King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

72 You’re Mine

ELIJAH The silence that followed once the rest had left was deafening. The unease I could sense from Raihana and Raven was growing, and even the kids were quieter.

Azura was still in a strop from her little run-in with Leo, frowning as she sat there with her arms folded. She may be a feisty little one, but her stubbornness and the ability to hold grudges topped even Scarlett’s. She was staring at the floor, her chest heaving and her nostrils still flared.

Dante was lying down with his eyes shut, but I knew he was awake. His fists were clenched, and he had a frown on his face. The quintuplets, Ahren, Sienna, and Tatum, were playing with Raihana, who was keeping them occupied with magical bubbles. Bubbles that were floating around endlessly. “How long until they get there?” Raven asked me quietly. “A few hours more, it’s only been about one hour.” I replied, glancing out at the sky.

It was late afternoon now.

I didn’t blame them, knowing that Scarlett was out there… I felt frustrated and helpless. But it made sense that I was here. When it came to strength, I was ultimately stronger, and if anything happened here, we needed a strong defence.

We had several barriers placed around the pack the moment they’d left, barriers that Magdalene, Raihana, and one other witch had worked on. Barriers so strong that no one could come in or go out. Janaina had also placed a few more spells, so we would know if anyone approached the pack area.

The magic was so strong that I could feel it in the air, weighing down on us, and it made me physically sick

Kataleya was by the window clutching her teddy bear, which she had named after the Escarra pup. Skyla was watching some Disney villain kids movie, but she was more distracted than focused, stroking the cat

she had abducted from somewhere.

I was certain it belonged to one of the Delta’s kids but… she was adamant it was now hers.

“How about pizza?” I suggested, trying to lighten the mood. “Barrier?” Raihana reminded me.

“I know, but we can make it together. What do you girls think?” I suggested to the twins and Azura. Azura frowned deeply. “I don’t want to. When will Mama be back?” “I’m not sure, but how about we make pizza and we save her a few slices?” I suggested, standing up. “I don’t want to do anything; my life is so hard.” skyla said, dropping onto her stomach.

Well, there went that plan. “You go to Delsanra, I’ll mind the kiddies.” Raven said to Raihana.

She nodded, standing up as Tatum began crying. “Come here, Tatum.” Raven cooed, picking him up. “Thanks, babe.” Raihana smiled at her before she left the room. Ahren hurried after her, and she picked him up. “I’ll take him with me.”

I looked around, trying to hide the unease inside of me. I couldn’t help but wonder which of those men and women I saw earlier would not return.

Just like all these kids, many of those who went had families of their own.

“Alright, come on, enough of this gloominess. Let’s do something fun.” I said, standing up. Skyla groaned, squeezing the cat and stroking its head, before pausing and smiling suddenly. “I want to sew.” She said. Although I knew she was up to something, I nodded. Was it because she probably knew I’d struggle with this? 2 “Sure.” I said, running my fingers through my hair. “I want to make a rag doll.” Azura piped in suddenly, her head jerking up towards me. “Good luck, Grandad.” Dante added, his eyes still half closed. “I’m sure Claire or Clara will have everything you’ll need.” “Oh, I can help too! Let’s get sewing!” Raven added excitedly. “I want to make Kiké a shirt too. Will you help me, aunty?” Kataleya asked Raven, her eyes hopeful. 2

I wasn’t sure if this was a good idea, but at least all three were all for it. It’ll keep their minds off of everything, at least, and that was how we all ended up sitting down and beginning on the three individual projects.

Be safe, Red.

“No, no! This is for my cat!” Skyla scolded Azura, who had just said her dress’ looked weird.

“It’s so cute!” Raven agreed.

My fingertips were throbbing from all the times I had pricked them with needles.

I had given up and decided to simply watch. Kataleya had brought the torn fabric she always carried and had asked Raven to help stitch it onto a tartan fabric for her teddy’s shirt.

The effect that kidnapping had on her would stay with her… I knew that much. I also hoped that kid was ok too, wherever he was. Claire and Clara had taken the quintuplets to the playroom, and Sienna had fallen asleep. Skyla was making some odd outfit for the cat, Kataleya was finishing off with her torn fabric.

