For over four hours I sat in the library reading books upon books. I hear noises coming from the hallway outside the library. The low chattering of male voices has me knowing that the meeting has come to an end and the Alphas are on their way back to their packs.

I stay in the library until I can’t hear any more voices, then push the door open and walk out.

“Celeste,” Someone called out to me. I turn around and there stands Eros Black in a black fitting suit.

“Mr. Black” I answered back politely as he walks closer to me.

“How have you been?” He asked putting his right hand his pants pocket.

“I’m okay, yourself?”


“I heard about the rogue attack, I am so sorry it happened to you”

“Oh no, you don’t need to be. It wasn’t your fault” I told him with a smile.

“It kind of is,” Eros said walking towards one of the windows and I follow behind. “I should have checked if he was alive but I didn’t. I only assumed that he died in the fire with the rest.”

“Fire?” I asked him, confused.

“Yes, we burned every rogue pup that day” He said looking out at the birds flying around.

I gasped at that, my expression turning sour. Eros Black looks at me and chuckles at my facial expression. “Barbaric, I know, but it had to be done.”

I nod knowing that it’s true, but how can someone bring themselves to burn over hundreds of children?

“You should go met him” Mr. Black mumbled, nodding towards Elijah who is standing at the far end of the hall, watching I and his uncle.

“Yes,” I said then turn to look at Me Black. “It was a pleasure talking with you.”

“Likewise”All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

I walk towards Elijah and he smiles, “Hey,” I said when i am closer to him. He pulls me in for a hug catching me off guard.

He puts his nose in the crook of my neck and inhales, my eyes is wide at this point. I don’t know what to do, if I should place my hand on his back or leave them as they are. I decide to hug him back and surprisingly, it isn’t uncomfortable.

Elijah placed soft butterfly kisses where my mark should be and my core heat up with the thought while my wolf howls with the idea of bearing a males mark.

I clenched my thighs together, praying to the moon goddess that the smell of my wetness not not reach him but of course that isn’t possible. He smells around, his nose sniffing to figure of the source.

“You smell good” He muttered placing one last kiss on my neck. I duck my head, my face going red.

“Did you have lunch?” Elijah asked.

“No,” I answered as we walk together.

“You must be famished” They King said, pulling closer to me.

“Hmm” I hummed but honestly I wasn’t hungry. I just kept thinking about what just happened between the King and I. He has never been this touchy with me.

We sat at the same balcony we had our breakfast. Servants already lined up with different kind of foods but I settled for a sandwich because I wasn’t really hungry. The king raise a brow at me and I give him a sheepish smile.

“I wasn’t really hungry” I said then take a bite from the food.

“What did you guys talk about?” I asked Elijah after I am done with my food.

“Derrick. He has been raiding small villages, and taking lycans from age fifteen to twenty.” He said gulping down a glass of water.

I thought about it for a while, the only logical reason is that he’s recruiting them.

“Do you think he’s going to start a war?” I asked Elijah staring at him with concern pasted on my face.

“It seems so, but I have to stop him before he does that.” He muttered rubbing the stumbles on his chin.

I sighed and look up to the sky praying to goddess that this doesn’t get out of hand. We sat comfortably, none of us uttering a word.

I watch the birds fly around, maids work in the garden, then look at the king only to see that his grey eyes are already staring right back at me.

“I’d like to take you out for dinner tonight,” Elijah said.

“Like a date?” I asked softly, watching a hint of sadness passed through his eyes in a flash.

“Yes, a date” He answers shortly.

“Ruth,” He calls and one of the maids come forward with her head bowed.

“Yes your majesty?” She asked.

“See to it that Lady Celeste is dressed and ready for our date tonight” And with that said, he goy up and walk away.

I stared at his retreating figure, wondering what I did wrong. One second he’s sweet and the next he’s cold.

As if sensing my dismay, Ruth answers my silent question. “This was where he asked his mate to their first date”

“I see..” I said trailing off. I probably triggered a memory, I thought.

We walk through the hall, Ruth, a step behind me. It is known that lower rank member or servants are to walk behind the Royals showing that they are not equals but I am no royal, yet she walks behind me like I am.

A woman bumps into me and I almost fell but she holds my hand before that could happen. “Sorry” she said, the hood of her cloth covering her face.

“It’s okay,” I reply her with a smile but the grip she has on my hand is not released.

I tried to force my hand out of hers but it’s like her hand listen made out of iron. I look back to see Ruth with her head down and her body shaking like a cat that has been bath with cold water.

“You must be her” She whispered now looking up at me and her hoods falls off. I gasp at what I see, the color of her eyes, a bright purple and her hair whiter than snow.

“Oh, I see why he choose you, you’re so perfect” She said trying to touch my cheeks but I move my face before she can.

This woman is no Lycan, or a human but what could she be? For her to walk around the palace that means she knows the King or she’s an intruder.

“Let go of me or I’ll call the guards” I rasped out but all she does is laugh.

“Oh you poor child, so innocent” She muttered her eyes shining with pity. She lets go of my hand and I stare at her as she walks away like nothing ever happened.

“Who’s she?” I whispered to no one and then Ruth comes running towards me her eyes wide.

“Are you hurt?” She asked touching my shoulders.

“You stood there like a log when everything happened, and now you come rushing to check if I’m hurt.” I said shrugging off her hand.

“I am truly sorry milady, but she scares me” She mumbled.

“And why?” I questioned her curious of her reply.

“Because she’s the witch”

“The witch” I stated but Ruth takes it as a question.

“Yes, she once turned a maid to a frog for spilling wine on her but It was an accident” Ruth answered fearfully. “I am sorry milady”

I shake my head, “please call me Celeste”.

“I am sorry but I can not do that. The king would have my head if he ever hears me muttering your name.”

I sigh knowing I can not Change her mind and with that we walk to my room.




My hair and make-up was done to perfection. When I came into my room earlier, I opened my closet and found beautiful dresses already there including underwear’s. I asked Ruth who put them there and she said the king had ordered them from the city while I was in the Library.

Now, I am sitting on my bed watching the clock hanging on my wall. I am nervous, what if The King doesn’t like what he sees? What if- . There’s a nock on my door and I stand up, adjusting my gown. I open the door and there stands the King in a black suit with Red roses in his hands.

Elijah stares at me with his eyes wide and his mouth open like a fish gasping for water.

“Red looks good on you” Elijah whispered referring to the gown I am wearing and I blush. The gown is knee length made our of lace.

“I picked this out for you,” Elijah said hanging me the Rose.

“Thank you” I mutter going in my room and placing them on my bed. I would water them when I’m back.

I hook my hand with the kings and together, we walk out the palace. There is limo outside waiting for us.

The car drives through the trees for fifteen minutes before we got to the city. This was no typical human city, no this, was filled with just lycans. This is the biggest packs in the world but is called the city by many because it contains over three hundred thousand lycans.

The enchanted wall was built to keep the palace and the city hidden from the human world knowing with the amount of lycans the city contains, we would be exposed with our unusual activities.

The car stops at one of the biggest and fanciest restaurant I have ever seen. The door was opened by a Butler and the King comes out of the car first. Flashes of lights from different cameras welcomes the King and reporters asking him questions.

Elijah hold out his hand for me take and I do. Once I came out of the car, I was also greeted with different cameras taking pictures of the king and I.

The guards stopped the reporters as they try coming close to us. Elijah puts his hand around my waist and we walk in to the restaurant.

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