Love Unwritten (Lakefront Billionaires, 2)

Chapter 14

A hundred pairs of eyes follow me to the back of the bar, but I pretend not to notice as I disappear into one of the unoccupied bathrooms. I need to gain control over my heart rate again before I go outside and face everyone.

I’m not sure what I was thinking. That much became clear when my friends encouraged me to do something I haven’t tried in years—sing in front of a crowd.

I love everything about music except performing, which is why I haven’t tried it since I lived in Los Angeles.

Reporters always talk about how Ava was discovered at a dive bar, and that is true, but they fail to mention the other woman singing beside her.

I never wanted the fame like Ava, but I always loved the buzz I got whenever the lights were dimmed low and the music began to flow. Maybe that’s why I got up and sang my heart out tonight. Maybe for three minutes of my life, I wanted to step out of the shadows and remind myself of who I was before Ava broke my heart.

Mission accomplished.

Rather than spend the rest of my night hiding in a dingy bathroom, I unlock the deadbolt and step into the dark hallway leading back to the bar. I only make it a few steps before my path is blocked by a large man taking up most of the space.

He is as wide as he is tall, and his muscular arms nearly brush against the walls when he crosses them. His expensive black leather jacket might conceal his muscles, but I can tell the man works out religiously.

I take a step forward, and the wood floor creaks beneath my sneaker. The man turns to face me with raised brows.

It takes me two seconds to place the famous musician’s face.

“Oh my God! You’re—”

A warm palm covers my mouth. “Please don’t say anything.”

His hot, minty breath hits my face as my eyes lock onto his deep blue ones. I’m so damn starstruck, I don’t bother shaking him off. Instead, I stay quiet while I take in the thin, white scar cutting through his stubble and the mop of dark brown hair teasing the collar of his leather jacket.

I almost didn’t recognize Cole Griffin because the last time I saw a paparazzi photo, he had a buzz cut, a thick beard, and matching black eyes after his nose was broken.

He takes a deep breath. “Sorry for overreacting like this. Shit, I really don’t want people knowing I’m here, so please—”

“Get the hell away from her.”

The hand covering my mouth is ripped away as Rafael shoves the wildly popular musician away from me. Cole’s spine slams into a wall, and he lets out a painful oomph as the back of his head bangs into the bricks.

Rafael’s head swings in my direction, his nostrils flaring with each heavy breath. “Are you okay?” he asks in a slightly unhinged, guttural voice.

My heart—that little, traitorous thing—squeezes as he reaches for my chin and gently lifts it so he can get a better look at me. His thumb brushes over my skin, and my breathing falters for a moment.

“She’s fine, asshole.” Cole rubs the base of his spine with a groan.

Whatever haze Rafael’s touch put me in disappears as I push him away. I overlook the way his mouth drops open as I rush for Cole. “Oh God. I’m so sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing to him?” Rafael snaps.

I ignore him. “Should I get you an ice pack or something?”

Cole gives a thumbs-up. “I’ve dealt with worse, darling.”

“Call her darling again and I’ll put that theory to the test.” Rafael looms over me like a shadow.

I groan. “Can you not threaten him?”

“You’re defending this guy?”

“What’s your name?” Cole’s smile, while charming and confident, doesn’t make my heart skip or my stomach flip quite like one from the man hovering behind me.

“I’m Ellie.” I hold out my hand and pray he doesn’t notice the way it trembles. Anyone in my position would have a similar reaction, and whoever says differently is a liar because this is Cole freaking Griffin. Legendary vocalist. Genius lyricist. Love child of two rock gods.

Everyone with access to a radio has heard his music, and he is here. In Lake Wisteria!

Cole grabs ahold of my hand and kisses the back of it, all while Rafael watches with flared nostrils. The brush of Cole’s lips against my skin doesn’t elicit a fraction of the reaction Rafael cradling my chin did, and I’m not sure what to make of that.

“Ellie.” Cole tests the name in that deep, husky voice of his. “You’re the woman from the stage, right?”

I nod.

“You have a wonderful voice.” He releases my hand, and it hangs in the air for a second too long before I remember how to act like a normal human being.

Shame replaces my shyness. “Sorry for acting like a complete weirdo. You just caught me by surprise.”

“I’m the one who should be apologizing for freaking you out.”

I let out a soft laugh. “It’s okay. I get it. It’s not every day that someone like you shows up in town.”

“Someone like him?” Rafael asks while glaring at Cole.

Seriously, what is going on with him, and why does my heart flutter at the mere idea of him being overprotective of me?

Cole chuckles. “I’m used to having that effect on people.”

Rafael scoffs. “Ever heard of being humble?”

I shoot him a glare from over my shoulder before returning my attention back to Cole. “If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here anyway?”

“My manager suggested getting away for a while and offered to let me stay at his lake house. Thought it would help with my writer’s block or some bullshit.”

“How’s that going?” I ask.

“Not well, but I have a feeling that will all change now that I found you.”

Cole’s comment earns a death-stare from Rafael. The two men size each other up while I stand on the sidelines, suffocating from the testosterone flooding the cramped hallway. They could probably go head-to-head given their evenly matched weight and body types, although I’d put my money on Rafael winning because my ex-boss looks absolutely murderous at the moment.

