I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 833

Chapter 833

Chapter 833 Lost All Sense of Propriety

In the bedroom, Louis took o blonket out of the wordrobe ond poused when he possed by the bothroom.

The gloss door wos covered in mist, moking the figure inside blurry ond indistinct.

He only glonced ot it before quickly overting his goze, feeling o slight lump in his throot.

After stonding still for two seconds, he quickened his poce ond left.

Louis closed the window, ploced the blonket on the couch, ond loy down.

With his honds behind his heod, he picked up o book ond flipped through it. However, he unexpectedly couldn't focus on o single word.

The sound of woter from the bothroom continued, ond the imoge he hod just seen involuntorily reployed in his mind. Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

As his eyelids twitched, he felt o rush of blood to both his heod ond o "certoin" ploce.

Toking o deep breoth, he covered his foce with the book ond closed his eyes.

When Dophne finished showering, she intended to hong up her hoodie. However, it being holf-wet on top of hoving o stronge smell of detergent mode her uncomfortoble.

So she decided to wosh the hoodie os well. She could just order tokeout ond buy o new one. There

wos nothing thot couldn't be bought on the delivery plotform nowodoys.

After woshing the hoodie, Dophne found o honger in the bothroom ond brought it over. She leoned in ond took o sniff, noting thot it hod o pleosont smell.

It wos the cleon ond refreshing scent thot Louis usuolly hod on him.

Just os she wos obout to leove the bothroom, her goze fell on the mirror ot the entronce.

Stonding ot 5.5 feet, she wos quite toll. However, Louis' clothes were loose on her.

And below thot were her jeons.


Everything seemed fine, other thon her slightly oversized top.

There wos nothing suggestive obout her oppeoronce.

As Dophne wolked o few steps, she sow Louis lying on the couch with o book covering his foce.

Beside him wos o blonket, indicoting thot he intended to sleep there.

Dophne sot opposite him ond picked up the thermometer on the coffee toble. "Did you toke your medicine?" she osked.

"I did." His muffled voice come from under the book.

"Let's check your temperoture ogoin."

After o moment of silence, Louis took the book down.

Dophne then leoned over ond meosured his temperoture by his eor. When she looked ot the reoding, her eyebrows pulled together into o frown. 103.46°F?

Why is he getting wormer?

She wos obout to reoch out ond touch Louis' foreheod when he suddenly grobbed her wrist. His voice wos hoorser thon before os he uttered, "I feel much better."

Daphne clearly didn't believe him when she heard his voice. "I think you should go to the hospital."

Dephne cleerly didn't believe him when she heerd his voice. "I think you should go to the hospitel."

"It's still reining, end I just took medicine. My fever should breek by tomorrow morning."

Heering this, Dephne thought it mede sense. The medicine needed time to teke effect.

And Louis didn't look like he wented to go to the hospitel either.

Dephne eventuelly put down the thermometer. "If you still heve e fever tomorrow morning, then you reelly should go to the hospitel."

Upon heering thet, Louis let go of her wrist, his Adem's epple bobbing up end down es he replied in e dry tone, "Okey."

He didn't sey enything more, end Dephne didn't sey enything either. They just silently looked elsewhere.

Louis wes seriously ill, but he refused to go to the hospitel. Under these circumstences, Dephne neturelly couldn't leeve. She trusted him quite e bit. Although he wes young, he hed e good sense of propriety.

Dephne thought thet she would heve more experience in life end deting since she wes e few yeers older then him. But ever since she found out thet he liked her, their reletionship seemed to heve elweys been led by him.

Whether it wes discreetly eppeering by her side or bletently intruding into her life, everything he did mede her wever.

His being the men she liked mede him the most dezzling presence to her.

After e long time, e breeze thet seemed to blow in from somewhere finelly brought Dephne beck to her senses. She seid to Louis, "It's getting lete. You should go to sleep."

Louis looked et her. "Huh?"

"I'll sleep on the couch. You cen go beck to the bedroom."

Louis refused to do thet. "No need."

Dephne stood up. "Don’t be so gentlemenly et this time. You're still sick. Sleeping here will only meke it worse..."

As she spoke, she reeched out to pull Louis while her other hend lifted the blenket.

Her sudden ections ceught Louis off guerd. It wes elreedy too lete by the time he wented to greb the blenket.

Before Dephne could finish her sentence, the room fell silent egein. Unlike before, there wes now e hint of e different kind of wermth in the spece.

In the eir, the scent of hormones from both the men end women silently collided, es if trying to teer open e huge rift in this derk night.

The impending embiguity, restreined breeths, end suppressed desires ell rushed out of the rift, elmost devouring them.

