Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 4: Schedule and Classes

Chapter 4: Schedule and Classes

Kaylee's POV

Here I am following Glen to get our schedules at the Central Office where we were asked to go

according to him.

While we were walking along the hall, I suddenly saw a very handsome boy, a very handsome boy

standing at the hallway. I shake my head remembering something in the back of my head.

(I'm not gawking... I'm not gawking... I'm really not gawk--) I was cut off from my thoughts when I saw

him again.

(Damn that body, that muscle, that lips... kissing someone...wait-- what....)

"What the h--" I was surprised. His kissing someone. His kissing someone arghhh... I mentally face

palm and grow a little bit.

"That's right, he's already taken. So, stop dreaming already and forget about him. You've got no chance

at all" Glen said rubbing it on my face.

I look at him and he was staring at me with an annoying smirk plastered on his ugly face.

(Don't tell him that I said his ugly face or he'll go berserk... okay. Just keep it a secret)

I glared at him. "Shut up. No need to rub it on my face, you idiot" I said and started to walk away

passing him.

"Uhm... Kaylee--"

"Fine. I already get it so let's just go and get those damn papers" I said in annoyance cutting whatever

is he going to me.

(I already get it so could you just let it go now...) I said in my mind hoping he will get it. I groan in

frustration while still walking.

"Uhm... Kaylee" he said again and my blood is already boiling now.

"WHAT..." I turn around and shouted at him. But I was confused as to why he is still standing at the

same spot a while ago while wearing a silly smirk.

"Uhm... that's not the way to the office. It's this way... oh and please don't yourself worked out" he said

cheekily and pointed at a room at the end of the hall with a printed word on the upper part of the door.

ASSISTANT OFFICE it reads written in all capital letter.

I blushed in embarrassment while he just keeps on laughing. "Oh, just shut up already" I said while

walking up to him.

He began laughing like a mad person and I just storm pass him and walk towards the office with a

pissed expression.

(Tsk... you idiot, that was so embarrassing thank goodness only Glen was here or I might run and dig a

hole and hide in it forever...tsk)

"Hey wait for me" he snickers and immediately tailed behind me. I just ignored him since he was still


He suddenly stopped chuckling and I got curious but still continue walking. "Just forget about that guy

already" he said in a monotone voice.

"You think that I'm still thinking about that guy, no way since that was like 2 seconds ago" I said in a

sassy manner.

(The thing I hate about boys that I have my eyes on are those with girlfriends they call)

"Yeah... right" he said but with that tone he's giving tells me that he's not satisfied with my answer at all.

But I just ignore it. (It's up to him if he believes it or not. It is his choice after all)

I opened the door slowly, little by little until it was wide for both of us to enter. The door revealed few

students sitting on the corner (I guess they're waiting to get their schedules too)

We went to sit on the vacant chairs near the other students who are waiting for their turn to get their

class schedules too. We waited for our turn and then bam here we are holding our schedules while

going to get our locker numbers which the staff said.

"I never thought that getting our schedule is that so easy. Not like back at our previous school which we

needed to fall in a very long line" Glen said while looking at his schedules.

"Oh, come on they are just so outdated you know that they don’t usually use magic there. Pretty much

they like everything to act without magic that is...." I said to him and when I turn around, he is already

staring at me.

"Yup... they prefer the old style" he said and we both laughed at the hallway. (Thank goodness no one

was here or they might think were insane)


Getting your own locker number is fun since we need to choose it from a bowl filled with locker

numbers before we could access and enter the hallway of lockers.

(It was very fun picking in that bowl the number of your locker.... I really enjoyed....)

"So, what did you pick? Mine's locker number is 24. How 'bout you what did you pick" I asked him

trying to look at his locker number.

He didn't talk but showed me. "Locker number 11" I mumble and he nods.

"We are too far from each other... too far..." he said defeatedly. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Oh, don't be so down about that" I comforted him.

"How about our schedule. Let's see if we have similar schedules. Maybe it might cheer you up" I

propose and he nods.

I scan his schedule and I was surprised. We only have 2 same class but I was more surprised that

most of his subjects were all related to combat or physical fighting.

"What the- why are most of your class all related to physical fighting" I asked him and he just only


He looked around to see if there are people before talking to me.

"Geezzz... Don't play dumb since you already know why and I'm not like you so I don't need those

other lessons but still I need the other subjects to know how magic works" he stated like it was the

most obvious thing, but it really was.

I immediately covered his mouth since he was so loud and I immediately look around and saw no one

was paying attention to us. All of them are busy with their own lives.

I look at Glen and he suddenly licks my hand making me immediately remove my hands off of his


"Disgusting Glen. Ew.... Why did you do that bastard? I was trying to save your ass here" I snicker to

him while wiping my hands with tissue.

"I can't breathe you know... and by the way I think maybe they didn't hear it. Didn't you notice that I

checked the surrounding first before I talked so I guess no one heard it. Besides they don't even care "

he said while also looking around.

"Sorry about that. I forgot that... but do you think they didn't hear it?" I muttered apologetically and he

just smile at me.

(Why do I keep on reminding him that... arhg.... I feel guilty of making him remember that issue... why

oh why....)

