His Abused Mate

Chapter 25 Animal shelter

Cecilia’s pov

We were at the animal shelter working. It was so nice to play with all the animals, also to feed them and groom them. Noah and Sophia couldn’t stay away from each other. Julie was pissed at that. I was working front desk today, I helped everyone that came in. A guy walked in, he looked at the pictures on the walls as he walked toward the desk. He looked at me as he arrived at the desk, he looked familiar but not really. “Hi! How may I help you today?” I said with a smile. “I’m looking for Cecilia Moon.” He said “You’re speaking to her!” I said “I’m Aiden.” He said “Hi Aiden.” I said “You don’t remember me do you?” He asked “Nope.” I said shaking my head. “Cecilia I’m your brother.” He said I burst out laughing. “Wow good one, really who are you?” I asked getting serious. “I’m your brother, our parents separated us. Your parents are Rebecca and Henry?” He asked I cringed when he said their names. “Yes but I don’t call them my parents anymore.” I said “Hey Ce-” i heard someone say I looked and saw it was Julie. She stared at Aiden, I looked at Aiden and he stared back at her. Oh shit! I squeal and clapped. “Mates!” I whispered and did a little dance. They snapped out of it and smiled at each other. “I’m Julianna.” Julie said holding out her hand. “Aiden.” He said taking her hand and kissing it. I rolled my eyes. “Oh god, Julianna apparently this is my brother.” I said “You know what let’s discuss things over dinner? My place.. 8?” I said scribbling down my address on a piece of paper. “Alright I’ll be there. Want a DNA test to?” He asked “I mean if you want to me to believe your my brother fine, sure.” I said “Alright, I’ll be there.” He said I waved as we walked away. “Oh my god I’ve found my mate!” Julie squealed. “Alright shut up before people hear you!” I said “You found your want?” Jason asked coming from the back looking hot as ever. “Mate, her brother is my mate!” She said “Wait you have a brother?” Jason asked “I don’t even know babe, we are going to talk it over tonight.” I said “Okay..” Jason said i kissed his cheek. He smiled and kissed my head than went back to work. “You truly make him happy.” Julie said “Really” I asked she nodded “Never seen him happier until you came along.” She said “Aww that’s good, he makes me happy. And so do you, your brother, Garrett, Val and the pack. Oh and I can’t forget the puppies here.” I said Julie rolled her eyes smiling. “Don’t get all mushy on me.” She said lightly punching my arm. I smiled and pushed her back. Tonight is going to be something.

Cecilia’s pov

“BOTH OF YOU NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SIT THE HELL DOWN!” I screamed over both my mate and new brother. They both stopped in a instant. “Okay now.” I said calming my nerves. They slowly sat down glaring at each other. “Aiden back story, Jason don’t say a fucking word.” I said looking at him he rolled his eyes. Noah, Sophia, and Julie sat there watching closely. “Okay so..” Aiden started telling his story. “Wait pause.” Aiden said “What?” I asked “Give me your hand.” He said I heard Jason growl lowkey. Mind you Sophia doesn’t know she’s in a room full of vampires and werewolves. Good thing she didn’t hear Jason, she would of been like what in the fuck?! Lol. I looked at Jason. I mindlinked with him. I wanna talk to you outside! Now! I said angrily. He nodded “Well be right back.” I said getting up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. “What the hell bud? We have guest, you don’t treat them like that. Especially my brother!” I yelled “You don’t even know if he’s your brother!” Jason said “Well he’s not human and he looks like me! He has a story and we are going to take a DNA test. If you don’t want to be here for this leave! I don’t care go!” I said “Okay.” He said than walked away to his car. “Jason are you serious?” I asked as he walked away. He didn’t say anything he just got in car and turned it on. “Well.. fuck you!” I yelled he drove off. I went back inside and sat down at the table. I knew they heard everything except Sophia. “Well he isn’t going back anytime soon.” I said “I’ll go get him, and bring Garrett because when that boy is mad he’s mad.” Noah said getting up. “Dinner was nice? I’ll be back love you.” He said as he kissed Sophia’s head than mine and than Julie’s. “Bye!” We all said Aiden continued with his story. He grabbed my hand and instantly, I went to some place. I could hear Aiden talking. “When we were little, our parents thought it was best for us not to be together. I was a dangerous mofo.” He said all I could see was me when I was little and a little boy. We were playing in the woods, Aiden I’m guessing, was making me a flower crown with his mind. He didn’t have to touch it or anything. Than in a second our parents came out of no where and took us away from each other. I screamed and cried wanting to get back to my brother, it was obvious he was a little older than me. They packed up your things and moved away living me to survive on my own.” He explained a tear fell down my face as I thought I had it bad. I slowly let go of his hand, looking at him as everything came back to me. “Why can’t I remember?” I asked sniffling “We were young there is no way you could of remember and they fed you lies.” He said taking out the DNA thing. “Swab the inside of your mouth.” He said handing me a cotton swab. I nodded and swabbed the inside of my mouth, I put it inside the little container and than Aiden took his turn and we were done. “Dinner was great but I have to go.” Sophia said “I’ll give you a ride home, it’s time for me to go anyway mom will get worried.” Aiden said “Mom?” I asked “My adoptive mom.” He said “When can I meet her?” I asked as Julie and Sophia got up. “How about Saturday? We’re having a party.” He said “I’ll be there just send me the address and I’ll be there.” I said writing down my number and gave him the paper. “I will bye.” He said giving me a hug. “Bye.” I said giving him one back. I hugged Julie and Sophia. “Thanks for coming.” I said “No problem we’ll see you later.” They said than left. I cleaned up the plates and washed the dishes. I put away the leftover food than relaxed in the living room. I watched tv for a while than the front door opened. I looked and saw Jason than saw his ex from the mall that one day. I got up and walked over to them. “Uh hi.” I said to her. “Hi I’m Gwen!” She said smiling. “What are you doing here?” I asked “She needs some place to crash, I said she could crash here.” He said simply. “You don’t think it’s okay to ask me before bringing her here?!” I yelled I was getting pissed. “I could find somewhere else to stay, I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.” Gwen said “Well you did!”Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

I said to her. “Don’t talk to her like that!” Jason snapped, I looked over at him with so much anger in my eyes. I saw him get scared for a second, but he covered it up. I put my hands together and took a step back. I smiled even though I was mad. “Who in the fucking hell DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! Huh? I’m confused because last time I checked, you don’t bring you ex to your house that you live in with your girlfriend! On top of that! You snap at me! Listen here asshole! I don’t know what gotten into you but you need to cut it out before you end up single!” I yelled. “I don’t have time for you, Gwen follow me.” Jason said taking her upstairs. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some water and drunk a little. I was thinking about what just happened, I took the water threw it at the wall. I watched as the water splashed everywhere. “What the hell are you doing?” Someone asked next to me. I jumped and swung on the person ready to punch them in the face, they caught my hand swiftly. I looked and saw Jason. I rolled my eyes and yanked my hand away. “Get the fuck away from me.” I hissed than walked out the kitchen. I’m not sleeping upstairs when his ex is up there no. I grabbed a blanket and laid on the couch. “I love you.” Jason said as he walked past. I closed my eyes trying to control myself. “Do you fucking want me to stab you?” I asked sitting up and looking at him. He put his hands up surrendering and shook his head. “Than leave me alone, I’m pissed and you know I am so why are you messing with me I think you do want to get stabbed.” I said he laughed and blow me a kiss, I growled and leaped over the back off the couch. I ran up the stairs toward him, he already took off running. I’m going to whoop his ass tonight.

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