Judas kiss



"Are you seriously going to give me the cold shoulder?" Della said softly at her son who stood not far

from her with a scrawl on his face, he looked so cute; she just wanted to laugh at his attempt to make

an angry big boy face. Leo was dressed in his black spider man shirt and cute shorts, he dramatically

folded his arms not talking to his mom.

"Leo my baby?" Della cooed at the blonde little angel who didn't flinch a bit. Leo turned around

stomping his feet on the carpeted floor of his room. Della stood by his door, yes he did this all the time.

"Leondre-" She yelled when Leo ran and locked himself in the bathroom. "Leondre open this door right

now?" She said softly and heard no response.


her calmness.

"IT'S LEONDRE LEVETTé." He yelled back. She was taken back, she couldn't believe her little sweet

boy had just talked back at her. She knew this day would come when he became a teenager with all

the hormones but not so soon, he was only six years old.

"Baby, open the door? You can have your video games." She said softly feeling defeated. After a few

minutes, the door clicked open... a little blonde haired boy with ocean blue eyes made his way out.

Della knelt down to his level and whispered "Are you still mad at me?"

"My x-box is off-limits, mom." The little boy mumbled.

"I will not let you talk to me like that Leo, you should apologize, right now otherwise you won't play

video games for the rest of your life." Della raised her voice clearly tired of spoon feeding him. If he

wanted to act old, she would treat him like he is old.

"Fine, dad was going to buy me the latest one anyways." Leo said walking away from his mom.

"LEO, COME BACK HERE?" She said following him to the dining as he put up the volume of teen

titans cartoons.

"When?I?look at you, i see the story in your eyes

I see the story in your eyes

When we're dancing

The night begins to shine

Night begins to shine

The night begins to shine

Night begins to shine

When we're dancing

The night begins to shine" the cartoon played.

Della went to the TV and pressed the main switch. Leo groaned. Della couldn't believe it, her worst fear

was coming true. Her little angel was slowly becoming a spoiled brat, this was all because of Andre.

Leondre had always been respectful and appreciated everything his mom did for him. Della's suddenly

became blurry, her son was slowly becoming like his father-

She wanted to tell at him when she switched off the TV but she didn't, she was just too overwhelmed

so she walked away to her bedroom and closing the door behind her. Her son was becoming a Levetté,

the epitome of a Levetté. They looked down upon poor people, they spent money on things they didn't

need, they bought extravagant worldly pleasures but most of all they weren't humble, they belittle

anyone below them and that's what her son was slowly becoming. Ever since he started getting used

to the life his father was offering to him on a silver platter, he suddenly thought everything his mother

did for him was so little. She sobbed softly into her pillow, she loved her son so much anything he did

affected her in so many way most of all it made her very emotional. She didn't care about anything but

her son-

"Mommy-" She heard the door softly open. She didn't turn back, she quickly wiped her tears and put on

a soft smile.

"Mommy, I'm sorry." Leo said walking slowly towards her, her lips couldn't help but curve into a smile.

"It's okay baby." She said patting on the bed so he could have a seat next to her, which he did.

"I didn't mean to make you cry mommy-" He said sadly.

"You didn't make me cry." Della sniffed.

"I don't want to make you cry like daddy-"

"He doesn't make me cry." Della mumbled.

"He does, the day after we him at the park, when we cane back home you cried. The day we first met

him at the hotel, you cried at night..." Leo said bravely, fumbling with his fingers. Children weren't as

naive as people thought, they do notice certain situations that happen in our lives, the good, the bad-

"It wasn't because of that." She faked a smile ruffling his blonde curls. "Besides remember today we

are having dinner with Aunty Amber, she is going to have a baby and that means you are having a

sibling to play with instead of being on video games every second of the day." She said softly making

him snicker.

"I want a little sister from you." Leo replied leaving his mom stupefied.

