Love for the Librarian

Words Kept

Our weekend was awesome. We didn’t talk about Dylan at all. We drank, studied. I am pretty confident that Kevin will pass his finals. When we walk into school on Monday I feel relieved. I haven’t had to think about this stupid shit all weekend. It is like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. We all arrive at school together, even though we are in seperate cars. Kevin puts his arms around each of our shoulders. “This weekend was great. We need to do it again, before you guys move to California. Except without studying.”

“This weekend we can do it again, only this time we will go to the party on Saturday too.” Katelyn offers. “Unless your mom wants you home.” She looks at me.

“Na, I think she is good. I will hang out with her tonight so she can have some me time. She literally told me on Friday that she knows what it is like to be eighteen and just be safe.”

Kevin looks up. “Looks like trouble in paradise.” I follow his gaze and there is Dylan yelling at Brittney. She is trying to put her hands on his chest and he is pushing her off. I hear the words, “Keep your fucking hands off me.” I can’t help but smile a little bit. It is nice to see Brittney being put in her place. She looks pissed, not hurt. If she was hurt I think I would feel a little bad about it, since she isn’t I don’t.

We walk right past. Dylan flashes me a smile. I hear Brittney snarl. “You are ditching me for her.”

Then Dylan’s voice rings out. “It was always her. You just shoved your big ass in the way.”

Kevin laughs as we pass. Then hollers, “burn bitch.”

This causes a ton of laughing. I pull Kevin along with us. “You ready for your first final?”

“With you guys helping of course. Do you guys know the schedule for this week? I think we will have an extended lunch.”

Katelyn answers, “We do. Meeting on the field.”

“Of course. Dylan said he was going to prove to me that he doesn’t want Brittney, but I am not clamoring to forgive him.”

“When did he say that?” I just realized that I never told them about talking to him on Friday. Katelyn looks just as lost as Kevin.

“I ran into him when I was walking home on Friday. He talked to me for a bit. I told him that if he really liked me and not Brittney then he was going to have to prove it. I am guessing that is what that display was.” I pointed towards the school entrance to make sure they knew what I was talking about. Like they didn’t know.

Kevin laughs, “I don’t care the reason for it, it was fucking hilarious. You have to admit it. That bitch has needed to be put in her place for a long time now.”

I laugh, “I almost felt sorry for her, then I remembered what a bitch she was and that she probably didn’t even care about Dylan to begin with. It is just her image that she is pissed about.”

Katelyn nods in agreement. “Alright I am headed to my first final. I will see you guys at lunch.”

“I’ll see you later. Wish me luck.” Kevin gives me a silly grin.

“Not that you need it, but good luck.” I returned his smile.

“That’s right.” He throws his arms in the air and walks off. “I got this bitch.” I can’t help but laugh.

I head to my locker and throw my books in. I know I am not going to them. By the time that I close the door, Dylan is at my side. He has a big smile on his face. “How was your weekend?”

“Good, Kevin can be funny. Especially when you get some whiskey in him. How was yours?” I swear his smile is contagious.

“Miserable, I couldn’t see you.” He drops the smile and gives me a puppy dog face.

I roll my eyes at him. “Smooth. Ready for your finals?”

He shrugs. “Yeah, the study sessions with you helped. I am sure it would have been better if I had spent all weekend with you. But I am sure that Kevin needed it more than I did.” He slides a little closer to me. “When can I kiss you again?”

I chuckle. “Slow down Romeo. I need a little more time.” He looks a little disappointed. But he still manages a smile.

“Can I walk you to class?”

“Sure.” I walk next to him. Making sure to keep some distance, I don’t want him touching me yet. I want to keep things platonic for a moment.

“So, are you going to ignore me in P. E.?”

“Mr. Harman says he has stuff for me to do in the office. Kevin will keep you company though. You won’t be alone.” I give him a grin. I know this is not what he wants to hear.

“You mean Kevin will keep an eye on me and make sure that Brittney keeps her hands to herself.” He gives me a pointed look.

“Exactly. From what I understand you two have a lot of classes together.” I smile at him.

He doesn’t miss a beat. “Don’t worry I will be the perfect boy. Kevin will give me a glowing review. Then hopefully at the end of the week I will be the one spending the weekend with you.”

“Maybe, although we already have plans so you would have to share me.”

“Boo, I don’t want to share.” He sees my face, which is a little warning, then rolls his eyes. “Alright if I have to.”

“Goodbye Dylan. See you later.” I head into class without glancing back at him. He pulls my arm back and when I fall back into his arms, he hugs me close.

“You didn’t say I couldn’t hug you.” He whispers in my ear. “It has been so long since I held you.”

I try to get out of his grip. “Fine, you hugged me. Now get to class. You have a final, no skipping today.”

He grumbles and then lets me go. “I still want a kiss, but this will have to do.”

I don’t even say anything, I just go to class. He doesn’t need to know that I want to kiss him too.

Lunch comes soon enough. I was right not to worry about my finals, I got them just fine. The two I did this morning were a breeze. When I get to the field Kevin is already sitting with Katelyn. Kevin sees me coming up to them, he jumps up and runs up to me, grabbing me and spinning me around. “You are fucking amazing.” I am clinging to him for dear life. Plus the squealing like a school girl is bringing a lot of attention.

