I’m Divorcing with You Mr Billionaire! (Sydney and Mark)

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Chapter Hundred


I erupted in a fit of laughter, mainly because he cracked me up. How could he possibly be jealous of a dead man? He really did look adorably pouty in that moment, standing there trying his best to look intimidating with that angry gaze. At that instant, it was almost easy to believe I was simply banter- ing with my beloved Lucas.


was actually a very good sign, despite his melodramatic display of envy. It meant that my carefully cultivated deception was still going strong. Even if I hadn’t fully penetrated his twisted heart yet, I had undeniably managed to worm my way into his fragile psyche to a fairly sub- stantial degree. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“Sorry,” I giggled, palming my mouth in an attempt to stifle the burbling laughter as I climbed down from the bed to face him properly. I couldn’t help but be faintly amused by his irrational jealousy over something so silly.

While I laughed at his preposterous behavior, Dylan hissed out a irritated breath and stalked over to perch himself on the armchair situated by the door, his piercing gaze remaining fixated intently on me the whole while.

The moment the duvet covering my body slipped down, fully revealing my barely–clothed form to


eyes, I watched hungrily as his eyes suddenly darkened with naked longing. I could practically feel the hot, greedy trail his eyes raked lecherously over every curve and expanse of exposed skin.

I was finally able to rein in my laughter at his expense as I purposefully sashayed my hips provoca- tively while sauntering towards him. Moving with languid, exaggerated slowness, I closed the dis- tance between us.

First, I slid my fingers through his thick hair, lightly massaging his scalp in a way I knew he enjoyed from past experience. I smirked when his eyes fluttered closed at the simple sensation of my fin- gers carding through his locks. I caressed the line of his stubbled jaw, trailing my hand down to gen- tly cup the side of his neck before finally dropping it to rest on his shoulder.

-Taking things further, I firmly grasped his shoulders and lifted one leg over his lap to straddle his hips, my scantily clad core coming to rest mere inches from where I could feel his growing arousal straining against the confines of his pants.

I held his darkened gaze steadily, purposefully pouting my full lips into an enticing moue as I chided him sultrily, “Why did you ignore me deliberately for so long?” My lips turned down into an exaggerat- ed frown. “I saw so many of your women wandering around this mansion when you left me alone with them for days. I could have died from jealousy, Dylan. I needed some space, some fresher air that wasn’t saturated with the scent of all the other females you sleep with.”

I shrugged one shoulder as if it was no big deal. “I merely had to go visit an old friend to talk to since you deprived me of your company for so long. You know I know no one else in this town be- sides Lucas. I went to see him, an old friend, so what?” I arched one delicately sculpted eyebrow at him in mock challenge. “Are you jealous of a dead man’s memory, my love?”

Chapter 100 Chapter Hundred

Without uttering a single word in response, Dylan’s arms abruptly snaked their way around my waist, his large palms flattening possessively against the bare skin of my lower back. He tugged me firmly forward until our bodies were flush together, crushing my silk–clad breasts against the hard

planes of his chest. He cradled me tightly, as if he wanted to physically merge our bodies into one en-


Dylan buried his face into the crook of my neck – a intimate gesture I had noticed he seemed to take particular pleasure in. His hot breath fanned over my sensitive skin as he murmured in that low, husky rasp of his that never failed to spark little tendrils of warmth to unfurl low in my belly, “Don’t you resent me for killing him?”

A heavy silence fell between us as I considered how best to respond. Slowly, I threaded my fingers. through the silky strands at the nape of his neck, giving them a gentle tug to tip his head back enough for me to rest my chin atop his crown. I knew he could feel the rapid thrum of my pulse from how tightly he held me.

“Of course I mind that you killed my dear friend,” I said softly, carefully keeping any hints of anger or hatred from creeping into my dulcet tone. I was the very picture of a woman deeply in love, speak- ing painful truths to her beloved. “But Lucas was already gravely ill anyway, even without your involve- ment he wouldn’t have had much longer to live. Maybe you even did him a mercy of sorts by ending his suffering sooner. He was in so much constant pain and torment from all those illnesses that kept attacking his body…”

I shrugged one shoulder lightly, as if his death truly didn’t trouble me anymore. “Besides, I can’t actu- ally bring myself to resent the man my heart beats for now. My greatest wish was simply to be with. the person I love more than anything. I believe Lucas wouldn’t blame me for that…or you, since you ended his agony.”

After a prolonged moment spent digesting the meaning behind my carefully crafted words, Dylan tilted his head back to gaze intently up at me. “I don’t believe you,” he stated bluntly, a flicker of dark. emotion passing through his mercurial eyes. “I’m starting to worry that every time you go visit

his grave, your love for me will only diminish further while your hatred deepens. Maybe one day you’ll even try to kill me out of vengeance.”

Though I remained outwardly impassive, showing no signs of the turbulence those words created within me, I’ll admit I was somewhat taken aback that he had so baldly voiced the very kernel of my actual plan out loud like that. Though I knew logically it was just another childish attempt to rattle me, another dumb test devised to flush out any nefarious intent on my part. Well, two could play at that game.

