Hot Men Society Series: Desire of Mr. Fuck Boy

Chapter 21

Chapter 21


I turned to witness a girl in a blue gown smiling warmly at me. She was devastatingly beautiful!

If I was honey complexioned then she was fair as if touched by the snow flakes themselves. And on it, the peacock blue eyes behind the white rimless spectacles were altogetherly a deadly combination.

Her red lips were going well with her light-hued skin. Her skin was so milky that it looked like if you pinched, it shall turn red. As if that was not enough, the shimmery blue gown was totally matching her eye color.

I blurted out," You are undeniably the most beautiful girl I ever came across!"

Shit! Did I just made myself look stupid?

But her reply definitely left me blushing hard.

"Hmm, seems like someone stole my exact thoughts for you!" She chirped clapping her hands together. I let out a short laugh.

She came beside me and introduced herself,"Hi, I am Nayantara. But my near and dear ones call me Tara. You can too!" She said holding her hand in front of me.

Oh! She's the daughter of the chief minister!

I nervously returned the handshake,"Hello, I am Jennifer Mathews. Well... Jenny for you too." I said giving a polite smile.

She huffed. "Oh come on! I won't eat you up!" Tara exclaimed, throwing up her hands as if in despair. I laughed out loud. She had an extremely friendly nature who could quickly make friends, unlike me.

"Want some?" She asked me offering me a bowl full of jalebis. I had not at all noticed it by now.

Well, who was I to deny such a sweet and delicious and inviting offer? I quickly took two of them. She giggled at my love for the sweet dish.

The air out there was full with the aroma of mouth watering delicacies. Starting from appetizers to starters to main-course. And I was more than happy to find the dessert counter to have a lot many goodies! Whoa... Lucky Me.

We got seated at a side table. Except for the waiters arranging the tables and the chefs looking after the dinner preparations.

Rubbing her hands together, Tara beamed," So... Let's talk our hearts out!" I was overwhelmed by her humbleness and homely quotient which she emitted by her persona.

I too, completely at ease by now, leaned forward too, as if we were about to share our darkest secrets with one-another.

"Do you know why Cassiopeia is my favorite constellation?" I shook my head.

"That's because it signifies queen Cassiopeia who was as beautiful as you and as haughty as me!" She said crunching her nose and pouting all along.

I laughed at her childishness, which only made her more adorable." You, for sure aren't haughty. You are sweet." I said pressing her hand in assurance. She simply shrugged not before flipping her cascading raven hair behind.

Tara was one of those people who were straightforward about themselves. One of those who didn't cloud her judgment about others based on her ego or other's rants. I instantly liked her nature.

Like her dress itself, she seemed to me like the ice. Someone who would take others wrath on her even though it would end up hurting her. Calm, chirpy character which shall push any person to mingle with her and listen to her never ending talks. She was someone who would not go against the people she loved even if it meant giving up her choices.

I on the other hand was like fire. Hot, dazzling and which threatens you to burn. I never expected anyone to come close to me to end up as ashes. I couldn't be so thoughtful ever to take the burden of someone else's mistakes or save that person just because he or she was of my acquaintance. Helping people was different and covering someone else's mistake was different.

I never let people, especially criminals and traitors get away with it. On the top of it, I was not at all open and chattery in any respects. I had always kept my thoughts to my self and curling within in my world of dreams.... which I wanted to come true.

"Oh my God! I just remembered.... you are the fiance of Mayank Prakash. Aren't you?" She all of a sudden, squealed.

Oh god! The media and the gossip column! Argh...

And again...! We are back to my shitty life! I mentally groaned. I couldn't do anything except of giving her a bitter, self-deprived laugh.

"Don't mind! But how did you agree for an alliance with that "swine-cum-bastard-cum-asshole" and ofcourse "son of a bitch" ? " she huffed, and I witnessed the snow white in front of me turning all red with anger.

"I don't have a choice unfortunately.... now, even I think there is no other option." I replied, huffing in defeat.

"But are you 'happy' ?" Tara asked specifically quoting the word 'happy' with her fingers. Her face was dripping with concern.

How I wish I had someone like you as family? I thought mentally, cursing my fate.

I shrugged. "You have no idea about what I am going through now in my life... I have to figure out many things." I whispered, suddenly feeling low, deprived of energy.

"Ok so... leave it.. tell me something you! Your fiance... Mr. A.." but before I could complete, Tara stood up, furious. She was looking agonized, as if deeply hurt.

"I am not at all going to marry Abhimanyu Shaurya!" She snarled, her bubbly, talkative demeanor gone all of a sudden, replaced by sheer rage.

She was shivering now, in wrath, desperately trying to control herself by balling her fists.

"I am really very sorry... its just what I heard in there-" but she cut me.

"I have a boyfriend for God's sake. Why don't they understand!?" Saying so, she collapsed on the chair, with a wearied look.

