Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

5 Stars

Chapter 141

Third–Person Pov

Marlene’s eyelids fluttered open, her head throbbing dully as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. As her vision cleared, she realized with a jolt that her hands and feet were bound, restricting her movements, and a gag was firmly in place over her mouth, muffling any attempt to cry


Panic surged through her as she struggled against her restraints. Her eyes darted frantically around the dimly lit space, and she immediately picked up on the fact that she was in a warehouse. The familiar surroundings sent a chill down her spine, and it dawned on her that the vast space, filled with towering stacks of crates and machinery, had the unmistakable mark of Kayden’s construction company logo.

The realization that she was trapped in one of his warehouses filled Marlene with a mix of fear and anger.

Frustration boiled in her as she tugged at the ropes binding

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her wrists, the coarse fibers digging into her skin with each futile attempt to break free. The sting of pain made her feel helpless, pushing her to cease her struggle and just focus on assessing her situation..

5 Stars

Kayden’s betrayal hit her hard, but Marlene knew she had to stay calm and think clearly if she hoped to survive.

She had expected Kayden to pull something sooner or later, but being held captive in such a manner had caught her off guard.

As she sat in silence, her mind in turmoil, the sound of the warehouse door creaking open shattered the stillness, sending a jolt of apprehension through her. Marlene’s heart raced as she strained to catch the faintest sound, her senses on high alert as she listened to the distant murmur of voices drawing nearer.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she braced herself for the arrival of her captors; her breath was shallow and rapid as she feigned unconsciousness, and her eyes squeezed shut in a desperate bid to deceive whoever was coming her way.

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The footsteps grew louder, echoing off the cold concrete floor of the warehouse, drawing closer with each passing moment. Marlene’s heart hammered in her chest as she fought

to control her fear.

And then, as the footsteps drew near, the voices became

clearer, their tones hushed but distinct.

“Are you sure she’s still out cold with no chances of waking up anytime soon?” A gruff voice rumbled, making Marlene’s

blood run cold.

“Yeah, she is. As you can see, she’s not moving. Knocked her out good,” another voice replied, this one smoother, with a hint of malice that sent a chill down Marlene’s spine.

Marlene’s mind raced as she tried to piece together what was happening. Who were these people? Were they working for Kayden, or was there someone else involved in this?

She momentarily wondered if Amber could be behind this, but brushed the thought away almost as quickly as it came to mind There was no way Amber would be sinister enough to do something like this.

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Amber’s husband, however, wasn’t someone she could claim couldn’t be responsible for this. She didn’t know Richard

Romero well, but from Kayden’s perspective, Richard was also capable of doing terrible things.

“Good. Let’s get this over with quickly,” the gruff voice said, the sound of movement reaching Marlene’s ears.

She kept her eyes closed, her body tense, and ready for whatever was to come. The moments stretched out, each second feeling like an eternity as she waited for the unknown to unfold.

With a sudden jolt, Marlene felt hands grabbing her roughly, pulling her upright. She forced herself to stay limp, to maintain the facade of unconsciousness, even as her heart hammered in her chest.

“Bring her over here,” the gruff voice commanded, the urgency in his tone sending a fresh wave of panic through Marlene.

She was carried across the warehouse floor, the cold concrete biting into her skin through her clothes. The sound


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As she was laid down on a hard surface, Marlene felt the bindings around her wrists being loosened. Her heart raced as she anticipated what would come next, her mind racing with a thousand

possibilities, each more terrifying than the last.

“Let’s see if she’s really unconscious,” the smoother voice said, a hint of amusement coloring his words.

Marlene felt the gag being removed from her mouth, and she took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. Opening her eyes slowly, she found herself staring into the cold, calculating gaze of a man she had never seen before.

“Well, well, well, look who’s finally awake,” the man sneered, his eyes glinting with malice.

Marlene tried to speak, to demand answers, but her throat felt dry and raw, her words catching in her throat. She swallowed hard, mustering all the courage she had left.

“Who are you? What do you want?” Marlene managed to croak out, her voice barely above a whisper.


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The man’s smirk widened, sending a shiver of revulsion down Marlene’s spine. She could feel the weight of his gaze, like a predator assessing its prey.

“You’ll find out soon enough, my dear,” the man said cryptically, his tone sending a chill down Marlene’s spine.

As her hands finally explored what she was lying on, her fingers grazed against the hard surface beneath her, sending a shiver of dread down her spine. With a sinking feeling, she managed to turn to the side and realized the chilling truth–she was lying inside a wooden coffin.

Panic surged through her, driving her to push against the confines of the coffin in a frantic bid for escape. But before she could make any headway, a cold hand pressed against her chest, forcing her back down with a strength that left her gasping for breath.

“Please, let me out! I beg you, please!” Marlene begged, her eyes wide with terror as she pleaded for mercy.

