Love for the Librarian

Truer Words Never Spoken

Dylan takes the seat next to mine and Kevin reluctantly sits across from us. Dylan takes out his history book. I guess that is the subject we are working on today. Over the loudspeaker my aunt has decided that she will play music. Soon the tunes of the Rat Pack fill the building.

Kevin groans. “Old people’s music.”

I smile. “I like it. Those guys knew how to romance a girl. Maybe you could take some lessons.” I give Kevin a wicked grin.

Dylan smiles at me. “I didn’t know you like Rat pack music.”

“Yeah, it’s nice and smooth and yet jonty too. It’s fun music.” I give him a different smile. One that shows I like him noticing things about me.

“I agree. I am guessing you are a Dean girl.” He cocks his head to me.

“Actually give me Jerry any day.” I smile and lift my head in a self assured way.

“Really! Well, I am screwed then.” Dylan laughs. I laugh along with him. Kevin is completely lost.

“Well, history let’s delve in. Is there any help you can give me on remembering the dates? I can never place the right date with the right event.” Dylan pulls out his notes. Kevin pulls out his too, they are abysmal. I don’t even think you can call them notes. They look more like a doodle pad.

“I can tell you that since it is multiple choice you will have options. Mr. Keller always makes multiple choices for the finals. Also he is not as concerned on the actual dates of things as he is on what actually happened in the event. Since he is covering the whole year in the final, that is a lot of events. Do you have a beat on the events?”

Kevin shrugs. “I have problems figuring what event was really going on when.”

“My suggestion to you Kevin is maybe some flashcards. You really have no clear grasp of what is going on. All the events are in bold in the text. Make flash cards with the event name on one side and what happened then on the back. It should have you pretty ready for the test. That might work with you too Dylan. I mean on any events that you are struggling with.”

Dylan looks over his notes. “I guess I just have some problems with the area around the civil war, it seems that so much was happening all at once. It is hard to narrow down what was with what event.”

“Flashcards for the civil war then. Sounds like a plan. Do you guys have three by five cards?” They both look at me like I am crazy. Who carries around three by five cards?

I shrug and pull a pack out of my bag. It is finals time of course I have some in my bag. “I am going to get another pack from my aunt. Try not to kill each other.” I wink at Dylan as I leave the table. My aunt is still watching Kevin, when I come up to her desk.

“Whatever made you agree to help that boy? He is a blight on this town. Pin head jerk.” She groans as she turns her attention to me. “That other boy seems nice. Is he your boyfriend?”

“I don’t have a boyfriend, Aunt Polly. He is a friend. I don’t know, I think he wants to be more, but I am leaving town soon and I don’t want to make a commitment that I can’t follow through with. Do you have any three by five cards? I thought I saw some in the desk last night.” I try to change the subject, but Aunt Polly is too smart for that.

“Way to change the subject dear. Yeah, they are in that drawer right there.” She points at the drawer closest to me. I pull it open and sure enough there they are sitting right on top. “Do you like this boy?”All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“It doesn’t matter if I do or not. It isn’t going to change anything.”

“Riley you are dodging again. Do you like this boy?”

“Yes, I do.” I shy away from her. I knew she was going to drag it out of me sooner or later. I just hoped to avoid actually hearing it for a while yet. The more quiet I was about it the better it was for me. I could pretend that it didn’t matter and I was leaving, so I could ignore it.

“You are not being fair to yourself young lady. If you feel for this boy you need to explore it. You are only young once. Just keep clear of Kevin.” She gives me a pointed look. As if I would ever be interested in someone like Kevin.

“Thanks Aunt Polly. I will keep that in mind.” I head back to the table. Something obviously happened while I was gone, because both guys were glaring at each other and I swear I can see sparks flying between the two.


As soon as Riley leaves the table Kevin leans onto the table. “I told you to leave her alone. You have left me no choice.”

“What the hell are you talking about? Just leave Kevin. We don’t want you here.” I glare daggers at him. I really hope that he leaves.

“Then tell her about Brittney and I will leave. Let’s see how she feels about being used.” He glares right back at me.

“I am not using her. I like her and I am not backing down. Leave.” I am really trying not to raise my voice. I don’t need her aunt kicking me out with Kevin.

“Yeah right. You just happen to be dating the one girl that Brittney hates. I find that really hard to believe. Just leave her alone.” It is like we are shooting bullets with our mouths. I am so intent on getting Kevin to leave that I don’t notice when Riley comes back.


“What’s up? I wasn’t gone that long.” I look back and forth between the two.

Kevin smirked up at me. “It would seem that Dylan doesn’t like my company. Perhaps he thinks I will steal you away.”

“Ok,” I drew the word out. “I have no idea what universe you just woke up in, but that isn’t happening.” I place the cards on the table and sit next to Dylan again.

“So Kevin it would be best for you to start in the beginning of the book and work your way through. It will give you a little refresher and also you can get the cards down. If you are confident in an event then skip it. Dylan, you focus on the civil war and do the same.” I watch as they start to put their cards together. Kevin of course is sloppy, but he is getting it down. Dylan is careful and notes all the important stuff.

When they are done, “Alright all you have to do now is run through them until they are clear to you. It will take a few times but I know you guys can get it. Don’t worry so much about dates. Worry about what happened.”

“I think we should call it a night.” Dylan looks over at Kevin as if giving him a hint that he needs to leave.

