Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 137

Three months later.

“Luciano? Get your ass in here,”

Arielle yelled for her husband as another wave of intense pain hit her, she let out a loud howl as she felt the pain shoot right to her back, she tried to take slow steady breaths like she had been instructed to during the classes for the first mom that she had attended but nothing was working and the moron she married wasn’t coming out. She breathed in and out a couple of times, counting one to eight back and forth, she waited for the pain to subside before trying to call him again.


She yelled louder this time and the door swung open in seconds to reveal the panicking face of her handsome husband who looked like he saw a ghost when he saw the way she was.

“What is going on? Are you okay?”

He asked. She knew she should be calm with him and not take out her pain-inflicted anger on him but he sounded so dumb and the look on his face, the sudden surge of pain that erupted in her.

“Fuck you do I look like I am okay? Look at me, I am fucking in labor, I am about to have adman baby and if you don’t get me to the hospital this minute, you will have to watch me give birth here,”

She howled out frightening him even more.

“Oh my God, the baby is coming already? We still have a week,”

He let out coming to her, a bad idea for him because she grabbed his hair and held on tight when another wave of pain hit her.

“Get me to the hospital and stop asking stupid questions Mr.”

She yelled through the pain, he was able to free himself from her hold and ran out to get help, he was back in less than two minutes and they helped her into the car, and drove to the hospital with her throwing all curses at him for being the reason she was in pain, by the time they got to the hospital, the poor man was traumatized. She felt bad for him but she was in a lot of pain too so he had to suffer, even with how out of reach he was when they got to the hospital, she requested for him to be in the delivery room with her and he had said yes without thinking twice even though he looked so scared.


“She is beautiful,”

Luciano let out staring at his beautiful daughter, it wasn’t easy bringing her into the world and he went through hell in the last three hours but seeing her like this sleeping peacefully melted his heart, he turned to the strong woman who had given him the best gift of all time and she was smiling at him.

“I love you Luciano, and I am sorry for how I treated you earlier,”

She said,

“You don’t have to apologize, rather, I should be thanking you for risking it all to give us this wonderful present, I won’t make a fuzz if you decide that you won’t have another,”

He let out going over to hug her.

“What nonsense are you saying? We are going to have more babies,”

She fired at him. He smiled and nodded.

“We will do whatever you want if you want us to have more babies, I am ready, if you also change your mind, then it is also fine, I won’t make that choice for you because, at the end of the day, you do all the work while I just stay on the sideline like a loser,”

He went on.

“You are not a loser, you are working to feed us, but before I get pregnant again, I have to finish school first,”

She reminded him. They had the discussion before and she had told him she would start school once she gives birth.

“Whatever you do, I will always support you, my beautiful wife,”

“Really? What if I want to leave you?”

She joked. He clearly didn’t like the joke.

“No way, you can’t do that, I will cry,”

He threatened. The big man she married always threatens to cry around her.

“I am not leaving you, don’t worry,”

She told him and he smiled.

“So, what are we going to call her? It just crossed my mind that we never picked a name, what sets of horrible parents we already are,”

Arielle lamented. Luciano paused in the stroking of her hair,”

“Right, we have to name her,”

He said and she moved her head from his chest and glared at him.

“You were unaware of that fact? What would she be known as then?”

She asked knowing he was about to give the corniest answer and he didn’t disappoint when he said.

‘Baby, can’t we just call her baby?”

He asked. She couldn’t resist the urge and smacked him slightly on the side of his head.

“Ouch, what was that for?”

He cried out.

“Shush, don’t wake her up,”

She said placing her finger over her lips to shush him, he took the finger in his hands and dropped a kiss on it before pulling her close to kiss her softly on the lips.

“We can call her Alyona, that’s my mom’s name, it means bright and shining, just like our little princess,”

Luciano said and she nodded. It was a beautiful name and she loved it. Knowing how Luciano’s parents had died and just how much that had destroyed him, it felt amazing to see him finally start to heal and also want their daughter to have the same name.

“Of course, such a pretty name for our princess, Alyona,”

Arielle tested out the name and loved it.

“Yes, and you have to give her a name too,

Her husband persuaded. Unlike him, she didn’t want to name her child after her mom, not because she was still mad at her mother, far from it. It was because she genuinely didn’t like her mom’s name, Rosalita, such a weird ass name.

“Hmm, I will call her Gianni, it means God is gracious,”

She let out. Yup God has been good to her even though she didn’t have a religion, she still believed in his presence and power.

“That’s such a beautiful name, Alyona Gianni Siegel,”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

He pronounced it and it sounded so perfect coming from him. He got off the bed and pulled her with him, they both walked to where their baby lay sleeping peacefully.

“Thank you for coming to us Alyona Gianni Siegel,'”

Arielle said as they both stood there in each other’s arms watching their little one, Luciano turned her to face him and lifted her face so that she was staring into his eyes. There was so much love and admiration in his eyes towards her and it made her heart feel whole.

“Thank you for coming into my life Arielle and for being the best part of me, for everything, I love you so much, today, tomorrow, and forever,”

He declared.

“I love you too my favorite, today tomorrow and forever, I love you so much,”

She responded.

“We are going to be together forever,”

He added.

“Of course, forever or nothing.” She responded and he kissed her, sealing their promise of forever…


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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