I Claim Your Love

Chapter 57: Expulsion

Chapter 57: Expulsion

The alpha office resembled a place of quietus. Zelda, Aurora and Rosaline were finding it difficult to

control Mary who was inconsolable. On the other hand Callan stood strongly with his father whose

head was bowed down in guilt. He couldn’t bear to look into the eyes of his alpha.

Ragnar felt betrayed. He had been friends with Justus for centuries and was always close to him

besides Umberto. It was hard for him to believe that his good friend had broken his trust.

“Why did you do it?” Ragnar asked accusingly.

The entire hall was silenced at once and all eyes were glued to Justus; waiting for an explanation.

Justus took a long breath and slowly raised his head “I thought that it was the best for my child. At that

time I was heavily induced by my passion to make Callan a warrior.”

He pursed his lips and lowered his voice “I wasn’t thinking straight.”

“There is a reason why every single person of the blue moon pack is barred from entering queen

Katana’s territory. You of all people know the reason why!”

Justus looked ashamed. He closed his eyelids and nodded. In fact he knew what the alpha was trying

to imply. Queen Katana’s island was a place where disorder prevailed. Apart from the queen, there was

no other authority in place. Moreover the queen’s mirthful activities was a cause of ire for many. She

enslaved members of every species on the pretext of giving them a new lease of life. On the hindsight,

her only motive was to gain control over everyone. She was to the further side of disposition and


The ugly part of it all was that the queen enjoyed people’s misery. Her way of entertainment was at the

cost of someone’s life. She arranged life threatening feuds for rogues in order to give them a chance to

live a dignified life. However the loser was either killed or was tagged a slave till his last breath. These

actions of the queen compelled the communities around the world to seclude her from their co-

operation. She was left all alone to rule her own kingdom without any outside help.

The blue moon pack like every other pack had banned its members from having any association with

the queen. However, Justus thought that Callan’s mettle would only sparkle when he faced the real

test. Justus’ passion to see his child’s bright future blinded him from realizing that Callan was indeed a

child. Making him enter the feud was a risk of a lifetime.

“I realize what you are trying to say my alpha. As I said earlier, I wanted to make Callan ready for every


“By risking the life of your only child!” princess Beatrice bellowed her voice and overtook Ragnar to

stand face to face with Justus. She poked her finger to his chest and venomously spoke “You pathetic

wolf.. Do you even realize that you were sending him on death missions for several years? A human

child!” She turned her face to look at Mary in irritation “Oh! Woman will you please stop that noise! Its

aching my ears now.”

Mary sniveled as her crying voice was lowered all of a sudden. She kept her head low while all her well

wishers were eyeing Beatrice with distaste.

Ragnar cleared his throat “I think the matter concerns my people princess.”

The princess turned back and huffed at the alpha. Ragnar on the other hand kept his cool “I will look

into it if you may.”

“Oh please!” she snickered derisively “What have you done so far? You were blind for so many years.

You couldn’t save your beta, you couldn’t stop your own son from being a carnage, you didn’t realize

how your own good friend was stabbing your back for so many years.” She huffed.

She stretched the side of her lips “You are a pathetic excuse for an alpha I must say.”

Ragnar’s temper was rising with every passing moment. However his hands were tied for there was

truth in what she said. Ragnar fisted his hands and hurtfully looked at Justus.

The blatant disrespect of his father made Einar angry. He wanted to squash the lady’s head to the

nearest wall at this moment. He decided to handle the matter in a civilized manner to keep his sanity

intact. He put forward his step and stood strong in front of the princess.

“With all due respect princess Beatrice, this isn’t your jurisdiction to look into. My father is capable

enough to handle the matter.” This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Beatrice raised a brow and laughed all of a sudden “I can see that.” She swiped her gaze all around

“Your not a pack of wolves; your a pack of fools.”

