Marrying the Mob Prince


I’m grateful he hasn’t fucked me.

And that he doesn’t know how much I want him.

Shadows loved my husband.

They made his eyes more dazzling, his cheeks hollowed, his lips more carved into the boyish pout. Tony would be breathtaking in a seedy hotel under a single light bulb, but the dark seemed to like him.

My lunatic husband smiled as he took my wrist and marched me through Sanctum. So many naked girls stopped us, all of them gorgeous. Tony shot them down, but it bothered me that he was on a first-name basis with every hooker in sight.

“If another girl asks us for a threesome, I’m going to hurl on your shoes.” I grabbed his arm and wrenched when a female voice called out his name. “Have you fucked everyone in this place?”

“That was before us.”

His chastising tone burned my chest as he led me into a curious room with glass walls. A wingback chair sat in the middle like a throne, next to a cross and medieval-looking setups. Men in suits swarmed outside.

They would watch us.

A dark thrill rippled through my body at the malicious delight surrounding me. Tony paid them no mind as he grabbed a leather collar off an end table. His hands buried in my hair as he wrapped my neck with leather, sliding the strap through a metal clasp.

He kissed right under the collar. Heat blasted where his lips touched me, and then he slapped my thigh. The impact smarted.

My muscle twitched.

“I’ve taught a lot of girls like you, Evie. Headstrong. Independent. Feisty.” His stubble grazed my cheek as he stroked a sinful path up my abdomen. “But none of them were my wife.”

He kissed the dent under my ear.

I shuddered.

“You can’t treat your wife like that, I told myself. So I kept my distance. I assumed I was doing you a favor, but you need more hands-on…” he trailed off, teasing my breast, “training.”

He swatted me.

A fierce sting hit me through the shirt, biting the nipple that he’d teased into an aching point. I gasped, stunned when the pain melted into my skin like a sunburn.

“You’re the rabid dog that needs a muzzle!”

“And you’re a disobedient wife who’s getting a shorter leash.”

He clipped something to the ring dangling from the collar.

A fucking leash.

The strip looped Tony’s hand. I followed it to the tightened jaw and eyes smoldering with disapproval.

Wait till you let me go.

“Thought you might appreciate this.” He lifted it, showing me the rhinestone-encrusted handle. “Since you’re all about aesthetics.”

“Sure. I’m just surprised you picked that. Leather and sterling silver is very…biker of you.”

He forced a smile.

Then he yanked.

I stumbled backward, knocking into his chest. His arm banded my waist. A rock-hard column dug into my ass.

“As always, I enjoy your defiance,” he whispered roughly. “You have no idea what it does to me, Evie.”

He slid his hand down my taut stomach, removing my cutoffs with a brusque jerk. They fell down my shivering thighs, chased by my panties. Tony eased them over my hips, my throat closing. Then he dragged the tank top over my head, and cold stung my skin. I buried the impulse to cover myself as he undid my bra clasp. My breasts tumbled free as he bared me to the men outside.

Heat stole into my face as they crowded at the glass like flies blotting out light. Eager faces swam in front of me, their smiles stretched into the same horizontal blur.

My mind was a crazy mixture of hope and fear.

Would he fuck me here?

Would I enjoy it?

Tony grabbed my chin. My head thumped his chest, forcing my attention to his tiger-slanted gaze.

“Eyes on me, Evie.”

I should’ve been terrified of the threat behind the glass, but it was easy to get lost in the way he looked at me.

“Jesus, you’re beautiful.” Tony’s gentle murmur filled me with fire as he freed my hair from the collar. “All I want to do is break you, make you beg, and chain you so that all you can do is pleasure me.”

His shirt kissed my back, and it heated me in indecent places. Then the hand wrapping my throat moved downward, splayed over my chest. His touch lightened as he followed my curves. Sparks showered my skin as he teased my nipple with the gentlest brush.

A bolt of pleasure shot between my thighs.

