I Claim Your Love

Chapter 67: The Bleeding Heart

Chapter 67: The Bleeding Heart

The sunny rays of the morning sun were shining bright at the house of the Ashtons. The gardens were

are all green while alternate shades of red and yellow beautified the lilies which were thriving in its


At this point of time however it was the mother in Mary who was the happiest. Her only son was sitting

besides her and enjoying her homemade food.

"Everything is amazing mother. I really missed this."

"Eat my son." Mary affectionately patted Callan's back as her heart was filled with joy "I will pack your

favorites for you to eat at home."

"I will have them when I visit next." Callan bluntly said as he kept stashing the piece of meat in his


Mary uncomfortably looked at her mate who reciprocated her with a dejected look of his own. It was

hard for them to say the words but they had to respect the decision of the pack "Don't do this son."

Justus said in a low voice "You are breaking the rules. You will get yourself in trouble again."

"I have never cared and I never will."

"Don't be stubborn Callan. Thank the alpha for allowing you to visit us."

Callan was quiet for a moment. He looked at his parents and then slowly looked outside the window.

He could see the middle aged man standing near one of the rose plantations and appreciating its


It was strange.

Callan had been visiting his parents for a long time without the knowledge of the pack or anyone else.

He never cared for the outcome as his parents were more important to him than anyone else in the

world. Today was no exception. He stepped out of his house to visit his parents home. He was taken by

surprise when he saw the alpha comfortably sitting at the dining table, having a chat with his long time

companions Justus and Mary.

He saw Callan and was quiet for a moment. He wasn't shocked. Like he was expecting him to make an

appearance. Ragnar excused himself to take a walk beside the beautiful plantations and let Callan

have his family time which he needed the most at this time.

When it was finally time to leave the house, Callan bid goodbye to his emotional parents. He kept

reassuring them that he would visit soon while Justus was trying hard to make his son realize that he

was asking for trouble. Just as Callan was out of the main gate he saw the alpha standing right in front

of him as if waiting for him. They both agreed to walk to the alpha house together so that no one was

suspicious about Callan's visit to his parents.

"I am really thankful for what you have done for me today." Callan spoke all of a sudden to break the

uncomfortable silence.

"I haven't done anything out of the ordinary. Besides this isn't the first time that you have visited your

parents." Ragnar raised one of his eye brow to which Callan smiled at awkwardly "You have a knack to

go against us."

"I broke the rule I am sorry."

"That's the thing." The alpha snickered "You are not."

Callan was at a loss of words after that. Indeed he was not sorry for visiting the people he loved the

most in the world. The rules of the werewolf world never bothered him for he was never a part of it.

However at this moment he realized that the alpha knew about his hidden excursions to his parents

house which would have repercussions later on.

But why did the alpha keep that a secret from the pack?

Callan concluded that it must be the good heart of the alpha which compelled him to change his mind.

"Have you congratulated Einar yet?"

Callan faltered in his stance by the sudden occurrence of his mates name. He kept his gaze low and

exhaled a long breath of sorrow "We haven't met for a long time."

It had been weeks since Einar last came to see the the man he loved. When the news of Rosaline's

pregnancy reached him, he was sad and at the same time he was happy for Einar that finally he could

have his own lineage; an heir.

He could have congratulated him and assured him that nothing had changed between them but Einar

as always decided for the both of them. He kept himself aloof from Callan for the longest while Callan

recuperated alone in the midst of his longing.

The alpha decided to sit on the flat rock which was besides the large mulberry tree. He offered Callan

to sit with him and the handsome man obliged out of respect.

"I heard that he visited the human settlement with you."

"He was accompanying me because of my pain."

"Both of you seem to have a good companionship for the past few weeks."

Callan nodded awkwardly. The silence that followed was more of a necessity for Callan. The constant

mention of Einar was making his heart heavy. He tried to walk away but he had to compose himself so

as to not disrespect the alpha. He wished the time to pass by soon.

