Love for the Librarian

Drawing Lines


I don’t see Dylan around until lunch when he plops down next to me at the table that I usually share with Katelyn. He pulls me onto his lap. “So what are we having for lunch?”

“We! Well, I don’t know about we, but I am having a salad. I am not much for the school’s meatloaf.” I smile at him.

“I’ll pass, I had a big breakfast. I am not one for the green stuff. So, how was your morning?” He nuzzles into my neck.

“Good I guess. It is mainly a review for the finals. The Finals are just a formality for me. I have already been accepted to my school of choice, so has Katelyn.”

He turns to Katelyn, “So you are a brainy girl too?”

“No, I have a dad with a lot of money who made a donation to the board. I have good enough grades. Nothing compared to Riley though.” She smiles at me. I know she is cutting herself down again. I hate when she does that.

“She is a brainy girl too. Don’t let her fool you. She has a four point o. She just likes to pretend that she isn’t as smart as she is. I think she doesn’t want to be known as the total package.” I give her a wink.

She laughs at me. “If you can play down your looks, then I can play down my brains.”

I glare at her. “I don’t play down my looks. I just don’t really care about them.”

Dylan squeezes my waist. “I think you’re hot.”

I laugh, “Now I know that was a bold face lie. No one has ever thought I was hot.”

“Maybe they just never told you to your face.” He smiles into my neck. I can’t help but smile at his comment. I know it is bullshit, but who doesn’t want to be told they are hot. Especially when the one speaking is the hottest guy in school.

“So how did this start? I mean you two weren’t like this yesterday I would have remembered.” Katelyn smiles as she takes a cherry tomato from her plate and pops it in her mouth.

Dylan answers. “Actually I have wanted to ask her out for a while now. Instead I asked her to be my tutor, which I needed too. Then last night when I was walking her home I decided I needed to kiss her before I lost my nerve.”

Katelyn laughed then looked at me. “Has he met aunt Polly yet?”

“No, but I guess he will tonight.” I smile knowing where this is going. Any guy who ever even came close to showing interest in me was always scared to death of Aunt Polly. She was intense when she wanted to be.

“I can’t wait to hear about that.” Katelyn laughed.

“What? Should I be scared?” Dylan pulls his head up with a scared look on his face.

“Let’s just say Aunt Polly will have a few choice words for you.” I laugh with Katelyn. There is no use in preparing him, she will still scare the shit out of him.

He kisses my neck. “I won’t be scared off so easily.”

Katelyn laughs even harder at that. “Nothing about Aunt Polly is easy.”

The bell rings signaling the end of lunch. I raise to throw my plate away when he grabs it and throws it away for me. “Where are you headed now?”

“I actually have a free period, Well sort of. I help out with P. E. Mr. Harman has me grade papers and marks for his class. Right now I work for about five minutes and then I am free. Sometimes I just walk the track.”

“I have P. E. I will see you out there. I can’t believe I haven’t noticed you there before. I can’t actually walk with you, but I will wave to you.”

“How sweet.”

“That’s my last name. Call me Mr. Sweet.” He walks towards the gym holding my hand. I leave him at the men’s locker room, where he gives me a kiss before entering. I have never been kissed this much in my life. I can’t say that I hate it.

I head down to the field where Mr. Harman is waiting for me. “Hey, Riley I am going to need your help today. I have to administer a test today. I have to record everyone’s numbers. So I am going to give you a group of kids to log their numbers for me. Can you do that?”

“Yeah, no problem Mr. Harman. Do you have a clipboard for me?” He hands me over a clipboard for me with four names on it. Dylan, Brittney, Kevin and Rachel, Brittney’s best friend. Boy this is going to be a fun hour. At least Dylan will be there to pull the attention away from me if I need it. I stand there and wait for the class to arrive, they start trickling in and soon everyone is present.

Mr. Harman explains to the class what he wants. Then he tells my four that they are to be separate and together for me to be able to log their numbers for the test. Brittney and her friend Rachel of course give me a sneer like I am gum on their shoe. Kevin then does something that I am not prepared for, he comes up and throws his arm around my shoulders. I step away from him quickly. “What, he can do it but I can’t?” He pretends to be hurt.

Dylan glares at him. “Leave her alone Kevin.”

“I am just trying to figure out how this works. Is she your fuck buddy is that it?”