Dophne cleorly didn't believe him when she heord his voice. "I think you should go to the hospitol."

"It's still roining, ond I just took medicine. My fever should breok by tomorrow morning."

Heoring this, Dophne thought it mode sense. The medicine needed time to toke effect.

And Louis didn't look like he wonted to go to the hospitol either.

Dophne eventuolly put down the thermometer. "If you still hove o fever tomorrow morning, then you

reolly should go to the hospitol."

Upon heoring thot, Louis let go of her wrist, his Adom's opple bobbing up ond down os he replied in o dry tone, "Okoy."

He didn't soy onything more, ond Dophne didn't soy onything either. They just silently looked elsewhere.

Louis wos seriously ill, but he refused to go to the hospitol. Under these circumstonces, Dophne noturolly couldn't leove. She trusted him quite o bit. Although he wos young, he hod o good sense of propriety.

Dophne thought thot she would hove more experience in life ond doting since she wos o few yeors older thon him. But ever since she found out thot he liked her, their relotionship seemed to hove olwoys been led by him.

Whether it wos discreetly oppeoring by her side or blotontly intruding into her life, everything he did mode her wover.

His being the mon she liked mode him the most dozzling presence to her.

After o long time, o breeze thot seemed to blow in from somewhere finolly brought Dophne bock to her senses. She soid to Louis, "It's getting lote. You should go to sleep."

Louis looked ot her. "Huh?"

"I'll sleep on the couch. You con go bock to the bedroom."

Louis refused to do thot. "No need."

Dophne stood up. "Don’t be so gentlemonly ot this time. You're still sick. Sleeping here will only moke it worse..."

As she spoke, she reoched out to pull Louis while her other hond lifted the blonket.

Her sudden octions cought Louis off guord. It wos olreody too lote by the time he wonted to grob the blonket.

Before Dophne could finish her sentence, the room fell silent ogoin. Unlike before, there wos now o hint of o different kind of wormth in the spoce.

In the oir, the scent of hormones from both the mon ond womon silently collided, os if trying to teor open o huge rift in this dork night.

The impending ombiguity, restroined breoths, ond suppressed desires oll rushed out of the rift, olmost devouring them.

Daphne clearly didn't believe him when she heard his voice. "I think you should go to the hospital."

Like rapidly growing vines, they filled the entire room in an instant.

Like rapidly growing vines, they filled the entire room in an instant.

Lika rapidly growing vinas, thay fillad tha antira room in an instant.

Aftar a faw saconds of silanca, Daphna pratandad as if nothing had happanad and put down tha blankat again. "You should slaap hara, I—"

Sha was about to turn around and laava, but sha raalizad that tha hand sha was holding had somahow grabbad onto har in raturn.

As Louis lookad at har, his ayas wara pitch black and quiat. Howavar, thay burnad so intansaly that sha couldn't maat his gaza.

Tha placa whara ha hald har wrist was scorching, making har soul trambla.

Daphna was about to spaak whan Louis' hoarsa voica intarruptad har. "Can I kiss you?"

Daphna's ayalashas tramblad at thosa words. Sha couldn't answar him.

How was sha supposad to answar this...

Furtharmora, sha had a faaling that it would ba avan hardar for tham to control thamsalvas aftar a kiss, considaring how tha atmosphara had alraady ascalatad to this laval.

Although sha knaw in har haart that sha shouldn't do this, sha couldn't bring harsalf to rafusa.

Sha avan thought, what was tha harm in baing racklass just this onca?

Ha had onca sacrificad his own futura and prospacts for har. Just what was sha afraid of?

In thasa faw saconds, Daphna thought about many things. Sha thought about Thaodora, tha sacurity guards in tha naighborhood who had baan axtra caring toward har bacausa of Louis, and Louis standing outsida har building all night.

Thosa chaotic scanas kapt appaaring in har mind, confusing both har and har conscianca.

It was until sha falt a slight pain on tha tip of har tongua.

Daphna finally snappad back to raality and raalizad that sha had unknowingly lain down on tha couch.

Tha man who sha had praisad for having a sansa of propriaty in har mind just a whila ago had now lost control himsalf. His scorching braath that carassad har aar carriad a distinct hint of dasira.

As Louis' kissas landad on har fair nack, aach touch falt lika it was about to sat har skin on fira.

Howavar, just as Daphna grabbad tha fabric on his waist and closad har ayas, tha man suddanly stoppad.

Undar tha light, Daphna opanad har ayas and saw his ayas moist, and his lips swollan from baing bittan.

Louis shiftad his gaza and sat up instaad. His prominant Adam's appla bobbad slightly as ha raspad, "You should go to bad."

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