"I have seen my son rise through all of the challenges." Ragnar uttered all of a sudden. "He has proven

to be the best wolf, the best warrior, the best son any parent could have. Yet even after all of his

accomplishments I couldn't see him in peace. Barring the past few days, he has always been

tormented by something I couldn't figure out."

The context of the conversation was not something the alpha would discuss with Callan as often. The

handsome man was confused for why the alpha was talking about his son. He presumed that maybe

Ragnar was trying to take an outside view or have a random chat until they reach the alpha house.

"Maybe he found what he was looking for." Callan said nonchalantly.

"Maybe..." he shrugged "Since his return from the kings palace I could see the change in him. He looks

at ease. He looks.. happy!"

Callan agreed with Ragnar. In fact it was something that bothered the handsome man too. The sudden

hostility and resistance of the son of the alpha was all gone since his return from the kings manor.

Whatever happened there had made Einar change his stance about Callan and eventually it brought

them closer.

"He smiles more often, doesn't argue or retaliate on everything." The environment was tense all of a

sudden and the stretched lips of Ragnar came back to their original shape "But the reason for his

happiness is not Rosaline."

Callan's heart beat raced at a higher rate. This conversation was becoming more than awkward for

him. It was the unknown fear of revelation which was making him uneasy "I think we should leave. It is

already late."

The handsome man stood up in a jiffy and moved ahead "Sit down Callan." The alpha ordered in a

stern voice "We have a lot to discuss."

The handsome man had no choice but to adhere to the command of the alpha of the pack. He

reluctantly sat on the bench and fidgeted his fingers in nervousness. Ragnar's change in his features

was unwelcomed and certainly not a good news for the Elemental.

"You are a special child." Ragnar spoke to break the silence "Although I couldn't prove it, I always knew

there was something different about you. When you were this tiny, Lady Odile came up to me with he

news that you were born blind. A cursed child. Your parents were devastated for they knew what was

needed to be done."

Callan acknowledged the information as it wasn't much of a surprise for him. He knew the fate of every

cursed child that was ever born in the pack.

"As you grew up, the abnormalities you showed were baffling me to the core. I ordered elder Odulf to

follow you, know more about you."

The handsome man furrowed his brows "It was just a measure to be safe. When the old lady warned

us about you we knew that you were special. Good or bad that was undecided. Zelda was mesmerized

by your beauty and she forced me to keep the baby protected from all the evil."

"But you think I am the evil." Callan said in conformity. He could deduce from the look of Ragnar that

the alpha was untrusting towards him.

"I don't mean to but circumstances prove otherwise. Trouble always finds you. How is that possible? I

asked myself for years.."

Callan sighed for he had no explanation.

"Elder Odulf came to me one day and said that he wont help me anymore. He knew something that I

didn't. I wanted the safety of my pack and so I asked him just one question. Is the child fatal to my


Callan's breath hitched "What did he say?"

"He didn't say anything." the alpha shrugged "Neither agreed neither denied."

Callan could see the determination in the eyes of the Alpha like he already knew him "You don't trust

me alpha. I can see it in your eyes."

Ragnar bit his lips and slowly nodded his head "There were things that were very unusual since your

birth. While their were catastrophes all around, our large pack was always out of harms way;

untouched by those calamities. No floods, no thunderstorms, no earthquakes. It all stopped since your

birth. It was as if mother nature nature was shielding us." He exhaled a long breath "On the other side

Einar's mind was always occupied by your thoughts. His mean side was to the fore only when it

concerned you."

Callan understood what the alpha was trying to imply. However he thought that the reason for Ragnar's

interpretation of the conclusion was his self believe that Callan indeed was evil.

The birds chirped and the whooshing sound of the wind forced the trees to dance in motion. These

were the only two sounds that could be heard for the longest. Callan was sure that Ragnar had

something in his mind but he was trying to resist himself. He wanted to give him time so that he was

himself again.

"My son is powerful, he is dominant, intelligent, wise. You know what else he is good at?"