Of all three, she was the best at this. As for my girl, I had no idea what she was making… NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

It looked like a knitted doll. Raven helped her, although she had been the one to choose how she wanted it. The black stitches were making it look a little creepy. ?

“What’s that meant to be?” I asked her.

She paused and looked up at me with her large blue eyes.

“A voodoo doll.” She said seriously, making Raven pause and look at her. 3 “Of who?” She asked curiously. “Dante’s ugly cousin.” She stated. “Oh? which quintuplet are you talking about? I was assuming you’re the only ugly one in my life.” Dante replied haughtily. “Hey, the Westwoods are not ugly!

And I am not ugly, unlike you and your ugly cousin!” “Us Rossi’s tend to be very handsome, actually.” Dante replied. “She means Leo.” Skyla cackled. “Wait! Do you need like a hair of his or something?” 1. “No, not at all, it’ll work anyway.” Azura replied. Shoving wool into the body, the half detached head lolling. I wasn’t sure it was going to stay attached at the brute rough way she was handling it. “Besides, I found his cigarette that he dropped earlier. You only need something that belongs to them, so this will work.” +

I frowned as she took out the unused cigarette and pushed it into the body.

Were we raising normal kids? 13

I don’t know… I looked between Skyla and Azura, both of whom looked very excited about this voodoo doll

Raven laughed as she took the doll from Azura and began stitching the neck up.

“I’ll add the eyes.” Azura said, rummaging in the button box and picking out two light blue buttons. “Ah… He has this colour eyes. The evil man will be punished.”

Dante chuckled.

“You’re so weird, Azura.” “Your weirder, Dante.” She shot back. “Don’t make me make a Dante doll.” “Doll or not… Aren’t we puppets anyway? Simply being used to play out a bigger game?” ;

I frowned. That was a pretty deep way to think for a kid, but this was Dante. He simply sighed and turned on his side, watching us.

“See, you talk so weird.” Azura replied, brushing his comment off.

“Want to talk about it?” I asked him quietly.

“No I just… I hope everything goes ok…” He frowned, his eyes full of worry, so I gave him a

“Don’t worry, they’ll handle it.” I reassured him.

“They’ll be fine. Let’s just pray Leo gets hurt.” Azura added. 3 “That’s not something you should say about an ally, Azura.” I reprimanded her lightly.

She gave me a glare as Raven passed a toy to Sienna.

“I don’t like him, so I’m going to poke some pins into his body and soak him in spices and vinegar. That will teach him for messing with me.” 2

I was glad she didn’t know real black magic because I was certain the rows of voodoo dolls would be endless… With Liam being her main victim… He somehow always says the wrong thing at the wrong time. ?

“Thank you, aunty. I really like it.” Kataleya said happily, looking down at her teddy, which now wore a tartan green and black shirt. The torn fabric was now a neat square on the front, and Raven had stitched Kiké in green on the front patch.

“I’m glad you at least know how to sew.” I said to Raven. “That Teddy looks great now.” I added to Kataleya. “Thank you, granddaddy.” She said gently. She smiled at me, and I smiled back, standing up. I think I’ll go for a quick round of the mansion; despite the heavy security, I still needed to be on alert. I was the only one allowed to go see Kiara. The key code had been changed just in case she somehow had someone release her. We needed to be extremely careful. After doing a quick round, I’ll go take a look at her too. I needed to make sure everything was in order around here. Anything could happen, and we needed to stay on guard.

SCARLETT “The spells are all in place.” Liam said through the earpiece. “No one can go in or out.”

“Got it.” I said, looking over at Rayhan, who was frowning deeply. Liam was leading one of the three teams; they had broken through the Crimson King’s defences. The three teams had attacked from all

sides, closing in on the enemy’s location.

We had made sure he was here first, and he had been. We had succeeded in coming without being detected, thanks to the witches.

The other two teams, who had taken the first attack, were headed by Marcel and Alejandro. L20 and Maria were on Marcel’s team. As for Rayhan and I, we had a smaller team and were heading a backup squad that was going to join the fight upon the signal. Our job was a little different, but it was vital

“Are you ok?” I asked Rayhan.