“I will leave with you buddy.” Kevin smirks at him.

“I am going to walk Riley home. So you can go ahead.”

“You can never be too careful, maybe I should walk her home too.” Boy he is being a stubborn ass tonight.

“Actually guys, I have to help my aunt close up. I won’t be ready to go home for at least an hour. You guys can head on out.” Dylan looks hurt.

“I can help you close up.” I know he doesn’t want to leave. I just also know that Kevin isn’t going to leave unless he leaves too.

“I guess, it is just cleaning up. Putting all the books away, then there is wiping down the tables and chairs. Vacuuming the floor. You know basic clean up work. I wouldn’t expect you guys to do all that.”

Kevin gets up and packs his bag. Dylan holds back. He goes to the table next to ours and starts picking up books. I smile, glad that he decided to stay. However Kevin sees what he is doing and heads to another table to pick up books too. Crap, can’t he just leave. I am starting to feel like he is just doing this to piss off Dylan and it is working. Why the hell does Kevin want to piss off Dylan so badly?

I start doing my closing pick up. While I am in the stacks re-shelving books. A pair of arms slid around my waist. I turn around to face Dylan. “Finally I have you alone for a moment.” I smiled at him.

“What the hell is his deal? Why is he trying to piss you off so badly?”

“He thought I took Brittney from him and now he thinks that he can get to you and take you away from me. He is trying to be a vindictive prick. I really need to kiss you now. I have been waiting too long as it is.” Dylan pulls me closer and presses his lips to mine. The passion that escapes him is enough to send my body reeling. How can a kiss make my toes curl? A small moan escapes my lips. Dylan loves it, he bites my bottom lip a little bit. My body pressed against his and his arms around me feels just right.

Then Kevin had to go and ruin it. He pops up from around the corner. “Now we wouldn’t be making out in the library would we. I mean Aunt Polly wouldn’t like that very much would she? Maybe I should go tell her.”

I glare at him. “It is none of your business Kevin, what I do with Dylan is between me and Dylan. I have already talked to my aunt about it. Can’t you just leave me alone?”

Kevin gives me mock pain. “That’s not really fair. I am just asking to be a friend. Like Dylan here. I can be your friend too.”

“No you can’t.” I don’t bother to elaborate. I simply want him to go away.

“You will see who your real friend is. He will ditch you as soon as Brittney comes crawling back to him. I guarantee you will much rather have me for a friend. At least I am honest about what I want. You are a rebound girl for him. He has no intention of ever being anything more than that.”

Kevin turns and leaves. Hopefully out of the building. I turn to Dylan. I think he is expecting me to comment on what Kevin said. I don’t I really don’t care what Kevin said. “So, that was a load of bull huh?”

“Of course it was. I am so sick of him and Brittney. I want to enjoy my time with you, they just keep poking their ugly heads around.”

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t. I told you we are just friends. I don’t see how we can be more than that with me leaving soon. Even if I wanted to be more.”

“You don’t want to be more.” The sad look returns to his face. Like I hurt him.

“I didn’t say that.”

“Then what do you want?” The sad look is still there, but I do see a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

I let out a big sigh. “I want it all. I am just being realistic. I know that this isn’t long term. We are going to live thousands of miles apart soon. We will be nothing more than friends.”

“Riley, look at me.” I look in his eyes I see a longing there I only ever prayed a man would feel for me. “I will be friends with you if that is all you really want. I just don’t think that is. I have a feeling you want me as much as I want you.”

I can’t help but remember that our bodies are pressed together. I can feel the heat rising in my face. I have turned a bright shade of pink, because I know he is right. I do want him. I am just too scared to act on it. No matter how I look at it, I am getting hurt in the end. It is just a matter of what is going to hurt less.

He smiles at me. “Don’t worry about it. I am here. I am not going anywhere. I am by your side until you leave me. Then we will see what happens.” He tugs me a little closer and squeezes.

“I told you what will happen. Besides once I am gone, you will see all the hot chicks around you again and you will forget all about me.”

“I could never forget about you. You are memorable. Don’t ever forget that.” He rubs me back with small circles.

I pull away from him. “I need to finish up here. I am sure my aunt is waiting to lock up.” I start grabbing books from the cart and shelving them. I come to a collection of books and put them all together.

“You’re not doing it right.”

“Excuse me, who works here?” I cock my head at him.

“They should be in numerical order.” He points to the books.

“Technically that is true. However, as long as the books are in the right area that is what matters.”

“It would only take a few minutes to fix.”

“Yes, but a few minutes for every series would take hours.”

“Just fix this one then.” He leans over me and starts moving books around.

“Anal much. It is fine.” I roll my eyes at him.

“Yeah, but it gives me more of a chance to be close to you.” He whispers in my ear like it is a sin. Hell maybe it is. It certainly feels like one. He rests his chin on my shoulder. “How much more do you have to do?” I can tell it isn’t an impatient question but a question of how long until he can get me alone.

“I think I can finish this up later. We should probably go. Aunt Polly will be waiting.” This time I took his hand and led him back down stairs to the front of the library. Like I predicted Aunt Polly is waiting. “I will finish up that tomorrow after school. I know you need to get home.” Aunt Polly gives me a knowing look and then walks to the door.

“I suppose you don’t need me to see you home today, what with two male escorts you are protected enough.”

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