Madness: A Dark Revenge Romance

Madness: Part 2 – Chapter 24

Senior year at Barrington

Don’t fucking touch me,” Kash snaps, pulling away from one of the Lords dressed in cloaks and masks.

We stand in the center of the arena at Carnage. We’ve been here before for our first initiation.

“What the fuck is going on?” Kash looks at me. “We don’t have time for nonsense. Saint⁠—”

“Is still in surgery.”

We both spin around to see the brunette bitch is back.

“What the fuck do you want?” Kashton growls. “And why the hell are we here?” He reaches his arms out wide, gesturing to the arena.

I take a look around and see it’s empty. Last time, it was packed with Lords to watch us. My eyes drop back to the woman.

She crosses her arms over her chest, pops one hip out, and smiles. “Bring them in.”

The back doors open, and I stiffen when eight men are brought in. They’re wearing a pair of black pants and that’s it. Their ribs are showing and their eyes are sunken in. Hair missing in patches. Bruises and scars cover their ashen skin.

“Fuck,” Kashton snaps.

They’re prisoners here at Carnage.

“What the fuck is going on?” I step forward, starting to panic. I tried to stay calm for Kash and keep him together while we waited for Saint to finish surgery, but now I’m starting to get a sickening feeling.

“Boys.” She turns and addresses them. “Salvation comes with a price.” She begins to speak, and the four Lords who brought us in here walk over to the eight prisoners. “You want freedom? You have to earn it.”

What is she doing?

“If you kill them, you get to walk free. Today.”

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Kash steps forward, saying what I’m thinking, and I grab his shirt to keep him back.

She smirks at us. “You’re supposed to be the best of the best.” Her dark green eyes look us both up and down as her tongue runs across her red-painted lips. “Let’s see how good you really are.”

The four Lords stab syringes into the prisoners’ chests, and the blood begins to rush in my ears.

“One-on-one isn’t really fair”—she shrugs—“considering they’ve been deprived of what their bodies require to be top of their game. Not even two-to-one. But four-to-one.” Smiling, she steps to the side. “I gave them a little extra boost. I really do wish you two the best. If you survive, I get to play with you.”

I stand in my shower, my forehead on the cool wall as I let the water drown me from above. My right hand fists my hard cock, and I try to slow my racing heart.

Fuck, the memories are harder to forget than usual. I’ve become accustomed to fucking them out of me. I could call up David and have him send some girls over, but Charlotte changes things. She’s the one I’ll use, and I have to have patience. Plus, the longer I wait, the better it will be.

So I’ll just do it myself. Although it’s never as good, it’s at least some kind of release.

I push my hips forward as if she’s on her knees for me, and I slide my dick through my fist. My mouth falls open. “Fuck,” I groan, my hand picking up the pace.

She was so fucking gorgeous, looking up at me from the table, tears falling from her eyes and her cunt soaked.

Afterward, I left her lying there tied with cum leaking from her pussy while she held in the enema. Showing me how obedient she’s going to be for me.

My good girl.

“Soon, doll face,” I say. “Soon you’ll be mine.”


Right on time, I pull into the parking lot and park next to my mother’s white Lamborghini. I can’t say that I’m not close with my mother because I am, but I was a daddy’s girl. My mom tried to make life the best for us after he died. She remarried, and I like my stepdad. He’s a good guy from what I know. As good as a Lord can be. Plus, he keeps her happy. She was in love with my father. I won’t say they had a perfect marriage, but it was one of the best ones I’ve seen in our world.

I enter the restaurant and find her already sitting at a table dressed in a black Valentino dress and matching Jimmy Choo heels. She waves me over and stands as I approach.

“Good afternoon, dear.” She hugs me before kissing me on each cheek. “Glad you were able to meet up.”

I nod. “Me too.”

“How are things going?”

“Good.” I lie.

My life is over. Okay, maybe I’m being dramatic, but I feel like being Haidyn’s fuck toy may kill me. I mean, I never thought I’d beg him to get me off during an enema. I can’t imagine what else he’ll put me through.

It’s been a little over an hour, and my pussy is still swollen and red from his hand slapping it over and over. His fingers hurt but in a good way. It took my mind off the balloon in my ass. My fresh underwear is soaked. It’s throbbing as if to ask him for more. Another hit from his hand. Another finger to fuck. Hell, his cock. If he’s that rough with his hands and fingers, I can’t imagine what he can do with his dick.