The vilification of their pack had caused the wolves to see the princess in a different light. They were

angry at her. Einar could sense the emotions of his fellow pack members and he wanted to react but

his father sensed the delicate moment and he intervened.

Ragnar cleared his throat and gestured his son to step back. He realized that indeed there was no

escape from this. He unwillingly toughened his stance and asked Justus in a stern voice “Do you agree

to every claim that are made against you?”

Justus took a pregnant pause and heaved a long sigh “I do.”

“Oh yes you do!” the princess mocked the man “You and this horrible lady wont be able to see the next

rising sun. My enforcers would make sure of it.”

“No one dare touches my father!” Callan raised his voice and guarded Justus. His face was red with

anger while the bracelet in his wrist glowed. The atmosphere outside had suddenly become dark as the

once shining sun was hidden behind the thick dark clouds. Winds started gaining speed while the trees

made a whoosh sound of resistance.

Aurora was afraid for what Callan’s anger might turn this place into. She quickly made her way towards

the man and pulled him back a little. The handsome man eyed the witch with anger but soon his

temper died down when he noticed his glowing bracelet.

“Oh my darling these are the rules of the wolves.” Beatrice dramatically softened her expressions and

went near Callan. “I know you are blood related but they wronged our culture. They disobeyed a direct


“I don’t care.” Callan gritted his teeth “I will burn everything down if even a single strand of hair of my

father is harmed.”

“Back down Callan.” Justus held his sons hand “We would be the one to pay for our sins.”

Callan looked at his father in hopelessness “If I’m the one who has been wronged then I forgive you. I

don’t want any justice.”

“Its not that easy boy.” All eyes were directed to the booming voice of the alpha “Your father broke the

rules when he was in position. He breached our trust.” the alpha looked at Justus “You know what’s

coming your way.”

Justus nodded curtly “I’m ready.”

Ragnar looked at all the concerned faces around and swiped a treacherous bead of hurt and

compassion for his friendship. His heart was heavy but his duties demanded him to be just. He inhaled

a long breath and with a heavy voice he spoke “By the powers vested in me by the holy spirits of our

forefathers.. I Ragnar Gregor Knight condemn the acts of our former head warrior and hereby declare

that he shall no longer be a part of us. He along with his mate shall be debarred from the blue moon

pack till their last breath.”

The uttered words shocked the alpha himself. He cried from the sorrow and painfully looked at his

dearest friend. Justus exchanged the same look and weakly nodded at the alpha assuring him that

indeed he did the right thing. The once silent room was filled with murmurs and whispers. The echoing

gasps of the sudden upset resembled the shock which the people all around felt.

Rosaline kissed Mary’s cheeks while Zelda refused to leave the lady alone. Arthur and Aldous were

quiet all along but they knew the situation was dire. Though Callan had been his arch nemesis Aldous

felt bad for Justus; his former teacher and predecessor. Garrick and Einar looked at each other with a

bit of fear and an unknown expression.

Einar was terrified to look at Callan for he knew the reaction of the handsome man. The look of Callan

said it all.

He was a disaster.

His lips moved and his eyes welled up a stream of water. A strong sentiment of his resentment.

“No!” Callan shook his head vigorously “No! No!” He whispered in trepidation “I cant let this happen.”

The handsome man clutched the hands of his mother and father tightly and brought them to his chest.

With angry eyes he looked at everyone around as if he was warning them to be away from his parents.

Like a precious toy of a kid was being snatched away from him. Indeed his behavior was childish but

he didn’t care. He couldn’t think about his conduct right now.

“Stop it Callan.”

A concerned Mary grabbed Callan’s attention as she cupped her child’s face “Your father and I knew

that we would have to face the justice of the goddess one day.” She bravely smiled through her teary

eyes “We don’t regret being your parents. I hope you don’t regret being our son.”

