I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 80


Time has flown by and here I am, laying with a new little bundle of joy in my arms, trying my best not to bawl my eyes out with how alone I feel, even if Penelope is here, holding me, the tears won’t stop flowing from my eyes…The rest of my body is calm, but it’s like a numb feeling pushing the tears out.

“Why are you crying?” Penelope smiles at me, her hand dragging over my hair continuously. “I wish he were here.” I breathe out and it’s like my chest collapses and I struggle to inhale a breath.

“Hey, it’s okay. He’s on his way.” Penelope tries to comfort me, but he was on his way for an hour now and I already gave birth…What’s the use?

“I know.” I force a smile, but I feel empty inside, it’s been two months and we’ve barely spoken, he came to visit two weekends out of the month to see Felix, but we never really spoke and he always pretended to fall asleep next to Felix.

The door busts open, swinging against the wall with a bang and the baby in my arms start to cry.

I lock eyes on my mate, the bags under his eyes clear as day, his hair a mess and a little long and he has a beard.

“You’re here.” I breathe out, but I don’t smile.

“Hi.” he gives me a half smile before marching over to me and he glances down at the new baby boy in my arms.

“It’s a boy.” I try to smile, but it feels empty, like there’s no actual emotion in it.

“I knew it would be.” he smiles at the boy before taking him from my arms.

“I’ll give you some privacy.” Penelope squeezes my shoulder before excusing herself and she leaves, but some part of me wanted to latch onto her and beg her to stay, but this is a private matter I suppose.

“Did you pick a name yet?” Aiden’s voice is cold and judgemental. I snort, “I wouldn’t do that without you.”

“Oh, but you’d do everything else without me?” his tone is venom and I can’t stop my chin from trembling.

His tone hurts my feelings and everything else is heightened by the hormones rushing through me.

“Can we just choose a name?” I blink away the unshed tears as my eyes are locked on the back of his head.


“Do you not want to?” I cross my arms over my chest and he turns to glare at me, “Of course I want to, it’s my son.”

“So let’s just choose.” I snap at him.

After bickering back and forth, we finally decided on a name…Arlen.

It’s beautiful, just like our boy.

Aiden and I sit in silence and my coronation is next week, it was kind of Arlen to join us before the time so that I could perhaps drink a bit and not be uncomfortable.

“Are you going to stay?” I ask him as he intensely watches Arlen sleeping.

“No. I have things to do.” he yawns before shifting and standing.

“Are you serious? Your son was just born…” I glare at him, “Well someone has to pack our things.” he snaps at me and Arlen starts to m**n.

I blankly stare at him as he tries to hush Arlen, but I notice how he just gets annoyed.

“Okay, I’m sorry.” I manage to lay down comfortably before the nurse comes in, “You are all ready to go home.” She smiles at me and I sigh in relief before sitting up.

“Can you call Queen Penelope for me?” I smile and Aiden’s dark gaze flicks to me, “Why?” , “Because you aren’t staying and I need help.” I grit out before standing up and I march over to the bathroom with my clothes in my hand and I quietly shut the door behind me even when every fibre of my being wanted to slam it shut and break the door.

I get dressed into a dress and I’m relieved to see Penelope holding Arlen when I come out, but my heart sinks when I scan the room and Aiden is no where to be found.

“Where’s Aiden?” I frown and Penelope looks at me confused, “He left, he told me he said goodbye to you.” she sways Arlen.

He left, again…

“Oh, yeah I just thought he was going to wait so that I can take Arlen.” I shake my head, smiling.

“Arlen? It’s a beautiful name.” she smiles and I nod in agreement as I pack my things.

“I don’t want to be a burden, but are there any nurses that could help me the first few nights? I have Felix and Arlen now and Aiden needed to pack the last of the things…” I shove my things into my bag a bit too aggressively and Penelope sighs, “My dear, is everything okay?” she asks and I frown at my bag as I nod, “Yeah, just a little quarrel that can be fixed in time.”

“It’s been two months since he stopped coming over a lot.” she points out and I hate that she picked that up. Aiden and I are fine, or at least , we will be.