They clenched hard.

A wicked grin carved dimples into his cheek. “I like it when you blush for me.”

“I’m not blushing. The room is too warm.”

I was full of shit, and the sadistic curve of his mouth suggested he was fully aware. He lightly grasped my nipple, and I breathed raggedly. He shrugged out of his jacket.

It fell to the floor.

Then his arm looped my waist. Far more intimate without the extra fabric. His heat melted through the thin layer of cotton, joining mine. I blocked out tantalizing images conjured by his perfect touch.

Clothes or not, I would blush harder in a few minutes. A fact Tony seemed to revel in as he skimmed my shoulders, the nape of my neck, traveling over the body he hadn’t touched in too long. He cupped my breasts, thumbs stroking until my nipples hardened into points. He tugged and pinched as I held my breath, and then he broke.

A soft groan escaped his lips.

“These tits.” Tony stepped away, the loss of his warmth caving in my stomach. “Your tight pussy. Your tiny waist. Hips. I can’t look at you without my cock aching. It’s making it difficult for me to do what I need to do to you.”

“Which is?”

“Punish you.”

His hand slid up my thigh.

He pressed down lightly, rubbing my wetness from side to side. He slowly dipped inside.

I gasped, parting my legs.

Lightning seared my clit as he kneaded me in front of everyone. Nothing hid us from view. I was exposed to the hungry eyes beyond the glass.

My stomach tightened. “What about them?”

“They’ll watch. Nothing more.”

“This is fucking crazy,” I said in a rush of words, my cheeks burning. “We shouldn’t be doing this. The prenup.”

“You keep bringing up that stupid piece of paper.” His wicked grin kept growing as he wiped his hand on my thighs. “Maybe you’re so hot for me that it’s clouded your judgment. You’re supposed to fuck me weekly.”

“And you’re on the hook to knock me up.”


“So, you can’t cherry-pick which rules to follow.” Heat burrowed deep into my body. “If you tell the judge I didn’t hold up my end, I’ll let Vinn Costa know you never fucked me. Then you’ll lose everything.”

Tony’s laughter shook through me. “Blackmailing me is a dumb strategy. It puts you in one position-on your back.”

“I’m on my back anyway.”

“Not yet,” he taunted.

I opened my mouth to protest, and then he massaged my pussy. He teased the opening. His tender touch explored my folds. He caressed, working me into a river of arousal. I looked down at the brawny arm wrapping my curves. I gripped his wrist to throw him off, but all I did was squeeze him.

The soft bristle of hair, the muscle filling my grasp, the veins running into his hands felt so good. It was all of him I could hold. Suddenly, it wasn’t enough. My back arched. I uttered indistinct sounds. He buried his face in my throat and breathed a kiss.

Then his finger impaled me.

Discomfort shot into me as my walls grasped him. He didn’t slam them home like I craved. Instead he fucked me with slow pulses, sucking on my neck like I was honey. Shudders ran up my leg as he nudged my clit. The pressure inside rotated and shoved. It was too much-too amazing.

My thighs squeezed him.

“Tony, I’m going-”

He slid from me, and the ache for him screamed.

No, no, no.

He whirled me around. He sucked on his wet finger, and then his nose flared.

“You taste like heaven, Evie. And your lips are perfectly made for my cock. I get so hard when your innocent eyes plead me. I spend half my days watching you, the other fantasizing about putting you in your place-kneeling and your mouth open.”

A thrill tingled my spine.

The cameras weren’t a state secret. I figured he was checking in on me, but the thought of those intense eyes taking notes on me made my heart thump wildly.

“Kneeling? Afraid I’ll run?”

“You’re my property. I’ll do what I like with you.”

Fuck, that’s hot.

“Property of Tony Costa,” I mused, heart pounding. “Just like the club.”

That did it.

