It Comes In Three's

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Aler’s POV

I sigh in contentment, watching Lottie as she lies out in the back yard, reading her book in the warm sun.

She looked at peace with being back home now, despite everything that had happened over the past week or two in our lives.

She was stronger than she knew… way stronger than most with the stuff she has endured and handled in her life!

+109 Bonu


My phone buzzes, as I grab it from the kitchen counter seeing that it was Zack – the man I had placed in charge of monitoring Lottie’s mother… maybe he has another update?

“Alex!” He sounds somewhat panicked, as my body goes rigid from his tone.

What the fuck is happening now?!

“Lottie’s Mom….she left town with her cap boyfriend this morning… and we’ve been following them for over two hours already…. I’m almost certain that they are heading up towards you guys… they keep following the signs for Westerfield!” Zack speaks out, as I grit my teeth.

That bitch has a cheek coming up here if she is…

You said you didn’t g

get anything from her phone records? I ask again, already knowing the answer to that one though…

“Nah I’m afraid not Alex! Nothing weird came up! Im starting to think it’s just her and the damn cop working together! With Tommy of course! Zack voices his thoughts as I nod along with his words – glancing back out at Lottie in the garden as she remains none the wiser to the current situation

best to leave her out of this…especially with all of the shit she’s dealing with already!

Knowing that her mother is heading towards our town is way too much for her to process! She will be terrified!

“Keep following them, and call me once you guys are closer to town. Il head out in my car to meet up with you. I don’t want Lottie knowing about any of this either, got it? I instruct, listening to the sound of his engine picking up speed in the background.

“Sure thin


thing boss! I’ll call you back again soon!” Zack announces, before I hear the other guys say a quick goodbye in the background before we end the

consume me.

I take a deep breath, trying to push down the anxiety that threatens to co

Lottie doesn’t need to deal with this added stress right now, especially with her pregnancy being so fresh. I need to handle this situation discreetly and ensure her upmost safety.

As I hang up the phone, I walk back outside to join Lottie in the backyard. She looks up from her book and smiles at me, her eyes filled with warmth and love. I can’t help but feel a surge of protectiveness for her and our unborn child already….

“Everything okay Alex?” she asks, setting her book aside as soon as she notices me approaching.

“Yeah, everything’s fine doll. I reply, forcing a smile. Just had to handle some business stuff, you know how it is.” I laugh dryly, taking a seat beside her.

She nods, seemingly satisfied with my answer, which makes me teel accomplished.

I don’t want to lie to her, but I also don’t want to burden her with this information, at least not right now!

We spend the rest of the morning together, trying to enjoy the peace and tranquility of being back home…

But beneath the surface, my mind is racing, anticipating the arrival of Lottie’s mother and her cop boyfriend – along with awaiting Zack’s next call.

I had text the group chat earlier, asking if they wanted to come over for dinner which Anna, Del, Tace and Key had agreed to….

I then had to send Del and Jace a private text to let them know what was actually going on… I would step out to go and collect dinner for everyone, meanwhile going to meet with Zack to observe Lottie’s mother and her cop boyfriend from afar. Anna would be there to keep Lottle distracted whilst i

Chapter 117

am away, giving me time to work out our next move.

“Pizzas?” Lottie hums out the idea, as I nod in approval,




appetisers which consisted of a fancy cheese This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“Yeah sure, I’ll grab them from town once everyone is here. I inform her, as she smiles and makes up appetis board filled with crackers, cheese, meats and pickles.

The door bell rings, as I move towards it, only to reveal Key and Anna first, as Anna smiles and salutes me on entry.

I greet Key, as Anna heads in to find Lottie, before my phone vibrates in my hack pocket with an incoming call from Zack just what I’ve been waiting For:

“I have to take this! The girls are in the dining room!” I point out to Rey, who nods and heads in that direction – before I waste no time on stepping into one of the bottom floor spare bedrooms- answering the call immediately.

“Zack? You guys close now?” I question, hearing the sound of the busy freeway in the background.

“Yeah Alex, thirty minutes or so! They are definitely heading to Westerfield at this point!” Zack explains, as I nod at the update.

“Perfect, I’ll head into the centre of town and you can call me when you guys get here to let me know where they end up.” I state, before hearing a loud horn sound out followed by some cursing.

*Sorry, Alex! Some folk on here just don’t know how to drive clearly! We won’t be long, see you soon!” Zack concludes, as I chuckle before ending the call.

I had only seen Lottie’s mother one time before… and it was in court… as she sobbed and shook her head at Lottie’s statement of abuse which involved her!

I knew from the stories that the woman was a piece of work, but never figured she would stoop this low by continuing to mentally torture her daughter!

As the sun begins to set, with Del and Jace now here too, I receive another incoming call from Zack as everyone mingles around me.

I choose to ignore it this time, only for a moment, as I speak out – “Ok I’ll head into town to grab the food with lace. We won’t be too long! I say. moving towards Lottie before placing a gentle kiss against her head.

