Mated to the Alpha Twins

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

“Are you sure?” I gasped as my back hit the cool tile of the shower wall. It jolted up my spine and through my shoulders as the cold moisture met my skin. I wrapped my legs around Alec’s waist, using him to keep my face level with his own. He had been devouring my lips for minutes now, leaving me flushed and shimmering with a thin sheen of sweat. Once the pine smelling soap had carried every last ounce of dirt and grime down the drain, his hands wasted no time lifting me up to pin me against the wall. I could do nothing but whimper as his fingers trailed up my chest and towards my throat.

“You’re the one who was concerned about what I’d say in the morning.” Alec chuckled lowly, lightly pressing his fingers into the sides of my jaw. His lips traveled down the length of my neck. Little huffs of his breath caressed my skin, but it wasn’t what I wanted. He refused to place his lips against me, to scrape his teeth against the smoothness of my flesh. Only when his lips reached the mark that sat on my shoulder, did he finally sink his teeth into me.

Stars danced behind my eyes as every muscle in my body went taut. It was his strong arms and the shower wall that kept me from falling over. Violent waves of pleasure pulsed down my neck, swirling around my n*****s before delving even lower. I was already at my limit when I felt the rough pad of Alec’s fingers graze my c**t. The swollen flesh reacted instantly to his touch, making me shake around him. With his teeth and tongue still playing with our mark, he spread my legs further with his hips and slid his fingers along my damp slit. As two of his fingers entered me, I wasn’t prepared for the desperation behind his movements, the carnal need to see and feel everything we both had been missing. “Do you know what it’s like to be separated from the one you love, only to wake up nearly a week later?” He murmured against my shoulder, thrusting his fingers inside of me. He curled them as he drew back, making my jaw fall slack. I couldn’t force myself to answer other than the slew of sounds that left my lips, but he didn’t seem to care. “To hear from everyone else what happened, to know that I

should’ve been there–there isn’t much worse than that.” I was shaking and riding his fingers within seconds, trembling against the hardness of his chest as my o****m rocked through me. “Rest assured, it’s never going to happen again.” He snarled, breathing heavily against my shoulder. There was a finality to his words that sent excitement skittering up my spine and down my limbs. Alec was the more playful of the two, and to see him so worked up and desperate–it only reignited the fire that burned low in my stomach. As the stars faded from my eyes, I set my gaze on his. I wasn’t sure how much he knew, how much Kade had managed to tell him. Did he know that I was now a soul-eater, or that I had k****d Desmond Deville? “It won’t happen again.” I agreed, flushing when his eyes flickered down to the rise and fall of my chest. A sort of possessiveness washed through me, carrying heat and need so strong that it physically hurt. I remained quiet for a few moments, catching my breath so he could hear the strength of my words. “I don’t know what Kade has told you, but my powers are different now. I’m a soul-eater, and I’ve used that skill more than once. I don’t know if that makes me a monster, but I’ve only done it to protect myself or the people I care about. If Marcus tries to take either one of you, I won’t hesitate to use it again.” “We’re all monsters in some way, doll. Even the humans.” He said softly, tracing his thumb down my jaw. “Our world just as brutal and cruel as theirs, only in a different way. You weren’t given powers to suppress them.” There was no contempt in his eyes, no flicker of anything other than pure acceptance. It made my chest flutter, and renewed warmth grow between my legs. Alec tracked the change with darkened eyes, and pressed me tighter against the wall. “I’m not going to be gentle this first time.” He murmured softly, brushing the wet strands of hair from my forehead. My core throbbed painfully when I felt the swollen head of him brush against my inner t***h. The groan that rippled through him from a simple touch send my brain into a euphoric haze. Good, I wanted to

say. The desperate sense of urgency that pulsed through me mimicked the feel of adrenaline. I needed him in his entirety, his hands and lips painting the canvas of my body. I was sure I’d go insane if he took his time with me, drawing out the torture until I could take no more. The look in my eyes was confirmation enough, and he took my lips with a ferocity that made me gasp. He set me down on my two feet before nudging me closer to the glass wall of the shower. “Put your hands on the glass, and don’t move them.” His voice was low and raspy by my ear. His hands felt like hot coals as they guided me forward. The pleasurable bite of cold lashed at my n*****s when he pushed me against the dewy glass. After spreading my legs with a nudge of his foot, he positioned himself behind me. I could feel the heat of him at my back, and every second I waited only increased the building moisture between my legs. A yelp left my lips when I felt the head of him rub against my c**t. Electric danced through me, making me shake from how sensitive I currently was down there. As he pressed himself against my opening, a few inches slid inside from how wet I was. There was always a flicker of pain whenever one of the twin’s entered me, stretching me to accommodate for their thick lengths. My hips bucked, and I pushed my bottom against him. “F**k, just the feel of you is going to make me come.” He hissed, digging his fingers into my hips until I stilled. I could feel half of his length pulsing inside of me, reacting to the tightness that had it in a vice grip. He stilled for a few agonizing seconds, before shoving the rest of his thick length in one rough thrust. My n*****s flattened against the glass of the shower, and a sound foreign to my own ears left my mouth. One of Alec’s hands fell against the glass, while the other reached forward and grazed the sensitive folds of my p***y. Pain and pleasure melted into one another, tearing the light and color from my eyes.