Tony buried a hand in my hair and slammed his lips into mine. He plastered me to the see-through wall surrounded by men. Our tongues danced. He trapped mine between his teeth and sucked me like I was nectar. His hand sailed up my thigh and held my ass. His savage kiss crushed me into the glass, and it stirred a crazed longing inside me.

I tangled my fingers in his locks and dragged him to my mouth. I kissed him over and over, grinding on his leg shamelessly. His tongue forced my lips to part. I palmed his pecs and caressed him, hands rising to his neck, cupping his face.

“I want you.”

Tony broke off, whispering. “Do you?”


“Say it louder.”

“I want you, Tony.”

The deep thunder of his appreciation radiated through me, tingling between my legs. He teased over my mound, finding my wet pussy, gliding up and down the slick folds.


He chuckled, detaching from me.

A tug yanked me away. Tony held the leash, dragging me to the chair. I followed, burning. I bent when he attached my tether to a hook on the floor. All I could do was sit naked, knees splayed.

He leaned forward. “Get on all fours. Stick that beautiful ass out.”

He pressed my head, forcing me into a bow. My elbows struck the marble already pinching my flesh. I shuddered, imagining Tony’s full weight bearing down on me, rubbing my joints into the marble.

Tony sat in the leather chair, its frame adding black wings to Tony’s silhouette. He stretched out like a leopard. An impressive erection strained against his slacks, but he didn’t touch me. His arrogant smile teased heat into my cheeks.

“Not sure how I like you more.” His face glowed as he scooped my hanging breasts. “On your knees or like this.”


“I love it when you beg, but I’m not done with you.” He shushed me and caressed my back. “I’m spanking you twenty times. You will count them, and thank me.”

“Thank you for hitting me?”

“Yes.” He playfully groped my ass. “Lose count, and I’ll start over.”

He couldn’t be serious.

“What for?”

“Visiting the clubhouse. Twice.”

His arm whirled, and my skin bloomed with pain. It was shockingly painful. A gasp forced from my clenched lips.


He pinched my aching flesh. “Thank you, sir.”

I panted, nodding. “Thanks.”

These weren’t love taps. I would have bruises. I winced as the bite sank in my thighs.

“Don’t say thanks in that ungrateful tone,” he chastised, smacking my flank. “Say it properly.”

“Thank you, you crazy bastard.”

He hit me again, hard enough that I yelped.

I jumped forward, trembling. Pain burst across my raw flesh. He landed another blow, knocking the insult from my mouth.

“O-one,” I gasped. “Thank you.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Thank you.”

“Evie, I need to hear the fucking word.” His cheek pressed against mine as he fisted my hair. “Say it.”

I shut my mouth.

Tony needed to dominate me, but I wasn’t ready to give him that. What piece of my independence would he take next? Holding onto my power was essential because submitting to Tony spelled disaster.

So did resisting him.

I wanted him to bend, but he had a steel of spine. He demanded my obedience, but I defied him. We were two forces of nature, butting heads, ill-matched.

“Sorry, Tony. You’ll have to do worse to make me call you sir.”

I heard the smile in his voice.

“Very well.”

He moved behind me and kneeled. The sound of his zipper sliced the air. He grunted, and then heat touched my pussy. His arm wrapped my waist as a broad pressure glided between my folds.

Oh my God.

My throat tightened.

“Tony! You can’t.”

The head of his cock nudged forward, threatening its invasion into the tight hole.

“Say it.”

I gritted my teeth. “I won’t!”

“I’ll take your cunt right now.”

I bit my lip against the ripple of arousal.

Tony groped my ass, kneading the sore skin. He swatted me. The crack it made bloomed warmth everywhere. The fierce smack no longer felt punishing, especially with him holding me still, cock poised to thrust.

God, I wanted it.

I could feel him spreading me open. My craving for him ignored common sense. I was tempted to poke him. Just to see how deep his darkness ran. Would he do it? When he shoved inside me, would I groan with pleasure, or scream in pain?

