It was One Night Only


® It Was One Night Only.


When my eyes finally willed themselves to open I felt a familiar presence beside me. Too familiar for words to describe. Although I had felt the warmth a few times it was still too familiar for me.

I looked up only to be met by celling white mocking me. The walls are white. I gripped the bed sheets beneath me as I tried to stand up. Pain shot through my head as I made a way to sit down. Noah’s hand gripped mine and helped me to sit.

“What am I doing here” I said or I thought I said. He smiled a warm smile and gave me some water for the hug. Until the sweet water touched my mouth I knew that I was very thirsty. “What am I doing here?” I tried again. He smiled and sat down.

“Don’t you remember anything?” he asked with a sly expression.

I shook my head but it was stopped when a very strong pain shot through my head. I held it in my hands and closed my eyes.

“You passed out yesterday evening,” he said and I opened my eyes.

“Because?” I asked conversations if yesterday flooding my mind but I wanted to be sure it wasn’t a dream.

“My mom broke a very important news to us” he confirmed. I nodded slowly allowing the pain to overwhelm me.

I was about to speak when I saw Lola, Leah, Cara, and Ana standing by the doorway.

“I’m so glad that you are okay,” Ana said as she made her way to us. A worried expression clouded all their faces.

“What happened to her?” Cara asked giving Noah a very serious look.

“She received a very bad news” he answered simply.

“How can you let that happen?” Cara said.

“I’m okay Cara” I stopped her before she had the chance to actually murder the guy.

“You gave us a scare,” Lola said and I nodded understanding what they were hinting at.

“The baby?” Leah asked. It’s a surprise she actually spoke.

“Good condition” Noah answered and we all sighed in relief.

“Noah you have got to stop….” knowing where Cara was headed I stopped her by a pinch on the arm.

“Where are the remaining girls?” I ask them.

“Coming” Leah responds so simply.

Later on, all the girls arrive. Anika, Anita, Lila, Riley, Debby, Jade, Harper, Cynthia, Casey, Reese and Tess.

“Nick and all the guys will swing by to see you this evening,” Ana told me looking up from her phone. The smile she had time me she had been chatting with Nick.

“Thanks, guys. I’m so happy to see you all” I tell them.

“We are girls,” Cara says in a voice that makes me want to murder her but we all laugh it off because who doesn’t love Cara?

The door opens slightly and I see my mom’s head pop in. The girls greet my parents and take that as a cue to leave promising me a girl’s night out very soon.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

My dad trails in quietly behind my mom. A sad look rests on each of their faces. The one on my mom’s face looks as if she was caught with something illegal.

“How are you baby,” Mom said kissing the side of my head while giving me a bone crushing hug.

“I’m fine” I murmur slightly. Dad just came around and squeezed my arm lightly not saying anything apart from the sad smile that rested on his face.

“I’m so sorry Rachael,” my mom said and my eyes met hers. I took her features but I look mostly like my dad. Her brown eyes burned mine but that burn was so soft and delicate.

“For what mom?” I tried to sound not so rude. It wasn’t their fault that I didn’t know right?

“I should have told you about our history with Emila” she breathed out.

“But we didn’t want you guys worried about our past” my dad chipped in. “I didn’t know that Emila still hadn’t forgotten all about it” he added. Noah sat still and quiet.

“Were you protecting me?” I ask him with slight irritation.

“Yes,” he said answering with a monotone.

“That’s a lie” I scream to him with the whole of my mind. “She made my life a living hell. She insulted me and I was well unaware of what I did to her. She sent his ex to live with us just to separate us. She threatened his former secretary to resign and told Nichole to offer her help. Why did she do all this?” I ask with anger so deep inside me.

“Calm down” Noah finally spoke out holding my hands.

“She wanted desperately to hurt me because she knew it would get to you guys but I will have been with the greater share of pain” I scream at them.

“Rachael, we will come back when you calm down. We are sorry. We just thought we were doing the right thing all along. Please don’t be angry with us. Calm down think about it and forgive us later. Don’t take too much time” my mom said standing up.

“I will see you off,” Noah said standing up with my parents. I gave him a ‘Are you kidding me’ look and he replied with a ‘give them a break’ look. I sighed and turned in bed. A few minutes later the door opened. I thought it was Noah so I didn’t bother to check until I heard a voice.

“How are you feeling?” the voice sneered.

“What are you doing here” I sneered back knowing deep within me that Nichole was here for trouble.

“I came to see how you were and all I get is backlash,” she said in a tone that told me she was still as stupid as yesterday.

“I don’t need you,” I say still not turning to face her.

The door opened again and this time Noah stepped in. “Noah” she chipped happily. You could hear the flirty way she called his name.

“Nichole you are here?” Noah said in surprise.

“Yes I came to see Rachael but she seems so very cold to me,” Nichole said.

I turned to face her before she gave my husband a kiss and I was still in the same room as them.

“Be nice sweets” Noah said. I smiled remembering the endearment he used for me. I looked at Nichole telling her that I was slowly having this man to myself.

“I can’t stay long anyway. I’m moving in with your mom. She said I could stay with her so I don’t impose on you” Nichole said and Noah nodded.

“That’s very nice of her” Noah commented stiffly.

“Anyways, I brought this energy drink for you. I hope you enjoy it” she said putting the drink on the table.

“I will see you out,” he told her. He gave me a quick kiss on the head and then proceeded to go out.

Thirsty as I feel and then suddenly craving the drink. I opened it and poured the bottle into the glass standing on the table. I took a huge gulp savouring how sweet it tasted. I took another gulp until the whole cup was draining.

I heard Noah and Nichole still talking at the door. Feeling very strange I shouted. “Noah” I screamed continuously until suddenly sleep seemed so very appealing so with an urge I closed my eyes and was pulled to dreamland.

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