Living With The Player

Chapter 8 He Wants Her


It was my way of gaining a sense of control if any still existed. Get a grip on my anger or quench it at least. Either way, I’m going to kill him with my bare hands, I’ll squeeze that stupid neck of his till it snaps then breaks. I’ll choke him until he gasps for air, he won’t be able to breathe and even then I won’t feel pity nor stop for a damn thing. He’ll pay for doing this. I’ll multiply the pain I’m in ten folds before serving it on his plate.

I didn’t do anything. Not to him at least. Sure I wrong a whole bunch of other people, just not him. Why does he intend on ruining my life?

Fuck. I’m so mad. Enough talk, it’s time for action. He’s dead. Dylan is dead.

I knew where he was. The fucking soccer pitch. That’s where I’m headed to. I don’t give two shits who overhears or how they take the news. Hell the entire school can figure out we live together, I don’t care. He made those rules then broke them, it’s no bother if I do so myself. He’s not the only one who decides which, when and how many rules to follow.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

The soccer team spends their recess period in the pitch practising before heading towards the locker room. It was well known.

Player. I meant that both literally and figuratively.

He was damn good at it as well, if only his attitude could tune down a bit. Ugh.

Being the star quarterback, I knew he would be there though, I wasn’t sure if he was practising or not. I was prepared to wait because I’m fuming with anger. If it gets the better of me and I’m unable to contain it, I’ll storm in there and give him a piece of my mind, then I’ll repeat what his stupid girlfriend for the day or week if she’s a lucky one did.

I’ll slap him silly. I swear to the heavens I will.

My face stung from the slap that girl gave me and Dylan was gonna be at the receiving end of my anger. I knew I had screamed at him this morning but that was before “this” happened.

Quickening my pace, I reached the locker room in no time. Guess what? They all finished practice minutes ago then hit the shower. Also, guess… I’ll wait. I can wait. No escaping on this day. He’ll face my wrath one way or another.

While waiting, my heavy heart was slowly calming. I was still furious at him, just not raving any longer.

It’s true people think better with a clear head. Before long, It hit me that while I was clouded with my anger of killing Dylan, slapping him, and making him pay for all he did, I failed to acknowledge something else.

I was stupid in fact. It skipped my mind that he would not be the only one coming in. The soccer team consisted of over twenty young high school students.

I did not think this through. Still, time to salvage this before it turns into a worse nightmare.

I tried to stand up. Tried. That’s the keyword.

Before I could fix the terrible choice I had just made, the door burst open and they rushed in. Talk about wrong timing. This can’t be happening.

I turned and shielded my face. Stupid. But what could I do?

I’ve been caught. Very embarrassing. Oh, ground please swallow me now.

I peaked at the same time one of them noticed me thus alerting a few others. I gulped. Shit.

“Whose chick is this?” He asked with a full smirk plastered on his face. I got up and moved back as the rest of them trailed their eyes on my body.

“Dylan.” I stuttered needing saving. Strangely, his name was the first to pop into my head. I pick him over a dozen soccerers.

I thought he didn’t hear me and I was doomed until he emerged from the rest of them. He moved in front of me shirtless, standing face to face with his teammates. I gulped in admiration at his bareback, perfectly sculpted by the almighty. He was indeed breathtaking.

“Stay away.” He gritted his teeth harshly, like a lioness protecting its cub.

They all moved back immediately. A few of them jokingly raised their arms in surrender.

“She’s sexy though.” I heard one of them comment, they moved towards the lockers to get dressed. I moved my eyes away deciding to focus on Dylan, it was much worse, my eyes were glued on his abs, and I gulped again unable to look away.

“Are you gonna say something or stare all day?” His comment snapped me out of my trance. I shifted my view upwards until I was faced with him.

His face was glistening with water, it trailed to his neck and his whole body, and I almost forgot why I was here. Almost.

I put up the coldest look I could muster.

“Tell your girlfriend you and I aren’t a thing because the next time she even dares to touch me, I’ll retaliate.” I spat out, my voice hard and commanding.

“What girlfriend?” He retorted. Dylan feigning denial making me even more furious.

“Because of your little stunt, Kyle and I are having problems and your sick girlfriend dared to slap me.” My tone clearly showed how annoyed I was at this moment. He didn’t. At first, he looked genuinely confused then slightly confused, but the seconds those words were out of my mouth, they turned into something else.

His face showed excitement and then he smirked.

“Here’s the thing Camilla, I’m going to say this in the most relatable way possible, the first part that is while being very honest, about Kyle, I can’t say I feel bad, I don’t want you dating anyone.”

His words rang in my ear, I flared up. I didn’t hear him. Who was he? My Father. Even he doesn’t restrict me from dating. Did he fall? Hit his head maybe?

“You’ve lost it haven’t you?” I asked choking on a light chuckle. It must be.

“Nope.” He replied popping the “P”

“And about the other part, as I said, I don’t have one, a girlfriend that is. Whoever claimed to be or introduced herself as is merely caught up in the Dylan awesomeness, but I do not have a girlfriend. It’s my sole belief that relationships are for sick losers, you don’t look like one, a sore loser that is which is why you should be happy that yours is about to end. I expect a thank you for helping accelerate the process, the only thing I did was bring the future here. I’d take that thank you now.”

The fucking nerve!

“Firstly, I think you are crazy. Secondly, my relationship with Kyle isn’t ending any time soon because we will sort ourselves out. Thirdly, if she isn’t your girlfriend then why would she and her minions tell me to stay away from you when nothing is going on and she wouldn’t be suspicious if you hadn’t done your stupid stunt.” I finished then crossed my arms across my chest.

It’s funny how his teammates peaked from the corner.

“Wait, girl and her minions? That narrows the search pretty well, but let me guess, blonde hair, too much make up, bitchy?” He asked, I nodded because she described her perfectly. He started to laugh as I watched in annoyance.

“Pay no attention to Paula, she’s no one.”

He waved her off, lowering his head slightly to meet my gaze. Easy for you to say.

“Let me guess, you hooked up with her countless times and she proclaimed yourself her girlfriend.” He smirked and I knew I was right.

“Idiot.” I cursed.

“Tell her she can have you all to herself, I don’t give a fuck. I don’t want you, I need to go talk to Kyle, and I’m out of here. You don’t care, it’s obvious, but while you’re in your awesomeness mood, please make it clear to your not girlfriend that we are not in any form of relationship. Thank you”

I turned around to walk away when he pulled me back.

Caught by surprise, I could do nothing except for letting a small gasp escape from the back of my throat then watch Dylan Emerton pin my hands above the wall. He stood directly in front of me, almost so that I got a clear view of his eyes. Why did the Almighty spend so much time perfecting him just for him to manifest stupid attitudes? We can’t have it all I know that, but if only he wasn’t cocky and annoying. If only…

“This is going to turn as being blunt, but I honestly don’t care. I want you.”

He whispered huskily, his breath fanned the back of my neck, glued and stuck to that position. I can’t help but shiver. He was close. Too close.


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