He was busy chatting with Sarah when Mercedes caressed his back. He tried to hide the phone but Mercedes had already seen the name and was somewhat suspicious. Another woman in Nathan’s life except for Jane, she had unexpected mixed feelings.

“Who is Sarah?”

Nathan ended the chat without as much as a goodbye to Sarah. He wanted to introduce her as a surprise to Mercedes. “I will tell you all about her when we return.”

“Tell me now,” Mercedes tried to snatch the phone from his hand when he passed it to the other, pinning her on the bed in the process. Mercedes’s heart began to thump so hard. They hadn’t been intimate since she travelled and because she was in mourning, Nathan had spared her but now, she could sense he won’t be so generous.

“You still owe me two rounds, remember?” He pressed his lips against her hair and said in a deep velvety voice. The seductive one that always turned on her feminine pipe, letting out her juices like the rush of running water. No matter how casual Nathan was to her, he always gave her the shivers when he got so close and it also wasn’t surprising when her body began to react instantly. She was always melting in his arms but this mysterious Sarah had got her thinking.

“No I don’t,” she giggled, trying to free herself from Nathan’s hold on her but he was stronger.

“Yes, you do.” Nathan held both of her hands in one hand above her head, trailing soft kisses on her forehead to her cheek when he suddenly stopped. “Merce, can I ask you a question?”

Mercedes was already dripping wet and she hated it when he stopped halfway. “Anything,” she hurriedly said.

Nathan’s lips moved to her ears, as he asked softly, “you told me before that you loved someone. A one–sided love. Is it Griffin?”

Mercedes was uncomfortable with the question but she couldn’t lie to Nathan. “Yes.”

Nathan froze. He was okay with Nathan being in love with her but if Mercedes loved him too, then that spelt a problem. She was still pinned under him. The next question left his mouth. “You still love him?”

“Yes,” her response was prompt. Nathan’s heart tightened, gradually relaxing when she continued to explain, “but, it isn’t in a romantic way. I love him as I love Angie and I love you as….well….how do I say it?” How could Nathan be asking her all this when his masculine got body was pressing her


Nathan chuckled, “thanks for telling me.” He buried his head in the crook of her neck, nibbling on her shoulders. Mercedes didn’t want him to stop halfway anymore so she asked,


3:17 PM

Chapter 49

“Is there anything else?

He smiled mischievously. “Your debt, remember?

Mercedes smiled and tried to lift herself Just a minute.”

Nathan’s grip tightened. “No way, you won’t escape.”

“I just want to get my pills,she reminded him. Instantly, he turned bleak.


“But,” Mercedes was about to argue. The five children were for the future and he hadn’t ended things with Jane for as long as she knew.

No buts Merce, you still do not want to carry a bastard in your womb?” He sounded pained but Mercedes couldn’t take the blame.

You were the one who didn’t want kids.

“And you said you wanted five,” he began to undress her as he spoke. “That’s a lot. I think we should start trying, you know?”

Mercedes was about to speak when her words were swallowed by Nathan’s moist lips. His tongue begged for access into her warm mouth, which she willingly gave, allowing him dominance. He gently flickered her nipple with his tongue, while his left hand flickered the other, with his right hand finding its way in between her thighs. She moaned in excited agony. His finger slowly thrust in and out of her wet pussy, as her body begged him to

take her.

Her hands caressed his hairy chest, her voice breathy, “take me please.” Nathan accepted her plea, thrusting gently into her wet walls. He was gentle, overly gentle but Mercedes liked it. He slowly erupted her pleasure cells, making her beg for more of him. By the time they realized, they had gone three rounds and still wanted more of each other.


No matter how Nathan wanted to keep mute over the fraudulent activities of Luke, he was always unsettled about it. After Lanre put a call through to alert him about Luke’s wife’s whereabouts, his revengeful gears soared. He couldn’t understand Lanre’s interest in this case but he liked the information he received. As soon as the jet landed at the hanger, he drove Mercedes, her mother and Oliver to his Penthouse temporarily.

“I will be back in two hours. I need to take care of something,” he said to Mercedes, pecking her on the cheek. She trusted him so she didn’t ask why. She helped the excited Oliver and her sorrowful mother settle in.

Nathan drove to the location Lanre gave him. It was a hotel Lanre had booked for Luke’s wife after finding out a few things. Nathan knocked on the door and Clarisse, Luke’s wife, was startled to see him. She didn’t believe that Nathan would come as Lanre had said. She knew about how things went sour previously between Nathan and Luke and Knew the former hated the latter, including her.

“You came indeed,” she said, surprised. Luke had great taste in women, just as the Legends. Clarisse was a very attractive woman. Even in her dismal state, with no makeup, she was beautiful. She wore a long polka dot dress that clung to her perfectly. Her curly blonde hair was slightly messy, giving her a seductive glare but had no evil intention.

“Yes,” Nathan maintained a distance as he spoke. It was an average hotel room and not over the top.

“Wine, water?” She asked carefully. She didn’t know what he liked.

“I don’t have much time. Perhaps, another time.” Nathan was uncomfortable around her. Perhaps he felt comfortable around Mercedes‘ family because of his love for her but it didn’t mean he had changed in that aspect. He tried his best to not show his discomfort. He remained standing by the door throughout the discussion so naturally, Clarisse stood quite a distance away from him.

“Why should I trust you?” She asked him. If she was going to give the information that would nail her soon to be ex–husband, she needed some form of assurance.

“Because your husband or ex–husband is going to cause more damage if we let things be. He won’t change. Give me the proof I need and I will ensure your safety and comfort,” he said directly. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Don’t worry about my safety and comfort. Lanre already took care of everything.”

“How?” Lanre hadn’t told Nathan that he finalized his divorce with his wife and intended to marry Clarisse. Nathan has been busy but so has Lanre.

Clarrise lifted the mattress and pulled out–some documents in a white envelope, handing it over to him. “It’s not for me to tell you but this is everything you need about Luke. We were running the company together when he kicked me out because of things he didn’t want me to know, They are all in there.”

Nathan was grateful for her trust in him. She made it very easy for him as well. “You won’t regret it,” he assured her after taking the document but Clarrissa had a request.


Chapter 49

Just promise me one thing.

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