“Jesus Christ, Evie,” he said hoarsely. “Fucking say it.”

I won’t.

I almost screamed it, but then I glimpsed myself in the glass. Hands and knees on the floor. Naked. About to be fucked with a dozen men watching. Just like the club girls in the MC.

My pulse raced as I parsed it out.

I enjoyed this.

I’d imagined being taken roughly, but it never made my heart pound, my legs widen, my tongue pool with saliva. An instinct urged me to chase his cock. A wave of shock slammed into my head. All he had to do was push, and then he’d find out how badly I needed this.

I couldn’t.

“Hold on, Tony.”

“I don’t have a pause button, sweetheart. You know what you have to say.”

“O-one. T-thank you,” I gasped. “Sir.”

He stroked my burning flesh. “Good girl.”

I bristled.

Then a sharp blow knocked the defiance out of me. The burn spread over my cheeks as I counted and thanked him. My body was raw, desperately wanting.

If he wanted to fuck me, I wouldn’t resist.

“Twenty,” I burst, blinking away tears. “Thank you, sir.”

“On your back, Evie.”

I obeyed.

Tony hovered over me like an angry god. He grabbed my underwear from the floor. Then he shoved them in my mouth, pushing the ball behind my teeth. I choked on the invading sensation. Then he smiled and kissed my cheek.

Tony kneeled, fisting his cock. My tongue watered with an absurd urge to pull it into my mouth, to satisfy him the way he’d pleasured me, but the movement of his hand moving up and down his cock was hot as hell.

I was mesmerized by him. Enthralled by his touch. He’d done something to release me from the worry clogging my brain. He jerked himself with soft, sensual movements. My skin flushed everywhere he touched. He bent over, his mouth fitted to my neck. His hand returned between my thighs.

I clenched on his diving fingers. My wetness echoed obscenely as I battled the roaring fire inside me. I made pitiful noises as he worked methodically, curling his fingers to the tight bundle of nerves.

Don’t come.

I needed to come. The spiral of ecstasy became a whirlwind. Then I clenched hard, screaming into my panties. I couldn’t control my frenzied yelling. I craved his hands, his mouth, his naked skin pressed to mine.

Tony ripped the panties from my mouth. Lust flared in his eyes as he caged me in his arms.

I rose to meet him, and we crashed into each other. I pulled his hair. His mouth descended on mine as passion flooded my veins. He was devouring and harsh. Like he sought every last drop of resistance and couldn’t live without kissing me.

It was possession.

I’d surrendered completely. My body shook with liquid fire, and an orgasm gripped me. I cried into his shoulder, soaring in the clouds.

Then he came undone.

Tony released his breath in a groan, and wet heat shot across my breasts. His body seized. Then it fell into an undulating motion. His shoulders rolled, the tension melting from his brows, his clenched jaw, softening his eyes. Another wave seemed to hit him, and he scooped the seed into his palm. His semen coated the fingers he shoved inside me.

“There,” he said raggedly. “I’m no longer lax in my duties as a husband.”

It triggered another orgasm that made me clutch his arm as he fucked me with his cum. My head touched the floor as I panted from two orgasms seconds apart.

Holy hell.

He loosened the collar and picked me up. I was dead weight, useless for walking. I wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with him.

Tony lifted me on his lap, his expression still fiery.

Good lord, the man could hold a grudge.

“Thank me for teaching you a lesson.”

“Thank you.”

His nostrils flared. “Come again?”

“Thank you, sir.”

For some reason, that didn’t satisfy him. Tony’s hostility returned in a flash.

“Are you?” he challenged. “Are you grateful for anything I’ve done?”

My cheeks warmed. “Of course I am.”

Holy shit.

He hadn’t meant for me to enjoy this. The spanking, the exhibition, any of it. The glow from my orgasm popped like a dirty soap bubble, and heat wrapped my throat. He was so screwed up.