Ragnar turned his face to Callan in the eye "Hiding things."

Though he was talking about his son Callan could feel the accusations in Ragnar's tone "I was

suspicious about his connection with you from the start. The stares, the hisses, the growls, Einar's

abrupt behavior out of nowhere. It was all a matter of concern for me. However I discerned that his

mood changes were apparent only when you were near him. At first I thought that you were

unknowingly messing up with his minds."

"I am not evil."

"That is debatable. My heart wants to trust you but my instincts somehow warn me to stay away from


"I wont harm you or anyone else, I cannot even think about it!"

"Though unwillingly but you harmed my son." Ragnar narrowed his eyes "I was really proud when he

built a wall to keep his emotions at bay. This is a good character for a leader. But I failed to understand

that he was never interested to be the alpha. All he was doing was to build a barrier around himself to

avoid the inevitable."

And all of a sudden it clicked. Everything that Ragnar said, every of his cryptic talk just made sense.

Ragnar wasn't just accusing Callan of being evil he was implying much more. He had deduced

everything. He knew about the bond.

"You.. how?" Callan whispered in a shocked tone.

"The day we went to the seers was when I confirmed that my suspicions were indeed true. I have never

seen love or affection for Rosaline in Einar. He respects her but he doesn't treat her as a mate. He is

not jealous when other people try to mingle with her nor does he wants to spend his time when he has

the chance."Ragnar said nonchalantly

"But when it comes to you everything changes." He whispered

"I am not blind Callan. I can see the way my son looks at you. I tried to fool myself for a long time for I

was afraid to accept the reality. I thought his mood swings were because he hated you but it was much

more than that." He sighed.

"I could see his urge, his resilience and at the same time his want for you. Like he would tear apart the

world so that no one stands between the two of you. I have seen what he can do for you. He has held

himself back." He snorted "But only Luna knows until when. He has hidden his true feelings from

everyone around and I really appreciate that. It must be really hard for him."

Callan gathered his courage and said "We have not caused a problem for the pack."

"Not now." Ragnar exhaled a long breath "But are you sure that it would be the same in the future?

Einar wont be able to resist the urges of his beasts. His proximity to you will be the cause of the doom

for my pack."

"What possible threat do you reckon?" Callan gritted his teeth in anger. This was beyond his capability

to absorb and endure. Since Callan and Einar had been been together he was the happiest in his entire

existence. It was like his life had a meaning to it, like Einar was the missing part to make him whole.

Ragnar or the entire wolf pack would never understand what Einar meant for Callan.

"We haven't seen each other for days and yet everything is at its place." he snapped "I have told Einar

and now I am telling you the same. I don't want the pack, the throne or even acknowledgment from the

wolves; but I cannot leave Einar. I am ready to forgo it all for the sake of my bond."

His words of determination did not go unnoticed by the alpha of the pack. However Ragnar stood firm

on his stand. He was taken aback when Callan said "If you so wish we would always remain hidden

from the world but please don't make us fall apart. I cannot stand it. I cannot breathe without him. I love


"Stop this nonsense Callan! He has a mate and is soon going to be a father himself. Rosaline is

carrying the future of the pack. Where do you think you fit in any of it? "

"I wont come in their way. I am truly happy for Einar. He always wanted a child and I know he will be a

great father. He deserves to have his own lineage and my relationship with him wont take that away. I

will always be in the shadow and adhere to every rule that the pack so demands. Please let me have

my life. I wont be able to live without him. Please..!"

Ragnar could see the truth in the handsome man. He could see the promise in his eyes. Callan had

always been the stubborn one. A man who would go to any lengths if he so decides. Ragnar's face was

more stressed now for he remembered Einar. It wasn't Callan that he was worried about. It was his own


Einar was a wolf after all. It was only a matter of time that he broke all of his walls and go against the

pack to be with his lover. Einar could never withstand the pressure, the urge, the strength of the bond

which his wolf would bring to the fore just to be with Callan

Ragnar looked to the sky as a silent tear rolled down through the sides of his eyes. He tightly closed his

eyes and sighed deeply "A great father; a great alpha; a mighty wolf.. It all seems good. Just one

hindrance to the plan." he slowly turned his face to look at a confused Callan "You."

