Love for the Librarian

Future Commitments

After school Katelyn drives me to the library. I set up quickly for the study session. I figure I will sit next to Katelyn then they can both concentrate on their work. We are both sitting at the table when the guys get there. Kevin sits in front of Katelyn and Dylan in front of me. Dylan pulls out his chemistry book. Kevin pulls out an earth science book. He sees me look at it. “I didn’t take chemistry. I took earth science.”

“I didn’t take earth science.” I admit.

Katelyn rolls her eyes. “I did. I can help you. I took the final last year. Don’t think that this makes me like you or anything because I am helping you.”


Now that Kevin is taken care of I turn my attention to Dylan. I pull his book over. “So you are going to want to focus on the periodic table. Do you have the elements memorized?”

“Yeah, I actually got that one down. I like chemistry. It makes sense to me. So I need to focus on the elements. What else?”

“Expected reactions and elemental compounds. That is pretty much the final. If you get that down then you are good for that one.”

He smiles at me. “Then that leaves English. I have political sciences down. And of course I have a beat on the P. E. final.”

“Then we are about done with our study sessions.”

“That means you will be free to go on a date.”


“You said I could enjoy you while I had you. I think a date would be quite enjoyable.”

“Fine, one date.” I conceded. What the hell is wrong with me?

“Good Saturday. I’ll pick you up, here or at your house.”

“My house.”

“Six, dinner then movie.”

“Alright. I’ll be ready.”

We spend the next hour going over the periodic table making sure he knows the correct elements. When we are done, he helps me to clean up the library for closing. I like working with him like this. I feel like he really likes being around me. When we are on the far end of the stacks re-shelving he corners me.

“Riley, I need something from you.” It is a whisper as his nose glides along my jaw.

“What do you need from me?” I whisper back. It feels so scentual I am having a hard time getting the words out.

“I need your mouth on mine.” Then his lips crashed into mine. My hands have made their way around his waist pulling him closer. His hands are roaming my body, grabbing and pulling at anything they can touch. His hands find their way to my thighs and he pulls me up around his waist. He now has me pushed into the corner with my middle pressed against him. I can feel his mood and it starts to scare me.

“Dylan, we can’t do this. Not here.”

“I know, I am just enjoying you.” He kisses me again. I become lost. I still have my legs wrapped around him. Dear God, I do want to be with this man. What the hell is wrong with me? I am leaving town, this can not be happening. Then he pulls away from me. “I need to get you out of here before your Aunt finds us.”

“I don’t think it will end well for you if she did.” I laugh. “Besides, my mom will be waiting at home for me. I don’t see this playing out well for you.”

“I can be patient. I do want you though. Even if it is just for now.” He growls at me. I swear it sounds so hot.

“For now.” I pant out. He sets me down. Then takes my hand and leads me down stairs while adjusting himself. I don’t fail to notice. I did that to him. Then the thought passes in my mind. It doesn’t take much to turn on a teenage boy.

When we get back down stairs, Katelyn and Kevin are waiting. “I told this guy that I can get you home just fine but he is determined that we all should walk you home together.”

“I don’t think I need a whole entourage to escort me home. I really can just walk home with Aunt Polly. She lives next door.”

Dylan looks at me. “Then why didn’t she walk with us last night?”

I shrug, “I think she was giving us some space.”Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Dylan looks at Kevin. “How about you make sure Katelyn makes it home alright and I will get Riley home?”

“I would but I don’t think she would let me.”

Katelyn looks at him for a moment. “Come on ass wipe you can see me home. I am driving.” She pulls Kevin by the arm. Dragging him out of the library.

Aunt Polly met me at the desk. “I have some things to finish up, are you going to make it home alright?”

“Yeah, I’ll be alright. Mom is there waiting.”

“She told me.” She nods to me in understanding. I am sure her and mom had a nice long talk about it.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Aunt Polly.”

“Good night dear. I will see you tomorrow. Unless of course Katelyn gets arrested for killing Kevin then of course you are excused from work.”

Dylan and I both laugh. When we leave the library, Dylan pulls me closer. “How long before your mom starts to worry?”

“I don’t know if she might have gotten a text from my Aunt that I was leaving.”

“Why did it seem like a big deal that she was home?”

“It is the first time that she has been home in a month. She showed up last night. She says she wants to be more involved all of the sudden.”

“So you mean that first night I walked you home I could have had that house all alone with you.”

“Not even, jock boy.” I playfully nudged him. “I don’t just have guys over at my house. No matter how empty it is. I am not some easy girl.”

“Oh, I never thought you were easy. I just really enjoy spending time with you. If we had all night, that would have been perfect.”

“Now I know that is bullshit. I am not that interesting of a person.”

“Maybe not to you. To me you are an enigma that I need to figure out. The more time that I spend with you the more I figure out. I enjoy the puzzle.”

“So were you wanting to do something? Is that why you asked about my mom?”

“I was thinking of dragging you off to my truck and making out with you for a few.” He gives me a cocky grin. “I kind of keep thinking about your mouth on mine.”

“Yeah, but maybe we should cool it. I don’t want to get too attached.”

“Don’t get attached, just use my body.” His cocky grin isn’t going anywhere.

“I don’t work that way. I am an all or nothing girl. I can’t just use someone.”

There went the cocky grin. “You know you don’t have to leave as soon as school is over. We could have a little time together.” He holds my hand.

“I wish, I have to go find a job. I don’t really get paid a whole hell of a lot to work at the library. I will be living with Katelyn but I want to pull my own weight. I need to work before school starts.” I look into his eyes. “Besides if I stay here much longer then I might never leave.”

His gaze is intense. “Would that be so bad?”

“I am struggling to find the reasons any more. Especially when you say things like that.” I straightened up, I had been leaning toward him. “But I know that I can’t put my faith in a relationship that hasn’t even really started. I am the rebound girl and you know it.” I pull away from him and start to walk with him. I don’t make it two steps before he grabs my arm and pulls me back to his chest. Then his lips are on mine. I swear I am on fire by his touch. When he pulls away I feel like a polar ice cap was pushed between us.

“Does that feel like a rebound?” His voice is a whisper, sensual and unreal. How can he affect me so much?

“No, I just don’t know where we are going and I’m scared.” I pull away, he lets me go a little ways but keeps his hand in mine.

“I’m scared that the most perfect girl I have ever met is leaving and I may not be able to find her ever again. I’m scared that you won’t feel the same about me.”

“Feeling about you was never the problem.”

He pulled me to his side. “Are you saying that you have feelings for me?”

I smiled at him. “Maybe.”

“Just promise me one thing. No matter what happens, we will stay in touch. If you leave, you won’t leave me completely.”

“I promise that you will be able to call me at any time and I will answer. You will be my friend.”

“I will hold you to that.” He waves his arms around in an exaggerated manner. “Look at us conquering fears left and right.”

I laugh, “Yeah, I am just not so sure that the fears are going away that easy.”

“Of course not, but we have to try. We will never move on to the next level staying in one place. Especially if we are going to work something out long distance. Even if it is just friendship.” As if the last words were final we reached my gate.

“Well, I will see you tomorrow.” I turned to head down the walk and was pulled back to his chest.

“I won’t be able to sleep tonight if I don’t get a good night kiss.” Before I can even answer his lips are on mine. Deep and meaningful. When he pulls back I ache for his absence. “Have sweet dreams. I will see you in the morning.”

All I can do is nod. Then he is gone.

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