“Perfect timing,” my mother says, and I look up to see her stand once more.

I follow her line of sight and see her best friend has also joined us. They exchange hugs, and she sits beside Mother across from me. They’ve been best friends since they were kids. “What are you doing in town?” my mother asks as if she wasn’t sure about whether her friend would show.

“Looking at houses,” she answers with a big smile.

“Since when do you want to move here?” my mother inquires. “You hated it here while attending Barrington.”

“Things change,” she answers vaguely.

I tune them out as my mind wanders back to Haidyn. Surprisingly, my ass isn’t sore, but my pussy? My body craves sex more than it ever has. I’ve always been curious about sex. I’ve watched porn before, but it always seemed so fake. Like how much can a woman moan and beg for more? Now I realize just how real it can be. I was a puddle for him and so fucking desperate.

When he tied me down, it was like a light switch flipping, and my body came alive. My need took over, and I wanted whatever he was willing to give me.

“Annabelle?” my mother speaks.

“Hmm?” I ask, pulling myself from that thought. I feel my cheeks flush just thinking about it when I meet her stare.

“I asked how things are going with Wesley?”

“Who’s Wesley?” her best friend, Anne, asks.

I was partially named after her. When I was old enough to figure it out and asked, my mother said Annabelle just fit me. She took one look at me and knew that’s who I was. All I can think of is that scary fucking doll that they made a movie about. I’ve always hated it.

“Her boyfriend. They’ve been dating for a couple of months now.” My mother fills her in.

“He’s good,” I tell her.

“Are you guys ready for your trip?”

I don’t know why I told her he was going with me. I panicked when Haidyn left me no choice but to fabricate a trip out of thin air. I guess because my mother knows I’d never go somewhere by myself at the last minute like that, and I’m trying to limit her information about my life. “Yep. Already packed and ready to go.” Fuck, I feel sick to my stomach. Or that could be the effects of the enema.

“Oh, your backpacking trip.” Anne nods, obviously knowing about it. “Sounds exciting.”

Reaching out, I take a sip of the water that Mom had ordered for me when she arrived. I’m swallowing when she asks, “How are things with Haidyn?”

I choke on it, the cold water running down my chin. Setting the glass down, I pick up the napkin and blot my face. “Good.” I nod, trying to convince both of us. “Going great.”

“Haidyn Reeves?” Anne asks, arching a brow.

My mother nods. “I told you she was given her assignment.”

Her friend is of course a Lady. My mother wouldn’t associate with anyone outside of our world. She was raised that the Lords are everything. Royalty only sits with royalty—her words.

“Yes, but I wasn’t aware it involved a Spade brother.”Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“How are the sessions going?” my mother asks, and I look at her friend, not sure I should answer.

So I shrug and say, “Good.” It’s a fucking lie.

I’ve fucked up what little chance I ever had. The Lords sent me on a wild goose chase. I think it’s their way of knowing I’ll never be enough for the life I’m supposed to have. You have to be born into this world, but they’re going to see if you’re worthy.

“Sessions?” her friend inquires. “What exactly do you mean by sessions?”

“Oh, Annabelle is his therapist.” She does air quotes at therapist and her friend laughs.

Pretty much what I thought when I read the email.

“I mean, I see how the Lords would use you for that position.” Anne’s blue eyes look me up and down in thought. “Men are weak when it comes to pussy.”

I choke on my own saliva at her choice of words. “Oh, no. We’re not⁠—”

“Fucking?” She chuckles. Her red-painted lips turn up into a smile. “I promise you, honey. He’s thought about it.”

My cheeks flush because of what he did to me today and what I can only guess is to come.

“Well, that won’t be happening,” my mother says tightly.

I’m to remain a virgin. She sold my virginity a long time ago to the man she wants me to marry. I don’t know who that is, but she’ll let me know when the time is right. Again, her words.

“Don’t ever underestimate a Lord,” her friend says in a tone that has a chill running up my spine. Her eyes search mine from across the table, and the smile that tugs at her lips makes me think she already knows what I’ve allowed Haidyn to do to me. “Plus,” she adds, “those Spade brothers have been through a lot.”

I frown. “How do you know?” Placing my elbows on the table, I lean forward. Not many know that Carnage exists, let alone what happens inside Carnage because those who are placed inside never get out.

“My ex,” she answers, and I can’t tell if she’s lying or not. “He knew quite a bit about them.”

“What could he possibly have known?” My mother rolls her eyes while taking a sip of her water.