“All f*****g mine…” He panted in between thrusts, running his slick fingers over my c**t until my legs shook. My mind had been such a haze that I hadn’t thought of peering through the glass that was only inches away from my face. The water in the shower had begun to cool down, making the condensation run in

thick streams. My eyes widened and a jolt of surprise raced through me when I met a pair of dark eyes. Kade was leaning against the sink, very much watching what was happening between his brother and I. My legs were spread wide, and Alec’s hand was all too easy to spot as he continued stroking me to climax. I hadn’t a clue how I didn’t feel the weight and heat of his eyes on my skin, or how I hadn’t noticed his naked form standing there. My eyes were drawn even lower as I saw his hand move to grasp his length. Navy veins bulged from his shaft, ending at a swollen head. I cursed and whimpered as Alec continued thrusting into me, stretching me with every grunt; all while I watched his brother. “You like it when my brother watches, don’t you?” Alec snarled in my ear, pressing even harder against my c**t. “Yes–I f*****g love it.” I gasped, spurred on by the filthy words that came from his mouth, ones laced in so much need it made me feel drugged and delirious. Precum glistened on the head of Kade’s c**k as he quickened his pace to match Alec’s. I watched the way Kade’s hips pumped, his thick shaft sliding against his hand, when Alec delivered the final incinerating blow that sent me spiraling. “Oh f**k, that’s it.” Alec groaned against my shoulder, the sound gravely and dazed. His thrusts grew rough and his words incoherent as he grew stiff inside of me. My core pulsed and throbbed, milking him for everything he had. I wouldn’t be satisfied until I felt him dripping down my thighs. “You take my c**k so well, doll.” I was first to topple over the edge, followed by Alec and then Kade. I remained where I was for a few moments, feeling the moisture leak from between my legs. When I was sure I could move without falling over, I went to turn the water heat back up. Kade hopped in the shower with us, which means I had to smack two sets of wandering hands away as I rinsed the shampoo from my hair. Once I felt like I had scrubbed the grime of the High Table from beneath my skin, I wrapped myself in the softest towel to ever exist. “We should upgrade our safe houses.” Kade pointed out as both he and Alec emerged from the

shower. “I had no clue you guys had safe houses.” I shook my head, “There’s so much I still don’t know about my own pack.” Alec stepped forward and gave me one of his lopsided grin’s. The sight made relief blossom in my chest, proof that he was still himself after what he had been through. “No one blames you for not knowing much.” He reassured me, tugging at the towel I had around my torso. His grin only widened when I relented and let the warm piece of fabric fall to the ground. “The High Table has been gunning for you since the very beginning. Once all of this is over, you’ll have the time to learn everything you want to know.” I was silenced by his lips before I could say anything further. My train of thought was derailed completely when we broke apart, and my two mates lead me to our inviting bed. I was woken to the sound of shouting, two heated voices clashing against one another. It took me a few minutes to register where I was, and who I was with. Both the twin’s masculine scents lulled me back into that blissful line between sleep and consciousness. When the faces of Tori and Zayne flashed in my mind, I jolted up from the bed, the haze permanently broken. Kade reacted first to my movements, sitting up as his eyes scanned the room. Alec was just a few seconds later. “I’m not sure if she’s brave or a fool for going back for him.” Kade sighed, his voice still deliciously rough from the early morning hours. He ran a hand down his face and glanced towards the windows, staring at the sliver of sunlight that peeked through. “We’re going to have to keep them from k*****g each other. Something tells me we’re all running on just a few hours of sleep.” Thankfully, the closets were fully stocked with clothes. It was a hit or miss to see what fit best, but after a few tries I found something that covered the important parts. With every movement the muscles in my legs ached, along with the welt on my bottom, which may or may not be in the shape of Kade’s hand. We came downstairs just in time to see a red-faced Tori emerge from the kitchen. Ava was perched on the couch, looking much like a cat would as its eyes drifted lazily at the chaos unfolding. She held a bag of chips in her hand, shoving one into her mouth as she watched Tori. The distinct scent of barbeque chips permeated the air, along with the acidic taste of Tori’s rage.

