I Claim Your Love

Chapter 63: The Stone Of Majalvik

Chapter 63: The Stone Of Majalvik

"You have done a wonderful job." Einar said with a happy smile when he looked at the sacs which he

was supposed to carry to the pack of Idris.

Rosaline bowed in acknowledgement "I guess I did."

Einar scowled for he noticed something unusual. Rosaline was blushing and was hardly making it to

have a straight face. Her smiles just slipped through her resilience.

"You look different." Einar mimicked the smile of the Luna "Happy for some reason."

He resumed his work thereon and started collecting all the essentials he was supposed to carry. On the

other hand Rosaline was fidgeting her fingers in nervousness. Her raised heart beat did not go

unnoticed by the man as he strangely looked at her "Is something wrong?"

Rosaline awkwardly smiled and shook her head. Her puzzled brain was incapable to form words or

speak her mind. Einar folded his hands to his chest and looked at Rosaline with patience "You know

you can tell me anything."

The woman briefly nodded and gathered her courage. With a deep sigh she asked "Can I come with


Einar was bewildered on her request "Why do you want to visit that pack? Your memories will pain you

even more."

"I just want to have a change of atmosphere."

"Are you not liking the pack?"

"Its is not that... I feel like I stay too much at home. Going out sometimes can be good you know."

"Why don't you ask your guard to do the job? You like his company and he likes to wander."

Einar huffed and smiled at the thought of his mate however the gesture he portrayed was

misunderstood by the woman. She thought that Einar was mocking her friend "I don't like you talking

this way about Callan. He is a nice person." Her voice was low while she looked serene "His heart is

pure gold. He is really lovable."

That was the triggering point for Einar's anger. He wasn't taking it well when Rosaline was all praises

for the man he loved. Though she had no ill intention towards the handsome man, Einar's beast saw

her as a competition and he growled in warning. Rosaline was startled for a moment "Why are you

growling..?" she scowled her eyes to understand Einar better "Is it because I was speaking about


"You need to keep your distance from him." Einar gritted his teeth in anger "He is your guard and

nothing more. I don't like you mingling with him."

Rosaline was happy to see the reaction Einar had on his face. She could deduce that the man was

jealous. What she failed to understand was that the reaction was not 'because' of her but 'for' her. She

pursed her lips and controlled her urge to smile "I will keep that in mind."

An awkward silence followed while Einar was trying to pace himself. He breathed deep sighs to gain

control and smile again "If you want, you can come with me."

"It is fine. I will wait for you to return. There are matters we need to discuss."

"You are right." Einar nodded. He was ashamed about the fact that Rosaline had been dragged into

this chaos for no apparent reason. Since Einar was clear on his stand about Callan. He found it

pointless to delay the inevitable. He wanted to discuss matters with his fake mate. He wanted Rosaline

to be liberated from the burden of a lifetime.

Einar stared at the woman in front and nodded his head subconsciously. His thoughts were clear. He

was going to reveal everything about Callan to Rosaline. He closed the distance and held Rosaline's

hand to comfort her "You have been a dear friend of mine and it only seems fair that you know what is

going on with my life. There are things that I need to tell you. Things that could break.."

A rigorous knock on the door grabbed Einar's attention and he looked at the person annoyingly. Garrick

was waiting impatiently with a sac behind his shoulders and he hastily tapped his feet.

"Aren't you ready yet? It is late already."

Einar huffed at the impatient of a friend and mentally smacked himself. He turned to look at a

concerned Rosaline and cupped her cheeks in assurance "We will discuss this when I am back home."


Three days later..

It was slightly painful at first but Callan managed to overcome his fears and focus entirely on the bale of

hay. He moved his thumb with his forefinger and yet the water soaked substance was still damp. His

problems grew even more when the witch out of nowhere threw a bucket full of water on the substance

again. It earned an angry glare from Callan but Aurora huffed and took two steps back.

"You are not helping."

"Believe me I am."

"If it hadn't been for you I would have flamed that thing way back."