The man above her remained stoic, unmoved by her cries. With a swift motion, he signaled to his accomplice, and together


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As the reality of her situation worsened, Marlene’s

desperation reached a fever pitch. She pounded on the lid of the coffin with all her might, her fists bruising and bloodied from the futile struggle. Tears mingled with the sweat on her face as she screamed for help, her voice raw with anguish and fear.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

The sound of muffled footsteps and distant voices filtered through the wooden walls of the coffin, indicating that she was being transported somewhere. The jolting motion of the coffin as it was lifted and carried sent waves of nausea

through Marlene, her world reduced to the darkness and the stifling confines of her tomb.

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With each passing moment, the air in the coffin grew stale and thin, each breath a struggle as oxygen dwindled within the cramped space, and panic clawed at Marlene’s chest as she gasped for air.

“Please… please…” Her voice was but a whisper now, the words barely audible even to her own ears. The realization that she was trapped, alone, and helpless settled over her, sapping her strength and resolve.

As Marlene’s consciousness slowly faded out, a sudden noise shattered the silence of the coffin. Gunshots echoed through the darkness, each shot jolting her back to consciousness.

Her heart raced in her chest as she strained to listen, the violence outside intensifying her fear and confusion.

As the last echoes of the gunshots faded away, a silence settled in the warehouse, broken only by the sound of approaching footsteps. Marlene’s heart hammered in her chest as she braced herself for whatever was to come.

The footsteps drew nearer, and Marlene’s breath caught in

her throat as she heard the unmistakable sound of the coffin


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With a creak and a groan, the lid of the coffin was lifted, flooding the interior with dim light and fresh air. Marlene blinked against the sudden brightness, her eyes struggling to adjust to the stark contrast.

A masked figure leaned over her, extending a hand to help her out of the coffin. Marlene hesitated for a moment, her instincts warring with her desperation for freedom. With a trembling hand, she reached out and grasped the stranger’s hand, feeling a surge of relief as he pulled her upright.

“Who are you? What’s happening?” Marlene’s voice trembled, her eyes searching the masked face for answers.

But the stranger simply walked away without a backward glance, disappearing without a word. Left standing alone, Marlene could only think of one thing–Revenge.

She looked around the warehouse one last time, reconfirming that it really belonged to Kayden and that he had really attempted to kill her by having her buried alive.

“You’ll pay for this, Kayden Black,” she muttered under her breath, clenching her fists in anger.


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Richard and Elena stood at the far end of the warehouse, hidden in the shadows, as they watched Marlene walk away, disheveled and enraged, from the coffin Kayden’s men had put her in. Elena’s lips curled into a smug smile as she turned to Richard, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

“Look at her, Richard. Even from here, I can already see the fury in her eyes,” Elena remarked, her voice tinged with amusement at the sight before them.

Richard let out a low chuckle, his gaze fixed on Marlene as she tiredly dragged herself out of the warehouse, her expression a mix of fury and confusion. “I still can’t believe I listened to you, and we’re actually doing this, Elena. All of this is beyond crazy, but I’ll have to admit, I‘ m enjoying it,” Richard mused, his eyes never leaving

Marlene’s retreating figure.

Elena raised an eyebrow, her expression one of self–assured confidence. “Oh, ye of little faith. You should know by now that I never fail. Maybe you should take a few notes from your big sister,” she

teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Richard rolled his eyes good–naturedly, a smile tugging at


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the corners of his lips. “I’ll give you that one, Elena. You do have a way of getting things done.”

“By the way, do you really think killing him is best? To me, that sounds way too easy,” Richard said.

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Elena smiled before responding. “As nice as it’d be to watch. him suffer all his life, you can’t afford to keep him alive, Richard. Prison is a no–go area for him, so the best punishment is for him to die at the hands of a person he brought into his own life. Let her be his karma.”

As Marlene disappeared from view, Richard’s demeanor shifted, his focus turning to the next step of their plans. He straightened his posture, his features hardening with resolve, as he turned to Elena with a serious expression.

“Call your men and make sure all personnel have been evacuated from the other warehouses and buildings. We need to ensure that our plan goes off without a hitch, and I don’t want anyone getting hurt because of us,” Richard

instructed, his voice firm.

The plan was to start a fire in a few of Kayden’s warehouses


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and a few of his ongoing projects. He already knew that Kayden was slowly but surely becoming an infamous name in – the industry, and he intended on sealing that name and

pushing Kayden into debt and bankruptcy by burning down everything that was in his name and using the evidence provided by Amber’s father as the final blow.

After ensuring that the buildings were safely evacuated, Elena and Richard made their way away from the warehouse and headed to Elena’s car. They got in, and Elena instructed the driver to start moving.

After a few minutes of driving, Elena’s driver parked the

car at a safe distance from the warehouse. They both got out so that they could observe the building.

After a few minutes of waiting, smoke would start to appear from the warehouse, followed by a small fire, until the

flames erupted.

“A sight to behold,” Elena said, a note of amusement in her voice as she watched the fire grow in intensity.

Richard nodded with a satisfied smile on his face.


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“Let’s leave, Elena. Our work here is done,” he said, breaking the spell of the moment.

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