Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 235

I got no sleep, Reika however passed out on the bed after round three, my alarm going off as soon as I closed my eyes.

Walking down stairs, Zane walks in before shutting the door. He goes to walk past me before noticing me coming down the stairs toward him.

He goes to speak but I hold my hand up. “Coffee first, I need caffeine and lots of it” I tell him and he closes his mouth following me to the kitchen.

“You look like shit” he states as I yawn.

“I haven’t slept,” I tell him.

“You smell like your mate,” he says with a chuckle.

“Also haven’t showered yet,” I tell him.

“I can tell” he says before nodding when I hold the coffee up.

I start making coffee, adding two extra spoons of coffee in mine before making them.

“So why are you here so early?”

“We caught him, but he won’t speak” Zane says and I spin around.

“You got Tim?” I ask and he smiles.

“Yep, he is being brought here as we speak” Zane answers.

“How long?”

“Tate is bringing him with Drake, your father caught him. Found him in the caves”

“Where I found Reika?”

“Yep that’s what your father said”

“Idiot who uses an old hideout?” I say, shaking my head.

“Yep not the sharpest tool in the shed, so you and Reika finally mated” Zane’s states when I hand him a coffee. I sip mine and nearly spit it back up. It was that strong, murdering my tastebuds. I swallow it before chugging the rest to get it over with.

“Yes we did” I answered him.

“Then why are you in such a mood?” He asks with a chuckle.

I glare at him. “What the Alpha king can’t keep up with his Queen” Zane teases.

“Of course I can, so long as I can get some sleep soon,”

” You keep her up all night?” I growl at his sudden Interest in my sex life before remembering he was like a second father to me.

“No she kept me up all night, pretty sure she rubbed the skin of it” I tell him and he laughs.

“What I’m being serious, I have created a monster, but the sex is good, but still I need sleep and a new dick, preferably one she won’t like”

“Enjoy it while you can, once you get married sex goes out window. Like they think because you put a ring on it they don’t gotta lay you no more, Wendy always says she is to tired”

“Maybe I should marry her, at this rate it will fall off” I tell him.

“Poor Ryker gets laid and can’t handle it”

“I can handle it”

” Why are you whining then”

“I’m not, I’m just tired and stressed”

“About Tim?” He asks, I shake my head before using the mindlink in case she overheard.

“No, I want to find Lucy”

“Yes your father said she might be alive” he mind-links back.

“When will they get here?” I ask him, now speaking instead.

“Lunch time”

“Good, also I have a job for you, I need a list of every pack member originally from Black Moon Pack”

“Why?” He asks.

“I’m handing the Pack over to Tyson and Ace”

“Interesting, but I’m confused they are 13”

“Not now but they need to know their pack members before taking over”

“Workplacement then?”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Exactly” I tell him.

“I have had a few members ask when they will meet their Luna Queen too, so you need to organise something after we sort all this out”

“Not until she is ready, she is barely used to the idea of me, let alone shoving her before our pack,”

“Just let me know when Tate and Drake hit the territory,” I tell him.

“Yes Alpha” Zane says, getting up and walking out.

I walked back upstairs, Tyson and Ace I could hear were up as I walked past their room. I knock on their door.

“Getting dressed now,” Tyson says.

I open the door. “Cancelled they found Tim and are bringing him here”

“So you found the facility?”

“He won’t speak, but I will make him” I tell them.

“Yeah easy with your Alpha voice,” he says before I realised something, I used it last time telling him to give me information on the hunters, yet he never did, how was that possible?

“What?” Ace asks when I don’t say anything.

“I don’t think it works on him” I admit my brows furrowed while I processed that information.

“Of course it will, you’re the Lycan king” Ace says.

“No, I used it before. Yet he didn’t obey”

“How’s that possible?” Tyson asks.

“I don’t know but I will find out” I tell him, closing the door just as Reika walks toward me.

“Where are you going?” I ask as she walks toward the stairs.

“Coffee” she says and I shake my head before grabbing her.

“Nope, you can come shower with me and then we sleep”

“But I’m not tired,” she says.

“How are you not tired?” I ask. I felt exhausted and dead on my feet.

“Shower then bed, I can’t sleep with you not in the bed” I tell her, steering her toward the bedroom.

We walk into the bathroom and I turn the shower on before hopping in and pulling her in with me. I wash myself before watching her as she washes herself.

“Reika?” I say and she looks over at me.

“Yes?” She asks, looking at me.

“How do you feel about meeting the pack?”

“I don’t understand?” She says.

“You know you’re my Luna Queen right?” She nods.

“That means your supposed to help me run the pack, people have been asking to meet you”

“I don’t know how to run a pack, I can’t even read!” She says her heart rate rising as she panics at my words.

“You don’t need to be able to read, just be by my side” I could feel her confusion.

“It’s fine, it can wait” I tell her.

“No it’s fine, I will meet your pack” she says even though her heart was racing as she said the words.


“Yes, but do I have to wear shoes?” She asks, making me laugh.

“No, you can wear what you want as long as you’re wearing something” I tell her. She nods before hopping out and grabbing a towel. I shut the water off before hopping out with her.

She walks into the room, and dries herself. I hand her one of my shirts and she pulls it on before sniffing it. I dry myself and pull on a pair of shorts before climbing in bed. Relief hitting me, finally I can rest.

“Can’t I go see Tyson and Ace, I’m not even tired” she says flopping on the bed beside me. I grab her arm, dragging her over to me before chucking my leg over her so she doesn’t escape.

“No, you stay so I can sleep” I tell her, inhaling her scent. I could tell she wasn’t happy about going back to bed but eventually she gave up trying to wriggle out from under me.

I fell asleep easily only to be awoken by Zane’s voice in my head. I groan, not wanting to get up. When his next words had me jumping out of bed.

“Tyson has cut off three fingers and an ear, the man ain’t speaking” Zane says.

“He did fucking what?” I ask jumping up. Reika was asleep rolling onto her stomach. So much for not being tired I thought as I tossed the blanket over her and headed for the door. I race down the stairs heading for the basement.

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