"You have became complacent. Don't blame me for your failure."

Callan gasped in mock disbelief "That was a bit harsh."

"Not everyone you meet will be nice to you. Just wait until they know we have a supreme power among


Aurora shrugged while the the handsome man gritted his teeth once more. It had been hours since the

sunrise that the two of them were practicing in the open ground. Callan was finding it difficult to

concentrate on the bale of hay while his power surge seemed to be dripping. There were beads of

precipitation for all the efforts he was putting in and yet he could not do the said job.

He gritted his teeth and circled his finger with full intensity. His nerves popped up with the pressure

while the wet substance was moving a little but not lighting up as it should be. He screamed for one last

time before collapsing to the ground and heaving deep breaths.

"Are you alright?" Aurora was on his side with concern marking her face clearly.

"It is just not my day."

"I think we should end this here."

"Great thought." Callan snickered between his panting breaths.

The look on the healer's face was not what Callan was expecting. Aurora seemed indifferent to the

handsome mans comment. She pulled her hair in frustration and let out a long breath of anger. She

palmed her face for a few moments before relaxing herself. She stretched her arm towards the

Elemental and helped him get up.

Both the friends looked at each other and started walking towards the broader part of the forest. It was

silence for a long time before Aurora cleared her throat.

"How is it going with you and Einar?

Aurora's question took Callan by surprise. He looked ahead and smiled a little "It is absolutely

wonderful!" He said dreamily "I cant describe it in words. It has been just a few days but it seems as if

we have known each other forever."

"Which is not true of course." Aurora commented sarcastically.

Callan could sense a bit of a hostility and anger within Aurora. Though he wasn't sure of the reason he

was confident that Aurora had something going on in her mind. "What's wrong?"

The lady clicked her tongue and sped her feet to reach the large pine tree standing next to her house.

Callan followed her like a lost child. He was confused at the strange behavior of Aurora but he didn't

push her. On the other hand Aurora took deep breaths and massaged her temples to keep her cool

"When will you tell him about yourself?"

"I will." Callan scowled "I just don't want him to think differently of me or worry about me. He has a lot

on his plate right now. I cannot burden him with my problems."

"He has a right to know."

"I will tell him when the time is right."

Aurora bit her lip and lowered her voice "You may not have much time left."

Callan half smiled at the lady and took her in his arms to comfort her. He could see the stress she was

going through right now. He was moved by the worried state of her mind, it proved how much she

cared for him. Callan softly ran his hands on her back and made her sit on the large wooden log. "How

many years are we talking about?

"Months or worse.. days." Aurora sighed a long breath and shrugged in defeat "The alignment of the

stars keep changing and so to predict the exact day is difficult. Once the alignment completes itself you

wont have any chance. The power in you is slowly depleting. It would come to a point that you may

have none."

"I understand."

"No you don't!" The witch shouted "You haven't completed your awakening procedure. It has been

days. If this consternation is missed then you will remain as you are till the next blue moon of

awakening. Which is a hundred years from now!"

Callan raised a brow "And you are worried because?"

"Cant you feel it?" The healer questioned him "Your powers have not assimilated through your body as

it should have been."

Callan avoided Aurora's eyes while he turned his back "I feel fine."

Aurora huffed "Till the time you are human, you will be susceptible to various threats."

"Magic doesn't work on me neither does any of those enchanted potions. How am I at a threat?"

The witch stood from her place and held Callan's arm to turn him around. Callan could see her stern

eyes and the warning in them "There are a number of ways to kill a person. One doesn't has to use his

supernatural ability to do that."

"Even after the awakening, people would still want me dead." Callan tried to reason "They will find a


"It wont be that easy." She walked to her house and opened the doors "After you become the Supreme

Master, your life would be eternal.. well almost."

"I don't get it." Callan followed the lady and sat on a nearby chair "Zaccio died in the past life so I guess

I am not truly immortal."

Aurora nodded "You have a point."