I swear it looks like Dylan is going to kill Kevin. I raise my hands to them. “No fighting. Kevin it is really none of your business who I sleep with. I can sleep with every guy at this school but you and it will still be none of your business. What is going on between Dylan and I is definitely none of your business.” I think he is shocked by my statement. Because for once Kevin shut his mouth.

Mr. Harman starts giving out directions for what he wants them to do. I log their numbers. Brittney for some reason keeps finding ways to put her hands on Dylan. I can tell that he doesn’t like it and keeps moving out of her hands. Yet she still keeps trying. When they are done before they all head to the locker rooms to change, Dylan comes up to me and throws his arm around my shoulders. “How did I do babe?”

“I’m babe now?”

He shrugs. “Just go with it.”

“Fine. You did well, you should have no problem passing. Actually I am pretty sure you did over the numbers to pass. Well over.”

“Alright.” He looks pleased with himself. Mr. Harman comes over to collect my clipboard.

“Mr. Matthews, shouldn’t you be getting changed?”

“Yeah, just talking to my friend for a minute.” He pecks my cheek and then runs off. With Mr. Harman scolding him.

“Keep the PDA’s down Mr. Matthews.” Mr. Harman is usually a pretty laid back teacher, but he is against PDAs in school. He is an elderly man in his late fifties. Still can kick some of these kids into shape. Beats half of them on the track. He is fit and spry. He is a little taller than Dylan, and thin. His gray hair is still a little shaggy, but he doesn’t seem to mind.

“Alright Riley, how did they do?”

“The guys seemed to do pretty well, the girls were lagging. I am not sure if it is because they were slacking because of the guys but they were definitely not doing to their full potential.”

“That is what I thought. I am going to have to test the girls separately. I was just testing my theory. Thanks for your help.” He takes a look at the clipboard. “Wait, are these numbers correct for the guys?”

“Yeah, why?” I am starting to wonder if I did it wrong.

“Seems that maybe they were having a little competition. They don’t usually have numbers this high. Something was making them push it to the max. Alright head to your next class, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Mr. Harmon takes off towards the lockers and his office.

I begin to wonder. The only problem that they seemed to be having was me. Am I really causing that much problems for Dylan? Maybe I should tell him to back off. I will have to worry about that later. I take off for my next class.


Kevin has been giving me shit all day. I swear every time that I see him it is like he is asking for a punch to the face. When we came into P. E. I wanted to lunge at him when he put his arm around Riley. She moved away quickly enough but it still pissed me off.

Brittney was acting like she was a magnet and I was metal. I kept moving away from her hands but she was not getting the hint. She was even finding ways throughout the test. Keeping her away from me is proving to be a pain in my ass. I thought that she didn’t want me. I mean she cheated on me and basically said that I wasn’t good enough for her.

Kevin was pushing my limits. I decided to show him how strong I am. You know, that whole I can beat your ass thing. He kept meeting me on each test. Push-ups, crunches, squats. He matched me at all of it. I was getting pretty tired by the end of class. I had my whole concentration on beating Kevin that I didn’t even notice until her hands were on my legs during the crunches that Brittney was caressing my calves. Talk about distracting.

At the end of class, all I wanted was to be wrapped in Riley’s arms. I knew that wasn’t possible in the current setting so I put my arm around her. I made a point to call her babe in front of Brittney so that she would know that I had moved on. Maybe she would get the hint that I don’t want her touching me. When Mr. Harman dismissed me. I had to get some sort of kiss. So I kissed her cheek. I know Mr. Harman hates that kind of stuff, but what can I say, I couldn’t help myself.

Of course after I change Brittney is waiting by the locker room door.

“Dylan, can we talk?” She is giving me a pouty face. I always hated that face.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

I roll my eyes at her. “What do you want?”

“Dylan, I want you. I made a mistake. Please let’s fix this.” She starts to inch closer to me. She has her hands raised like she is going to put them on my chest, like she used to.

I grab her hands to stop her. “There is no fixing this. We are done. I have moved on to someone who won’t sleep around on me. I like Riley and I am not going to betray her by letting you anywhere near me.” I tossed her hands down and left her there with her dumb ass expression. I am so glad to be rid of that girl. I didn’t even realize how much she was pissing me off till now. Thank God I found someone who is not a viper.

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