"Nah..... it wasn't your fault that I don't have any... you know...." he stop and look around before

continuing and I feel more guilty.

(I made him remember that and I slammed it on his face like literally on his face.... I'm sorry Glen. I

promise I won't ever let you remember that again... I really swear...)

I look at the ground and mutter the word again.

"I'm sorry Glen I didn't mean-" I felt a pair of hands hug me and I immediately raise my head and saw

him smiling.

"Why are you feeling down? You'll only look ugly-- no I mean uglier in front of the boys you adore" he

joked trying to cheer me up and it always works but not the uglier.

"I'm not that ugly you know. Haven't you noticed that those boys are looking at me?" I said.

(No way.... I'm going to accept that I'm ugly.... I'm fabulous...) I said on the back of my head while


"Now come on let’s go to our classroom..." he said while smiling sincerely and just as the same I nod

flashing a smile.

(You are very strong you know that Glen. And I'll do everything just for you to keep that smile on your


"That's more like it" he trailed and look at our schedule again.

"So we have same class for the first and last class together" he said and we both look at each other.

"Awkward" we both utter together then chuckle.

"Is it a coincidence or life is playing a joke on us?" I snicker and we both laugh once more.

"Enough already we look like insane people here laughing in the hallway at nothing in precise" he said

making us both ease down from laughing.

"Yeah... let's go already or else well be late" I said making us move immediately.

"But you know Kaylee.... maybe those boys were not looking at you but me instead since your ugly" he

said before he hurriedly ran to our next class.

My temper rose up and I immediately followed him. "YOU FUCKER... JUST WAIT TILL I CATCH YOU"

I shouted while he just laughs.

Then that's the way how we both went to our class and saw that we were the first one to enter it.


Glen's POV

(I still can't shrug it off but I know she's still scolding herself... even though I tried to cheer her up...)

"Yeah were very late" I sarcastically said when we entered the room.

"Tsk... that run really pump up my system and now that I caught up with you--" she said while smiling

smugly making me gulp.

(Yup... she's definite over it)

"Hey.... I was just trying to--" she then cuts me off.

"I know and it worked. And I'm also just joking since I really needed that ran. By the way let's pick out

spot" she said making me smile and nod.

We pick our spot and it was at the back row near the window. I was near the window and she was at

my side. Since I want to look outside from time to time and I like the smell of fresh air.

I look at my watch and saw that I still have time to take a nap. I look at Kaylee and she was already

reading a book on her hand.

"Kaylee I'll take a nap for a few minutes wake me up when the class is filled with students" I told her

and she muttered okay.

Minutes passed and I suddenly felt someone nudging me. I look up and saw Kaylee looking at me.

"Rise and shine the class is about to start already" she said while smiling.

"Oh..." I said and stretched my hands in the air like I don't care. (Damn that felt great...)

I look around and the classroom was already being filled with students and more students. Then I

remembered something and look at Kaylee.

"Oppss... I forgot... thanks by the way" I mutter in disoriented voice.

"No problem" she said then back to her book again.

The class was filled with different students therefore meaning different magics. Then the teacher came

in and all the girls including Kaylee shouted and screamed on the top of their lungs.

There Sir Trevor came in looking amazing like this morning. His outfit really made him stand out with

that white turtleneck long sleeve and black jeans with black converse.

I groan and frown in annoyance and seems like we boys all have the same response since we all did

that in unison making the girls look at us and us boys look at each other.

"Could you please stop screaming" I told Kaylee when Sir Trevor tried to make them keep quiet but he


"Okay… okay that's enough. Take your sit already and let's begin" he finished making us all took a sit

properly and look at him.

He scans around and then stops for a moment before shaking his head.

"Why did he shake his head" Kaylee whisper to me. I just shrug my shoulders.

"I have no idea at all" I responded.

"We'll maybe since the class is incomplete" someone said at the back. So we turn around and saw a

boy looking at a different direction.

"Look" he muttered and we followed him. We saw four sits were vacant in the front.

"I guess they're going to be-"

"Sorry were late" someone interrupted Sir Trevor making us all look at the door.

Then just like that the student's entered the classroom like it was nothing. They sit in front of the whole

class and the class were just murmuring something with each other.

"Those were the people who took our supposed to be table at the cafeteria" I hear Kaylee mutter with

venom in her voice.

I look at the student who went in. (They are powerful indeed just like what Mark told us. They seem of

radiating and giving off an intimidating aura which screams danger)

They were a group of three boys and one girl. Especially the boy which where the girl clings who wore

a expressionless face.

"Wait something a bit off?" I asked while looking at her.

She just stares at me waiting for me to spit it out.

"What is it?" She asked making me shock for a moment.

"Kaylee are you for sure that you’re not gawking those boys but rather than glaring at them" I said while

faking my disbelief.

"Oh come on I don't like them already because they stole our supposed to be table and bla.. bla bla...."

I shake my head not wanting to mind her again because she is already talking other stuff not related to

the topic.

I averted my eyes and stare at the window and engrossed myself at it admiring the beautiful scenery


"Okay then I guess everybody's all here" Sir Trevor said making me look at him and leave the window.

Kaylee stopped talking and we all look at the teacher in front ready for the lesson.

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