Mated to the Alpha Twins

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Aurora’s P.o.v I wiped the napkin across my damp forehead, grimacing at the ridiculous amount of flour I had managed to get on my clothes. The uniform looked much like the inside of the bakery; pink and white. Even Jake had to wear one, sporting a pink and white apron as though it were the next fashion statement. Of all the things Jake complained about, the uniform wasn’t one of them.

A white shirt with the words ‘Beth’s Bakery’ stitched into it with golden thread, followed by a pair of jeans and a pink and white apron. As I walked small puffs of flour filled the air, originating from my messy uniform. Within the first three hours I was coated in a thin layer of sweat. The hot ovens and constant running about did nothing to help. Despite the sweat, I was having the time of my life.

I didn’t have to trudge home to Melissa and Frank, nor did I have to endure the presence of Garrett. For those few hours I worked, I had almost forgotten what I was–a werewolf. My limbs cried out with exhaustion as I shadowed Beth from station to station. Chocolate eclairs, bear claws, extravagant cupcakes, and cannoli sat on silver prep trays. Beth had taught me the basics, and somehow, I managed to retain the information. She showed me how to make the dough for most pastries, how to make custards, creams, and chocolate ganache. I was sure after one day the scent of pastries would cling to me like an aromatic perfume, but I had no complaints. Jake manned the register, a task he refused to give up. While most of the day was quite hectic with heavy flows of customers filing in and out, I had fun the entire time. Jake seemed to enjoy watching every mistake I made, laughing with gusto each time. His laughter managed to coax a couple smiles from a stressed-out Beth. For once, I was thankful for my werewolf genes. It seemed there weren’t any clumsy werewolves walking around as the enhanced reflexes made it near impossible to be clumsy.

It was amusing how often Beth and Jake would bicker. If they weren’t siblings, and nearly identical in every way, I would have assumed they were a couple. By closing time, my heart was a jackhammer in my chest. Beth told me she would let me know if I had the job come closing time. Despite my mistakes, I thought I did a decent job for someone who had never baked a day in their life. “Amber?” My head snapped up; my attention sucked from my task. I had been wiping down the tables and booths when Beth started speaking. I hadn’t recognized she was talking to me, but quickly remembered what name I had given her. “Yeah, Beth?” My eyes snapped up to meet her own. Somehow Beth managed to look gorgeous even covered in flour and dried bits of dough. Her sandy- blonde hair held a hint of gold, sun kissed by the bright Missouri rays. Her eyes resembled the color of a midwinter sky, light and bemused as they fell on my startled face. Jake was nearly identical to Beth in the looks department. They both looked as though they belonged on a runway in Hollywood, not in a small bakery in Missouri. “So–about that position.” Beth breathed; her simple gaze locked on my face.

Her words prompted me to stop what I was doing. Anxiety knotted itself in my gut as I clenched the d***y rag between my palms. “You did good today.” Beth nodded, her seafoam eyes conveying true approval. “But I expect better tomorrow.” “Tomorrow?” My eyes widened, my jaw going slack as I registered the amusement in her words. “Don’t be late either.” Beth shook her head, casting Jake a sideways glare. “It’s bad enough one of us can never come on time.” “You know I’m not a morning person. We could’ve just opened a nightclub; I’d come to work early every day. This astonishingly boring town could use a little night-time excitement.” Jake shouted, his attention on the money in the register. Beth scoffed and left Jake to count the till, stacking the chairs on top of