Callan looked at his mother with a burnt heart and sorrowful gaze. His insides were shaking. The

emotional turbulence he felt right now was beyond comprehension. He gulped his agony and looked at

his mother “What kind of a justice is this? I am not leaving you alone.” He almost pleaded “I’ll join you.


“This is your place now.” Mary shook her head lightly while Justus overtook his mate “Serve the alpha

and be a good boy.”

Justus held Callan’s hand and kissed the back of his palm, tapping it profusely in a gesture of promise

and assurance “Everything will be fine.”

Justus’ red eyes were swollen with the amount of self restrain he was showing. It wasn’t easy for him.

He had served the alpha house for centuries and now he had to leave everything behind. The alpha

house was like a family to him. Deep down he knew what he did was right for his family. Yet there were

consequences to his sacrifices and he was willing to pay for it. He closed his eyes and took long

breaths before focusing on the mother-son conversation again.

“I don’t care about the pack anymore.” Callan sniveled “All I want is you mother. Why should I live

without you and father? This isn’t fair to me..”

“I know my child.” Mary kissed Callan’s cheeks “But you are strong and have a good heart. You will

survive this.”

His mothers words splintered inside Callan causing him pain. The murmurs and voices around him

were inaudible. His vision refused to hold anyone else other than his parents. When he couldn’t hold

back anymore he hugged his mother tightly and cried his heart out. His mother responded by

embracing Callan strongly in her arms.

The emotional moment between a mother and her son made everyone speechless.

Mary lovingly ran her hands on the back of Callan, trying to soothe him of his pain while the handsome

man sniveled at every interval. Justus on the other hand raised his chin and planted a deep kiss to his

son’s forehead. His constricted eyelids flew the tears of his sorrow.

It was the message of farewell.

Both of his parents backed away a little and looked at their son for one last time. Callan wished for the

moment to freeze. His breaths came in short gasps while his uttered words were broken because of his

crying. He subconsciously stretched his arm forward to gesture his mother to hold his hand and not let


Mary could no longer look at the vulnerable state of her loving child and she hid herself behind her

mate. Her muffled voice of pain was not cloaked from anyone. With teary eyes she looked above and

asked the goddess for her son’s safety and happiness. Justus held Mary’s hand to give her the

strength she needed. He swiped his gaze all around, smiling at all of his former companions before

briefly nodding at his son.

The couple retreated their steps and soon left the alpha’s office. Callan stood there with his gaze

stationed at the door. He couldn’t contemplate the situation before him. He felt like a helpless loser. His

parents were the most precious thing to him. They were his pack, his only family and now they were

taken away from him. Aurora held Callan by his hunched arms and turned him to leave for his room.

As soon as Callan moved his footsteps he saw the beta and his guilt ridden best friend. Callan

gestured Aurora to leave him while he marched at Einar with accusation and anger in his eyes. He

closed the distance between them and glared at Einar with utter hatred “This is what you wanted right?

I hope you are happy now.”

Einar couldn’t look into the eyes of Callan and he bowed his head in shame. The handsome man

hatefully gazed at Einar and Garrick before storming his way out of the alpha house.


The courage it took for the muscular man to reach the familiar door was humongous. His mute steps

were accompanied by an anxious heart. His resolve was firm and his intentions were clear. However

the minimal steps towards the exit looked like a monumental task to achieve.

“Where are you going?”

Einar stopped midway just as he reached for the handle of the main door. He didn’t look at Garrick and

uttered with brevity “To Callan.”

He quickly opened the door and took large steps towards the open field. Garrick was shocked by

Einar’s behavior and he followed the man in a jiffy.

“Are you insane! What makes you think going to Ashton would solve anything?”

“I cant see him this way.” Einar was impatient. His feet were light, barely touching the ground “His hurt

face has not left my mind. It will be a permanent scar to my memories and to my soul.”

Garrick ran after Einar to catch up with him. He overtook the muscular man and held his arm tightly

“We did this for a reason.” He looked sternly at Einar “You wanted to make him angry and he is. End of


“I don’t feel good about it.” Einar lowered his eyes with hurt and shame. He took the longest pause

possible before uttering “I should make things right with him.”

