Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 206

Ryker’s POV

Walking down stairs I grab my wallet before walking outside just in time to see Damien’s black mustang pulling into the driveway. I walk over, opening the door before climbing in.

“I heard, I have a sister I didn’t know about,” he says thoughtfully. I click my seatbelt in and he turns the car around speeding out of the driveway.

“Yes apparently you do” I tell him, rummaging in my pocket for my smokes. I pull one out, lighting it and drawing back before winding the window down.

‘Where to, and give me one of those ” Damien says.

“Head toward Avalon City, and I thought lily made you quit”

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, besides if you’re smoking in my car you can at least give me one” He says holding his hand out. I pull another from the packet, lighting it before handing it to him.

He draws back on it. “Argh thats better then sex” He says and I shake my head with laugh.

“Don’t tell lily I said that, I don’t get laid enough as it is”

“So not an image I wanted in my head”

“Wait till you have kids sex goes right out the window and now she is always too tired, like it is some chore,” He says puffing away on his smoke.

‘Yeah somehow I don’t think that will happen for me, I can barely get your sister to touch me let alone sleep with me”

“Well you did cut her toes off”

“Lily told you?” I ask, wondering if he would be upset. He shrugs before indicating around a roundabout.

“I get it, I do. You thought she hurt your family but did they really grow back?” He asks curiously and I nod.

“Freakiest shit, I have ever seen” I tell him.

“Well hopefully we will get answers soon” I get a text message and reach into my back pocket pulling my phone out.

Zane: Got a couple of humans, also found some records.

Ryker: Keep one alive will be there soon.

I texted him back.

“Everything good, you seem off?” Damien asks.

“Yeah nervous about what we will find, and brax is down for the count”

“You have no wolf?”

“No, I don’t need him, I can handle myself if need be. Reika wouldn’t let me sedate her”

“So you sedated yourself?’ I nod flicking my smoke out the window. He shakes his head before sighing.

“So what is she like?” He asks curiously.

“I don’t know, it’s hard to explain, she is almost childlike in some ways. She has no memory of a lot of things her wolf endured”

“Layla was the same, still does it sometimes when she becomes upset, blocks Lily out and takes over. I have trouble telling them apart sometimes, it can’t be helped, though Layla is always more eager to let me in her pants” He says shaking his head. I chuckle at his words, poor bloke was sex deprived.

“Yeah but Lily and Layla are good now, I’m not so sure about Reika and Amanda. Her wolf has been through hell to protect her, but she is a savage, instinctual almost rabid, compared to Reika, Reika is quiet more stand offish, her wolf however I am pretty sure will murder me in my sleep if given the chance, I will have to sleep with a towel wrapped around my throat to stop her from cutting it in my sleep” I tell him.

“Her wolf will calm down now you have marked her, Layla did when I marked Lily”

“Yeah but Layla wanted lily marked, it was lily who refused you. With Reika it’s the opposite her wolf wants nothing to do with me”

“That is odd, usually the wolf wants the bond” Damiens tells me. I nod in agreement. It took hours to get there, it was nearly early morning by the time we arrived. Following the directions of the navman which I turned on when we started to get close.

Following an old beaten down dirt track just off the highway near Avalon city, we pull up out the front of a huge single level brick building. There were no signs, nothing. The place looked abandoned and I could see Wolves standing on the perimeter around it. Getting out, I see Aamon standing near the door. He looks up as I hop out of the car and he makes his way over to me with Zane and Tate.

“What did you find?”

“Ryker” Aamon says and I don’t like the tone of his voice as he grips my shoulder.Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

“What? What is it?” He doesn’t answer, instead looking to Tate.

“So is this where she was kept?” I ask, becoming annoyed with their silence.

“Yes, we know she was here”

“Okay then let’s go” I tell them walking through them toward the building when Tate grabs my arm.

“I don’t think you should go in there, we found some”

“Found what?”

“They documented it all, there are videos of everything” Aamon answers.

“Okay well, I need to see the videos, did you find her daughter?”

“She is dead Ryker,” Tate answers my question.

“No, she isn’t dead, her wolf said they promised to give her back to her if she did what they asked” Tate shakes his head and I see him mindlink no doubt Drake.

“She died a month before we found Reika” he says and I feel my stomach drop. Damien makes a strange noise behind me and I look at him. They may not know each other but she is his family.

“Show me” I tell Tate who nods before walking toward the building and I follow after him.

I was not telling my mate her pup was dead until I knew for sure. Walking into the building was vastly different from outside. Everything was white and sterile looking. Multiple labs filled the place and offices. Fluorescent lights burning brightly above my head made the entire place look like a hospital. Tate takes me to a door down a long corridor before pushing it open to reveal some stairs. We follow them down, lights flickering on above our heads, picking up movement. We walk down to what must be the basement but like upstairs everything is sterile looking and white. These were not ordinary cells but a heap of frosted bullet proof glass sectioning off each cell. There was a desk that sat in the middle of the room with a filing cabinet beside it.

Four glass cells behind the desk and two in front. Tate walks over and presses a button, the glass goes from frosted to clear and I am able to inside. One cell had a man in it wearing a white lab coat, two werewolves one I recognised as Jacob were standing next to him while the man cowered at their feet.

I walk over to the cell peering in the glass window. I could see scratch marks on the walls, a steel bed, a toilet and shower in each one. They had no windows but each room had vents in the walls and a grate in the floor.

“The man said that one over there was Reika’s,” Aamon says behind me. I turn and look at the one he is pointing at.

Tate presses a button and I hear a loud buzzing before the door opens and I step inside. This one was the same as the others except this one had a weird mirrored glass leading onto the cell next door. Looking up, I see cameras in each corner of the room. There were claws marks on the glass, the walls and the floor. Everywhere like she tried clawing her way out. I swallow the bile that rose in my throat. This is where she lived in this cold empty environment.

Turning around I walked to the desk and Aamon was looking through a box.

“We found these,” He says, moving the box toward me. I look in it and see heaps of DVD cases, hundreds of them with different dates and two files. I pick one up looking at the name on the front.

Patient 46/ Amanda it read. I open it and find a list of experiments and documents, scanning it quickly. I placed it down and would read it later. Picking up the other file I read the label.

Patient Lucy/ 46 biological child. My stomach drops when I open the file and see a picture of a little girl around 8 years old which would have made Reika only around 15 when she had her. She looked like Rieka.

Same blonde hair, same nose and lips. I find another picture of Reika sitting on the floor, her arms outstretched as I see a baby which must be her daughter walking toward her. I look at the picture and realise it was from inside the cell.

Flipping through the file I come to Lucy’s information. Her age, date of birth, her weight and in big red writing across the page was stamped deceased. I flick through trying to find out how she died. My knees buckle and I sit on the end of the desk to stop from falling.

Patient Lucy/46, three different tests they had done which looked like blood records before a procedure. On the bottom, it was signed and dated to three and half weeks before I first spotted Reika.

Patient Lucy/46 did not survive the shift. It read my hands shaking as I picked up the last photo and it was of her half shifted body, blood coming from the little girl’s eyes and nose as she stared up at the person taking the photo, her face ghostly white. I close the file before reaching for the bin.

I threw up, they did that to a child, and would make a child suffer through that. I retch emptying my stomach into the bin. The image of her half shifted body would haunt me for the rest of my life, there are just some things you can’t unsee. Wiping my mouth and looking up. The man trapped in the cell’s eyes widened and I have never felt such rage before as I walked toward his cell and ripped the door open.

He would be pay, they would all fucking pay for what they have done.

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