Inevitably Yours

Endlessly Yours to Chapter 25


“Hey, baby,” I said, answering my phone with a smile when I saw it was Quinn. I was lying in bed after a long day training a new pack that was referred to us by the last. It was the final night of my trip, and I’d be heading back to Stary after a morning training session to close things out.

“Is that my Alpha? I think I’m starting to forget what your voice sounds like,” she teased.

“After four years on the phone, I’m not sure we’ll ever forget each other’s voices, love,” I answered, rolling my eyes.

“I just miss you,” she pouted. I could hear the real sadness underneath the teasing tone she was using.

“I miss you too, baby,” I assured her. I hated and loved these trips. I enjoyed teaching other wolves to defend themselves and their packs, but I hated leaving Quinn. I even missed Stary now that we’d made it a proper home. With and without my help, the packhouse was almost unrecognizable from my childhood home. Rooms were furnished and freshly painted to soft neutral colors. The kitchen was always stocked with food and snacks, with pack members and warriors regularly stopping in. Quinn found us a newer couch to replace our ancient lumpy one and even managed to breathe some life back into the carpet in the living room. With an Alpha, Luna, and Beta office, we were real pack leaders now. I didn’t look around and see terrible memories anymore, only the ones I was making there with Quinn.

“Have you been seeing all the emails coming in?” she asked, interrupting my daydreaming about getting home to her.

“I haven’t read most of them, but I’ve skimmed. It looks like we’re starting to get flooded with requests for training from all over,” I answered. The thought exhausted me, and I hadn’t even replied to them yet. The money we brought in by teaching others to fight was good, but the traveling was inhibiting my ability to lead the pack effectively. I wanted to get us in a better position and find a way to branch things out so I would not have to be gone for such long periods of time. “Hope I get some time at home with you this year. I feel like I’m either out here teaching or there as Alpha.”

“Sounds like it just needs to be us when you get home tomorrow,” she told me.

“Mmm, that sounds good.” I was dying to get my hands on her again. Quinn was my drug, and even my hands craved her.

“Does my mate need something taken care of tonight?” she asked, her voice smoldering.

“No,” I told her. “I want to paint that pretty face of yours when I get home, and I’ve got two weeks of pent-up c*m waiting to do it. I can’t waste it now.”

“Michael!” she giggled. “You really want to do that?”

“I was mostly teasing, but if you’ll let me, I’m not going to say no.”

“I’ll be on my knees waiting,” she told me submissively. Goddess, she was so c**k-achingly sexy when she did that. I needed her, but alas, I would have to wait.

“I’m glad you know where you belong for me, my Luna.”

“I think I need new panties now,” she sighed. “Goddess, I need you home.”

“Tomorrow, baby. I can’t wait.”

“Do you want me to start answering some of these emails to get things rolling?” she asked. “I can at least do some initial consultation for you. I’ll organize it all so you can respond with pricing and scheduling when you are back home.”

“Sure,” I answered gratefully. “That would be extremely helpful.”

“Anything else?” she asked, yawning.

“Nothing I can think of- oh, wait!” I interrupted myself as a thought from earlier came back. “I know we’re doing well training packs, but I’m thinking of taking some instructor training to offer our services to humans, their police, and maybe their military if I can figure that out. What do you think?” Humans took their training far less seriously on average. According to my light research, a very popular model was two- to four-day crash courses that taught them many things they probably wouldn’t retain without repeated classes. There were definitely opportunities for more extensive training as well. Trust and reputation around the brand would need to be built, unlike in the werewolf community where a verbal recommendation went miles.

“I think that totally makes sense,” she agreed. It felt great when she liked a business idea because her opinion was the only one that mattered at the end of the day. “There are way more humans than wolves, and maybe it can keep you closer to home for some of this.”This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“I like that thought too,” I agreed; home was good.

I laid in bed, still panting from my first welcome home round with Quinn. She’d done as she said, dropping to her knees as I was ready to finish, and I had no choice but to explode right then. It was long and intense, and the way she looked at me was beyond description. I’d brought home a new toy, a G-spot vibrator that I slipped in so she would still be cumming as I did for her. I couldn’t believe that we still regularly had new things to try in bed, and she seemed to love it just as much as I did.

Quinn came back into the room from our bathroom, still naked, but now her face was clean. The way she smiled at me sent the b***d rushing south again, and I knew it wouldn’t be long until I was ready to go again. As I watched her pad across the floor barefoot, I drank in every inch of her body with my eyes. There were so many possibilities that I couldn’t decide what I wanted quite yet.

“That was so much!” she exclaimed as she crawled into bed, snuggling into my arms.

“You told me you wanted it,” I shrugged. “We don’t have to if you again if you didn’t like it, love.”

“No, I actually really liked it, especially your face as you did it,” she cooed. Her cheeks flushed pink at her admission.

“You sure?” I laughed. “That was enough to put at least two pups in you.”

She sat up to look into my face directly, “What did you say?” Her expression was so serious but her eyes were wide. I wasn’t sure if it was good or bad.

“I, uh,” I stuttered. It just came out because I’d been thinking about pups lately.

“Way to handle that one,” Eros laughed. “Might as well tell her now. I want to put a pup in her anyways!”

“Simmer down in there.”

“Michael, are you thinking about pups?” she asked, a smile pulling at the edges of her lips. I realized I wasn’t the only one with pups on my mind as excitement simmered through the bond.

“I can’t say I haven’t been thinking about it as I see you with Adi and the other kids. I’ve literally never wanted pups before, but I think I want them with you,” I admitted.

“Oh my Goddess!” she squealed, bouncing in place. “Are you sure?”

“Does this mean you want pups?” I asked, pulling her down to me.

