Lycan King’s Nemesis

Chapter 142


Who said it was easy to let go? They were all damn liars! Bloody blasted liars who stooped so low to write for fame even though at the detriment of the truth.

It was a mere fallacy.

True love is as destructive as it is healing.

I discovered that the hard way.

I thought I was going to forget. In one month. Two months. Or possibly three months. Damn it, I knew I won’t forget, but somewhere in my heart, I hoped to be able to endure it. That my love for Ashton would fade away and slowly over time it would become just a figment of my past. Just like Julian.

Yet, every day when I woke up, it was like yesterday. Nothing new. Instead, I grew lonelier and bitter. I just wanted to perish, however, even death seemed too far off to come to me.

“Gwen, darling.” A subtle knock sounded at the door followed by a soft shove. It was my mom.

From the window I have been standing staring outside like I do every day, I looked in the direction of the brown oak, and back, quickly reaching up to dab at my face lest my Mom saw me crying again. “Baby, I could feel your sadness from here. C’mon, we are going to the Alpha’s house to see Theresa.” My Mom was saying.


Now, I felt sullier and guilt-tripped seeing as my sister had only put to bed and would need my mother but here she was because according to her she couldn’t leave me in this state.

“Mom, I will go by later.” I pushed off the window to walk to the door, my right hand positioned on my baby bump which was very visible now. I turned the locks and threw the door wide open. I knew she would have never left until she saw me. “I am fine.”

“You can’t lie to me. I am your mother.”

“Would Theresa be mad at me if I don’t come now?” I whimpered. “I mean, I just want to tidy around my space before heading there.” I scurried my eyes about with nothing in mind.

My mom’s arm rested on my left shoulder and released a sad sigh. “I know what you are doing, baby. You are doing that thing where you pretend to be good just so I can go.” A tear slid down my face. “But, you have to grow stronger. Plus, your sister won’t be mad. But you have to go see her later. You need a little exercise for the baby.”

There was a hurried step up the stairs and my Dad appeared. Looking weary. “You won’t believe who is downstairs.”

“Who?” Mom and I asked in unison.


“What!” A repeated unified exclamation from us.

Charlotte, my head spun. How did she?… how did she know here? She came here without fear my people would attack her.

This woman!

I was already on the move.

“Walk slower, Gwen, the baby…” I rolled my eyes at my Mom and her unnecessary theatrics.

“I will be fine, Mom. Charlotte is here? Unbelievable!”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Turned out it wasn’t a joke after all. There she stood in the foyer as we walked down the stairs, looking regal in a purple caped gown, her unique charming smile still plastered on her face as her blue depth raked over me. Then, they dipped to my stomach and for a fleet second, I saw gloom lurk on her flawless facade.

“Oh, my dear child,” She purred. “Come here.”

I didn’t know I had missed her this much until I was deposited in her arms in a crushing hug and began bawling my eyes out. This was my mate’s mother. Seeing her was like I was seeing him in the flesh.

We moved into the parlour and Mom went to bring in some refreshments with Dad sitting over there like a hawk watching us.

“I’m glad to know you are well, my child,” Charlotte’s right hand grazed my face. “I’m so sorry we failed you.”

I was speechless.

“Every day I don’t sleep well knowing you are not there and from the big bag under your eyes I can tell my son is not the only one who was going through hell.” Oh, so he was suffering too? That was the best news I’ve heard in ages!

“You have to come home, Gwen…”

“My home is here,” I finally broke my silence. “At least I know I’m with people who truly love me and would never disrespect me for who I am.”

“My son is a fool, Gwen, you must know that. He is birthed in pride and arrogance most times he doesn’t realize it. You did well for him proving that I made the right choice. And that is why you must come back.”

My heart thudded. I can’t go back. I missed him so much but still…

He didn’t even come looking for me! He doesn’t love me enough as he professed. If not, he would have disobeyed my order and come grovelling for me to return. But no, instead here we are.

“I can’t. ” I turned away from her.

“Oh, she is as stubborn as him,” She hissed under her breath, sitting back in the chair. “You said you wanted to unite the Kingdoms, Gwen. You wanted to us breathe in the same space without trying to kill each other. And I believed you.” I twisted to face her again. She never agreed!

“I know what you are thinking,” she raised her hands. “I was only being cautious. But what I’m trying to say is if you don’t return, know that my son is set out to do the opposite of what you wanted in his misery. Can you believe he is waging war against the vampires because their King danced with you at the last ball? Oh, bloody goddess.”

My eyes dilated. What! Vladimir was only being mischievous!

“He can’t do that.” I was confounded.

She rolled her eyes. “Then, you don’t know my son adequately.”

