Love in Twilight

Love In Twilight By Tiny Mountains Chapter 117

Love In Twilight By Tiny Mountains Chapter 117

Chapter 117 He Discarded the To

Clarissa han en focus duiwell because of lier period. She planned to go back to the coulis Warly after


When she left the office, she saw Luke waliing at the cutrance of the company.

“Sis, wly didn’t you go home with Damien today? I just saw lilm leave, “Luke asked Clarissa. “I’m

staying in the dorm these days,” Clarissa sali curily, Luke thought, ‘she must’ve argued with Damien.

Otherwise, she won’t stay in the dormitory.’ lle wondered what he could do to cause Clarissa and

Damien’s relationship to further deteriorate until they were forced to divorce. After all, luis attempt to

provoke Damien’s anger earlier was a success.

Now, it was time to sow discord on Clarissa’s side.

Damien soon got into luis car. For a long time, he couldn’t control the wrath bubbling Inhimi.

Helit a cigarette, and began to smoke in the car. Ile know Clarissa wasn’t bold enough to ko on a date

with Joseph. They might have bumped into cach other in the mall. Besides, Luke would never tell such

a baseless lie.

It might be true that Josephliad given her advice about picking a tie, but it happened riglit alter lie

promised Clarissa a pay raise.

As he thought of that, he tureed luistic and threw il out of the window. Then, he drove away.

He was planning to take Clarissa home today. He even told Mrs Faber to prepare some nice desserts

for her…

A cleaning lady picked up the tic. She knew this was Damien’s designated parking. Since the tie was

new, she had someone pass it to Clarissa.

Clarissa was puzzled to see the lie Why did le drop the lielie wore?

Slie called Damien.

Damien received the call while he was driving home. “Why did you lose your tie?” Clarissa asked with a

confused voice. Damien questioned her coldly, “Did you pick this tie with Joseph?” Clarissa fell into a

short silence and wondered how he knew. “I ran into him the other day at New Edge Mall…” Clarissa

tried to explain. “You don’t have to explain,” Damien snarled, and cut off the call angrily before Clarissa

could clarify anything

He was furious. Not long after he beat Joseph’s arrogance, Clarissa ended up picking a tie with

Joseph. This showed that Clarissa didn’t turn away from Joseph after seeing him kneeling in front of

Dannien. Instead, she sympathized with Joseph.

She pitied him! This subtle emotion was detestable to Damien.

Daniem clenchellis Piste lightly

Clarissa was angly and frustrated looks like lieden’i lose the lie accidentally lle incander 11 for the

same ruson he threw Joseph’s shit out of the car 1.140 time!

Clanssa was wanny io o home, but she decide to wall a low days since Damien wir furious With bot yet


Returning to her room in the dormitory, she sat on her best and sulked.

Lily came over with a cup of holato console Clarissa “Drink up” Seeing the hot tea Lily brought, Clarissa

feli even more upset Damien’s never treated me like this before Right I’m just Madelynn’s replacement.

Why would he care about me?’

When Nicole left work, she saw Luke in a deep thought outside the office

Nicole was carrying a Chanel bag. Al first, Luke didn’t know much about bags. Rather, thanks to Emily,

he knew the brands of the bag but couldn’t afford any of them.

“Let me take you home, Miss Brown,” Luke said politely after giving the book to Nicole

Nicole knew Luke worked for Joseph. She loved Joseph very much, so she wanted to get some intel

about him from Luke.

“Okay, thank you,” Nicole said.

“How’s Clarissa doins at work?” Luke asked Nicole alter they got into the car.

“Do you know her?” Nicole was very puzzled.

“She’s my younger sister. I never got along well with her. Since childhood, my parents only loved her

and not me. They pampered her so much, and I was almost invisible in our family Mom would only

cook Clarissa’s favorite food and attend her parent-teacher conferences. She never attended mine. If

she had money, she’d give Clarissa pocket money first.”

“We’re noi a rich family, but we’re able to get by Clarissa had everything since we were kids. but me.

My parents didn’t give me anything Since I grew up in a family like that, it’s hard for me not to barner

Well, my dad’s dead now, and my mom’s in acoma…” Luke trailed off, hint of anger flashing in his eyes.

Everything he said was the truth. Clarissa had taken everything away from him.

Nicole knew unfortunate people needed a lifetime to heal.

“I want to see her up, but I need your help. What do you think?” Luke suggested.

warmthal Nicole had a huge crush on Joseph, so there was a probability that she might see Clarissa

virival. The eventy of his enemy would be his friend, after all

“I understand, but what do need to do?” Nicole wrinkled her brow slightly She had hate Clarissa for

some time,

First of all, Clarissa look away her position. Then, Clarissamad yored her than her in the economic law

exam, inakini: ber dreams of joining the audit department come to Crashing stop. Now, Clarissa was This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

higher ranked them in the finance department

“Let’s work on this bag of yours. Here’s how we’ll do it. “Luke told Nicole all about his plan.

Cramo ime Discardele

Luke and Nicole weren’t friends by any means, but they shared the same enemy. Luke had always

wanted to make Clarissa and Damien break up, and Nicole’s desire for revenge against Clarissa had

never gone away.

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