A few people who seem interested in using the restroom quickly turn around when they get a look at Rafael, which only fuels my embarrassment.

“Do you need something?” I ask him with a surprisingly neutral voice.


“Can it wait?”


Cole’s amused gaze swings between us. “Boyfriend?”

“No,” Rafael and I say at the same time.


I swallow my laugh. “Absolutely not.” Although Rafael sure is acting like one with the way he stands beside me like a guard dog ready to attack.

“Then why is he here?” Cole props his booted foot against the wall, which stretches his black jeans until his knee pops out of the gaping hole.

“Your guess is as good as mine.” I shoot Rafael an accusatory glance, but he doesn’t notice, his eyes aimed directly at Cole’s face.

The singer laughs to himself like he is privy to an inside joke I missed. “Anyway…that song. Shit, you can sing, darl—” He stops himself when Rafael’s head swivels in his direction. “Ellie.”

Somehow, Rafael seems to hate him calling me Ellie more than darling.

I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear to give my hands something to do. “Thanks.”

“Did you write that rendition of ‘Late Nights’ by yourself?”

His question makes me freeze. “Why?”

As much as I want to claim that it was the original version, I keep my lips sealed and the truth locked away, along with all the other secrets I’ve harbored since I moved back to Lake Wisteria a year ago.

“Because it was brilliant.”

My brows jump. “Really?”

“Yeah. Honestly, I prefer it over the original.”

“I agree,” Rafael says, making my chest constrict. Unlike Cole’s, my ex-boss’s compliment worms its way through my heart and remains there.

You’re supposed to be mad at him. Not swooning over him acting remotely nice after being borderline unlikable for eight months.

Maybe that’s why I’m having these kinds of reactions. I was so starved for attention from Rafael that I’m now moved by him doing the absolute bare minimum.

Right. You keep telling yourself that.

Cole continues, “I loved the rawness of the lyrics. They gave me chills.”

I blink twice. “Oh wow. Thank you. That means a lot coming from someone like you.”

“Do you have an agent?”

“No.” The word carries a bitterness to it that makes me cringe.

“Have you ever considered finding one? You could make a lot of money if you created another song like that with the right person.”

I bristle. “I’m not interested.”


“I’m just not.”

Rafael comes closer, keeping enough distance to remain respectful while staying close enough to remind me that I’m not alone. I shouldn’t be grateful for his presence, but I can’t help the gut reaction. There is something about his proximity that comforts me. That makes me feel like if I asked, he would whisk me away, no explanation needed.

Cole raises his hands. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

I’m quick to get defensive. “You didn’t.” My chest rises from my deep breath. “It was nice meeting you and all, but I should get back to my friends before they think I ditched them.”

His eyes flash with panic. “Wait.”

Rafael tenses.

Cole scrubs a hand down his face. “I’m screwing all this up. Fuck.

My head tilts with confusion. “Screwing what up?”

“My first impression.”

“First insinuates there will be more.” Rafael’s arms brush against my back as he crosses them over his chiseled chest, using the oldest intimidation technique in the book. While it doesn’t seem to have any effect on Cole, it does a number on me.

That should be the first sign that something is fundamentally wrong with me.

Cole glances between the two of us before finally saying, “I’m not trying to hit on you or anything.”

Rafael doesn’t seem to believe him, but I do. Outside of him calling me darling, he hasn’t appeared the least bit interested in checking me out.

Cole surprises me by saying, “I’d love to grab a coffee or something if you’re free.”

I blink twice. “You want to get coffee with me?”

He laughs. “Um, yeah?”


“You’ll have to say yes to find out.” His wink makes me laugh.

“She’s busy.” Rafael moves forward as he uncrosses his arms, stunning me once again as his hand curls around my shoulder. If he were anyone else, I would consider the move a quiet claiming, but this is Rafael I’m talking about. He doesn’t even like me, so I don’t understand why he is reacting this way.


“Sure,” I say. Screw it. I might not be interested in writing songs, but if the mere idea of hanging out with Cole bothers Rafael, then what the hell. I’ll grab a cup of coffee with the singer.

It’s not like Rafael cared about my feelings when he didn’t let me say goodbye to Nico, so why should I extend the same courtesy to him?

Rafael struggles to mask his surprise. “What?”

“I’m pretty flexible.” I shoot Cole a soft smile.

Rafael’s eye twitches. “I thought you didn’t have any time.”

My grin widens. “Turns out my schedule cleared up.”

He glares. “How convenient.”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Cole’s eyes light up as he pulls his phone from his back pocket. “Does Sunday work?”

I nod.

“Great. Can I get your number so we can coordinate?”

“Of course.” I rattle off my number while Rafael taps his index finger against his straining bicep. My heart matches the beat, the drawn-out thumps filling my ears with a steady whooshing sound.

The angry vein above Rafael’s left eye appears again as he gives Cole his back. “Can I speak to you, please? Alone.”

“Fine.” I might as well get this conversation over with, seeing as he won’t stop following me until I do.

“See you soon, Ellie.” Cole tucks his phone back into his pocket and shoots me a parting wink from over his shoulder before disappearing out of the back exit, leaving me alone with the last person I want to talk to.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.