“And how would you do that?” Garrick raised a brow “Besides.. Why should you do that? He is not in

your life for a reason.”

Einar fisted his hands and pursed his lips. He grunted his displeasure at what Garrick said. However at

this moment he was angry with himself. It had became a ritual. Einar would hurt Callan and then feel

bad about it. Every time his conscience wanted to apologize, his logical mind intervened.

“Look I know its the bond which is confusing you.” Garrick lowered his voice and calmly looked at his

frustrated friend “Making you think that you care about him. You don’t.” He said with conformity “You

cannot like a man! You cannot accept a man as your mate. Your role as a leader will never permit you

to be with Ashton. Rosaline is your mate for all purposes and it is high time that you take her as your

fated one.”

And those were the words which shattered Einar’s resolve completely. His fisted hand was raised in the

air and he punched the thick tree trunk nearby which caused a slight hollow to the tree by the pressure

of his hand. He turned around and leaned his back to the same trunk and took deep breaths to control

his anger.

His hunched form exuded defeat. He was tired of it all. His heart wasn’t allowing him to hurt the

handsome man anymore.

He was afraid. Afraid of himself.

He wasn’t allowing his true feelings to be out in the open. He was so scared that he hid the fact about

being in love with Callan even from his own best friend. He wasn’t ready for the handsome man but at

the same time he was sure that he could not live without him.

A strong breeze of air flew from the opposite direction and Einar’s body hair stood in attention. His ears

perked and he narrowed his gaze when the whisper bombarded his ears.


He abruptly stood from his place and looked all around him in trepidation. He walked a few steps ahead

to scan the area with his eyes. His heart beat raised and he shockingly whispered to Garrick “It has

started again.”

“What?” Garrick asked confusingly.


Einar slammed his palms to his head and spoke in a broken sound “T-The voices.”

He closed his eyes tightly and tried to take deep breaths but all was in vain. His body was convulsing

while he shifted his weight to his knees. He grunted and grumbled hoarse voices of pain. His eyelids

expanded while his canines were descending.

“Are you alright?” Garrick asked with uncertainty and a glint of fear in his eyes.

“No.” Einar growled at nothing “Just leave before its too late.”

Against his wishes Garrick had to flee to save his life. He was well aware of the outcome hereafter.

Einar on the other hand was trying to resist his unwanted shift but the wolf was dominating his body at

the best.

Einar had never experienced the prominence of his animal at such a level before. His methods were

failing and he finally gave up. Soon bones cracked and a giant black wolf with shiny fur stood all on his

fours. He stretched his mane to the sky and howled at the loudest. Without thinking about anything else

he ran at a super speed. The destination to his place was mapped inside his head. Just as when he

reached the edge of a mountain his pace decelerated and he fixed his gaze at the figure from the


The wolf ran in circles around the handsome man and slowly folded his knees, scooting near his mate.

Callan smiled weakly and put his palm below the neck of the wolf.

“You are the only one left for me Orcus.” Callan said in a meek voice.

The words full of sorrow was making the wolf sad. He wasn’t liking the current state of his mate. He

abruptly stood from his place and bark-growled with his eyes full of anger.

“No!” Callan shouted with a dramatic change of his expression “Killing is not the solution to every


The wolf contemplated his plan of action but at this moment his presence was much needed besides

the handsome man. He flared his nostrils and shook his head vigorously. The wolf then went ahead

and licked the man’s bare skin. Sweet giggles left Callan’s mouth as the sensation of the animal’s

tongue was sensitive to his skin.

Callan drew his attention to the drowning sun. The scenario changed his mind again. He recalled the

events from today and suddenly his mind drifted to his past, reconnecting all the memories which he

wished he could erase.

“Is it me Orcus?”

