Marrying the Mob Prince



Heat stole into my face as I took in his gorgeous appearance. He wore a fitted suit, the lapels and shirt blowing open, revealing tanned skin. I drank in the glimpse of his strong, golden body, the cutting jawline. His bare feet and windswept hair gave him a wildness that contrasted with his poise.

I hated him so much.

But the sight of him strolling the yacht like an ethereal vision swept the rage from my heart. Our eyes clashed, and his firm mouth softened.

“Indie. I was hoping to see you sooner. And alone.”

I stiffened as his stare riveted on my neck. “I wouldn’t be here at all if it weren’t for my boss.”

“He’s not your boyfriend?”

“I don’t date married men, not that it’s any of your business.”

My back touched the railing as he took a bold step toward me.

“I only care if you’re available.”

“To you? Never.”

Amusement glinted through his gaze. “Then what are you doing here?”

The lilt in his voice sent a ripple of excitement through me.

“I’m here to chew you out. You wrecked my profile,” I seethed, heat climbing to my cheeks. “Going to my boss was very underhanded of you.”

He blinked slowly. “I warned you.”

“You butchered my words.”

“I didn’t want to. But you left me little choice. You wouldn’t feel slighted if you hadn’t ignored my instructions.”

I waved my arm at the partygoers behind us. “I’m not a sycophant like everyone else in your life!”

“Don’t mock them for having the good sense to obey me.”

The sheer arrogance.

I could’ve strangled him. He was so sure of himself and his rightful place in the universe. He couldn’t conceive of a world without his subjects. Everyone bent the knee to the tyrant.

Not me.

I swallowed hard and stepped away from his suffocating presence. “I’m not my boss. I won’t allow you to do this to me.”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Go on. Amuse me with your threats.”

“I’ll tell everybody you coerced me into editing my story!”

“You could do that. I guess it depends on how attached you are to your career.” The corner of his mouth twisted as his light eyes scanned my face. “It would only take a few calls to destroy it.”

My stomach churned. “You’re bluffing!”

“Nobody will work with you. Even if you set up an independent website, I have ways of undermining that as well. It’d be a shame for a such gifted writer.”

I lifted my head, doing my best to appear fierce and not tongue-tied and shaken. “This is why people hate you.”

“This isn’t a battle worth fighting, Indie.”

“To you,” I growled. “But to me it matters. You’re not a writer, Knox. And it shows!”

“Oh, absolutely,” he murmured, his grim expression breaking with the ghost of a smile. “I could never come up with the phrases in your article. So many adjectives. ‘Men that beautiful and rugged belong on a mountain.'”

My reckless anger deflated to humiliation.

I burned from my roots to my toes. “It was intentionally over-the-top!”

“I’m not chastising you. Most don’t bother trying to humanize me, let alone write about me like I’m some kind of heartthrob.”

“You’re a conceited ass, and I’m sorry I gave you the wrong idea.”

I turned to the water, so angry I envisioned myself jumping overboard and swimming to shore. Anything to avoid being stuck with this asshole. A strong breeze swept the deck, and my teeth chattered.

Knox’s large hand cupped my shoulder. His touch was like a hot iron. It sent a flame rippling through me, and I inhaled sharply.

“You’re freezing. Let’s continue this inside.”

“Risking hypothermia is less painful than a conversation with you.” I bristled as he dragged me closer to him. “Knox!”

He crushed me to his chest. He was so warm. I shuddered as heat engulfed me, my trembling limbs refusing to leave his embrace.

“Knox, I’m not interested.”

“Are you seeing someone else?”

I tipped my head, staring at his frown. “Oh, Knox. Jealousy doesn’t suit a powerful man like you.”

“True, but most men are selfish with their women. And I’m no exception.”

His woman? Why did that set me on fire?

A second later, the confusing glow vanished.

“Arrogance isn’t a good look, either. I don’t belong to you.”

“And yet, when I take you in my arms, you let me hold you. Do you want to know why?”

“Because I’m cold.”

“No, Indie.” He fingered my cheek, setting off fierce sparks. “Because you’re aching to fuck me, but you’re afraid of what that says about you, so you allow me to do this instead.”

I trembled, and he clutched me tighter. “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

I pried myself off him and shivered.

Knox laughed as his fingers rose to the buttons on his jacket, undoing them. Then he shrugged out of the arms and draped his coat over me. The warmth of his body touched my shoulders and engulfed me in a bergamot and citrus scent. God, he smelled amazing. Like decadence.

His experienced hand wandered up my back, teasing me through the thick fabric. Electricity from his touch hardened my nipples into points. I swallowed, intimidated by the power he possessed over me.