the pink tables. I shuddered against the cool breeze as Beth locked the bakery doors behind us. The streets were empty apart from the occasional drifter wandering down the wide sidewalks. This entire town had such a different feel when the sun went down. During the day it was bright and flavorful, the aromas of different foods wafting in every direction. At night the town was vacant, houses darkened, front porch lights flickered off. “Need a ride, Amber?” Beth asked, her eyes bemused yet thoughtful. I pulled my jacket tighter around my torso, giving a half-hearted shrug. “Not really, the motel is on the corner.” “Oh–well, goodnight Amber!” Beth called out, her voice gentle as it was lifted and carried by the wind. I gave her a kind smile and began walking to the motel. “Hey, Amber!” Beth called out, and I turned in response. “Why don’t you stay the night at my place?” While I was elated that she asked me to spend the night, the kindness had caught me off guard. I wasn’t used to people going out of their way to help me. Why would she want me to stay the night? We weren’t friends, and I wasn’t sure we would ever be. From looks alone, Beth was the type of girl to have a large friend group. From her athletic and toned body to her golden hair and blue eyes, Beth had never been an outcast before. “Are–are you sure?” I asked, nearly flinching at how tired my voice had sounded. It wasn’t a physical sense of exhaustion, but a mental one. “Well duh.” Beth chuckled; her eyes eager yet sleepy. “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want you to!” Jake gave the two of us a sluggish wave and got into his car. Beth was nice enough to stop by the motel so I could grab a couple things. I after one night without toiletries, I had given in and spent the thirty dollars to get what I needed. Beth’s face contorted in distain as she looked at my crappy motel room. Torn c******s with a hideous seventies pattern, followed by the stained carpet that had a couple bald patches, and that summed up my extravagant quarters. “This is where you’re staying?” Beth grimaced her eyes trailing over the lumpy mattress I had been

sleeping on. Blood rushed to my face, followed by the swift entrance of embarrassment. The comforter I had been covering up with was littered with holes and a red stain that looked suspiciously like blood. “It’s forty bucks a night.” I shrugged, turning my face so she couldn’t see the embarrassment burning in my eyes. I gathered some of my toiletries and something to wear the next day. Within three minutes I was finished and looked at Beth questioningly. Her seafoam eyes were uncertain yet thoughtful as she looked around the room. With a long sigh, her eyes hardened. “Grab the rest of your stuff.” Beth huffed; her lips pursed as she glared at the poor state of my motel room. “What?” My mind went blank, and for a second I thought she was playing some cruel practical joke. “Grab your stuff, you’re not staying in this shithole.” Beth let out another sigh, one that made me feel guilty. “You don’t have let me stay with you.” I shook my head. The last thing I wanted was to be a burden, I had been that enough in my short lifetime. “I’m just grateful I got the job. Seriously, don’t worry about it.” Beth didn’t reply, and instead the room collapsed into silence. After a few moments I shifted uncomfortably, my eyes anywhere other than Beth. “What’s your real name?” Before I could compose myself, shock bled through my features. Beth’s lips turned up in a sardonic smile. She knew she had me caught. “Aurora.” “Aurora?” Beth scoffed, shaking out her sand-colored hair. “Strange name, but I believe you.” “Thanks, I think.” I murmured, unable to do much else. I could feel the little safe haven I discovered collapse around me. Why would Beth want to hire someone who lied? I couldn’t even tell her my name, let alone the reason for me being here. What kind

of person would want an employee like that? Who would want a friend like that? “Why’d you lie?” Beth’s features were a mask of indifference, but she couldn’t hide the curiosity burning in her eyes. “It’s a long story.” I gulped, the motel room feeling much too crowded at the moment. “I’d like to hear it sometime.” Beth nodded; her eyes surpassingly calm. “Are you coming or not?” “I’ll stay here.” I shook my head, my stomach heavy as though it were weighed down with lead. “I don’t want to be a burden.” “I won’t offer again, so if you need a place to stay, I’d suggest you let me know.” Beth frowned, her eyes distastefully roaming the motel room. Burden…. The word echoed in my mind, bouncing around my head as though it were made of elastic. That’s what I was, wasn’t I? I was a burden to Melissa, to Frank, to Grace. I was even a burden to Garrett; one he had abandoned for over ten years. “Thank you–for the offer.” I nodded, forcing a kind smile to my face. “I won’t be late tomorrow.” “I’ll see you then.” Beth grunted, heading for the door. Just as she crossed the threshold, she called out over her shoulder. “By the way, the next time someone asks for your name, don’t spend the next minute thinking it over.” “Wait–if you knew, why’d you hire me?” I sputtered, looking on at the sporty blonde girl before me. “Jake can’t bake for s**t and–well, I really needed the help.” Beth shrugged, “See you tomorrow.”Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

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