Mr CEO’s Little Bride


Chapter 42


Ruby’s Pov;

We ate silently, with only the sound from our cutleries being heard.

I was surprised when Nathan came back from work on time.

It got me thinking if he was purposely coming late all those times we were at the mansion.

I was glad when I got back to school and when to the kitchen to find it as I had left it.

It seems Stacy got the message. She didn’t touch anything. The food I prepared was still there when I got back and hers was there also.

” Get ready. We are going to the Mansion for the weekend” Nathan said amidst mouthfuls.

I have never seen this side of him. He looked so carefree, normal and easygoing.

Someone might mistake us for the perfect couple.

I simply nodded, not wanting to ask the reason for it.

Maybe he’s decided to go back.


Author’s Pov;

Mr Martins walked into his son’s office and started staring round.

” Can you please cut to the chase. Stop staring at my office like this is the first time you’ve been in it” Nathan snapped at him.

” But this is the first time” Mr Martins replied jokingly.

” Your presence is making me feel uncomfortable” Nathan said with an eyeroll.

Mr Martins sat down on the chair across from him.

He let a while of silence passed by before breaking it.

” When are you coming back son?” he asked with a sullen face and subtle tone.

Nathan scoffed.

” Do you think I was bluffing when I told you I’m no longer stepping foot in that house again?” Nathan rasped.

” Your mot… Tracy” he corrected.

” She’s sorry, and she personally wants to apologize to you. Ella misses you too” he said, trying to appeal to Nathan who was as hard as steel.

” If that’s what you came here to say, then leave, I have things to do” Nathan said coldly, his gaze fixed on the files he was working on.

” Well, that leaves me with no choice” Mr Martins said and that made Nathan look up from the file.

He furrowed his brows narrowly at his father.

” The business trip you’re gonna be attendings in Thailand next month”

” What about it?” Nathan groaned.

” Come over for the weekend, and we’ll talk about it, and by the way, don’t you think it’s rude to keep my daughter in law away from me.. I was just getting to know her” Mr Martins said with a light chuckle and walked out of the office.

Nathan stared after him in disbelief.

He sure does have a way of pissing him off. That’s like his greatest talent.. No one does it better than him


I stared at my reflection in the mirror once more.

There was no way to tell if I was now slimmer, still the way I was or fatter.

Gosh!! Why am I even thinking about these things. Why am I bothering myself over things like this?.

Satisfied with my look, I picked up my purse and walked out.

I got to the sitting room to find Nathan sitting on the couch.

He wasn’t with anything also. Well, it’s just few days and I have my things there also.

He got up and started walking out as soon as he saw me, and I went after him.



” Oh, dear! It’s been a while. How have you been?” Tracy cooed, pulling me into a warm embrace.

Ella just stood there with her arms crossed above her chest, while Nathan walked in with his Dad.

I guess she – Ella, was still angry at all that happened.

Tracy intertwined her hands with mine and we walked in together, with Ella behind us, her face all squeezed up.

Nathan has completely ignored her.

” You guys are just on time. Dinner is served” Tracy said, rushing to the dinning side.

” Oh, you didn’t have to” I blickered.

We already had dinner before coming. Nathan insisted I make him something as soon as I came back from school.

I still don’t know what he thinks of my cooking. He always eats silently and had never pass out a compliment.

” But I have already” Tracy replied.

” We had dinner already” Nathan butted in, and started taking the stairs.

” Aren’t you eating?” Mr Martins yelled after him.

He paused on the stairs and then turned slowly.

” Didn’t you hear what I just said?” he asked and was on his way immediately.

The atmosphere turned cold for a minute, but it was quickly restored with Tracy’s melodious voice and cheerful attitude.

She did her best to get me to eat with them and it worked.

She’s very nice. I don’t really know what she’s like, but from the little I’ve seen, I think she’s okay.

The meal was a quick one, all thanks to the family being great fans of table etiquette.

I went to my room when we were done.

Oh, my!! I looked round it. I wasn’t even used to the room yet and now I was in another.

Is this how my life is gonna be?.

Phew!! It’s so exhausting.

I fell on the bed immediately, so tired and weak.

Not that I’ve really done anything in the past few days.


Louis sat across his manager and some directors of the record label he has signed with.

He didn’t know what it’s about, but it sure looks serious.

He had thought he was just there to record the song he has been writing for sometime now.

All that was going on was still confusing to him and he didn’t have time for that.

” So you’re saying I can’t record now, till whatever has been finalized?” he asked one of the producers there.

” Yes, the…” he didn’t let the man finish his statement and just got up, then stormed out of the room.

His manager, Mr Frank, quickly ran after him.

” Louis!” he yelled as he struggled to catch up with the teenager who had gone mad with rage.

” What the fuck?!!!” Louis faced him and yelled.

” I can’t believe this. I can’t believe they would treat me like this. Not after I’ve rejected so many other offers and choose to stay here” he screamed, tears etching at the corners of his eyes.Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

” I understand. I know how you feel, but you have to understand them. This is how record labels works. You’re not the only artist they have, so I would advice you to be patient”

” What? Patient?” he grunted and Frank nodded.

” Do you think I have any space for patience in my life right now. I don’t. I seriously don’t. I can’t deal with this shit” Louis ranted and stormed out, leaving his manager down the hill.

He was furious and nothing could calm him down

How dare they try to tame him? How dare they do that to him?.

That wasn’t the only record deal he had gotten, but his manager had told him to accept that because it seemed to be the best out of all the options.

The fact that he had signed the contract with them doesn’t give them the right to treat him that way?.

He wont be enslaved to anyone, most especially, not to a record label.

” Hello, son” lady Dora said happily to her son as he walked in, but was met with a cold shoulder which made her expression fall down immediately.

” What’s wrong with him?” she asked herself, dropped her bowls of cereals and went up the stairs.

She got to his door and hesitated for few seconds before finally letting herself in.

She looked round but he was no where to be seen, and then, she started hearing the sound of running water.

” Baby, baby are you in there?” she asked affectionately, but doubted that the sound would make him hear her, and even if it would, he still won’t answer.

” Are you okay?” she asked again.

She was really worried. He looked so upset. She knows he hardly gets angry, except it’s at her.

She got tired of knocking and asking and finally left the room, heading to the kitchen.

” I want you to prepare some soup… for cold” she told the maid she saw in the kitchen.

She left and walked to her room, wondering what the problem could be.

Meanwhile, Louis wouldn’t stop sulking.

To him, his existence was a joke, but he never expected anyone to treat him as such.

He was gonna stay under the shower for as long as he deem fit.

Yeah!! That was his plan.



” Look at you all drain up. What are you? A kitten?” Andorra lashed out at him.

He ignored and carefully eat the soup, as she dried his hair with a towel.

He had stopped her before but she wouldn’t bulge, so knowing how she is, he decided to just let her be.

” So… did you go see him like I asked you to?” she suddenly brought up, making Louis halt.

The spoon dropped slowly from his hand into the plate, but that still didn’t stop her.

” Who?!!!” he asked slowly, with a teary voice, although he already knew who she was referring to.

” Your father” she said.

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