“I watch you, Evie. I know your habits and your routine. You spend a lot of time sketching.” His raking gaze halted over my mouth, and then he pulled a book from his pocket. “And you write in this every morning.”

He waved it at me.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

My gratitude journal.

That’s private, you dick.

He’d waited for the perfect moment to humiliate me. He sneered as though expecting me to have a meltdown. When I didn’t, he flipped it open and held it to his nose.

“I’m grateful for fresh fruit. I’m grateful my husband never speaks to me. I’m grateful for Egyptian cotton sheets.” He paused, cringing. “Evie, I’m starting to feel sorry for you.”

He was incapable of happiness, even with his vast wealth. It would’ve been easy to throw that at him, but something had scarred him deeply, and it wasn’t his silver-spooned upbringing.

I was sick of not knowing.

“Don’t pity me. I’m happy to have all those things.”

“There’s nothing about happiness in here.” He sounded perplexed and a little annoyed. “It’s stuff. A fire could take it all away tomorrow.”

“Or you could be ripped from it all and be forced to live somewhere horrible. Where you won’t know if you’ll survive or who to trust or where to go for help.”

Tony flinched. His dark eyes shone with tortured dullness. He glanced at me and the book, disoriented. Then he cleared his throat and scanned the pages.

“You mention me an awful lot.” His brows raised. “I’m grateful my husband is talented with his tongue. I’m grateful my husband keeps our marriage fresh.”

“I have to make something good of this situation.”

“You have plenty to be thankful for,” he snapped. “Other than my things. You should be grateful for me. I’m your white knight. I’m saving you from a shitty life. But you know that already. Don’t you? I’m grateful for my husband’s money. I’m grateful I have a house, a comfortable bed, and a husband with a giant cock who gives me everything I fucking need.”

My pulse pounded in my throat. “I didn’t write that.”

“Why the fuck didn’t you?”

A beat of tense silence stretched between us.

I scrambled to piece together my wild thoughts. “Why would I? I don’t know anything about you or what you’ve saved me from.”

“Because you are completely wrapped up in all this pointless navel-gazing.” He tossed the journal on the floor. “How can you be so selfish?”

His rudeness glided over my head.

“How can you be in such denial and not realize that’s exactly what you need?”

Tony’s searing gaze flicked away, and back again. “You’re turning a blind eye to what’s happening in your backyard. Honestly, I don’t know how you live with yourself.”

That struck me like a slap to my face.

What are you talking about?

“I thought I could save you,” he continued, his eyes alight with passion. “You were the youngest. You had the most to lose, but it turns out you’re just like the rest of them!”

That shot my heart with adrenaline.

“Save me from what?”

“You know what’s insane?” he thundered, blowing past my question. “Everything I’ve done to you is horrible, but you find the good in it. Why?”

“I-I have to. It’s how I survive.”

He gave me a pained look. “You’ve had a fucked up life, Evie. I feel sorry for you.”

My cheeks burned so fiercely it hurt.

That’s it. I can’t talk to this man anymore.

I moved from his lap, but Tony held my arms. “Growing up there must’ve been hell.”

I blinked, confused.

I’d had a decent twenty-two years. A mother who loved me. A father who strolled into school and threatened the principal when I told him one of the boys bullied me. No, my childhood was not perfect, but I doubted Tony’s was either.

Startled, I met his soft gaze. “I didn’t want for anything in the MC. That’s probably hard for you to accept, but it’s the truth.”

“Only because you don’t know any better.”

“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” I burst, tired of his crap. “Is this because I grew up poor?”

“No, Evie.”

“Then what is it? What makes us so terrible?” I watched him, waiting for him to spit it out. “The MC does nothing worse than the mob. Your family is involved in the same shit-loansharking, drugs, construction scams. You’re a goddamned hypocrite for judging us.”

“You have no idea what’s going on.” He glanced at the journal and rubbed his temples. “If you’re always looking at the sun, you’ll never see the shadows.”

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