Mafia Desire

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Ava"s POV

A year and half later... I survived.

After I was shot twice I was convinced that I would die and I had let myself to accept that, but just as I was about to let the darkness consume me, Melissa came and saved me.

She took me to a hospital that was out of town so Andrew would assume I was dead, she also set off a bomb at the airport making sure that if Andrew asked, there would be no remains of me to see.

I was in a coma for a month before I woke up, with Melissa beside me. Apparently she had quit the gang when Andrew sent out a group of assassins to kill me and hasn't been in contact with anyone since. She told me that Andrew's base was blown up and he thought it was me and thats why he sent out a group of people too kill me.

I didn't tell Melissa about Sylvester because I just assumed that what he said was true. If Andrew was willing to kill me without him letting me explain myself, what line wouldn't he cross?

After Melissa told me what happened I expected I would be heartbroken and not want to live but I was the opposite.

My feelings shut down and I became numb too any feeling or thought, and my will to live only became stronger. I wanted to make sure that another person wouldn't ever affect me the way Andrew did.

After I was discharged from the hospital we both booked tickets to France, knowing that we could just drive to a different country if we wanted too. I didn't tell anyone I knew that I was alive besides Melissa, it made everything easier because I wasn't the same person everyone knew me as. Even though I couldn’t talk to my friends I would often think about them, I hoped that they all got over my death and they were happy.

I hoped that Travis finally found peace now that his cousin was dead, I hoped that Travis and Charis both admitted that they loved each other, I hoped that Jenny was happy with her boyfriend.

I would sometimes become distant when I thought about all the moments my friends were having that I wouldn't be there for, like proposals, getting married and I really hoped that either Charis or Jenny were pregnant, they would make amazing moms.

Although I missed my friends a lot I missed Dalia more.

I missed her wide smile and the twinkle in her eyes when we would do things she loved. I would always remember her heart warming hugs and the way she laughed when I tickled her.

Even though I hated to admit it Andrew lived in my head, his smile, his face, his body, everything. Even though he hurt me, almost killed me I couldn't find myself too let go of him.

But he was a reminder of my past self, the one that was weak and trusted too easy and for that, and many other things, I hated Andrew.

Before he I knew I loved him, he the pérson I would think about when wanted a safe place te go too. But I felt everything wash away when Melissa told me he-> betrayed my trust. And thats-when I knew it was better if I just lef, IAving everyone too may€ on from me.

After Melissa and I had landed in France we drove to Germany and continued my training. In just a short 3 months I became better, faster and more ruthless then Melissa

I trained myself not too let anyone in and built my Walls up so no one would be able too gettoome,l became distant and cold... perfects for an assassin. After the threes. months were over and Melissa was convinced was good enough on my own she left Germany aneé:went back to America to avoid suspicion.

I soon started too pick up work as a professional killer, killing whoever I was hired too.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

That was the only thing that made me feel something, when I pulled the trigger and killed someone, it would give me the tingling sensation that I craved so much.

Although I was a killer I had my own set of boundaries.

None of the people I killed were women, only? men, a majority of the time I woul@only kill the men that . ™ abused awomen or were wicked and manipytative which was a majority of them Most of my employers wets’ women who wanted toget out ofan abusive relationship-and thats why I killed for cheap. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Only 6 months into my profession I started too do underground fighting as well, I was one of the best.

I soon became one of the best assassins in Europe and some would say across the world. When people started too learn about me they wanted me too kill random people and I continued to reject them and only provide my services to victims.

People soon got the idea and began to leave me alone but that didn"t stop them from giving me a name.

Scarlett Shadow.

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