He finally puts me down. “I take it that your finals went well.”

“I have never left a final feeling good. Hell any test for that matter. It was fantastic.” He throws his arm around me. “So I hear the teachers, after the finals are done, are pretty much giving us passes to just hang. Are you with me?”

“Yeah, I think you have earned a friend spot.” We sat with Katelyn.

She laughs, “I never thought that I would say this about you, but you are cool to hang with. You have made it interesting.”

I smile, “I think it is nice to have a guy to even us out. So what is your final for this afternoon?”

“English.” He grumbles. “Worst subject ever.”

Katelyn laughs, “You got it. We hit English pretty hard. Don’t throw doubt in there it will fuck you up.”

Suddenly both Kevin and Katelyn’s eyes shoot up behind me. I turn to look and there is Dylan. “Here you guys are. Do you know how long it took me to find you?”

“Three days.” Kevin answers. He says it like he is stating a fact and not being arrogant.

“Well yes. Can I sit?” He gestures next to me. Kevin is the one to answer though.

“No, you can sit here though.” Kevin moves closer to me as a buffer between Dylan and I.

He takes the seat. “I get it you guys are pissed.”

Katelyn rolls her eyes. “You think.”

“I deserve that. I did not at any point get back with Brittney, you have to know that. She just started throwing herself at me.”

“Yeah, because you are such a Casanova that you couldn’t put her in her place.” Katelyn spat back.

Kevin shrugged. “To be fair I did see him tell her Thursday to keep her hands off. So maybe it was a bit more one sided than we thought.”

“When she came to me Thursday morning, I knew how it looked, but honestly I was laughing at her not with her. I haven’t wanted anything to do with that bitch in a while. Then Friday she started telling everyone that we were back together, I thought I was going to kill her. I heard that she was telling you to back off.” He looks towards me. “I heard all about that this weekend. I hunted her down and told her to shut her mouth. Then she tried again this morning. I swear that woman is dense.”

“Well, you sure put her in her place this morning. She would be an idiot to come at you again.” Kevin laughed.

I couldn’t help but laugh too. “The look on her face was priceless. She was pissed.”

Katelyn shrugged. “I think the bitch deserves worse, but it is a start. Alright you can hang with us again, but if you hurt Riley again, I will personally castrate you.” She looked him dead in the eye to make sure he understood that she was not joking. Hell, I believed her.

Kevin laughed. “Alright now plans for these free days, what should we do? We can’t leave campus but there has to be something. We have two whole days that all we have to do is show up.”

“I have no clue. I am the nerd remember. I never have any fun ideas.” I laugh.

“Don’t even go there with me girl. I saw your freak flag this weekend.” Kevin nudges my leg.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ok, but that was inebriated. That is a little different.” I say shyly. Dylan does not need to know that when I am drunk I dance around and sing whatever song comes into my head.

“Sounds like fun. I wish I could have been there.” Dylan says, he is smiling so I can tell that he is starting to get back into the groove of our group.

“Well, we are kind of doing a repeat this weekend. Maybe if you are a good boy you can join.” Katelyn hints to him.

“I promise, I do not want a repeat of this weekend. My other friends are not nearly as fun as you all.” Dylan smiles at me.

Kevin laughs. “You got that right. Those bitches wouldn’t know fun if it bit them in the ass. These two are fun. You missed one hell of a party.”

“There was a party.” Dylan looks shocked.

“Yeah, the three of us made one hell of a party.” Kevin laughs as he points to the three of us. “The booze flowed and so did the good times. I actually got some studying done too. I am doing well with my finals because of this weekend. This girl knows her shit. Even tipsy she kept it all straight.”

“That is because I think I drunk study. Don’t make a lot of sense, but it has worked for a while now.” I laugh. “I think last year I would get drunk and recite the periodic table.”

Katelyn nods her head. “Yep, it helped me to memorize it and I wasn’t even in the class. I am this year though so helpful.” Katelyn laughed. “At one point I think I was ready to take the chemistry final.”

“Drunk you must be fun.” Dylan laughed. “I am sad I missed it.”

The rest of lunch went like that. We kept trying to think of what to do on our days off, coming up with nothing. When lunch ended and we were headed to our last finals of the day, Dylan kind of held back. When I stood up he took my hand. “Can I walk you to class?”

“I guess.” He didn’t let go of my hand. Kevin and Katelyn kept going, deciding to give us some space.

“Have I been a good boy?” He gives me a seductive smirk. God this guy is not making it easy to stay mad at him.

“Maybe.” I give him a smirk.

He pulls me a little closer as we walk. “Maybe good enough to earn a kiss.”

“Dylan.” I roll my eyes at him.

“I can’t stop thinking about your lips. It is driving me nuts. I think I will fail my next final if I don’t have something to tide me over. You wouldn’t want my grades to suffer would you?” He pulls me a little closer, so close that if I am not careful I will trip over his feet.

“I guess not.” I whisper. What the hell is the matter with me? He pulls me to a stop and then his lips are on mine. I am lost. There is no way I am coming back from that. I think we are both lost, because when the final bell rings we are still standing there lost in each other. The bell pulls us too and we start running to the prospective classes.

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