“I know, but he’s been busy and we miss one another and it’s gotten in the way but we’ll be better when he comes here.”

I know that’s a lie, it will take a lot of work out of the time I won’t be having because of Arlen.

“How about we get you a nanny for the kids until you and Aiden are better?” she suggests and I look up at her, “I don’t know…kids need their parents.”

“I know, but they can’t have unhappy parents Eleia, trust me on this.” she hands me Arlen, “I’ll take the bag and you take your boy and tomorrow, we will have interviews with nanny’s and we won’t stop looking until we find the perfect one for you, alright?”

Her smile is so warm, so kind and I can’t help but tear up.

Arriving into my room, it changed and in the corner is a nursery, “I was thinking to clear up the room next to yours, it’s just a storage place but it’s big and we can install cupboards and make it a room for the boys.” Penelope suggests and I frown at her, not liking the idea of being away from my son’s.

“We’ll even put in a door here for easy access.” she points at the wall behind Felix’s bed and that soothes the ache of saying no the idea.

“Are you sure?” My gaze drags around the room and I stare at the beautiful white wood crib.

“Yes, we can have it done in one day and then just move the things into the room.” she rubs my back.

“Penelope.” my chin wobbles, “Eleia.” her hand rubs circles on my back, “I’m overwhelmed.” I confess as it feels like my body is ready to just shake and contract and explode at the same time.

“Okay.” she takes Arlen from my arms, “Then shift and go for a run. It’s the best thing to do after not shifting for so long.” she nods to the door and I stare down at Arlen, “I can’t leave him.” I try to take him from her but she steps back, “And I can’t let anything happen to you. Take an hour and go. I got this.” she smiles down at Arlen and then she stares at me with a hooded gaze.

My teeth clench as I decide on whether to go take a run or stay here and loose my mind.

“Go.” Penelope’s eyes widen and she shoo’s me out of the room.

All the way down the stairs, I have to keep on telling myself that I need to take care of myself so that I can take care of my kids.

I repeat it all the way to outside and I begin to march to a tree and slip out of my dress before I shift…

I scream in agony as it hurts a bit, but once I’m on all four paws, a source of energy runs through me and I just run.

I don’t think of anything as I jump over logs and bushes, run side to side through the trees, I breathe in the scenery and even though I am running faster than a car, I notice every small detail of the forest around me.

I notice the birds chirping in the trees, some of the moms feedings their little chicks, I notice the butterflies, the insects and I ravel in the feeling of the wind brushing against my fur, intertwining with the small hairs and I could feel how all of my pent up energy slowly releases into the grounds beneath my heavy paws thudding against the floor.

I let out a howl and I growls when something large and heavy runs into me, knocking me over and I snap at the brown wolf who’s rolling me.

Our bodies part, scattering away from one another and the wolf shifts into a man with light brown hair, “I’m not here to hurt you, but go home.” he has his hands held out in caution and I shift, my hair falling over my breasts and I hold my hands in front of my p***y to cover myself.

“Who are you?” I grit out and he stares at me with wide eyes, “Not someone who is going to harm you, but you should run home before they find you.” he points to the direction we came from.

“Who?” I grit out annoyed. He has yet to tell me his name and where he’s from, yet he wants me to trust him?NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“Someone who knows these woods and the hunters around here, now go because they’re a lot today.” he shifts and runs off.

I frown , wanting to call after him but he’s gone in seconds and I glance around the quiet forest, not hearing the sound of a insect and my head begins to thunder against my ribs.

I shift and run home, hearing footsteps far away and I try to run faster and faster until I reach the Castle border and run through it, stopping at the guards and I shift, staring at them with wide eyes.

“Princess, you shouldn’t be out there alone.” one bows to me.

“Get more guards, there are people in these woods.” I demand and they frown and one’s eyes fog over to mindlink.

“Did you see anyone?”

“No, but I heard them, at least a few dozen men.” I say breathlessly, “Inform the king and queen, now.” I turn and rush to the tree and slip on my dress before running into the house with my heart beating in my ears.

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