“Can we start with one and decide if we want more? Pups plural is hard to wrap my head around,” she answered, biting her lower l*p in excitement.

“That’s more than fair, my love,” I agreed happily.

“NOW,” Eros demanded.

“Eros is insisting that we get started right now, and I can’t say I’m opposed to his suggestion,” I laughed.

Her eyes lit up as she rose to her knees beside me, “I think we’re all on the same wavelength. Sapphire is begging… And so am I.”

“Mmm,” I growled as I moved behind her and leaned over into her ear. “Begging?”

“Please,” she whispered.

“Please, what? Tell me what you want, Quinn,” I demanded.

“f**k me, Michael,” she asked as she dropped to her hands and knees, putting my favorite meal in front of me.

“Why, baby?” I asked. I wanted her to say it because I could feel her excitement pulsing through the bond.

“Goddess, put a pup in me, Michael!”

The exasperation in her words was all I needed to hear. I reached down, letting my fingertips graze her scalp as I took a handful of her hair into my grasp. Pulling her head up to look into the mirror in front of us sitting on my dresser, I buried myself to the hilt inside her in one stroke. She was more than ready for me, and I enjoyed how it felt to have her stretch around me. I could feel her bearing down on my c**k already. I knew this would be one of those days where she came quickly, and it wouldn’t stop until I was done.

She tried to close her eyes as she enjoyed me filling her, but I wasn’t going to let her, “Open your eyes, Quinn. I want you to watch until I fill you.”

“Yes, sir,” she whimpered, opening her eyes and connecting to mine in the mirror. It was going to be a long night.

As I sat in class listening to an instructor talk about human self-defense law, I had to actively stop my mind from wandering back to Quinn. The memory of her facial expressions and the bounce of her titts as I stroked into her over and over were fighting for dominant real estate in my brain. She had to stop taking the anti-heat medication she was on to get pregnant, but it hadn’t stopped the sexy start of our next journey.

Human self-defense law was interesting, full of justifications or restrictions for whether self-defense was allowed. In wolf law, it was much more cut and dry. If someone attacked you or someone else, you could stop them. Humans used a force continuum ranging in scale from physical presence to use of force by different means. The end of this scale was deadly force, and much of that discussion centered around firearms. Wolves could recover from bullet wounds that did not hit vital organs without medical intervention. That, combined with our nature, meant that guns were never a chosen method of protection. With my desire to broaden my training capabilities, I knew I would need to expand my skill set to their use. Humans couldn’t carry swords, so guns were usually their chosen weapon.

It was fascinating listening to the differences between our world and humans. As the instructor explained different facets of law, I noticed he brought up licensed security companies and security officers more than once. It seemed like something I should bring up to Quinn because, in addition to training people to protect themselves, I could potentially sell that protection to clients, both human and non. The thought was exciting, and it was something I could expand where our earning potential wasn’t tied to only one person. It was something we could explore if Quinn liked it too. I was sure she would be up for anything that potentially kept me home more, especially with a new pup on the horizon.

Luckily, the law was an easy thing to grasp for me, and that class ended for the day without a hitch. I had one more day of class to go, so I grabbed dinner on the way back to my hotel room, intending to eat, swim, and then call Quinn for the night.

I hopped into the shower and got ready to go to bed for the night after a few hours in the pool. It felt good to move after sitting in a classroom all day. The bed felt empty without Quinn, as it always did when I was away, but luckily the hotel actually gave me extra pillows, and it had a thermostat that went below 60 degrees. I crawled under the soft covers, piled my pillows up behind me to sit up on the bed, and breathed in the cold air around me, enjoying the room for what it had to offer. I picked up my phone and speed-dialed my mate, wanting to hear her voice to end the day.

“Hey, baby,” Quinn answered with some noise in the background.


“So, you told Nic then?” I asked, laughing. I was going to tell her when I got back, but I was okay with Quinn telling her ahead of that.

“It just kind of slipped out at lunch,” she admitted. “I’m just so excited that I had to tell someone!”

“It’s okay,” I said. “It’s not like it’s a secret.”

“I’m glad,” she told me. She was too far away to feel her emotions through our bond, but I could still tell she was glowing on the other end of the phone. I couldn’t believe we were trying, but I was just as happy as she was to start. “How was your day?”

“Full of lectures,” I told her. “I’d rather hear about yours.”

She told me about the cookies she made and Nic slamming her glass down so hard at lunch that it sprayed juice all over the place. Listening to her voice set me at ease, but I couldn’t ignore the persistent loneliness in her tone. It had gotten better, and I knew she was getting used to me being gone, but it still made me feel guilty.

“You know, have you ever thought about asking any of your old friends from school around to keep you company while I’m gone?” I asked. There were a few of her friends I’d prefer stayed away, but I would suck it up for her if it made her happy.

“I mean…” she sighed. “There really isn’t anyone to call. When we lifted travel and residency restrictions from pack members, many left to explore college and other places. There are plenty living outside the borders now, too. It’s been too long, and there is just too big a space now. Andrea is always around now that she’s in charge of my safety, plus I got Nic and Courtney comes by a lot. I’m all good, promise.”

“Okay, baby. I just wanted to make sure. I don’t want you to be lonely when I am gone,” I told her. I was relieved that she had no interest in calling Carl or Christy. Christy was a terrible friend to her, and Quinn had no idea how much Carl pined for her. She was too nice to catch that he was always just waiting for her ‘virtual boyfriend’ to mess up so he could pick up the pieces.

“And, this packhouse seems to always have someone in it. There is no way to be lonely when I’m always so busy.”

“Well, I think I can’t wait to come home and keep you company in ways they can’t,” I teased.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” she giggled.

“Oh,” I started. “It’s not a threat, my love. It’s a promise.”

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