She murmured some verses in the language of the ancients and held the big book in her hands. She

requested Callan to open the book and flip the pages. Callan did as he was told but the book seemed

to have a mind of its own. After covering a larger section of pages the book would eventually turn back Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

the sheets to a certain page. The handsome man tried over and over again but the results were the

same. The page the book was adamant to hold onto, was empty. There was nothing in there. No

writing, no pictures; no inscriptions; nothing.

Callan was confused. He looked at the witch for answers but he found none.

"What does it mean?"

"It is a mystery for me as well. Although the book answers to all the questions in the world, it looks like

it does not want to reveal the contents even to the Supreme Master."

"What do you think is written on that page."

"I can only assume." Aurora paused for a moment "Don't take it in the wrong way but I was curious

about your weakness or probably a way where you could be humbled. I tried to find answers through

the book and it has been behaving strange ever since."

"The page contains the mystery of my death." Callan whispered to himself "This means that I am not

too powerful after all." Callan mockingly chuckled at Aurora.

The witch however was in a deep thought. She was aware about the gravity of the situation and she

wished for the benefit for her friend that he was aware too. She closed her eyes and whispered some

words again. Out of nowhere some parchments of the primordial times appeared before her and


"The big stone of Majalvik." The witch held one of the parchments to the Elemental and pointed to a

large flat rock "It has the answers. While conventionally an Elemental can get killed like any other

human but the Supreme Master was supposedly different. He was blessed with longevity and almost a

life without death."

"Then how did he die?"

"It is encrypted on the stone. It has to be.." she looked unsure. She attracted Callan's attention to the

book of the ancients and pointed a finger to it "The book says that the seekers of the stone of Majalvik

can only be the bearers of nature's life forces. Do you know what this means?"

Callan shook his head "I don't understand."

"You have to find others like you! Only they can help you look for the stone."

Callan shrugged and sighed in defeat "I have been sending Isadora to look everywhere but she cant

find them."

"It is not her job!" Aurora scolded the man "Only you can force your fellow Elementals to come out of

the hiding and appear before you."

"I tried your way remember." Callan waived his hands in the air and raised a brow "It didn't work."

"They didn't respond to your call because they didn't recognize you. It is high time Callan, you have to

understand the seriousness of it. Acknowledge your powers and go looking for them."

That got Callan thinking. He wasn't sure if was doing the right thing but he never wanted this power in

the first place. He felt as if the responsibilities that came with the powers was somehow laden on him

forcefully. He was enjoying this phase of life where he finally had a shot at true love. He was living his

dream with the man he loved.

On the other hand, he was supposedly a leader of a community he never knew even existed. He was

unaware of their whereabouts and certainly was not interested to interfere in their lives. Not as of now.

He knew he was being selfish but for him, the most important person right now was the man of his life.

"What about Einar? How can I leave him alone?"

"Take him with you. I am sure he wont mind."

"He will ask a lot of questions. Besides I would have to tell him who I am."

"We are back to square one." Aurora sighed in defeat "You can be really annoying sometimes Cally."

Callan had the smug look on his face as he smiled at the lady in victory. The sickly caw caught his

attention and he looked at the window right behind Aurora. The bird flapped its wing and and stationed

itself on an empty spot before transforming itself into a beautiful woman with long black hair.

"What's the news Isadora?"

"Master." the lady bowed "Arthur is on his way to the witches cottage."

"Is that why you are tensed?" Callan teased the woman "Your flushed cheeks tell me that you are

worried for your own reasons."

Isadora awkwardly smiled as she shied her eyes from the uncomfortable question. Aurora and Callan

laughed at the pitiful face of the woman as the witch spoke "Leave if you don't want to get caught."

Isadora bowed again and made her way out through the windows.

It was just a matter of time when both of them could hear distinguishing footsteps near the door. All of a

sudden the door was slammed hard and a nervous looking Arthur came to the scene. He surveyed the

area thoroughly and sighed when his eyes landed on the one person for whom he was sent here

"Where the hell have you been? I have been searching all over."