“He’s a dead man, Dylan,” I sighed out in apparent exasperation, as if his worries were ridiculous and unfounded. “My love for you can never possibly diminish now that you’ve claimed me so thoroughly. No, I will not kill you – if you die, then I die as well, for you are the very air I breathe.”

I watched keenly as his brow furrowed, the muscle in his chiseled jaw twitching as he silently ap- praised me. His eyes dropped to my mouth, his fingers following the same path until they came to rest featherlight against the plush swell of my lower lip.

Lifting his gaze back to lock with my own, he rasped out in a gravelly tone, “I still don’t fully believe you, Sydney.”

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Chapter 100 Chapter Hundred

A spark of calculated daring flickered to life in my belly as I stared back at him boldly. “Then if you don’t believe the depth of my eternal devotion, just kill me now,” I stated evenly, a hint of challenge. tempering my words. “I’m more than willing to die by your hand in this moment, but I absolutely can- not tolerate you doubting the boundless love I hold for you any longer.

He shook his head slowly, his thumb tracing the seam of my lips with atypical gentleness. “I won’t kill you, Sydney,” he murmured, that undercurrent of quiet menace still present in his tone. I noticed his specific choice of words – ‘won’t‘ rather than ‘can’t.”

His touch drifted to cup the side of my face, almost tenderly. “I’m just…worried that maybe one day, you simply won’t love me anymore,” he confessed in a low, hoarse rasp that somehow sounded smaller than I had ever heard from him before, naked vulnerability seeping into the words like a hair- line crack in his

granite facade.

My own eyes prickled treacherously with the sting of unshed tears at the naked emotionality in his tone as I met his stormy gaze with one of tender reassurance, leaning down to brush my lips softly against his once, twice.

“There will never be such a day,” I vowed in a throaty murmur, cradling his face between my palms as I spoke with beseeching fervor. “I love you so completely, so consumingly, that the very notion of

living without you would render my life meaningless vist only for you now, Dylan. I lay myself bare


before you because I want you to claim me, possess me utterly. Shout to the entire world that I be- long to you and no one else!”

Then without waiting for him to formulate some other plaintive objection, I sealed my mouth over

his in a deep kiss.

Immediately,his lips kneaded mine,his hands tightened on the small of my back and he pressed me tighter to his chest,before sliding his hand down and palming my ass.

I grinded him and I could already feel his erection, “Fuck, Sydney,” he groaned and bit me hard on my lower lip then he went ahead to suckle on the bruise he left there.

In this revenge disguised as love, we were constantly testing and guessing. I wonder if he could see through my fake smiles and affection and felt a shiver run down my spine.

He squeezed my ass and I rolled my hips to his cladded shaft, a fake moan escaping my lips.

“Fuck!” He groaned just as I felt his hard erection dig into my entrance, safe for my lacy pants and

his trousers.

Slowly, he pulled away. I frowned, my heart skipping a beat involuntarily. Why was he stopping? Did he notice something? I briefly panicked.

As he tried to pull away, I pulled him to me.

“Sydney,” he called softly, surprising me then he gently held me back.

“I want you to do something for me, are you willing?” He asked without any preamble.

I lifted my head and looked into his eyes. What could he possibly want me to do for him? I managed a smile, “Of course, I’m willing to do anything for you.”

Dylan looked at me, and I could see different emotions fliker in his eyes. I couldn’t pinpoint what he


Chapter 100 Chapter Hundred


And he was hesitating, struggling to form his words. Strange. Have I gained his trust already and he was about to tell me a secret?

Finally, he spoke up, “I want to give you to my uncle Tavon. I want you to gain his trust and then con- vey messages to me.”

I almost blurted out that Tavon was actually Lucas‘ uncle and not his but that was beside the point.

I was taken aback. I hadn’t expected that he would actually send me away.

If I leave his side, how would my plan work? Could this be another stupid test?

My eyes watered – I was learning the trick quite well now. “I only want to be by your side, Dylan. I would do anything but willingly leave your side.”

“Come on,” he squeezed my ass and gave me a wet kiss on the cheek. “you’d still be by my side. And it’s just for a short while. I just need some information. If you really love me,do this for me.”

I guess I have no other choice but to agree and look for new opportunities.

I gently stroked his face and softly said, “If it makes you happy, then alright, I promise you, I’d do whatever

you want.” I added with a small glare, “But you also have to promise me that after I’m done with whatever you want me to do, you will drive all those women out of the house. I want you to be- long to me only, just as I’d belong only to you.”

He listened attentively to me. Then he promised with a small smile. “I give you my word. If you help me become the new Godfather of the Esposito family, then you shall become my most loved

woman. I won’t even glance at other women!”

I smiled back at him and pulled him in for a hug,my breast crushing his face. “You smell so good,” he drawled and pressed my lower half to his.

If I’d be passing crucial information to him/then maybe I can ruin him with that means. Maybe,just maybe, Tavon is the key to my revenge?!

“One more thing,” I muttered.

“What?” He answered absentmindedly.

“Promise me you’ll never abandon me there.”

“I always take whatever I deem fit as mine, Sydney.”

I smiled.

Chapter 101 Chapter One hundred and

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