"I am not.."

"Your parents didn't believe it neither did Zelda but I could see the truth in the seers eyes. She told us

the future. Your future."

"What future?"

"You are not meant for the pack. Your presence will cause infinite misery to Einar and Rosaline's life.

You would influence Einar and his powers and finally... you would be the reason for the death for his


Callan's breath stuck in his throat. He was speechless for the longest of time. He couldn't imagine a

scenario where he was to hurt an innocent person let alone an unborn child. He remembered the days

when his parents and Einar's parents behaved strange when they returned from the seers. Now he

knew the reason why.

Though the seers were not to be trusted they were obligated to serve the people that come to them.

Their foretelling had a twisted truth to it. What if the seers words were true? What if Callan was really

the reason for the death of Einar's child?

"This is impossible." Callan choked

The atmosphere around had been eerily silent. "I know you mean well Callan. You have been a son to

me but I don't have a choice."

The words confused Callan at first but when he saw the sharp claws descending from the alpha he was

taken aback. The handsome man raised in eyes in pure horror. This was not going down down well for


"Please don't do this." he begged the alpha.

"To safeguard the interest of my people" Ragnar sniveled "And to make Einar the rightful alpha of the

pack, I have to make him forget you."

"Please just listen to me. Einar is not what you think. He will create havoc if he witnesses my death. He

will stop at nothing!"

The warning seemed to follow on deaf ears as the alpha just overlooked Callan "It happens to every

wolf." He was firm on his decision "He would be angry, upset and ultimately filled with sorrow." he

sighed "But time will heal all his wounds and he would learn to live a life without you."

"You are mistaking in recognizing your own son! What you are saying will never happen. Please try to

understand Einar is not like other wolves."

"I am sorry Callan." Ragnar took a deep breath and apologetically looked at the handsome man "I will

make it less painful for you."

Soon enough the muscular strength of the wolf held the human neck of the Elemental and gripped it

firmly. Callan resisted with all his strength but the power of the alpha was too much from him to endure.

He screamed and begged Ragnar but the alpha did not budge.

Callan understood that he had little time left to act. So on instinct and the limited amount of power he

had left in him, he circled his thumbs and a solid tapering body of stones stood right above Ragnar's

head in no mean time. Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

The alpha was confused at first but he was shocked when he realized what he saw. His eyes were

wide open as he looked at Callan with anger and disbelief.

Callan had powers!

Indeed the people of the pack were right. Callan was mysterious and dangerous. The fact cemented

even more that Callan was not right for his son, that he had to leave the pack, leave this world for good.

However even before he could react, the storm of stones barged the aura of the stronger man. One

after the other, the stones relentlessly attacked the man until he gave up on Callan. The handsome

man on the other hand took advantage of this situation and ran with his might. He wanted to escape to

a place where he could gather himself and take the next course of action.

His plans hanged in the balance when a growl stopped his footsteps. This wasn't good. He knew what

was supposed to be followed and hence he took large strides with a panting breath and never looked

back. He could feel the approaching footsteps, he could feel the presence behind him but he had to be


His efforts were in vain when the wolf pounced on him on all his fours rendering the handsome man

defenseless. Callan fell flat on his chest while the heavier body was crushing his fragile figure.

"Please don't do this." He begged "You don't realize the aftermath of it. Please just listen to me once."

The wolf bared his teeth and raised his paw. He thumped his paw again and opened his mouth wide to

insert his canines to Callan's neck.

An earth shattering growl halted the alpha in his actions. Standing at a distance was his own son and

around him was the red aura. Ragnar was astonished. The wolf had taken over Einar in his human

form. This had never happened before!

He growled and commanded his son to stay back and not meddle in between but all Einar could see

was the helpless state of his mate and the person who was behind it.

