Into The Devil’s Heart

Chapter 68

The scene before her drastically changes as if being transmigrated to a different world.

Rex was sitting on the floor with baby Audrey, Compared to last time, he looked like a lifeless being staring at the tiny figure in his arms.

“Where are you, Cassie?” He asked, glancing back and forth as if checking for someone.

No one could tell what happened but the sudden loud piercing scream from baby Audrey disrupted the silence, creating a gloomy atmosphere.

“She’s left us, Amia, she doesn’t want us anymore” Rex mutters in between his sob, talking to the baby as if she could understand him.

“What should I do? I can’t take care of you like her. She doesn’t love us anymore” he kept saying those words with clenched teeth.

While he talked and hallowed in pain, Baby Audrey never stopped crying. This only got Rex even more infuriated.

“Shut your crab and stay quiet!!” Rex yells in anger, causing baby Audrey to stop, as she glared at him innocently. “Now you can cry, why didn’t you cry and stop her from leaving? Why did you stay silent and watch her leave? How dare you?” He burst into anger, blaming the baby for everything.

Baby Audrey’s face twists mouth pouts. Her eyes pressed forming a thin line then, she burst out into another cry. Her cries were sad, expressing her dislike because she was being screamed at.

Audrey’s heart sank deeper than it already was at the side of her dad screaming at her little self… For goodness sake, why does he seem to be unreasonable? How can he blame a child for what happened? But then, what happened? How come they got separated after all the love they portrayed and confessed to one another? Something isn’t right… That’s for sure.

“What? Feeling sorry? It’s all happening because of you. Had it been you weren’t born, I don’t think she would have turned her back on me” Rex pressed on in his agony and fury.

“I should leave you here, but then, no one would want a child that’s so cursed.” He blurts.

Now, only now Audrey understands why her dada hated her so much to the point of selling her. But, she did nothing wrong. Everything that happened is neither her fault, she was just caught up in their heartbreaks but that doesn’t didn’t mean she caused it.

Tears roll down her eyes as she stares at him cursing the baby, guess he never left her all alone out of pity but to think about it, it would have been better for him to leave her than take her in only to throw her away at the tail end.

Her stomach boils in anger, not able to take it anymore. “You don’t have to take me, just leave here, I’ll happily die of cold and hunger than be with you” she yells over her voice, anger evident in tone.

But as usual, no one got her. All she said was nothing but a breeze blowing around with no destination.

She weeps even more and falls to the ground in sorrow. Why do I have to see this? Why? I was better on my own, why for I have to experience this over again? She asked no one.

She doesn’t understand why her mother left them, the least she could have done was to take her along. Maybe, just maybe she wouldn’t have had a rough and hard time growing up.

While she laments, places start fading as another is replaced almost immediately. She knew she was about to see another scene and she wondered what it would be this time. She doesn’t want to be broken more than she already is.

But little did she know that what was coming would be way bigger than what was there.

“You are mistaken, I am not the one you want,” Cassie said, grabbing Audrey’s attention as she quickly looked up to where the voice was coming from.

There, she saw her, Cassie, her mother. The woman who made her dad curse and hate on her for no good reason. She so much wanted to hate her, to fight her but the view before her left her dumbstruck.

Cassie was being chained to a round iron circle, both her hands and legs spread wide open, almost like they were trying to plug them off her body.

She looks so exhausted but she never stopped trying to convince the man in black that stood like a god before her.

“I… I’m not the person you want” she kept repeating.

“If my senses are correct which they are, you are the last of your kind. This proves it’s no one but you” The man spoke out.

“There is no other way except through you” he adds.

Cassie shakes her head in denial, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I assure you, you are mistaken,” she said.

“Let me be the judge of that” His voice is as low, lifeless, and voice as any emotion. “Start!” He spoke to the figure in white that stood not very far away from him.

The sound of pages flipping could be heard, but it didn’t last. It was followed by chants seconds later. It was a woman, she was a witch.

Cassie knew it was her end, she couldn’t save herself even though she wanted to. The chains around her wrist and ankle were not ordinary and they suppressed her from using her powers. Even though she gets to set herself free, the man in black will never let her live.

She is aware of the end product with such rituals, she’s lived a long time not knowing. Most of the angels were killed like this in his quest to create a portal to heaven but then it failed.

Her heart clenched tightly in her chest as if choking her, “I’m sorry” she said in between her sobs.

She was apologizing to no one but her beloved husband and child whom she had to abandon and break all ties with to keep them safe.

“I love you guys so much and I’m sorry” she kept repeating in tears, the witch never stopped chanting the spell.

The large ring started shining, bringing forth the orange stink circling her.

“I’m sorry I won’t be there for you Amia, I’m sorry I had to create a fuse before leaving. I’m sorry you will have to grow up without me, but I promise you will never be alone. I’ll always be there with you, ” her tone was full of regret.

“I wish I could keep my promise, to love you till the very end” She cries, “I’m a bad lover, always bringing you pain but all you did was love me. I hope you get to forgive me and take good care of our bundle of love,”

She kept on crying as the orange stink kept increasing and thunderstruck furiously in the night sky. A lightning spark, cut across the dark sky dividing it into two.

As if bringing day in the dark, light shines so brightly from where the lightning separated, as it falls on Cassie illuminating her.

The heavy grumbling sound of thunder could be heard again, bringing alongside sparks creating a blast, lightning rushed down the part at full speed, ready to strike the iron ring with Cassie.

Audrey so much wanted to scream but her voice was nowhere to be found, tears rolled down her face as she shook her head continuously, silently begging her not to go.

Cassie turned to her, their eyes met and for a second, it felt to Audrey like she’d known her all her life.

“I love you, always remember that” was the last word that came out of Cassie’s mouth before the heavy lightning fell on her, striking her to her death.

Audrey screamed in terror and was about to run to her when all of a sudden, she became stiff and froze in her spot. Unable to move. She cried and begged, but no one was listening.

The witch lady that was chanting the spell stopped as soon as Cassie got struck. Silence reigns for a very long time, both observing and waiting for the iron ring to light up and create a light vortex that will serve as a passageway but then, nothing happens.

Everything went back to normal as soon as Cassie was dead… Only then, did the man in black believe she wasn’t the one, but the deeds had been done.

“How can it not be her?” The man in black yells in anger, “Who is it then?” He asked, frustrated by his failure.

“It is said that only the devil’s bride can grant him a passageway to heaven” the witch lady blurts.

The man frowns and turns to her, only then is Audrey able to see his face. Her heart breaks a million times at the store’s sudden realization, that Cannon, her love killed her mom. He made her life miserable from the very start. A silent sob escapes escaping her lips as she tears up, unable to look away from the lifeless being, darkness screaming all around him.

“You knew about this?” He asked lowering his gaze at the witch.

“No, it popped up just now on the blank page” she explains, showing him the book to see for himself.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“How the fuck can this be? Where am I going to find an angel talkless of a bride?” He yells. Nothing seems to ever go as planned, maybe, just maybe it’s his way of suffering with his lifetime mission to journey to heaven which will never come through.

A deep rumbling laughter erupts in the darkness, sending chills down the spine to whoever heard it. “Doesn’t matter how long, I’ll find my way through it” he mutters under his breath, tones firm and confident.

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