Zayne, unbothered as ever, was seated at the end of the sectional. A crystal glass of what I suspected was alcohol, sat on the table beside him. After a whiff in his direction, I could easily tell he had been drinking. “Day drinking already?” Kade asked, his voice flat. “I spent the last four hours sleeping, slowly healing from my father’s favorite brand of torture. I can feel the silver in my veins still, and the Advil in the f*****g cabinet isn’t going to help.” Zayne snapped, but rolled his eyes and huffed when Kade took a step forward. The man wasn’t p**s drunk, but his guard was most definitely lowered from however much alcohol he had consumed. Tori came out from the kitchen with two plates in her hands. Thick pancakes rose from the plate in a tower of golden sticky syrup. A stack of bacon sat on each side of the plates, sending the smoky scent into the air. She handed one to Ava and sat down beside her. “Oh, I didn’t expect you three up so early.” Tori cleared her throat, trying to hide some of the anger that still pulsed through her. “Since you patched me up with your mediocre sewing skills, think you could bring me a plate of food?”‘ Zayne swiveled his eyes towards Tori and asked smoothly, his face a mask of cool indifference. “I’d hate to tear a stitch and have to suffer through a repeat.” I instinctively took a step back when Tori sat her plate on the table, making it clatter as she stormed to her feet. Her emotions were a thunder storm of anger, resentment, regret, and just a whisper of need. Her emotions had been stronger since Zayne rejected her, more volatile when it came to his petty jabs. I couldn’t blame her, knowing how she felt whenever he was near. Rejection turned happiness to anger, and sucked the joy out of every moment. It felt like seeing the world in black and white, when everyone around you marveled at the colors. “If it weren’t for my mediocre sewing job, as you so ignorantly call it, you’d still be bleeding out. Not to mention Ava and I carried your heavy a*s through the forest for hours to get you here.” She snarled; her fists clenched at her sides. I was nearly eighty percent sure that if he weren’t already injured, Tori would’ve swung at him. Her voice grew a few octaves as she sharpened her words and flung them like daggers, “I have never met someone so f*****g ungrateful. If you put as much effort into doing the right

thing as you did complaining, you would’ve rescued half the white wolves in your father’s pack by now!” What was even stranger than the anger that crackled and surrounded Tori like tendrils of flame, was what I felt coming from Zayne. Since meeting Zayne Novak, I felt next to nothing when it came to his emotions. He had been refined by his father, molded and morphed into the damaged man he was today. I wasn’t sure how much he had to drink, but it was affecting that carefully crafted wall he placed over his emotions. The wall held them back, making him all but numb to the world. It was how he survived; a defense mechanism bashed into him by Marcus. I saw it for what it was, a way to survive the horrors of his life without being affected. This new side of Zayne, the one where his wall was lowered, it gave me a glimpse at him. I wasn’t sure what kind of emotions a man like Zayne would feel, but the last I expected to find was amusement. It shimmered and danced like a flame, playful where Tori was fueled with frustration. Every ounce of the emotion was directed at her, and the way her face reddened and her emerald eyes flared like glittering jewels. He was enjoying this, seeing her worked up and angry with him. Most of the time, feeling others emotions gives me a glimpse into why they do the things they do. Feeling Zayne’s emotions for the first time–the man clearly had some deep-rooted issues if he was enjoying this, purposefully riling her up for whatever reason he could concoct in his head. When Tori finished snapping at Zayne, she turned on her heel and stormed back into the kitchen. I could hear the clatter of dishes and her furious mumbling as she rummaged around. “You’re a dumbass. She’s going to take your head off if you keep f*****g with her.” I frowned down at him, only feeling irked when my comment rolled off of his shoulders. “She’s so very easy to rile up.” He cocked an eyebrow at me, “By all means, give me some other form of entertainment while I’m stuck here.” “Try watching tv like a normal person.” I replied dryly, narrowing my eyes at him when Tori walked back into the room with a plate in her hand. She stopped in front of Zayne, her lips thinning when he gave her an oily smile. “Fine, do what you want. There’s plenty of room in the backyard to bury you once