“Why do you want me? You must have women throwing themselves at you.”

“They’re not as poetic as you are.”

A shiver rippled through me. “Like most men care about that.”

“Well, I enjoy being compared to a rugged mountaineer, even if I’m a nerd who never goes outside. For the record, I use a stand-up desk. I don’t bend over my laptop. It’s bad for posture.”

“I guess I should issue a retraction.”

“You should.”

“Will you accept a written apology instead?”

“Let me take you out to dinner, and we’ll be square.”

My tongue dried as I pictured sitting across this beautiful man. A gallery filled with Knox’s dazzling features nearly seduced me before I regained my senses.

“I don’t think so.”

“But according to you, I’m a catch.”

My heart thumped uncomfortably. Part of me was indignant. The other wanted to grab his hair and pull his mouth to mine.

“Knox, you’re not half as amazing as you believe you are.”

Judging by his smirk, I hadn’t put a dent in his self-esteem.

“You spent the profile describing my looks in vivid detail.”

“I write for women,” I feebly protested as a pulse beat at the base of my throat. “And your only redeeming quality is your face, so I had to embellish a little.”

“You talked about my body…my clothing. I’ve never felt so scrutinized in my life.”

“Give it a rest, Knox.”

“So I imagined you flirting with me the entire interview?”

“Can you please stop?” I forced a smile and inhaled deeply. “I have a couple of questions to round out that stupid article, and then I never want to see you again.”

“What do I get out it?”

“My attention for five minutes.”

Knox’s amusement seemed to grow as I worked myself into a fury. A sadistic curve touched his full lips. “I demand to ask a question for every one you ask of me.”

I clenched my teeth, hating him. “Deal.”

“Let’s go somewhere private to talk.”

He took my arm, the shock of him zinging through me. I protested feebly as his touch glided to my hand. Knox weaved through the party that probably bored him and led me up a flight of stairs. He unlocked a door and held it open, and I walked inside a very cozy suite. The sight of the bed lodged a rock in my throat.

Knox closed the door. He lifted his square jaw, embers sparking in his blue gaze. Every fiber in my body urged me to leave, even though his beauty stole my breath.

“Who goes first?”

“You.” He strode to the chair next to the porthole and sat.

Still wearing his jacket, I took the chair opposite him. The fabric bunched around my shoulders, insulating his scent.

“I just have a few follow-up questions. You’ll love them. They’re vapid and ridiculous.”


“What’s your ideal date?”

He flashed me a debonair smirk. “A long walk along the Charles River Esplanade followed by a Bourton University football game.”

I tutted. “That’s such a cookie-cutter response.”

“Well, I doubt your readers want the truth.”

“Which is?”

“I take women out to dinner. And if they’re not too annoying and their picture matches their profile, I take them home to fuck.”


He dragged an ankle over his knee. “I’ll admit that hookups have lost their shine.”

I cleared my throat. “Does that mean you’re looking for something permanent?”

“I am,” he purred. “And my future wife is a woman strong enough to handle me. I need someone who likes playing with my demons and speaks frankly. Who grabs me without worrying if she’ll get burned.”

That provoked an image of me restraining Knox to stop him from cutting the interview short. I couldn’t miss his obvious approval. His sapphire gaze was as soft as his hands had been, rubbing warmth into my skin.

I should’ve been annoyed, not flattered. I felt as though I was drifting on a cloud. His maddening confidence affected me. It resonated deep inside, made me clench my thighs together.

I shook my head, my cheeks ablaze. “You just want to get laid.”

“If that’s all I wanted, I’d have moved on by now.”

“You ruined your chance with me.”

“By protecting myself?”

“No, by crossing every professional boundary that exists so you could save face. I take my work seriously. You made it impossible for me to write this profile.”

“I’m confident we can move past a small hiccup.”

We. I could’ve laughed at the sheer gall.

“Why won’t you let this go?”

“I want you,” he said roughly. “I’ve been clear about that.”

“Or you’re intrigued by the one woman who says no to you.”

He shot me a black look layered with cold curiosity, as though I were a statistical anomaly that needed to be studied. “True. Everybody in my life submits except you.”

“So this is a game to you.”

“I’m not motivated by cheap conquests.”

Meaning, a marriage with me was his goal?

That can’t be right.

My heart thrashed as I scanned his rigid frame. I imposed a steel will on myself. I couldn’t allow his charm to blind me to his obvious attempt to get into my pants.

Before I could continue grilling him, he spoke.

