I’m Not Just A Human

It can’t be

I was so ready for today. I know, it’s not normal to look forward to a Monday, but today will be my last ever monday in this horrid town and then I will start a new chapter of my life with Bilbo and Layla. It also helps that it may or may not be someone’s birthday today. Who could it possibly be? O wait, it’s me! I’m finally 18. I know most people will say they feel the same as yesterday when they turn 18 , but for me it’s not like that. I feel so happy and full of life, ready to start the day and kickass. I don’t know why I feel like this or where I got this sudden burst of energy, but while I have it, I’m going to enjoy every second.

I jump from my bed and walk to my closet. I want to wear something nice today, something that will complement my happiness. After thinking for a few minutes, I finally found the perfect outfit. I got the small pink box from the back of the closet and took out the black dress that was placed in it. It was my mom’s, it’s the only thing I have left of her. I want to wear it, it will feel as if she is apart of my special day. I pulled the tight dress over my head and then matched It with a cream lace shirt , I braided my hair to the side and matched it with layla’s cream boots that I had borrowed from the previous day.

After getting dressed I went to the kitchen and made me some coffee and poured some orange juice for Bilbo. I then made some fresh toast, since it’s my favorite meal to have in the mornings. After finishing whit the toasted, I called Noah and told him to come eat. He didn’t reply so I called him again – No reply again. I walked to his room and knocked on the door, he didn’t answer, so I slowly opened the door.  I walked into his room and wanted to cry when I saw the scene in front of me. Noah held up a sign that said ‘happy 18 birthday, fify’ and their was a bouquet of flowers in his hand. It was clear to see that he had picked them from our small garden, since some of the flowers still had ground at the end of their stems. I smiled a pure smile and moved to my knees in front of Noah and gave him a bone crushing hug. I pulled away and he whipped away a stray tear.

“Happy birthday sis, I didn’t know what to get you so I did this. O and i also have this one other thing.” He finished and run to the other side of his bed.  He lifted a big picture frame with a photo of the first time I held baby Noah. I tried so hard to keep the tears from falling, it was at least nice to be crying from happiness this time.

“I love it so much, Noah. I love you so much, thank you. I can’t believe you did all this for me. I really appreciate it. ” I say and gave him another hug. We stood like this for awhile, but Noah being a typical boy, said he was hungry and dragged me back to the kitchen, where we finished our breakfast that I made a bit earlier. Afterwards we brushed our teeth and then went to school. I was glad to see Layla waiting for me in front of the double doors. When she saw me entering the schools parking lot she ran to me. We hugged each other with so much love and she jumped up and down while singing ‘ your finally 18 !’. It was funny how close we got in such a short amount of time.

“Dam girl you look fine as hell! I didn’t even know you had such a big booty or such a small waist. I think all the guys are going to drool when they see your sexy ass body in this sexy oufit. ” she said with a truly shocked voice. With each word she said, I blushed more. I mutter a embarrass thank you and pull her into the school. I greet her before she walkes to her class on the far end of the building. As I walk to my locker, I feel the stares from people in the hallway. I stopped in my tracks when a big-ish man stepped in front of me.

“Hi angel, I don’t think we met yet, but I would love to get to know you in my bed. ” he says with a huge smirk on his face. I didn’t feel like screwing up my good mode so I just walked past him and to my locker. I quickly grabbed my drawing book , since I have art the fisrt period, when I finished, I realized that the hallway was quiet. Not like they were talking softly, no, it was dead silent. I looked to my left side to see why everyone was so quiet and saw that they were all starting behind me. I turned around and immediately my eyes locked with the two gorgeous twins. They were starting at me. The people in the hallway made a clear path from me to the twins. O no , please don’t let them kick my ass today. I just want my last day to be good.

They started walking towards me and I slowly backed away. It didn’t help a lot since they were much faster then me. They stop right in front of me and their eyes look like they have 100 emotions running through them . Hell, they looked so hot. They both wore a grey shirt that hugged their perfect bodies sbd Grayson had black pants on while William had a creamy white pants on.

Their so freaking hot!… ‘no Sophia stop!’I yelled at myself. I looked up and locked eyes with them again.

“Before you hurt me again, let me just inform you that I will not be causing any problems and I won’t be in anyone’s way today. O and I decide you were right. I shouldn’t be here, so I’m moving tomorrow. It’s my last day here and I would really like it , if you would just let me get through it in peace.”  I say in a shaky voice. Fear clear in my voice. I thought I saw hurt in the boys eyes, but I probably just imagined it.

They don’t reply and just stare at me.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I turned my back to them to leave, but they grabbed my shoulders and turned me back around. They both growled the most shocking word at the same time.


My eyes widen in horror and I start to tremble with fear. Their arms brush up mine and I feel small sparks jumping between our skins.

I can’t be their mate, I’m human. No ! For those of you that don’t know what a mate is, it is like a soulmate. I person that you can’t live without. If they are hurting, you are hurting. If they are happy you are happy. If they die, you die too. Their your everything and it’s very very rare to have a human mate.

“It can’t be. No! ” I say and run to the exit. They will reject me. They will hurt me. I can’t be their mate. I started taking short breaths, since my lungs were not getting enough oxygen. I was halfway in the parking lot when I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Is this a panic attack? In seconds the darkness consumed me and I was fully out.

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