"Relax! I was just spending time with Aurora."

Though Callan was avoiding it, Aurora could deduce the strange behavior of the gamma. The nervous

lines on his foreheads, the precipitation beads of his worry were making the healer anxious. It was as if

he was here with a warning. Like something bad was about to happen. "You look tensed Arthur. Is

everything fine in the pack?"

Arthur was quiet for a moment but then he turned his head to Callan and looked at him apologetically

"No it isn't." he whispered in trepidation.

Arthur was overwhelmed by his emotions as he could not help himself. The brim of water in his eyes

could no longer hold itself and he hugged the man with a force. The embrace was a tight one, like he

did not want to let go of Callan.

At that moment Callan's joyous ardor was transformed into the one with anxiousness and scare. The

hug was making him jittery in bad way "I am getting a little nervous here."

Arthur retracted himself when he realized that his emotions had taken over. He sighed for a few

moments to gain the courage to say the dreadful words "The alpha has ordered me to keep my mouth

shut but I.." he gulped and pursed his lips "I don't have the guts to see you.." he bit his lips as no other

words were making its way through his mouth.

"It will be fine." Callan's compassionate mind was feeling extremely bad for the man he cared. He

embraced Arthur once again and patted his back. "Don't pressure yourself." He whispered to his ears.

Callan let go of Arthur as he stood firmly in front him. He encouragingly smiled at him and said "I will be

alright. Now lets go."

"I will come with you."

Callan nodded at Aurora. Both the men lead the way with the witch following them to the main village.

Callan was wrong when he thought that the anxiousness in him would be short lived. His resilient mind

was drafting scenarios in his head for all the wrong that could happen in the main village. Though he

was nervous about the catastrophes that waited for him in the village he was relieved that Einar was

not present in the pack at the moment. Only the heavenly could determine what havoc the beast of a

man could bring upon the wolves shall he knew his mate was in danger.

Callan side glanced Arthur frequently to see his sad, disappointed face. He could deduce that the

gamma was not only feeling apologetic but he was cursing himself for being helpless. Aurora's words

of wisdom were the only thing which gave the men comfort at this time but she was afraid herself. She

was aware of the hatred the pack had for Callan and hence the magnitude they would go to admonish

him for his deeds was unthinkable. She looked to the sky and prayed to the gods for Callan's safety.

Alas! The moment of reckoning was finally here.

The moment Callan stepped foot in the large arena, he was stunned. He had never seen a gathering

as such in his entire existence. The chiefs of every village were present with their own warriors. The

entire main village crowded the available space of the arena. The murmurs and whispers grew even

more as the man took his steps towards the platform.

Callan was bewildered when he heard screams and growls aiming at him. He gazed at the source of

the sound and saw unfamiliar faces looking at him with anger and disgust. He scowled and looked at

the dais for he wasn't sure what was happening. As it was, Rosaline and luna Zelda looked sorry for

him while Ragnar and Peter were indifferent. Callan was glad that his parents were not here to witness

anymore abasement.

A loud growl silenced the entire arena and Callan's attention was diverted once again. His once

overwhelmed mind was frozen when he saw the hulk of a man appearing in front of him out of

nowhere. He was more than a foot taller than Callan and was much bulkier than any wolf Callan had

ever seen. He flexed his muscles as a show of dominance and punched his right palm as a ready

gesture to fight.

Callan did not miss the angry glare, the huffs full of rage, the flaring of the nose. The man menacingly

took two steps ahead and growled with his might at the frightened Elemental.

Callan gasped while his lips trembled. The reason for him being summoned had been clear now. How

wrong was he when he thought that Einar's absence was a blessing! On the contrary, Callan wished to

see him for the last time, until he could hold onto the precious final moments of his life.

Destiny had played a cruel game yet again.

Just moments ago Callan was discussing with Aurora the ways in which he could die. Perhaps the

probability of his passing was certain as death itself was standing right in front of him.


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