“What did they go through?” I inquire, fully invested in this conversation now. If I can learn more about them, then maybe I can get leverage over Haidyn.

“They say that Haidyn killed their fathers,” Anne answers, and I watch my mom stiffen like she knows something about that too.

“Why would he do that? To take over Carnage?” I ask.

“No.” Anne shakes her head. “They were going to inherit it no matter what. The rumor is that he killed them for Ashtyn.”

“Why would he kill them for her?” After I got the assignment, I did a deep dive into the Spade brothers. There wasn’t a lot of information out there. The Lords, in general, are very secretive, but I was able to find old social media pages of Ashtyn and some of her friends.

I found that Ashtyn was Saint’s chosen before she was assumed dead. The fact that I just saw her the other day at Carnage tells me that is not the case. It makes me wonder if the Spade brothers started that story to hide her from the world.

Anne’s eyes meet mine when she answers. “Because Haidyn loves her.”

My mother snorts. “The Lords don’t love anyone.”

“Not most, but some are weak,” her friend argues, keeping her eyes on me.

“Saint was Ashtyn’s Lord,” I state the obvious.

“True, but she was assigned as Haidyn’s chosen. He was supposed to marry her.”

“A Lady and a chosen are two very different things.” So that’s interesting that she was supposed to be both for him.

“The Spade brothers have different rules.” Anne waves her hand in the air, refusing to divulge any more information.

“Then why didn’t he?” I saw her at Carnage, and she looked so concerned about Haidyn not answering her calls when she was telling Saint. Does she love him too? Did they have a relationship before she and Saint did? I wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe they were like my friend and her Lord—slept around on one another.

“Although Haidyn acts like a monster, he’s a teddy bear. He’s weak.” Anne chuckles. “He gave her to his best friend, who was also in love with her.”

“Saint,” I say, knowing what she means.

My mother snorts once more, bringing the glass of water to her lips and looking away. “Not sure why they’re so obsessed with her.” She sets it down and looks at me. “She’s nothing like you.”

Every mother is supposed to love their child unconditionally, but my mother is borderline obsessed with me. I grew up doing no wrong. I’ve never been grounded or punished in any way. She raised me to believe that I can achieve anything I want. Except freedom. I was born into this world, and I’ll die being part of it. That’s when I realized that she was lying to me, trying to sell me bullshit. You can’t be anything you want. It’s a fairy tale parents tell their kids in hopes they believe it.

I don’t.

“Like I said, the pussy can be powerful.” Her friend shrugs, and I’m not sure if she’s referring to Ashtyn fucking Saint’s friends or me fucking Haidyn, and I’m not sure I want to know.

My work cell goes off, and I remove it from my purse as my mother calls over to our server. I see it’s a text from Haidyn. My heart picks up, and my throbbing pussy begins to sting as if he just slapped it. My eyes snap up to look around the restaurant to see if he’s here. Maybe he’s listening to our conversation and knows I’m talking about him. When I don’t see him anywhere, my eyes drop back down to my phone to read the text he sent.

HAIDYN: Make sure to drink lots of water.

I roll my eyes and type back.

Yes, Lord, Sir.

HAIDYN: Sarcasm will get you nothing more than a face fucking.

The thought of being on my knees for Haidyn has my pulse racing. I’m sure I’d be tied up somehow as he pushes his cock into my mouth. Gagging me…I wonder if he’d slap my face. My hand goes to my cheek as it reddens just thinking about it.

I look up at my mother and find her occupied with the server. So I pick up the water in front of me, bring the straw to my lips and suck on it as I take a quick selfie. Setting the cup down, I send it to him.

HAIDYN: That’s my good little whore.

The throbbing between my legs intensifies, and my underwear gets wetter. Looking up quickly, I see my mother’s friend’s eyes on mine, and my cheeks redden.

Fuck, I’m so fucked!

My phone goes off again, and it’s Wesley texting me this time. I sigh. How do the Lords expect me to handle this? Does it mean I can break up with Wesley now since Haidyn knows who I am? I’m not sure what to do, and I can’t ask them because then they’ll know that Haidyn knows who I am. Goddammit! I want to slam my face into the table. Instead, I open his text.

WESLEY: Hey, baby. Sorry you had to cancel our dinner tonight. Tomorrow night, I’m going out with the guys. Want to go with?


I respond and turn the phone off, done with this day. I need a margarita, not a water, and I need a fucking nap.

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