she’s finished.” “Oh, but she won’t k**l me.” Zayne shook his head confidently, bringing the crystal glass to his lips. His frost-colored eyes remained locked on Tori, and didn’t waver when she dropped the plate on his lap. “Don’t make a f*****g mess, I’m not helping you bathe yourself.” She hissed, drawing back all of the anger that previously exploded from her. I commended her strength, because the amount of energy behind her emotions was staggering. “Care to bet on it?” He replied darkly, knowledge flashing in his eyes. “Wouldn’t be the first time you’ve lost.” What he said had an impact on Tori, and made her bristle. She snatched up her own plate and headed towards the stairs, stopping to give me an apologetic smile. “I’ll catch up with you guys in a few hours.” She promised, turning her eyes to Zayne. They narrowed upon impact and her words sharpened. “I think I’ll finish my breakfast in my room.” Zayne glanced down at his plate and frowned, “Who doesn’t put syrup on their pancakes? I’m not a complete monster.” Tori ignored him, which he rightfully deserved, and went upstairs. I followed the twins into the kitchen, surprised that Tori hadn’t just cooked for her and Ava. A stack of pancakes sat beneath a plastic cover, along with the rest of your typical breakfast foods. I snickered when the twins began piling their plates up high, even though I was incredibly relieved Alec was eating solid foods. The sight of them with plates bigger than their heads, it brought a shred of normalcy back into our lives. As I sat at the kitchen table eating with them, I let my mind wander to what things could be like after this mess was over. I still hadn’t forgotten my idea of a bakery, even though I wasn’t sure when I’d ever have the time to run a shop when I fully became Luna. “Being Luna doesn’t have to run your life, sweetheart.” Kade said in between forkfuls of pancake. Lately we’ve been reading each other’s thoughts more and more, using that channel of communication. For some reason, it felt more natural to share my thoughts with them. “You should always have time to do the things you love.”

“Well, I don’t exactly know how to bake.” I chuckled, shoving another forkful of eggs into my mouth. “Beth taught me some things, but really she just kind of told me what to do.” “Mom would love to help you. She’s been complaining lately that there isn’t much to do–well, she said that before all of this started.” Alec grinned, leaning back in his seat. The conversation quickly turned to their parents, and if they were currently safe. The twin’s parents had sent them ahead to the safe house, opting to head home to make sure Julian and Garrett made it out safely. With Marcus stirring up a nationwide manhunt for us, the best thing to do was lay low. When it was safe to travel, then we could head home. It was the safest place for us, to be within the borders of our own pack. “They’ll be in touch with us either today or tomorrow.”‘ Kade reassured me with a soft look, “When it’s time for us to leave, we’re going to need their help. Hopefully the search will have calmed down by then, but I doubt it. Marcus won’t quit that easily, and we don’t have weeks to hide out here.” “I think Jaspar might be able to help as well.” I explained, going through what exactly happened when his daughter wrapped her hand around my wrist. Both of my mates seemed stunned at Jaspar’s involvement with rescuing the white wolves, even though this was his safe house we were staying in. “His help could change the outcome of this war, depending on who Marcus calls to his side.” Alec frowned, and I could already see the gears turning in his head. The twin’s helped clean the kitchen once we finished eating. Alec was still loading the dishwasher, so I wandered out to the living room. Ava was still perched on the couch, a bag of chips in hand. Her eyes were glued to the television, and the colorful show that played across the screen. “Marcus doesn’t let us have junk food.” Ava rolled her eyes, “Not that most of us see him personally anyway. He just keeps us healthy so he can study us, and use us when he needs. Which is why I plan on eating whatever I want while I’m away.” “For some reason, I’m not surprised.” I said, my voice grim. I glanced up to where Tori had gone, feeling a pang of guilt hit my chest. What she was going throughNôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

wasn’t easy, and I hadn’t been there a s much as I could’ve. I made a beeline for the stairs when Ava’s voice called out to me. “I’m not going to even try understanding Zayne, but as someone whose known him for a long time, I can tell when he cares about something. The more he feels for your friend, the more he’s going to push her away.” Ava frowned, but the serious expression only lasted a second before she shrugged. “Doesn’t mean he isn’t a manipulative p***k, but your friend seems like she can handle herself.” I wasn’t sure what to say to that, or whether it should bring some shred of comfort or not. Zanye was so deeply rooted in the lifestyle his father had created, that he shoved anyone he cared for away. It was a way to protect them, and himself. Regardless, a person could only take so much before they shattered entirely. I made it to the top of the stairs when I heard a deep groan, followed by some quietly muttered words. I stopped myself before I turned the corner, nearly speaking when I saw Zayne crouched on the floor of the hallway. Beside him was Tori, her face contorted in a grimace as she helped him up. “You idiot, I told you not to drink so much.” She hissed angrily, draping his arm over her shoulder to shift some of his weight onto her. “And you’ve torn your stitches.” “Quit f*****g helping me.” He snarled back, but there was no venom in his words considering Tori held up most of his weight. Even though I should have turned back long ago, I stood there watching until Tori opened the door to her bedroom and walked the two of them inside. As she closed the door behind her, I swore I could hear her say; “I wish I could.”

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