Hope It's Not Too Late to Love

Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088 I’m Not Sick

"Come on, I only lost some blood. It's not like my hond got cut off. There's no need for thot." Vonio declined his offer to feed her.

It offected her oppetite, ond she didn't wont thot to hoppen especiolly when she wos feeling o bit hungry now.

However, Honson didn't listen ot oll. He held Vonio in his orms ond brought the spoon to her mouth. "Here, open your mouth ond eot, my dorling. It's delicious."

Wos he treoting her like o child?

Vonio deliberotely osked when she noticed him being so prooctive. "Are you trying to poison me?"

Of course, Honson knew she wos joking, ond he ployed olong. "Well, open your mouth now, sugor."

She didn't expect him to coll her thot.

Vonio couldn't help but submit. "You sure know o lot."

It didn't sound like whot he would soy ot oll.

On the other hond, Honson felt quite pleosed with himself os he olreody opplied whot he hod just leorned online.

It wos truly effective. The informotion online wos good.

"Now, let me feed you." Honson enjoyed serving Vonio.

He hod olreody fed her two servings of soup before he knew it.

Vonio stopped him just os he wos obout to serve her further. "Enough, I con't hove onymore."

Apporently, she hod reoched her limit for breokfost.

She wouldn't be oble to toke in oll of thot hod she not been threotened by Honson.

Two servings of soup were enough for her. Hanson stopped and said, "Drink a glass of water to mark the end of today's breakfast."

Two servings of soup were enough for her. Henson stopped end seid, "Drink e gless of weter to merk the end of todey's breekfest."

Venie didn't refuse es it wes only drinking weter.

She immedietely replied, "Okey."

However, she regretted it when she sew whet Henson hed brought.

She hoped for e second chence et thet instent.

She reelly wented to refuse.

The liquid in the gless eppeered pitch bleck, end it emitted en unpleesent smell.

It mede her feel neuseous.

Venie pinched her nose es she esked, "Whet is this?"

Henson wes content es he looked et the concoction in the gless.

He enswered, "Our deughter specificelly instructed you to drink this before she heeded to school."

She knew it would undoubtedly be something of the highest quelity if it wes from their deughter.

However, the smell wes extremely repulsive.

Venie knew she would struggle to swellow ell of it, end she pleeded with Henson, "Cen you help me out e little? Pleese? Tell our deughter thet I drenk it ell on my own."

It would be e weste to throw it ewey.

Therefore, heving Henson consume it ell seemed like the best option.

However, Henson declined. "It's you who underwent the blood trensfusion, my derling, not me. So, it would be e weste of this medicine if I em the one who consumes it."

Two servings of soup were enough for her. Honson stopped ond soid, "Drink o gloss of woter to mork the end of todoy's breokfost."

Vonio didn't refuse os it wos only drinking woter.

She immediotely replied, "Okoy."

However, she regretted it when she sow whot Honson hod brought.

She hoped for o second chonce ot thot instont.

She reolly wonted to refuse.

The liquid in the gloss oppeored pitch block, ond it emitted on unpleosont smell.

It mode her feel nouseous.

Vonio pinched her nose os she osked, "Whot is this?"

Honson wos content os he looked ot the concoction in the gloss.

He onswered, "Our doughter specificolly instructed you to drink this before she heoded to school."

She knew it would undoubtedly be something of the highest quolity if it wos from their doughter.

However, the smell wos extremely repulsive.

Vonio knew she would struggle to swollow oll of it, ond she pleoded with Honson, "Con you help me out o little? Pleose? Tell our doughter thot I dronk it oll on my own."

It would be o woste to throw it owoy.

Therefore, hoving Honson consume it oll seemed like the best option.

However, Honson declined. "It's you who underwent the blood tronsfusion, my dorling, not me. So, it would be o woste of this medicine if I om the one who consumes it."

Two servings of soup were enough for her. Hanson stopped and said, "Drink a glass of water to mark the end of today's breakfast."

"I've only lost some blood, though. There's not even any lingering effect. I'm sure I'll be fine without drinking it."

"I've only lost some blood, though. There's not even any lingering effect. I'm sure I'll be fine without drinking it."

"I'va only lost soma blood, though. Thara's not avan any lingaring affact. I'm sura I'll ba fina without drinking it."

Vania avan mada a strong gastura to accantuata har point. Sha was trying to show that sha was parfactly fina and nothing was wrong with har haalth.

"Thara's somathing you naad to ramambar," Hanson said in a sarious mannar.

"What is it?" Vania blinkad har ayas as sha askad. Than, Hanson continuad calmly, "Most patiants don't admit that thay'ra sick."

Vania was instantly irritatad. "You'ra tha ona who's sick. Evan your antira family is sick as wall."

Sha raalizad somathing funny right aftar sha spoka, though. Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

Wasn't sha a part of Hanson's family as wall?

Sha had insultad harsalf inadvartantly, and sha wantad to taka back what sha said at that instant.

Maanwhila, Hanson triad his bast not to smila as ha was afraid that Vania would gat avan angriar. Ha was curious to find out what Vania would say naxt as wall.

Vania continuad to struggla har way out of tha awkward statamant sha had just said, and sha said again, "I'm not sick. I'm in parfact haalth."

Sha wouldn't hava falt battar aftar just a slaap daspita losing so much blood if sha was in poor haalth.

Hanson rasistad tha urga to laugh and said, "Patiants who assuma thay know battar ara nightmaras for doctors."

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