I was feeling bad for having made her feel so helpless. I was cursing myself for initiating a topic which shook her like that. I wanted to take back my words.

But she squeezed my hand in assurance. I was taken aback. Then, adjusting her glasses, she spoke," Sorry... you know.. I came back from New York a week ago. My boyfriend Gaurav was too join me soon after. I was super excited to tell father about us. But dad broke the news of me getting arranged to one of the devils. Firstly, it was Dhanush Mahasena. But then, all of a sudden... he backed out and Abhimanyu Shaurya stepped in. I was totally caught off guard. I love Gaurav.. I wish,shall, will, marry

only and only him! I don't want to even associate myself with the Mafia! Criminal like him can never be my husband.. FOR SURE!"

I was devastated. Even Nayantara was being pushed into a Marriage she didn't approve of! The difference was only that she had loving parents who cared for her. While me, huh... I did not even have parents! Let alone think of someone pitying my condition!

And the devils!? Really? Couldn't her parents see that they were really ruthless, brutal people residing on Mother Earth to simply cause havoc? Provoking Terrorism and spreading hatred? I had never seen any of the four devils, some say it to be rumours while others said it wss only a mere way of tarnishing names of influential men. Yet some were in the opinion that they were cruel demons for the humanity behind the facade of profiting billionaires.

I was in awe of Nayantara. She was trying hard not to break and be bold to manage her problems on her on. I could simply pray for the best for her. I took her hand as spoke," Why don't you tell you parents about the consequences of getting married to such a beast? Surely, they won't want to leave you in misery like this!?"

To this, she withdrew her hand scoffing. I could sense that all the act of the couple in there, in the ballroom wasn't coming together. They were surely hiding facts from the public.

Maybe they are simply putting up a show of being a perfect, normal couple. Maybe they are pressurizing her to accept the proposal for... power, money? Or maybe I am overthinking it? But this isn't a trivial matter to let go...

Just then, I was pulled out of my trance by a lady behind me addressing Tara.

"Miss dhoopar, master and his lady ask for your presence indoors for the cake cutting." She informed.

Tara nodded.

Then taking my hand, she lead me inside. I was nervous now... I badly wanted to ask it to her but couldn't really muster the courage. But it was important so... I stopped on my tracks.

Sensing that I was no longer beside her, she turned frowning. I finally asked," So now, we are friends right?" To this, she stood aghast, wide wide eyes and an open mouth, absolutely dumbstruck.

Damn you Jenny! She still remains a 'Dhoopar'.. why shall she be even considering the idea of you being her friend ?

My subconscious mind echoed. I was fretting, feeling embarrassed.

But all of a sudden, she burst out laughing hard. I was taken aback, clueless about that sudden outburst of laughter.

See! You open your mouth and insult yourself!

My subconscious mind again poked me. I felt foolish, standing there, but what she replied back, left me speechless.

"Oh Jenny dear..... you already became my friend when I offered you my jalebi. I don't really share my goodies with people, let alone a jalebi," she said as a matter of fact. "Now... you can be my best friend! Like forever!" She chirped, breathlessly recovering from the hard laugh.

I was again at loss of words.

How can someone be so sweet and adorable!?

Was the only thing my mind was not able to digest. Afterall, I didn't always came across such angels like Nayantara every day!

Then, intertwining our arms, she dragged me to the ballroom. We soon reached near the stage. I intentionally ignored even looking for once towards my table. What could I possibly expect from that pedophile!

Possibly licking some slut's throat in some corner! I thought.

On being called by her parents, from up the dias, Tara quickly gave me a small smile and walked towards the stage. There, stood her dad and mom, welcoming her warmly.

Mr. Dhoopar went up to the podium and spoke a few words regarding his wife, their marriage, their journey of 35 years together. Then, slowly he went back to Mrs. Dhoopar and spoke aloud on the mic,"Ladies and gentlemen, this cake up here is not only for the occasion of our wedding anniversary but also for my daughter Nayantara!" He said pointing towards a 5-tier cake located at the centre of the stage. Each tier had a different flavor- chocolate, vanilla, blueberry, dark chocolate and the uppermost of pineapple.

To this announcement, Tara visibly stiffened.

"We have found a perfect match for our doting daughter as she has decided to get married!" He added, as if drowning in the pool of joy. Mrs. Dhoopar could not contain her happiness. She went to her beloved daughter and hugged her. But Tara seemed to be pale, barely standing straight. By now, see seemed to have lost all hope.

How can her parents love her dearly yet ignore her wish and push her in hell by marrying her off to the devil? NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

I was again and again questioning myself. I desperately wanted to help her out of this situation but I myself was stuck in a similar state and could not find a way out.

"And he is-" Mr. Dhoopar was cut in by a commotion and loud shouts from behind of us.


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