"Well I only want one baby called Leo and he is already being a handful already, at the age of six." She

added, speaking of making babies, she couldn't get it off her mind, how she had almost slept with

Andre if Garreth had not came in with Leith the day before yesterday. She couldn't believe she let him

touch her, ofcause it felt good but she felt cheap. He probably had better women, like the one who

approached them at the Italian restaurant. She was beautiful.

"Go get ready-" She said.


Della looked at her naked self on her full length mirror. She didn't know, why she had started caring

about how she looked or rather her body in general, she thought about how she had at least not

removed her clothes so Andre wouldn't have seen her body. She had grown curvier after giving birth,

her hips had stretched just a bit resulting in stretch marks. She didn't care before,?why did she?care?


She stood side view then stood on her front view, she put her?stomach?in then stood on her side view.

She pushed her chest out and her butt out trying to see how she would look or rather how she used to


Her breasts were still rather perky and pointy, she remembered how big they had become after Leo

was born. Everything was still the same, her tummy wasn't flat but it was still so small it couldn't even

be considered a potbelly. Overall her body was still the same, just not as perfect as it used to be during

her days with Andre and he probably had better. She shook her head and picked up her towel from the

bathroom tiles as she got ready.


"I'm going to be a father!!!" Daniel exclaimed.

"You did what?" Andre put on louder speaker in case he had not heard correctly.

"I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER, AMBER IS PREGNANT." Daniel said in an excited tone. A part of him

felt happy for some moments, a part of him felt said because he never got to experience the thrill of

being excited about his wife being pregnant.

"Wow, that's great- I mean this is amazing; I'm so happy for you Danny.. we should celebrate!!" Andre

replied looking through his walk in closet. He had a towel hanging right below his hips. Andre was

coming from the shower before his best friend called.

"You should come over, for dinner." Danny exclaimed clearly too excited. "Right now."

"Do I really? So I can watch you and Amber eat each other faces like the many other dinners." Andre

laughed going through his multiple shirts.

"Excuse me for loving my wife too much." Daniel joked.

"Whatever, remind me of how stupid I am." He sighed over the phone. He didn't mean to change the

atmosphere into a bad one. Andre couldn't help but feel really shitty about his love life.

"Don't worry, good things are yet to come." Danny replied with a burst of confidence not hiding the

excitement in his voice.

"Fine, i will be there but if you start your make up sessions, I'm leaving-" He remembered how it was

always nice to invite Danny and Amber over to his place with his Wife -Adela- a life time ago.

"Great, you have about forty minutes to get here." and with that the line went off.


i sent over some fruits, just ring if you need anything at all. - Gladys Mossé

Gladys smiled after sending a to her daughter in law Amber. Her dream was finally coming true, she

was going to be a grandmother. A little angel was going to be born. The heir of Mossé family was going

to be born, she was going to give him the best life possible. Gladys was very sure it was going to be a

boy, she had visited Amber the day Danny told her the news and Amber's nose looked bigger than

usual above all she looked hideous. She had read alot of myths that stated that women who are

pregnant with baby boys are always uglier than usual and their nose becomes bigger. Gladys had been

reading loads of pregnancy books. Amber might have been only three months pregnant but Gladys

was starting to notice her swollen feet, another myth said pregnant women who are carrying boys

always have swollen feet. She sipped on her champagne flipping to the next page, which had best

baby names for 2018. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.


Amber was shocked. Her mother in law was treating her like an egg. She had never done that before.

Gladys called in the morning, afternoon and evening constantly checking on her. Amber was so mad

when Danny told the news to his mom quicker than anyone but if it was going to make her a tad bit

nicer then she didn't mind. Gladys being all nice and in her face made her rather uncomfortable she

wasn't used to it. After all Gladys and Jeanine were part of the Evil mother's in law club*

The only thing she was looking forward to was this dinner with Adela and Andre like the good old days.

She didn't know how long it would be until they got back together but her and Daniel wanted it to be

sooner than yesterday because they once witnessed their beautiful love once upon a time.

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