The wolf sat near the man again and cooed in a desperate voice. The tear drops from Callan’s eyes

was making the wolf worried for his mate “Why does everyone whom I love is taken away from me?

Am I so bad?” he looked at Orcus as if expecting a reply from him.

“Why doesn’t the luna want me to have a happy life?”

In an attempt to cheer his mate the wolf leaned his head to the laps of the handsome man. He nestled

closer while his silky smooth fur was spreading its warmth to Callan.

The handsome man smirked and ran his hands lovingly above the head of the wolf. His touch was

making Orcus happy and he enjoyed the moment while Callan was pensive again. He saw the rise of

the moon, draped in the darkness of the night.

“I fear for you Orcus.” Callan said all of a sudden “I fear that one day even you would leave me.”

The wolf made a soft murmuring sound and with sad eyes he looked at the handsome man “Don’t

make promises. Daragor did the same and he left.”

The words forced Orcus to sit upright as he gawked at the handsome man with determination “Yes you

are right I guess.”

Although in the next instant itself the wolf was on his fours and he looked at the moon with intensity. His

red eyes challenged the white macule above. He stretched his neck upwards and howled a mighty

voice of authority. The red mist which surrounded him was becoming more and more prominent.

Just as the wolf was about to close his eyes, Callan stood from his place in a jiffy and positioned

himself in front of Orcus “No! Don’t hurt him.”

With fearful eyes he looked at the wolf and without wasting any more time he embraced the animal in a

tight hug “Though what he did was wrong I don’t have the courage to see him in pain.”

The narrowed gaze of the wolf softened. He snuggled close to his mate. This had been the best night

for him in his entire life. Today he wasn’t sharing the handsome man with anyone. Neither the demon

nor the human could come between them. He slowly stationed himself on his hind legs and wiggled his

tail in pure joy.

Callan was calm again and he sat beside the wolf looking at the stars from a distance.

It had been quite some time since the two beings were together in each others presence. Callan was

on the same spot watching the wolf intriguingly while Orcus was busy scaring away the creatures of the

wind who were intervening their private moment.

The wolf growled and bellowed his voice to scare the birds away but the winged animals returned to

their usual spot when the wolf was at ease with his mate. Orcus was irritated with the chirping voices

and scratched his back vigorously to one of the large trees. He tried to use his strength to shake the

tree a little so as to make the birds go away.

Callan found the gesture endearing. The wolf was trying hard to have the man all to himself. Callan

thought that the possessive nature of the wolf at this time was adorable. He smiled through his eyes

and realized something.

Orcus was loyal and loving in an all out vulnerable way.

It was the wolf which was keeping Callan sane in this challenging time. Orcus was his anchor to love

and hope. Though his nature was barbaric, he was a pure soul.

An unknown joy spread inside of Callan when he saw the wolf coming his way and he was one his legs

instinctively. Orcus sat beside the man with modesty. His mood was swinging from being the happy

animal to being the angry beast.

Soon the birds returned and so returned Orcus’ anger. He bared his canines and was up again.

However this time Callan blocked his way by keeping his hand on the back of his body “Stay with me. I

don’t want anyone else but you.”

The words melted Orcus heart as he huffed at the birds teasingly and cuddled his mate. He leaned his

body and rubbed his snoot to the cheeks of Callan. The handsome man giggled and fell down on his

buttocks trying to control his laughter.

The wolf slowly backed away and whimpered his pleasure. Callan’s smile faded a little “I guess your

presence would give me the strength to fight when the sun rises tomorrow.”

The handsome man laid on his back while the wolf scooted close to his mate lying flat on his sides.

Callan turned to his side to face the wolf and smiled “Good night Orcus.”

He snaked his arm to the body of the wolf and both of them drifted away to the land of dreams. The

moon in the sky shined at its brightest. The glow emanating from it was falling directly on the lovely duo

as if it was being witness to the moment of bliss.


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