Einar was defiant to every command of his father. He paced his way ahead and without giving any

more thought he thrashed the wolf to a nearest tree and stood defensively in front of Callan.

The handsome man was relived that he had been saved but the situation had taken an ugly turn.

Einar's body was taken over by Orcus who was barbaric when it came to his mate. At this moment he

was seeing Ragnar as the enemy.

"There has to be a way." Callan tried to pacify Orcus "Just listen to my voice. You don't have to do this."

but the man was still keeping an eye on the faltering wolf.

"Orcus!" Callan cried.

Einar looked at his mate and his anger was dwindling. He moved closer to his beloved. His mind was

becoming calm and he was about to embrace Callan when suddenly the Elemental was being dragged

by the alpha wolf.

The sharp canines on his feet had punctured Callans flesh and blood oozed from the legs of the

handsome man.

Einar saw all red.

He quickly made his way to the wolf and threw him back at a distance. The pain his beloved suffered

was only fueling the rage in Einar. Without thinking about the consequences he looked at the sky and


The alpha wolf stood on his fours. He scowled at Einar and retaliated with a howl of his own. The stage

had been set. Einar had challenged Ragnar for a fight.

Both of them circled each other for a while, baring their teeth, trying to intimidate the other. Ragnar was

forcing his alpha powers to make Einar submit but his efforts were fruitless. The aura he projected was

overshadowed by the one being presented by his own son. It was too much for Ragnar to handle.

Both of them increased their pace and ran at each other. Thus a fearsome battle ensued.

The wolf was biting and scratching Einar all over but the muscular man wasn't really affected by it. He

constantly tried to create a distance between the two so that he could he have a leverage on the wolf.

The wolf was pissed. It was the sheer stubbornness of the muscular man which was blinding him and

the wolf was finding it difficult to surpass him. Einar at this moment was exuding such a power that he

was forcing the wolf to submit.

The aura which Einar projected was soon beginning to affect the alpha. He tried to resist but his knees

were wobbly and he was forced to kneel partially. At this moment he could clearly see his defeat, his

submission would eventually mean the end of the pack. Ragnar had to fight for his people and protect

them from the mysterious evil hiding behind Einar.

Just as he was about to bow down, he bared his teeth and snarled. With all the energy left in him, he

stood on his fours and mightily growled for one last time. He shook his head vigorously and ran

towards Einar. However just as he reached the muscular man he changed his trajectory and focused

on the injured human. He went ahead and aimed for Callan's throat. The handsome man saw this

coming and he twisted his body. The wolf punctured his teeth to the bare flesh of his legs instead.

Callan was writhing in agonizing pain. His screams of discomfort was agitating the muscular man and

he could take it no more. There was no mercy now.

Einar was besides his mate in the very next moment and held the wolf by his mane. He tried to release

his grip from Callan but he was finding it difficult.

With no other choice left Einar snaked his arms around the neck of the wolf and squeezed his elbow.

The alpha was forced to separate from the handsome man. The wolf tired to escape the grip but the

more he struggled the more firm Einar's grip was on him.

Callan could see the desperate attempts of the alpha to be out of the clutches of his own son. He

gulped in fear for his mate wasn't ready to stop "Please just let him go." he begged Einar.

The plea fell on deaf ears as every drop of blood in his body was boiling in rage. He did not look at

Callan neither did he loosened his grip over the wolf. Just as the Elemental was about to intervene,

Einar flexed his muscles tightly breaking the jugular of the wolf.

The wolf could not blink his eyes for the life in him was snatched away whereas the Elemental could

not blink for he witnessed the horror with his own naked eyes. He could utter no words as he saw the

lifeless body of the alpha lying on the floor while his own mate was snarling and howling mightily.

The rage had not left him yet. He protectively stood in front of Callan as if to challenge someone to

dare lay a finger on his beloved. Callan on the other hand could not comprehend this madness, he

could not believe that to save the life of his mate Einar killed the man he loved.


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