Love Unwritten (Lakefront Billionaires, 2)

Love Unwritten: EPILOGUE


With a smile, I reach for Rafael’s latest note that is taped to the top of an envelope. It has been over eighteen months since he started writing notes to me, and I’ve saved every single one in a medium-sized box safely tucked away in our closet. The small slips of paper never fail to draw a grin from me, regardless of whether there is a gift attached or not.

I unfold the small piece of paper and read the handwritten note.

Rafael’s Rule Book

Rule Number 228:

When your girl mentions she wants a new tattoo, book her an appointment.

My mouth falls open as I rip at the sealed envelope and pull out an appointment card for the local tattoo studio in town confirming today’s date and scheduled timeslot.

I had casually mentioned wanting a new tattoo in passing one night, right before Rafael had fallen asleep, so I thought he forgot.

I should have known better. If Rafael has proven anything over the last eighteen months of us dating, it’s that he is always listening and taking notes for his rule book.

With a skip in my step, I rush to his home office and throw open the door.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You booked me an appointment?” My voice squeaks with excitement.

He holds up a finger, his lips pulling at the corners as he says, “We can meet again in a week to discuss.”

My cheeks burn as someone on the other end of the video call says something before ending the meeting.

wince. “Sorry.”

He rolls his chair out from underneath his desk, and I walk over to take a seat on his lap. I drape my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss.

He pulls away before I have a chance to deepen it. “I take it you like the surprise?”

I poke at his chest. “Who knew you were such a romantic?”

His nonchalant shrug is endearing. “I have my moments.”

“Will you come with me?”

His eyes light up. “Yes.”

I drop a quick kiss on his cheek before jumping off his lap. “I need to go figure out what I want.”

His brows pinch together. “You don’t know?”

“No!” I have a hundred different ideas saved on my phone.

He smacks my butt with a grin. “You only have a few hours, so better get to it.”

We drop Nico off at Josefina’s house before heading into town. Anika, my tattoo artist, has been seeing me since I received my very first one. It’s been some time since I’ve seen her because life has been hectic.

When I flipped through the concepts I had on my phone, none stood out to me, so I shot her a text and requested a special design.

While Anika preps her station, Rafael paces the small room, grumbling under his breath about me not letting him see the tattoo until she is done. I would hate to ruin the surprise before Anika finished, so despite his protests, I hold strong.

“You can always wait outside.”

He casts a stern look in my direction. “No.”

“Then quit pacing and come hold my hand.” I pat the empty stool beside my chair.

He mutters something under his breath before taking a seat while Anika prepares my right wrist for a new tattoo. She hunches over me, the tip of her needle piercing the blank skin on the inside of my wrist.

By now, I’m used to the temporary pain associated with getting a new tattoo, so I don’t flinch while Anika completes the custom-made design. Rafael keeps my mind occupied with a few stories, including one about the six cats who made our barn their home.

I’m so caught up in that one that I lose track of time until Anika announces that she is all done. Like Rafael, I didn’t take a peek at the tattoo until now, and I’m glad I waited.

My eyes water as I glance over at the new tattoo. Three hibiscus flowers, one of which is smaller than the other two, share a single stem that forms into a treble clef.

The design is stunning, and Anika’s fine-line work is phenomenal, but the meaning behind the tattoo is what matters most to me.

Like the music note tattoo on my other wrist that symbolizes the relationship I have with my mom and Burt, Nico and Rafael will always have a permanent place on my skin to match the one they have in my heart.

A clearing of Rafael’s throat steals me away from my moment. “Can I see it now?” The excited twinkle in his eyes reminds me so much of his son.

“Sure.” I hold out my wrist for him to see.

Various emotions flicker across his face—excitement, confusion, surprise.

I can’t handle the silence anymore, so I crack a joke. “Is this getting too serious for you?”

“Not even close.” His eyes sparkle, making me feel like I’m missing part of the punch line.

“What does that mean?”

Red splotches appear on his neck. “Nothing.”

He quickly shifts the subject and asks Anika about paying, but I know Rafael well enough to understand he did the one thing he promised to never do to me.


“We need to pick Nico up,” I remind him as he passes the street that leads to his aunt’s lakefront house.

“He’s going to stay with my aunt tonight.”

“Really? Why?” Josefina never takes care of Nico during the week, mostly because we don’t like to mess with his routine.

“She offered to take him to school tomorrow.”

“Oh. That’s nice.”

His fingers drum against the steering wheel, completely out of sync with the music streaming from the speakers. Usually, the silence between us never feels uncomfortable, but tonight, it is filled with tension and some other emotion coming from Rafael that I can’t pinpoint.

“Are you good?” I ask once he parks in our driveway.


“You sure?”

“Yes.” He cuts me a look before exiting the truck and heading over to open my door.

“Well, you’re acting weird,” I say before shutting it behind me.

“I’m just…thinking.

Oh God. Maybe the tattoo was a bad idea, despite my mom saying otherwise. Sure, we’re in a committed relationship, but maybe getting a tattoo to symbolize it made our situation too real for him?