She smiles up at me warmly, before I head out with lace as he already knows and is fully prepared for what is actually going on.

“Better remember to actually grab the dinner during this?” Jace chuckles, as I smirk knowingly.

If I come back without the food that will become a serious problem!

We lock the front door behind us, an extra safety pr

precaution while I am gone, before we climb into my car and I click to call Zack back again…

“We are getting close to town, five minutes Alex.” Zack keeps me in the loop, as I start up the car and buckle up my belt.

As I drive, my mind is focused on the plan. I need to watch Lotties mother and her boyfriend in action, but I also need to be cautious. Her Mom is dangerously manipulative, and I can’t risk anyone getting hurt either with a cop now being on her side!

When I arrive at the designated location in the centre of town, I choose to park outside Freddies pub.

Jace and 1 sit in my car, hidden in the shadows, watching for any sign of Lottie’s mother and her cop boyfriend showing up.

I can feel the tension building in my chest, knowing that we re getting closer to a confrontation…


how an

are you really feeling about all of this? The pregnancy I mean?” face asks, breaking the silence.

I glance at him, taking a moment to gather my thoughts. Honestly, it’s a lot to process,” I admit. “I never expected to become a father at this age, let alone under these circumstances. But when I saw the look in Lottie’s eyes when she told me about the pregnancy, I knew I had to step up to the challenge.”

Jace nods, with understanding written all over his face. “You’re right, man. It’s a big responsibility, but I know you’ll be a great Dad. You’ve always been there for Lottie, and now you’ll have a little one to protect too. He chuckles in thought as I smile.

Chapter 117

I nod, grateful for Jace’s reassurance. Thanks, man. It means a lot. I just want to make sure they never have to experience the pain Lottie we with her own mother and the shit I went through with

losing my parents. I want them to grow up somewhat normal!” I laugh out next.




“That’s the right mindset,” face says, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. And you won’t be alone in this. We re all here for you! The kid already

Were has two crazy Uncles and an Aunty that’s even crazier waiting to meet them!”

I feel a surge of gratitude for him, knowing that I can count on lace no matter what I appreciate that, face. It seriously does mean a lot to me.”

As we continue to wait, Jace decided to call the pizza place to put our order in for collection- which he estimates pick up time to be in the next forty minutes or so.

My phone then buzzes again, and It’s Zack, letting me know that they are headed right into the middle of town

“Zack says they’re almost here, I inform Jace, feeling the adrenaline start to kick in

lace clenches his jaw, ready for action. “Let’s do this.” He says, his voice firm.

We wait in silence, watching as a cop car pulls into the area, driving past us and parking further down the road. My heart pounds in my chest as I shift in my seat only to see her and her cop boyfriend step out of the vehicle.

They seem to

be looking around, scanning the area, unaware that were even watching their every move.

I stay hidden, not wanting to make my presence known just yet. I need to see what they re up to before I make my next move.

Zack’s car also pulls up, across the street from the cop car, as I study the situation carefully… we have plenty of backup if needed….

“Looks like they’re just checking out the area, Jace whispers, his eyes never leaving them.

“Yeah, they must be scoping it out before they make a move, its as if they’ve never been here before! But that wouldnt make sense because who would be posting the letters to Anna’s place then?” I reply, my mind racing with sudden possibilities.

As we continue to watch, I see Lottie’s mother exchange a few words with her boyfriend before they start walking down the street, heading in the direction of Freddie’s pub–the exact location that we are parked at!

It’s clear that they’re up to something, and I just know that I can’t let them get away with whatever

After a few minutes, they reach the alleyway just before the pub, as we both lean down–avoiding to be seen.

I see Lottie’s mother pull something out of her bag next, looking around, before my heart sinks wondering what the small package wrapped up in paper…

“They’re up to something, what does she have in her hand?” Jace mutters, rubbing at his chin roughly.

“Yeah, I don’t like it, I reply, my mind racing with possible scenarios.

They seem to look around once more, before they suddenly continue down the alley

I make a quick decision. “Stay here, lace. I’m going to follow them on foot find out what they are snooping around here fort I inform him, as he nods.

“Are you sure? I’ll crack the window so just call me if you need me for backup!” lace asks, concern evident in his eyes

“I’m better going alone, there’s less chance to get noticed! I just need to get closer to see what they’re doing,” I explain.

lace nods, understanding the urgency of the situation. “Be careful, Alex”

1 give him a determined nod before quietly getting out of the car.

I stay hidden in the shadows, following Lotties mother and her boyfriend at a safe distance down the lane moving behind large containers and bins to avoid being seen.

As I get closer, I see them stop in front of the side entrance to Freddie’s place… what are they even doing here?!

Chapter 117

I watch on, as the cop makes a call on his phone, before the side door opens moments later revealing Freddies inviting face.

“Perfect, come on in! Freddie glances around as he speaks, sending a sickening feeling to my gut.


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