I’m Divorcing with You Mr Billionaire! (Sydney and Mark)

Chapter 114

Chapter 114





The wedding preparations were in full swing, and Sydney rushed into the dressing room like a whirlwind, and her eyes were immediately drawn to the center of the room where Grace stood, resplendent in her wedding dress

“Grace” Sydney exclamed, her rital frown melting into a beaming smile as she took in the breathtaking sight in front of her.


from the mirror, surrounded by a swarm of cloth fitters, each one of them pinning and adjusting the folds of her wedding dress, and the many layers of the ivory satin and lace flowing around her like a dress from a fairy tale

ce had designed the less herself, because she wanted something that would be the best of the best. An epitome of both elegance and hisbration. Indeed, it was a masterpiece, with six seamstresses and Etters carefully tending to every detail on her body.

A few hairstylats also hovered around Grace’s head, working their fingers around the strands

ds and twisting and curling everything on her hair that they could lay the hands on

“Oh my gosh, you look stunning Sydney exclamed. Her eyes sparkled with admiration as she stepped closer and clapped her hand over her heart to show how awed and grateful she felt for finally seeing Grace in that dress she’d dreamed of

Grace blushed proudly She was also unable to contain her excitement. She did a little dance where she stood.

know, right?” she giggled. Her joy was really infectious.

Sydney let out a soft chuckle, shaking her head in amusement

“Yeah, back to work,” she said, turning her attention to something else. “The makeup artist has just reached out to me. She says she’s held up in traffic.”

Agroan escaped Grace’s lips as she rolled her eyes dramatically.

“Goodness, not today she lamented, her shoulders sagging slightly.


Sydney could see the disappointment on her friend’s face and God knows she understood better than anyone how much all of this meant to Grace Sydney wanted to recommend that they find an alternative artist since they didn’t have much time to the church wedding. But she was also aware of much Grace had been looking forward to having this particular makeup artist work her magic on her face on her wedding day

“Where’s my phone?” Sydney asked, glancing around the cluttered dressing room.

Grace turned her head, “Check that big over there” she said, nodding towards a large tote bag

in the corner

Following Grace’s direction, Sydney located the bag and rummaged through its contents until her fingers brushed against her phone.

“Yeah, thanks,” she acknowledged as she took it out then she said, “TT be back in a bit,” before stepping out into the hallway,

Grace’s expression melted into a warm smile, her shoulders visibly relaxing. “Okay,” she replied

When she walked out into the halway and had walked a few paces away from the door to the dressing room, Sydney put the phone to her ear

“Mark it’s me

Yeah, I know it’s you” Mark replied with a chuckle and his usual sarcasm,

Sydney rolled her eyes dramatically.

“Um, I need a quick favor. And before you ask, no, it’s nothing too crazy this time”

“Which is?” Mark prodded curiously. T’m already on my way to the venue.”

need a helicopter Sydney blurted out

There was a beat of silence before Mark spoke again

“A helicopter? Are you planning a grand entrance or just trying to show up the bride?”

“Quil the jokes. Grace’s makeup artist is stuck in traffic somewhere on Canbury Lane, We need to get her out of there, like, yesterday. It’s really important for Grace. I don’t want her to panic on her big day

Mark’s laughter subsided, replaced by a dramatic sigh

Is there a way you can prepare this for me?” Sydney asked, emphasizing the last two words and hoping Mark would pick up on the gravity of her request.

“Ugh, fine,” Mark groaned, feigning exasperation. “But you owe me big time. Like, a lifetime supply of free babysitting from Damon.”

Sydney snorted. “As if that kid would listen to anyone but me ”

Tair point, Mark conceded “Are you coming over so we could…”

“Nope have like a milion other errands to run. We’ll keep talking over the phone,” Sydney replied

“Does the makeup artist want to be picked up from Canbury Lane or should I have her meet the helicopter somewhere else?”

*Just keep communicating with her on the phone” Sydney instructed “Til connect you two, and you can coordinate the details

“You got it, boss lady.” Mark said

Sydney smiled, “Thanks, you’re a lifesavert

Tant that what I’m for?” Mark quipped, and Sydney could practically hear the wink in his voice

Sydney rolled her eyes again and disconnected the call”

Mark smiled to himself as he hung up the phone, Sydney’s voice still ringing in his ears. He twirled the phone lazily in his hand with a mischievous glint in

his eye

With a few clicks of a button on his desk his assistant poked his head into the office

“Yes, Mr. Tomes?” He queried

Mark leaned back in his chair, 1 need you to head down to the hangar and have one of the helicopters prepped and ready to go. We’re going to be picking someone up”

The assistant’s brows furrowed in confusion.

“A helicopter, sir?

“You heard me right,” Mark affirmed with a nod. “It’s a bit of an emergency situation. Time is of the essence”

Still looking slightly bewildered, but knowing better than to question his boss, the assistant nodded dutifully.

“Yes, sir. Right away”

Within the hour, the helicopter was arbome, its blades slong through the morning air. The pilot having received the coordinates from Mark, expertly navigated through the city’s maze of streets until they zeroed in on the location–Canbury Lane

Down below, the makeup artist was pacing anxiously on the sidewalk, her phone clutched in her hand. She had been in communication with the certain man named Mark, who had assured her that transportation was on the way. As the thrum of rotor blades filled the air, her eyes snapped upwards.