“Are you sure you didn’t get freaked out by tonight?” I try to shield my worries with a light tone.

“No.” He uses that no bullshit tone of his.

“Then what’s the—”

He doesn’t let me finish. “Elle, I promise you that I’m not freaked out or being a commitment-phobe or whatever else you’re thinking.” He laces our fingers together and leads me in the opposite direction to the house.


“No. It’s actually the complete opposite.”

My heart beats faster in my chest. “Really?”

He leads me to the backyard, where countless stars twinkle above us, and the full moon illuminates the row of hibiscus flowers he planted last week.

“I had this whole plan to take you on another trip to Hawaii next month—”

I interrupt him. “You did?”

“Yes.” He sighs with a smile. “But then you got that tattoo tonight, and all I could think about was how much I loved you. Of how one day, I want to add another flower to that tattoo.”

My vision turns cloudy. “I knew Nico would wear you down about adopting a sibling eventually.”

He cracks a smile as he slides down to one knee. “I want it all with you, Elle. Kids. Marriage. A barn full of animals—”

“Don’t forget about the coop,” I remind him.

“And a coop full of chickens with eggs you send me to collect every morning.”

“Don’t lie. You like taking care of them.”

“I like taking care of you, and I hope to spend the rest of my life doing just that, so long as you want me.”

“Does forever sound good to you?”

His smile stretches across his face. “Perfect.” The flower trembles in his hand as he holds it out for me. “Will you marry me? I don’t have a ring yet—”

“Yes. A million times yes,” I say right before my lips crush against his, sealing his proposal with a promise to love him as fiercely as he loves me.

For all the days of our lives.

After Rafael’s impromptu proposal, he surprised me with a rose gold engagement ring he custom-made for me, a black card with an endless limit, and a request to keep the wedding small and intimate.

Fast-forward ten months, and here we are, about to get married in front of our family and friends in our newly renovated barn. With Lily’s vision for floral arrangements, Josefina’s party-planning skills, and my mom’s eye for details, I couldn’t have asked for a better group of women to help me turn my wedding dream board into a reality.

“You’re shaking.” Willow, my maid of honor, hands me my bouquet while my mom and Josefina fuss over my veil. My dress is fit for a fairy tale and made up of delicate lace and expensive chiffon. It has a sweetheart neckline, intricate detailing along the bodice and skirt, and a train that can be removed after the wedding ceremony.

“I’m just excited.” My stomach has been in a constant state of butterflies since I woke up this morning without Rafael sleeping beside me. He and Nico stayed at Julian and Dahlia’s place while I remained at the house to get ready for the big day.

Dahlia’s hair and makeup crew from her Dahlia Redesigned show arrived at the house at 8 a.m., armed with mimosas, an array of hot tools, and enough makeup to stock a Sephora.

Dahlia and Lily arrived soon after. They may not officially be bridesmaids, seeing as Rafael and I wanted to keep it simple with only a maid of honor and a best man, but they are still family.

My family.

Josefina gives my shoulder a squeeze. “Julian told me Rafael has been pacing the house all day.”


She laughs to herself. “Yup. He even asked if he could sneak in before you got ready.”


“Yup. Julian had to pry him away from the door.”

I choke on a laugh. “It’ll be worth the wait.”

“Speaking of wait…” Willow checks something on her phone. “The photographer is ready and Rafael is in place.”

My heart beats faster. “Oh God. This is it.”

With my mom holding my train and Willow tasked with protecting my veil, we slowly walk down the stairs and head to the glass-paned doors that lead outside.

I pause midstride as I check out Rafael’s creation that he had prohibited me from seeing until today. He was the one who came up with the idea of keeping the whole thing a secret from me, and I now understand why.

Turns out the zone of the property he had concealed behind a temporary construction fence was hiding an alcove of hibiscus flowers that create the perfect photo backdrop for our First Look. After we share our private vows and take photos, we will have a formal ceremony for our family and friends.

His back is facing me while he fidgets with a cufflink. The click of the cameras around us fills the quiet as a genuine smile tugs at my lips.

“See you soon.” My mom blows me a kiss before Willow pulls her away, leaving me alone.

I walk down the pathway that leads to my future husband and stop a few feet away from him. He doesn’t turn around right away, so I clear my throat.

“Do you plan on turning around?”

“In a moment…”

“What are you—”

He plucks a flower from the hedge and turns to face me. His eyes go wide, and he blinks a few times.

“You look…” He cuts himself off with a curse in Spanish.

My smile stretches wider, making my cheeks hurt.

“That good, huh?”

“Mi estrella.” His eyes darken, and a look of pure desire washes over him as he takes me in.

Goose bumps form, spreading across my skin as I take him in. I’ve seen Rafael in a suit before, but him in a tux unlocks a whole new fantasy in my head.

“You clean up nice, Prom King.”

His dark eyes glitter. “I can’t wait to swap that nickname out for a new one.”

“Like what?”

“Husband.” His blinding smile has my heart stuttering as he walks up to me, tucks a flower into my hair, and pulls me into a kiss that leaves me yearning for more.

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