He seemed tense and restless. He gave a curt nod; the sound of menacing howls filled the air and through the carpiece as both sides clashed. Each of the main three teams had five witches on them. Mine had two and I prayed it gave us the advantage we needed.

“Ready Scarlett, Rayhan?” Alejandro’s low voice came.

I took a deep breath. This was it. We needed to kill the host before we could kill the djinn, and that’s where I came in. We needed to rip the heart of the host out, resulting in weakening the Djinn. For the Djinn to take a new host, he needed time, and when he was in his true form, right after I killed the crimson king, that was when Maria would do her part…! Alejandro and I were the ones who would attack the crimson king. Whoever succeeded in killing him was fine as long as it got done. I just hoped it was me, as I healed faster, and we all knew whoever got close would suffer greatly. Rayhan and our squad would watch my back as I went for the crimson king, making sure I wasn’t attacked. “Ready.” Rayhan said, his canines coming out, his eyes blazing green. Maria… I glanced at Rayhan, wishing he knew the truth. He deserved to know the truth… He looked at me, and for a second, I thought I saw a flicker of sadness in his eyes. “Ready.” I replied determinedly. My eyes flashed, and I shifted as one with the rest of my team.

We broke through the trees. The huge stone wall that came ever closer suddenly exploded, sending stone and debris flying in all directions, paving the way for us to join the battle. I jumped over the rubble and through the flames, landing lightly. Havoc surrounded us in every direction.

The smell of blood and ash hung in the air. Wolves of all colours fought against the army of similar coloured wolves. All in shades of auburn and reddish-brown. Each one had orangey red eyes, and I realised that they were all puppets of the man that stood in the centre. He had his arms raised, a look of pure fury on his melting, burned face. It was obvious the host was dying, I had a feeling it wouldn’t last long. “The Escarra boy must not be near.’ Magdalene’s warning rang in my head.

The Djinn’s deal with the Escarra line meant he could take the Escarra’s bodies without delay, unlike if it was anyone else. I was glad the boy was all the way in Puerto Rico, not only for his safety but for all our sakes. We just needed to make sure he didn’t have the time to change to a new host. .

It was obvious he hadn’t been expecting us, his eyes blazing with rage, his aura surging as he commanded his army, lames surrounding him as he slayed our men and women without mercy

So, this was the Crimson King This was the man who hurt my family…

Two of the fire wolves lunged at me, but Rayhan knocked them aside, killing one in seconds. The second followed seconds later, its blood splattering over my grey fur.

I scanned the crowds and saw that Alejandro had now shifted. His Lycan form towered above all the wolves as he let out vicious growl, engaging in battle with the Crimson King. The Djinn’s power was immense, and he was thrown back. His aura wrapped around him protectively as he lunged at the Crimson King once more. He swiped his claws down his chest,

injuring him before he was thrown across the ground. His head snapped to me, and I gave the smallest nod.

‘Be careful.’ He growled through the link.

I knew what I was doing.

This was it.

My moment. 1

Tensing, I broke into a run, launching myself off the ground, claws raised. It was then that the Crimson King’s head snapped upwards and I found myself staring into a pair of burning orange eyes. Eyes filled with such power and hatred that I felt it deep within me.

“You’re mine.” He hissed in a voice that was far from human.

He raised his hand, and a huge surge of fire roared around us.

I bit my lip, feeling it burn away at me.

Fuck, I couldn’t breathe.

I heard Alejandro growl as he joined, distracting him for a moment. I don’t think this djinn realised that although I may not be as powerful as my daughter, I had experience and wit on my side.

Alejandro engaging him had given me the moment I needed, and I shifted, the momentary change easing the agony in my body as 1 slammed him to the ground with all my strength, my aura surying around me. My red hair fell in front of my face, my heart beating rapidly. I raised my hand, ready to tear his heart out.

“Wrong. You’re mine.” I whispered venomously.

It was almost as if we were moving in sync, as our claws came out, and we plunged our hands into each other’s chests 2

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