“You’ve had enough questions. It’s my turn.” He leaned forward, his knee knocking into mine. “Do you like being spanked during sex?”


A slow, secretive smile staggered across Knox’s face. “It’s a simple question, Indie.”

I grew hot with the smoldering visual of me lying astride his lap, his hand cradling my backside. I imagined his other palm stroking me, curving around my thigh, his fingers sinking in my wetness.

Would I enjoy that?

I shifted in my seat and avoided looking at him.

“No-I don’t-I’ve never-” I broke off, flustered. “It’s never been brought up.”

“Nobody’s ever smacked your ass while they fucked you from behind?”

Another scintillating image seared into my brain.

I waved it aside, bristling. “That’s none of your damned business.”

“Just trying to see if we’d have fun together.”

As I squirmed, he smiled. He seemed to revel in my struggle to regain my composure.

And it would only get worse.

My contempt for Knox didn’t stop his boldly handsome face from swirling heat in the pit of my stomach. My gaze raked over his devious mouth and up to his hooded, ocean-colored eyes. He was so gorgeous, so perceptive and strong.

I couldn’t breathe around him.

He stood, towering over me. “I asked you out. Why didn’t you call me?”

My nails dug into the arms of the chair. “I-Because you trashed the profile I spent days working on.”

“But you didn’t find out about that right away.”

“Maybe I knew something was off about you.”

Knox hovered over me like an angry god, the threat of his physical body palpable. He bent and gripped the chair, the tension in his grip squeaking the leather. He slid his fingers down my hair, sweeping it from my shoulders. His touch tingled my neck. His closeness was like a toxic cocktail, immobilizing me.

I couldn’t move.

“Why. Didn’t. You. Call?”

I stilled. “I told you.”

“No, you didn’t.”

“I don’t understand what you want from me.”

His whisper brushed my ear. “The truth. Isn’t that your job?”

“I-I didn’t call for a lot of reasons.”

“Let’s hear them.”

Knox returned to the chair across from mine. He sat like a king on his throne, and suddenly I felt like a supplicant serf before an ill-tempered monarch.

“One, you threatened my career. That’s a huge red flag.” I licked my lips. “And two, I’m just not comfortable around you.”

“In what way? Be specific.”

My palms slipped. “I-what?”

His shapely mouth pulled into a frown. “Why do I make you uncomfortable?”

“For starters, you’re interrogating me in a room with a bed!” I breathed in shallow gasps. My heart pounded, his gaze so galvanizing it sent a tremor through me.

He brushed his knuckles against my cheek, stroking me like a man soothing his frightened pet. “The door’s right behind you. Nothing’s stopping you from leaving.”

“Then why do I feel like I’m at your mercy?”

Warmth glowed through his smile. “Not yet. But I hope someday.”

“Well, it’s important to have dreams, Knox.”

He caught my chin and squeezed. “Did you mean what you said in that article?”

He sounded curious, and my pulse raced. I sucked in a tight breath. “Yes, of course I did.”

“So you believe that I’m redeemable.”

“Honestly, Knox, I based that off a twenty-minute interview and a few conversations with your teacher. I don’t know you.”

“Then why not get to know me?”

“I-I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“Give me a chance.”

The command scorched my body like melted wax rolling down my curves. Perhaps it was his blunt delivery, but the room was unbearably hot. I sensed the slightest of longing cracking his icy facade. It was subtle, but there.

“That’s not a question.”

“Are you afraid of me? Or am I hard to endure because of your attraction to me?”

“I want to leave. Now.”

For a moment, I suspected he’d argue. Then he held out his hand.

I took it, and a jolt slammed into my palm.

Knox helped me to my feet and led me to the door. When he opened it, a frigid wind blew inside. He appraised my shivering frame and let out a grave whisper.

“You should reconsider while you still can.”

Alarm shot up my spine. “What is that supposed to mean?”

He gave me a bland smile and his fingers swept under the jacket, removing it from my shoulders. Instantly, I missed its heat, but I wrapped my arms around myself and descended the staircase. Knox watched me leave, stony-faced. I could feel his eyes on my ass.

A coterie of drunken revelers screamed at Knox’s sudden appearance. They yelled for him to join them, chanting his name, toasting the air with champagne. His tall, lonely figure stood at the doorway. Wearing an expression of dignified boredom, he gave the partygoers a kingly wave. They were beside themselves. Knox’s lightning rod stare beckoned me.


If I dated Knox, he’d destroy my boundaries. He’d corrode my sense of self until I became his pill-popping mistress.

Not a fucking chance.

His ghost of a smile seemed to answer me.

We’ll see.

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