My heartbeat was about to burst now. Those poor beings can’t die because of me. That’s preposterous!

“Think about what I just told you, my child. Even though you hate him now, what about those innocent creatures that would die for something they didn’t provoke.” She prodded, mercilessly.

“I will only consider this under one condition,” I eventually fell, my mind already wheeling in fear.


“That he forgive and bring back Tyler.”


“Abby has been writing to me,” I confessed. That was the only thing that had kept me sane a little all this time. “Though, I haven’t received any letter this week.” And it was already Friday. She told me Tyler was expelled from the pack soon after I left. And she was with his child.

Poor Abby.

“Okay, Gwen, I promise to talk to Ashton about it. If this is just what you want, I will convince him it’s for the best.”

“Thank you.” I exhaled loudly and relaxed back on the settee as my back was starting to ache.

My dad cleared his throat, garnering our attention.

“If you don’t mind, we would like to leave now for the Alpha’s house. If you need any_”

“Don’t worry about that.” Charlotte stood, “I will be on my way back. I didn’t tell anyone of my whereabouts.”


She patted my shoulders and leaned in to kiss me. “I will be fine. Just think properly about my request.” Her eyes found my parents. “And thanks for taking care of her for us in this trying period. We the Lycans, owe you our lives for that.” With that, she gave a slight bow and made for the door.

The former feeling of dejection set in again.

As a result of the visit, we got to the pack house late. I had to go with them to relieve myself of heart strain. I couldn’t bear staying alone at home after the visit.

“He is so handsome, Theresa,” I said to my sister as I rocked her baby. He was true with identical eye colours to his Dad. This should have been our son, but the goddess had other plans for me.

“Thank you, sister. Yours would even be more.” We chuckled heartily.

By now my parents were in a meeting with Julian, leaving us alone.

“Hey,” Theresa touched my left arm, tenderly. I turned on the couch we were sitting to look at her. “I never got the opportunity to ask for forgiveness for…”

“You don’t need my forgiveness, Theresa. You and Julian make a nicer couple than we could have ever made.” Tears shimmered in my sister’s eyes. “You should forgive me for coming into his life before you.”

She crushed against me from the side. “Oh, Gwen, you have no idea how much I have carried this burden only covering it up with nasty comebacks just so I don’t feel guilty. Hearing this from you is the best thing ever. I’m sorry.”

“I love you, Theresa,” I sniffed in tears. “That’s all that matters.”

“I love you more, Gwen. You have no idea how much. That time you left, I have never felt more alone.”

“I’m here now. Anytime.”

We hugged more with the baby between.

“So, you don’t mind if Theo becomes your godson?” She croaked between tears.

“I will be more than honoured, sister.”

It was a sobbing spree.

When we eventually separated, Theresa wiped her eyes and gave me a smile. I suspected she had more to say and I waited for it.

“So, as your only sister, I think I deserve the right to tell you that you don’t have to suffer, Gwen.” She fiddled with her fingers seemingly crossing her words. “If there was one thing I discovered that time in the Lycan Kingdom, it was the obsession your husband had for you. That man loves you too much than any man I’ve known in my life…” She let out a mild chuckle and sniffed back tears that kept coming.

Theo’s eyes were fixed on his Mom probably wondering why she was sad. Soon, he couldn’t take it anymore and joined in the party. I stood up with him and rocked him harder.

“You have to go back to him, Gwen. Every child deserved parents who are in love with each other because, in that way, that love would be extended to them. We are a living witness to that. Don’t deprive your child of that.”

“I’m scared…” My lips contorted in raw despair but I controlled myself from bawling out like a pup. “He scares me.”

“I totally understand, sister,” her voice was low as she said it, however, her eyes were a hurricane when she pointedly said, “You back there was my superhero. Own that!”

I was nodding repeatedly, already thinking about Charlotte’s visit. Maybe I wasn’t strong enough like I thought. And maybe, truly, my child deserved to be with their father like I was with mine.


“Mom, I don’t care what you choose to do as long as I am exempted from it. A ball?” I scoffed, not seeing myself appearing on that day. “Count me out.”

“Things have been a little stiff around the pack. The people need to unwind. You need to unwind.”

“I need my mate. And only that, mother. Not some blasted noisy ball. Have you forgotten what happened at the last ball? I lost my best friend!”

“This time it will be different,” She insisted, taking a hasty step towards me at the window. “I promise. It would be the best ball of your life.”

“When I’m grieving?” This time I openly snorted at my Mom. Unbelievable. Is she mocking me?

“You will see…” She ended with a smile and headed for the door.

I smelled something odd.

Though I couldn’t tell what.

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