The helicopter touched down smoothly on the side of the heavily trafficked road, and the pilot gestured for her to climb aboard. The makeup artist gathered her supplies and hurried towards the aircraft

Black at the dressing room, Sydney. And back in with a triumphant grin plastered across her face,

“Tada” she exclamed, stepping aside to reveal the makeup artist behind her.

Grace gasped with both shock and relief.

“Oh, thank goodness!” she breathed, rushing forward and enveloping Sydney in a Serce embrace

“Thank you so much, I don’t know what I’d have done without you”

Sydney returned the hug, her eyes sparkling with joy at the sight of her friend’s elation

“Of course, anything for you on your big day.”

Pulling back, Grace turned her attention to the makeup artist

“I’m so sorry for the delay. I hope you werent too inconvenienced,” the artial apologized

“It’s alright, let’s just get to work now we barely have an hour left

Less than an hour later. Grace appeared as the bride of the day, in her dashing wedding dress and her graceful beauty

“Oh, Grace,” Sydney breathed. Her eyes welled up with tears

“You look absolutely stunning.”

Grace’s face also lit up with a smile and her checks flushed with happiness

“Aww, don’t cry!” she chided playfully, reaching out to gently dab at Sydney’s tear–stained cheeks.

Sydney let out a watery chuckle, swiping at her eyes.

“I can’t help it,” she confessed, “After everything we’ve been through, seeing you like this, so happy and radiant it’s just too much”

Grace’s own eyes glistened with tears as well and she pulled Sydney into a tender hug.

“I know. I know,” she murmured, her voice muffled against Sydney’s shoulder.

been quite a journey, hasn’t it?”

Sydney nodded, sniffling softly as she tried to regain her composure

“Come on now, not you too,” she chided, pulling back and giving Grace’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. “You’ll ruin your makeup, and we can’t have that ”

Grace let out a shaky laugh, blinking rapidly to clear her vision.

Sydney smiled and handed Grace the exquisite bouquet that had been carefully arranged for the occasion.

“Here, take this,” she said, handing the fragrant bundle of flowers to Grace ‘Everyone’s waiting for us

Grace accepted the bouquet with a grateful nod, her fingers caressing the petals

“Thank you love

Arm in arm, the two friends made their way down the elegantly decorated hallway. Sydney was still dabbing at her eyes because the tears wouldn’t stop


Then she saw a hankie in front of her

She looked up beside her and saw Mark walking beside her with a lopsided grin

“You’ll ruin your makeup if you keep crying like that.”

Sydney took the cloth and dabbed at her eyes

“You can return it to me some other time,” he gestured to the handkerchief.

Sydney looked at him to say something but then her eyes went to the collar of his shirt and she said. “Your tie is still as crooked as always.”

Mark glanced down at the askew knot of his tie, his fingers barely adjusting it

“Well, would you help? his eyes twinkled

“Of course not,” Sydney snorted

“Where’s Damon?” Mark inquired, glancing around as if expecting the precocious child to materialize

“He’s with the old aunties, waiting in the hall. They wanted him to keep them company”

They finally reached the ceremony hall

Grace linked arms with her uncle, who would be walking her down the asle, and exchanged one last meaningful look with Sydney before the doors swung open

Soft, ethereal music filled the air, and all eyes turned towards the radiant bride as she made her way down the aisle, her bouquet clutched tightly in her hands.

At the end of the aisle stood the room, the doctor she befriended years ago at the hospital, who then became her boyfriend, fancé and now, her husband- to–be. His eyes shone with love and adoration as he watched his bride approach.

The ceremony proceeded with a dreamlike quality, the exchange of vows and the sliding of rings onto trembling fingers.

As the officiant uttered those fateful words, “You may now kiss the bride,” a thunderous applasse erupted from the gathered quests, everyone rising to the feet in a standing ovation

In the midst of all the joyous celebration and the throwing of bouquet. Sydney caught the bouquet as Grace tossed it over her shoulder. This elicited s chorus of cheers and good–natured ribbing from the assembled well–wishers. Even Mark who was busy cradling a sleepy Damon in his arms, had a secretive smile on his face.

The reception continued in merriment, eating and drinking.

Sydey found Mark whilst she was busy getting throngs out together and impulsively thrust the bouquet into his hand

“Here, you take it,” she said.

Mark looked down at the flowers

“But you earned it.”

1 don’t need it,” she insisted and turned to leave.

pressing the bouquet into his hands.

Mark quickly, but genty held her wrist


She turned back to face him with a raised brow

“Can you give me a second chance?” Mark asked, his eyes searching hers with a silent plea.

“Huh?” she managed, her voice a mere whisper.

Mark took a step closer

1 want a second chance for us the two of us and Damon‘ NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

There was a heavy silence between them before Sydney broke the stillness.

Tm sick of being someone’s wife. But it’s not a bad idea to be someone’s girlfriend.”

A slow, radiant smile spread across Mark’s face, and he let out a soft, relieved laugh.

“I would love to be your someone,” he answered

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